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05-24-2006, 02:02 PM
I was reading a story in our local paper today about a scam artist whos story goes like so...

He parades up and down the streets of the business district in a shirt and tie claming he's from a little town outside the city and his car run out of gas so he's looking for a few people to help him out with a few bucks to get him back home.

Weird thing is this guy approached me on two different occasions at Wendy's and McDonald's parking lots about two years ago with the same old sob story. The second time I said to him you told me you ran out of gas about a month ago and now you go and do it again....what are the chances of that? He took off pretty quick

I guess it must be working for him if he's been at it that long. Bastard probably makes more than I do in a year!!!

Anyone have anything similar to this going on in their neck of the woods?

05-24-2006, 02:04 PM
I've seen it frequently. I always offer to help them above and beyond a couple bucks cash. That scares them off.

I also ask panhandlers for any money they can spare before they ask me.

05-24-2006, 02:08 PM
My Boss' daughter use to just humble the fuggers.

"$10? For gas? How about you just admit yer' gonna' use it to smoke crack and I give you $20. Just admit you're a crack head and I'll double it..."

Happened three times, each person admitted it and never came back...

05-24-2006, 02:09 PM
We had a dude in Natchitioches, La. who did this all over town. He asked me several times in 4 different parts of the city, to lend him money so he could take his pregnant wife to the hospital.

Funny thing, I moved down here to Orlando and in the first week of me being here (I was living in my car at the time, but it was a Honda, so I guess they figured I had money?) I was approached by several heads asking the same thing.

05-24-2006, 02:13 PM
Anyone have anything similar to this going on in their neck of the woods?

Seems to me about 5-6 years ago or better 20/20 or 60Minutes had a segment on a PROFESSIONAL begger that they watched beg for 8-10 hours a day on three or four different street corners in NYCity.

The guy got people to give him enough money everyday 5-6 days a week that when the correspondents followed him at the end of the day he went to parking garage got in his BMW and drove home to a decent neiborhood and parked his car in the garage.

They then proceeded to go up to his house, knock on his door and exposded him for the fraud that he was. He slammed the door and declined interview. I would be willing to be he had to find a job after that. Enough people watch those programs that I bet they reconized him and his money probably dropped significantly?

But sounds like the same thing to me as your gas money freak.


05-24-2006, 02:13 PM
I've seen it frequently. I always offer to help them above and beyond a couple bucks cash. That scares them off.

You offering to shave them again?

05-24-2006, 02:24 PM
About a year ago this guy comes up to me and starts giving me a sob story about having a family member in the hospital and not having any cash to feed his children. Supposedly he had money coming, but wouldn't have it for a few hours and his kid was really hungry now. I figured there was an 80% chance that he was just a bum. I told him that his kid wouldn't starve to death by waiting a couple hours. At this point he gets really mad at me, telling me I better get in my truck and get out of there or he was going to ge violent. I was more than happy to do that, but his reaction half convinced me that he was telling the truth. Still the kid wouldn't starve to death.

NJ Chief Fan
05-24-2006, 02:40 PM
About a year ago this guy comes up to me and starts giving me a sob story about having a family member in the hospital and not having any cash to feed his children. Supposedly he had money coming, but wouldn't have it for a few hours and his kid was really hungry now. I figured there was an 80% chance that he was just a bum. I told him that his kid wouldn't starve to death by waiting a couple hours. At this point he gets really mad at me, telling me I better get in my truck and get out of there or he was going to ge violent. I was more than happy to do that, but his reaction half convinced me that he was telling the truth. Still the kid wouldn't starve to death.

05-24-2006, 02:45 PM
Seems to me about 5-6 years ago or better 20/20 or 60Minutes had a segment on a PROFESSIONAL begger that they watched beg for 8-10 hours a day on three or four different street corners in NYCity.

The guy got people to give him enough money everyday 5-6 days a week that when the correspondents followed him at the end of the day he went to parking garage got in his BMW and drove home to a decent neiborhood and parked his car in the garage.

They then proceeded to go up to his house, knock on his door and exposded him for the fraud that he was. He slammed the door and declined interview. I would be willing to be he had to find a job after that. Enough people watch those programs that I bet they reconized him and his money probably dropped significantly?

