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View Full Version : Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a very scary man.

05-30-2006, 07:30 AM
This guy is a certifiable nutjob. I hope the moderates in Iran take care of this before we are forced to. :shake:

Link (http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,druck-418660,00.html)

SPIEGEL Interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"We Are Determined"

In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discusses the Holocaust, the future of the state of Israel, mistakes made by the United States in Iraq and Tehran's nuclear conflict with the West.


05-30-2006, 07:32 AM
SPIEGEL: Mr. President, you are a soccer fan and you like to play soccer. Will you be sitting in the stadium in Nuremberg on June 11, when the Iranian national team plays against Mexico in Germany?

Ahmadinejad: It depends. Naturally, I'll be watching the game in any case. I don't know yet whether I'll be at home in front of the television set or somewhere else. My decision depends upon a number of things.

SPIEGEL: For example?

Ahmadinejad: How much time I have, how the state of various relationships are going, whether I feel like it and a number of other things.

SPIEGEL: There was great indignation in Germany when it became known that you might be coming to the soccer world championship. Did that surprise you?

Ahmadinejad: No, that's not important. I didn't even understand how that came about. It also had no meaning for me. I don't know what all the excitement is about.

SPIEGEL: It concerned your remarks about the Holocaust. It was inevitable that the Iranian president's denial of the systematic murder of the Jews by the Germans would trigger outrage.

Ahmadinejad: I don't exactly understand the connection.

SPIEGEL: First you make your remarks about the Holocaust. Then comes the news that you may travel to Germany -- this causes an uproar. So you were surprised after all?

Ahmadinejad: No, not at all, because the network of Zionism is very active around the world, in Europe too. So I wasn't surprised. We were addressing the German people. We have nothing to do with Zionists.

SPIEGEL: Denying the Holocaust is punishable in Germany. Are you indifferent when confronted with so much outrage?

Ahmadinejad: I know that DER SPIEGEL is a respected magazine. But I don't know whether it is possible for you to publish the truth about the Holocaust. Are you permitted to write everything about it?

SPIEGEL: Of course we are entitled to write about the findings of the past 60 years' historical research. In our view there is no doubt that the Germans -- unfortunately -- bear the guilt for the murder of 6 million Jews.

Ahmadinejad: Well, then we have stirred up a very concrete discussion. We are posing two very clear questions. The first is: Did the Holocaust actually take place? You answer this question in the affirmative. So, the second question is: Whose fault was it? The answer to that has to be found in Europe and not in Palestine. It is perfectly clear: If the Holocaust took place in Europe, one also has to find the answer to it in Europe.

On the other hand, if the Holocaust didn't take place, why then did this regime of occupation ...

SPIEGEL: ... You mean the state of Israel...

Ahmadinejad: ... come about? Why do the European countries commit themselves to defending this regime? Permit me to make one more point. We are of the opinion that, if an historical occurrence conforms to the truth, this truth will be revealed all the more clearly if there is more research into it and more discussion about it.

SPIEGEL: That has long since happened in Germany.

Ahmadinejad: We don't want to confirm or deny the Holocaust. We oppose every type of crime against any people. But we want to know whether this crime actually took place or not. If it did, then those who bear the responsibility for it have to be punished, and not the Palestinians. Why isn't research into a deed that occurred 60 years ago permitted? After all, other historical occurrences, some of which lie several thousand years in the past, are open to research, and even the governments support this.

SPIEGEL: Mr. President, with all due respect, the Holocaust occurred, there were concentration camps, there are dossiers on the extermination of the Jews, there has been a great deal of research, and there is neither the slightest doubt about the Holocaust nor about the fact - we greatly regret this - that the Germans are responsible for it. If we may now add one remark: the fate of the Palestinians is an entirely different issue, and this brings us into the present.

Ahmadinejad: No, no, the roots of the Palestinian conflict must be sought in history. The Holocaust and Palestine are directly connected with one another. And if the Holocaust actually occurred, then you should permit impartial groups from the whole world to research this. Why do you restrict the research to a certain group? Of course, I don't mean you, but rather the European governments.

SPIEGEL: Are you still saying that the Holocaust is just "a myth?"

Ahmadinejad: I will only accept something as truth if I am actually convinced of it.

SPIEGEL: Even though no Western scholars harbor any doubt about the Holocaust?

Ahmadinejad: But there are two opinions on this in Europe. One group of scholars or persons, most of them politically motivated, say the Holocaust occurred. Then there is the group of scholars who represent the opposite position and have therefore been imprisoned for the most part. Hence, an impartial group has to come together to investigate and to render an opinion on this very important subject, because the clarification of this issue will contribute to the solution of global problems. Under the pretext of the Holocaust, a very strong polarization has taken place in the world and fronts have been formed. It would therefore be very good if an international and impartial group looked into the matter in order to clarify it once and for all. Normally, governments promote and support the work of researchers on historical events and do not put them in prison.

SPIEGEL: Who is that supposed to be? Which researchers do you mean?

Ahmadinejad: You would know this better than I; you have the list. There are people from England, from Germany, France and from Australia.

SPIEGEL: You presumably mean, for example, the Englishman David Irving, the German-Canadian Ernst Zündel, who is on trial in Mannheim, and the Frenchman Georges Theil, all of whom deny the Holocaust.

Ahmadinejad: The mere fact that my comments have caused such strong protests, although I'm not a European, and also the fact that I have been compared with certain persons in German history indicates how charged with conflict the atmosphere for research is in your country. Here in Iran you needn't worry.

SPIEGEL: Well, we are conducting this historical debate with you for a very timely purpose. Are you questioning Israel's right to exist?

Ahmadinejad: Look here, my views are quite clear. We are saying that if the Holocaust occurred, then Europe must draw the consequences and that it is not Palestine that should pay the price for it. If it did not occur, then the Jews have to go back to where they came from. I believe that the German people today are also prisoners of the Holocaust. Sixty million people died in the Second World War. World War II was a gigantic crime. We condemn it all. We are against bloodshed, regardless of whether a crime was committed against a Muslim or against a Christian or a Jew. But the question is: Why among these 60 million victims are only the Jews the center of attention?

SPIEGEL: That's just not the case. All peoples mourn the victims claimed by the Second World War, Germans and Russians and Poles and others as well. Yet, we as Germans cannot absolve ourselves of a special guilt, namely for the systematic murder of the Jews. But perhaps we should now move on to the next subject.

Ahmadinejad: No, I have a question for you. What kind of a role did today's youth play in World War II?


Ahmadinejad: Why should they have feelings of guilt toward Zionists? Why should the costs of the Zionists be paid out of their pockets? If people committed crimes in the past, then they would have to have been tried 60 years ago. End of story! Why must the German people be humiliated today because a group of people committed crimes in the name of the Germans during the course of history?

SPIEGEL: The German people today can't do anything about it. But there is a sort of collective shame for those deeds done in the German name by our fathers or grandfathers.

Ahmadinejad: How can a person who wasn't even alive at the time be held legally responsible?

SPIEGEL: Not legally but morally.

Ahmadinejad: Why is such a burden heaped on the German people? The German people of today bear no guilt. Why are the German people not permitted the right to defend themselves? Why are the crimes of one group emphasized so greatly, instead of highlighting the great German cultural heritage? Why should the Germans not have the right to express their opinion freely?

SPIEGEL: Mr. President, we are well aware that German history is not made up of only the 12 years of the Third Reich. Nevertheless, we have to accept that horrible crimes have been committed in the German name. We also own up to this, and it is a great achievement of the Germans in post-war history that they have grappled critically with their past.

Ahmadinejad: Are you also prepared to tell that to the German people?

SPIEGEL: Oh yes, we do that.

Ahmadinejad: Then would you also permit an impartial group to ask the German people whether it shares your opinion? No people accepts its own humiliation.

SPIEGEL: All questions are allowed in our country. But of course there are right-wing radicals in Germany who are not only anti-Semitic, but xenophobic as well, and we do indeed consider them a threat.

Ahmadinejad: Let me ask you one thing: How much longer can this go on? How much longer do you think the German people have to accept being taken hostage by the Zionists? When will that end - in 20, 50, 1,000 years?