But sounds like the same thing to me as your gas money freak.

I've heard one of the beggers on the Plaza has a pretty nice Mercedes, so this doesn't shock me much...

05-24-2006, 02:47 PM
Seems to me about 5-6 years ago or better 20/20 or 60Minutes had a segment on a PROFESSIONAL begger that they watched beg for 8-10 hours a day on three or four different street corners in NYCity.

The guy got people to give him enough money everyday 5-6 days a week that when the correspondents followed him at the end of the day he went to parking garage got in his BMW and drove home to a decent neiborhood and parked his car in the garage.

They then proceeded to go up to his house, knock on his door and exposded him for the fraud that he was. He slammed the door and declined interview. I would be willing to be he had to find a job after that. Enough people watch those programs that I bet they reconized him and his money probably dropped significantly?

But sounds like the same thing to me as your gas money freak.


Yep. My friend lived in Reno, NV in about the early to mid 90s. He told me about the professional beggars there. Sounds just like what you described.

Rain Man
05-24-2006, 02:54 PM
About a year ago this guy comes up to me and starts giving me a sob story about having a family member in the hospital and not having any cash to feed his children. Supposedly he had money coming, but wouldn't have it for a few hours and his kid was really hungry now. I figured there was an 80% chance that he was just a bum. I told him that his kid wouldn't starve to death by waiting a couple hours. At this point he gets really mad at me, telling me I better get in my truck and get out of there or he was going to ge violent. I was more than happy to do that, but his reaction half convinced me that he was telling the truth. Still the kid wouldn't starve to death.

Was he North Korean?

05-24-2006, 03:00 PM
"Funny thing. I sell these disposable drug tests for a living... tell ya what, if you can piss in this cup and pass the test, I'll give you ten bucks... oh, I'm also a deputy..."

05-24-2006, 03:03 PM
Was he North Korean?

05-24-2006, 03:39 PM
The Good Lord told us that the poor would be with us always.

So, when I am approached by a hobo or bum, or one of Mr. Rain Man's fraternity brothers in search of a handout, I always say, "Yes, my sad, downtrodden friend, I will give you some money if me and my friends can beat the crap out of you and video tape it."

I save money and prove the Lord correct.


05-24-2006, 03:44 PM
If people want money that bad, they should do what the rest of us do - sell blowjobs

05-24-2006, 03:45 PM
Not really a beggar story so much, but interesting.....

There's this dude that used to come by the front of our office on Troost and pick out the half-smoked cigs in the butt can thingy every morning. He looked downright scary as f*ck. One eye that seemed to violently scrutinize you while the other eye was independently watching that cloud that looks like a dumptruck.... I never said a word to him for the longest time, and he never even made eye contact. Then a few days after last christmas, it was cold and nasty and he came by to check for cigs. All the cigs were wet and useless and the guy looked totally defeated. I gave him what was left of my pack of smokes... about 10 or 12... and told him Merry Christmas. I'd been trying to quit anyway. He looked at me like I just handed him a $1000. We started talking, and still do when I see him now and then. Pretty nice guy behind the clothing and scruffy hair. He told me he used to have a job and normal life, and he just decided to walk away from all of it. He still never asks for anything, and has remembered my name from the first time I talked to him.... We shoot the shit for a bit, and go our completely different ways....

Anyway, just thought of that when I read this thread...

05-24-2006, 04:03 PM
I've heard one of the beggers on the Plaza has a pretty nice Mercedes, so this doesn't shock me much...

I was going to post that one. Its the guy with the crutches who is always outside the McDonalds at the Seville. He was on the news a few years ago. He walked a few blocks with his crutches, then stood up straight, walked the last 30 feet to his Mercedes without them, and got in and drove off.

After that I started watching the guy whenever I was around there. If the local cops are around, they always smirk when people give him money.

05-24-2006, 06:09 PM
Not really a beggar story so much, but interesting.....