SPIEGEL: We can only speak for ourselves. DER SPIEGEL is nobody's hostage; SPIEGEL does not deal only with Germany's past and the Germans' crimes. We're not Israel's uncritical ally in the Palestian conflict. But we want to make one thing very clear: We are critical, we are independent, but we won't simply stand by without protest when the existential right of the state of Israel, where many Holocaust survivors live, is being questioned.

Ahmadinejad: Precisely that is our point. Why should you feel obliged to the Zionists? If there really had been a Holocaust, Israel ought to be located in Europe, not in Palestine.

SPIEGEL: Do you want to resettle a whole people 60 years after the end of the war?

Ahmadinejad: Five million Palestinians have not had a home for 60 years. It is amazing really: You have been paying reparations for the Holocaust for 60 years and will have to keep paying up for another 100 years. Why then is the fate of the Palestinians no issue here?

SPIEGEL: The Europeans support the Palestinians in many ways. After all, we also have an historic responsibility to help bring peace to this region finally. But don't you share that responsibility?

Ahmadinejad: Yes, but aggression, occupation and a repetition of the Holocaust won't bring peace. What we want is a sustainable peace. This means that we have to tackle the root of the problem. I am pleased to note that you are honest people and admit that you are obliged to support the Zionists.

SPIEGEL: That's not what we said, Mr. President.

Ahmadinejad: You said Israelis.

SPIEGEL: Mr. President, we're talking about the Holocaust because we want to talk about the possible nuclear armament of Iran -- which is why the West sees you as a threat.

Ahmadinejad: Some groups in the West enjoy calling things or people a threat. Of course you're free to make your own judgment.

SPIEGEL: The key question is: Do you want nuclear weapons for your country?

Ahmadinejad: Allow me to encourage a discussion on the following question: How long do you think the world can be governed by the rhetoric of a handful of Western powers? Whenever they hold something against someone, they start spreading propaganda and lies, defamation and blackmail. How much longer can that go on?

SPIEGEL: We're here to find out the truth. The head of state of a neighboring country, for example, told SPIEGEL: "They are very keen on building the bomb." Is that true?

Ahmadinejad: You see, we conduct our discussions with you and the European governments on an entirely different, higher level. In our view, the legal system whereby a handful of countries force their will on the rest of the world is discriminatory and unstable. One-hundred and thirty-nine countries, including us, are members of the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) in Vienna. Both the statutes of IAEA and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as well as all security agreements grant the member countries the right to produce nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes. That is the legitimate legal right of any people. Beyond this, however, IAEA was also established to promote the disarmament of those powers that already possessed nuclear weapons. And now look at what's happening today: Iran has had an excellent cooperation with IAEA. We have had more than 2,000 inspections of our plants, and the inspectors have obtained more than 1,000 pages of documentation from us. Their cameras are installed in our nuclear centers. IAEA has emphasized in all its reports that there are no indications of any irregularities in Iran. That is one side of this matter.

SPIEGEL: IAEA doesn't quite share your view of this matter.

Ahmadinejad: But the other side is that there are a number of countries that possess both nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. They use their atomic weapons to threaten other peoples. And it is these powers who say that they are worried about Iran deviating from the path of peaceful use of atomic energy. We say that these powers are free to monitor us if they are worried. But what these powers say is that the Iranians must not complete the nuclear fuel cycle because deviation from peaceful use might then be possible. What we say is that these countries themselves have long deviated from peaceful usage. These powers have no right to talk to us in this manner. This order is unjust and unsustainable.

SPIEGEL: But, Mr. President, the key question is: How dangerous will this world become if even more countries become nuclear powers -- if a country like Iran, whose president makes threats, builds the bomb in a crisis-ridden region?

Ahmadinejad: We're fundamentally opposed to the expansion of nucleaar-weapons arsenals. This is why we have proposed the formation of an unbiased organization and the disarmament of the nuclear powers. We don't need any weapons. We're a civilized, cultured people, and our history shows that we have never attacked another country.

SPIEGEL: Iran doesn't need the bomb that it wants to build?