There's this dude that used to come by the front of our office on Troost and pick out the half-smoked cigs in the butt can thingy every morning. He looked downright scary as f*ck. One eye that seemed to violently scrutinize you while the other eye was independently watching that cloud that looks like a dumptruck.... I never said a word to him for the longest time, and he never even made eye contact. Then a few days after last christmas, it was cold and nasty and he came by to check for cigs. All the cigs were wet and useless and the guy looked totally defeated. I gave him what was left of my pack of smokes... about 10 or 12... and told him Merry Christmas. I'd been trying to quit anyway. He looked at me like I just handed him a $1000. We started talking, and still do when I see him now and then. Pretty nice guy behind the clothing and scruffy hair. He told me he used to have a job and normal life, and he just decided to walk away from all of it. He still never asks for anything, and has remembered my name from the first time I talked to him.... We shoot the shit for a bit, and go our completely different ways....

Anyway, just thought of that when I read this thread...

Which side of Troost, we have a guy that rides a bike and always bums or takes cigs out of the tray, he wears the same metallica shirt all the time so we call him metallica, he is also a drug courior...

Mr. Flopnuts
05-24-2006, 06:44 PM
I also ask panhandlers for any money they can spare before they ask me.

ROFL that's too funny. I do the same thing. If I see a panhandler heading my way, right as he approaches I ask him if he has any change.

I heard a story from a guy at my work today about one of his buddies that lives in a pretty rough part of Charlotte. He goes down to the jewelry store with his pockets stuffed with fake jewelry. He walks out of the store and drops a piece or two on the ground hustles to pick it up and briskly walks out of the store. People follow him, tell him they saw what he did, and then ask to buy the stuff at a discounted price. ROFL That's just priceless.

05-24-2006, 07:04 PM
There is a man and woman that I have seen around my area. They are deaf and will hand you a note that explains there situation, as well as ask you to donate money of any amount for a copy of the alphabet in sign language. I gave them money once or twice but when they continued to come around I wouldn't. They may be deaf but they should still be able to get a job. They used to come into the McDonalds I worked at in highschool.

Rain Man
05-24-2006, 07:19 PM
I work in downtown Denver, and unfortunately there are a couple of homeless shelters within walking distance of the pedestrian mall, so we get lots of panhandlers near work. Most of them are pretty skanky ne'er-do-wells, but there's one guy that's pretty cool. He never asks for money and he never says a word. He's pretty clean, and just hangs out on the pedestrian mall all day with a sleeping roll and backpack, and watches people. I wouldn't mind trading places with him for a while, depending on what he's eating for dinner.

Then on the other end of the spectrum, we've got this rather hideous fellow who sits in front of our building in the summers (sigh). He's got some sort of little walker thing and I don't know what his issues are, but he's pretty messed-up - one leg, slack-jawed, half-incoherent, and has a sign that says he's burned. He has a tendancy to call you names if you walk by him without giving him money. In short, it makes the walk outside a little less pleasant.

05-24-2006, 07:23 PM
Anyone who has been to the Warf in Seattle may know of this guy. He has trained his dog to sit while holding a cup in his mouth, while wearing sunglasses. I think it's pretty neat and will always put some change in the cup. The guy isn't even there most of the time. He just leaves the dog.

Rain Man
05-24-2006, 07:23 PM
Anyone who has been to the Warf in Seattle may know of this guy. He has trained his dog to sit while holding a cup in his mouth, while wearing sunglasses. I think it's pretty neat and will always put some change in the cup. The guy isn't even there most of the time. He just leaves the dog.

That's actually pretty funny.

05-24-2006, 08:37 PM
We had a dude in Natchitioches, La. who did this all over town. He asked me several times in 4 different parts of the city, to lend him money so he could take his pregnant wife to the hospital.

Funny thing, I moved down here to Orlando and in the first week of me being here (I was living in my car at the time, but it was a Honda, so I guess they figured I had money?) I was approached by several heads asking the same thing.
Orlando blows doesn't it!? I'm glad I'll be heading back to good ole' OP Kansas soon.

05-24-2006, 09:22 PM
Which side of Troost, we have a guy that rides a bike and always bums or takes cigs out of the tray, he wears the same metallica shirt all the time so we call him metallica, he is also a drug courior...

Down by Troost and Cleaver II... by the Gates BBQ.... this guy wears an old gray stocking hat.... every damn day of the year.... 100°.... doesn't matter.... gray stocking hat..... He has an old Chiefs jacket, which was our first conversation starter....

05-24-2006, 09:34 PM
whenever I'm in Westport, there are always the same handful of bums that ask for change. I'll always offer to buy them a bratwurst or a gyro, anything they want, but for some reason they just aren't interested in food. ROFL

The only two bums that I have ever given cash to are the dude that breakdances, and the guy that brings an amp and plays electric guitar outside of Kelly's and Buzzard, he's really good and if you ask him, he'll play the guitar with his teeth, like SRV.

05-24-2006, 09:56 PM
"This homeless guy asked me for money the other day. I was about to give it to him and then I thought he was just going to use it on drugs or alcohol.

And then I thought, that's what I'm going to use it on."

05-24-2006, 10:11 PM
I almost forgot, I was leaving the Tanners downtown the other day, and some nicely dressed college age kid was asking everyone for money, he was sitting next to this old bum. He just said "C'mon help this guy buy some booze". So a couple of my friends gave them their change, and as we were walking away the kid goes "See, now you only need seven more bucks man!" I was thinking damn, you can get a 40 for $2.35, what was this bum trying to drink? ROFL

05-24-2006, 10:15 PM
Come walk in Vegas for about an hour, you will get hit up about 25 times an hour with things like this.

05-24-2006, 10:37 PM
If any of you female Planeteers are approached by this man, do not fall for it. It's a scam also.

05-24-2006, 11:19 PM
You guys failed to mention the biggest scam artist around.

Banks, politicians, and lawyers.

Imon Yourside
05-24-2006, 11:35 PM
It really pisses me off that some of these scammers ruin it for the rest of us, shit it's after midnight i gotta head down to the bars and beg, lates.

05-24-2006, 11:36 PM
I was reading a story in our local paper today about a scam artist whos story goes like so...

He parades up and down the streets of the business district in a shirt and tie claming he's from a little town outside the city and his car run out of gas so he's looking for a few people to help him out with a few bucks to get him back home.

Weird thing is this guy approached me on two different occasions at Wendy's and McDonald's parking lots about two years ago with the same old sob story. The second time I said to him you told me you ran out of gas about a month ago and now you go and do it again....what are the chances of that? He took off pretty quick

I guess it must be working for him if he's been at it that long. Bastard probably makes more than I do in a year!!!

Anyone have anything similar to this going on in their neck of the woods?

Nah, they're in Washington. :D

Mojo Rising
05-25-2006, 12:18 AM
10 years ago when I moved to SF I learned a lesson about beggars. I said no when I was asked for money from a guy in a wheelchair. He asked me to push him up a hill 1 block. I did, hearing allthe way about his sob story. At the top of the hill I said, "Later." His hand was still out.

2 hours later I saw him pushing a lady in his wheelchair 2 blocks away from the initial incident. I am glad I learned early. I have since been asked thousands of times and have always said NO.

When I lived downtown I would sometimes hang my doggie bag (after going out to dinner, then to bars and deciding I didn't want to carry a 1/2 dinner around) on trees for the bums. I thought of them as leftover trees. Like Orange, Apple, Pear Trees etc.

05-25-2006, 12:20 AM
Come walk in Vegas for about an hour, you will get hit up about 25 times an hour with things like this.

Hung for 2 weeks.

When yer' more toxic than the guys begging you for money they don't beg...

05-25-2006, 06:34 AM
My wife received information yesterday telling her she had some unclaimed property. We went to what appears to be an official state website and sure enough her name is there at an address we had about 15 years ago.

Anyone ever dealt with this? Is it a scam as we assume?

05-25-2006, 06:54 AM
I avoided a scam the other day.

Took the grandkids to see the Wiggles and after parking in an outdoor parking lot, headed to the metal box to put insert the money for my spot and see this guy with a handful of bills standing by the box.

Several people ahead of me were handing them their money for parking.

I just walked by him and he acted like he was going to step in front of me until I made it clear that I was going ahead to the box. He stepped aside.

After I inserted my money and walked off, I asked my wife if she just saw what was going on. Nope, she would have handed her money to this guy just like the others.

Just another scammer...

Skip Towne
05-25-2006, 07:11 AM
I haven't seen one I can use yet. Keep 'em coming.