Ahmadinejad: It's interesting to note that European nations wanted to allow the shah's dictatorship the use of nuclear technology. That was a dangerous regime. Yet those nations were willing to supply it with nuclear technology. Ever since the Islamic Republic has existed, however, these powers have been opposed to it. I stress once again, we don't need any nuclear weapons.

We stand by our statements because we're honest and act legally. We're no fraudsters. We only want to claim our legitimate right. Incidentally, I never threatened anyone - that, too, is part of the propaganda machine that you've got running against me.

SPIEGEL: If this were so, shouldn't you be making an effort to ensure that no one need fear your producing nuclear weapons that you might use against Israel, thus possibly unleashing a world war? You're sitting on a tinderbox, Mr. President.

Ahmadinejad: Allow me to say two things. No people in the region are afraid of us. And no one should instill fear in these peoples. We believe that if the United States and these two or three European countries did not interfere, the peoples in this region would live peacefully together as they did in the thousands of years before. In 1980, it was also the nations of Europe and the United States that encouraged Saddam Hussein to attack us.

Our stance with respect to Palestine is clear. We say: Allow those to whom this country belongs to express their opinion. Let Jews, Christians and Muslims say what they think. The opponents of this proposal prefer war and threaten the region. Why are the United States and these two or three European nations opposed to this? I believe that those who imprison Holocaust researchers prefer war to peace. Our stance is democratic and peaceful.

SPIEGEL: The Palestinians have long gone a step further than you and recognize Israel as a fact, while you still wish to erase it from the map. The Palestinians are ready to accept a two-state solution while you deny Israel its right to existence.

Ahmadinejad: You're wrong. You saw that the Palestinian people elected Hamas in free elections. We argue that neither you nor we should claim to speak for the Palestian people. The Palestinians themselves should say what they want. In Europe it is customary to call a referendum on any issue. We should also give the Palestinians the opportunity to express their opinion.

SPIEGEL: The Palestinians have the right to their own state, but in our view the Israelis naturally have the same right.

Ahmadinejad: Where did the Israelis come from?

SPIEGEL: Well, if we tried to work out where people have come from, the Europeans would have to return to east Africa where all humans originated.

Ahmadinejad: We're not talking about the Europeans; we're talking about the Palestinians. The Palestinians were there, in Palestine. Now 5 million of them have become refugees. Don't they have a right to live?

SPIEGEL: Mr. President, doesn't there come a time when one should accept that the world is the way it is and that we must accept the status quo? The war against Iraq has put Iran in a favorable position. The United States has suffered a de facto defeat in Iraq. Isn't it now time for Iran to become a constructive power of peace in the Middle East? Which would mean giving up its nuclear plans and inflammatory talk?

Ahmadinejad: I'm wondering why you're adopting and fanatically defending the stance of the European politicians. You're a magazine, not a government. Saying that we should accept the world as it is would mean that the winners of World War II would remain the victorious powers for another 1,000 years and that the German people would be humiliated for another 1,000 years. Do you think that is the correct logic?

SPIEGEL: No, that's not the right logic, nor is it true. The Germans have played a modest, but important role in post-war developments. They do not feel as though they have been humiliated and dishonored since 1945. We are too self-confident for that. But today we want to talk about Iran's current mission.

Ahmadinejad: Then we would accept that Palestinians are killed every day, that they die in terrorist attacks, and that houses are being destroyed. But let me say something about Iraq. We have always favored peace and security in the region. For eight years, the Western countries provided arms to Saddam in the war against us, including chemical weapons, and gave him political support. We were against Saddam and suffered severely because of him, so we're happy that he has been toppled. But we don't accept a whole country being swallowed under the pretext of wanting to topple Saddam. More than 100,000 Iraqis have lost their lives under the rule of the occupying forces. Fortunately, the Germans haven't been involved in this. We want security in Iraq.

SPIEGEL: But, Mr. President, who is swallowing Iraq? The United States has practically lost this war. By cooperating constructively, Iran might help the Americans consider their retreat from the country.

Ahmadinejad: This is very interesting: The Americans occupy the country, kill people, sell the oil and when they have lost, they blame others. We have very close ties to the Iraqi people. Many people on both sides of the border are related. We have lived side by side for thousands of years. Our holy pilgrimage sites are located in Iraq. Just like Iran, Iraq used to be a center of civilization.

SPIEGEL: What are you trying to say?

Ahmadinejad: We have always said that we support the popularly elected government of Iraq. But in my view the Americans are doing a bad job. They have sent us messages several times asking us for help and cooperation. They have said that we should talk together about Iraq. We publicly accepted this offer, although our people do not trust the Americans. But America has responded negatively and insulted us. Even now we're contributing to security in Iraq. We will hold talks only if the Americans change their behavior.

SPIEGEL: Do you enjoy provoking the Americans and the rest of the world now and then?

Ahmadinejad: No, I'm not insulting anyone. The letter that I wrote to Mr. Bush was polite.

SPIEGEL: We don't mean insult, but provoke.

Ahmadinejad: No, we feel animosity toward no one. We're concerned about the American soldiers who die in Iraq. Why do they have to die there? This war makes no sense. Why is there war when there is reason as well?

SPIEGEL: Is your letter to the president also a gesture toward the Americans that you wish to enter into direct negotiations?

Ahmadinejad: We clearly stated our position in this letter on how we view the problems in the world. Some powers have befouled the political atmosphere in the world because they consider lies and fraud to be legitimate. In our view that is very bad. We believe that all people deserve respect. Relationships have to be regulated on the basis of justice. When justice reigns, peace reigns. Unjust conditions aren't sustainable, even if Ahmadinejad does not criticize them.

SPIEGEL: This letter to the American president includes a passage about Sept. 11, 2001. The quote: "How could such an operation be planned and implemented without the coordination with secret and security services or without the far-reaching infiltration of these services?" Your statements always include so many innuendos. What is that supposed to mean? Did the CIA help Mohammed Atta and the other 18 terrorists conduct their attacks?

Ahmadinejad: No, that's not what I meant. We think that they should just say who is to blame. They should not use Sept. 11 as an excuse to launch a military attack against the Middle East. They should take those who are responsible for the attacks to court. We're not opposed to that; we condemned the attacks. We condemn any attack against innocent people.

SPIEGEL: In this letter you also write that Western liberalism has failed. What makes you say that?

Ahmadinejad: You see, for example you have a thousand definitions of the Palestian problem and you offer all sorts of different definitions of democracy in its various forms. It does not make sense that a phenomenon depends on the opinions of many individuals who are free to interpret the phenomenon as they wish. You can't solve the problems of the world that way. We need a new approach. Of course we want the free will of the people to reign, but we need sustainable principles that enjoy universal acceptance - such as justice. Iran and the West agree on this.

SPIEGEL: What role can Europe play in the resolution of the nuclear conflict, and what do you expect of Germany?

Ahmadinejad: We have always cultivated good relations with Europe, especially with Germany. Our two peoples like each other. We're eager to deepen this relationship.

Europe has made three mistakes with respect to our people. The first mistake was to support the shah's government. This has left our people disappointed and discontent. However, by offering asylum to Imam Khomeini, France earned a special position that it lost again later. The second mistake was to support Saddam in his war against us. The truth is that our people expected Europe to be on our side, not against us. The third mistake was Europe's stance on the nuclear issue. Europe will be the big loser and will achieve nothing. We don't want to see that happen.

SPIEGEL: What will happen now in the conflict between the West and Iran?

Ahmadinejad: We understand the Americans' logic. They suffered damage as a result of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. But we're puzzled why some European countries are opposed to us. I sent out a message on the nuclear issue, asking why the Europeans were translating the Americans' words for us. After all, they know that our actions are aimed toward peace. By siding with Iran, the Europeans would serve their own and our interests. But they will suffer only damage if they oppose us. For our people is strong and determined.

The Europeans risk losing their position in the Middle East entirely, and they are ruining their reputation in other parts of the world. The others will think that the Europeans aren't capable of solving problems.

SPIEGEL: Mr. President, we thank you for this interview.

Interview conducted by Stefan Aust, Gerhard Spörl and Dieter Bednarz in Tehran. :shake:

05-30-2006, 07:38 AM
Thanks we know this guy is nuts...


05-30-2006, 07:42 AM
Thanks we know this guy is nuts...

No reason to be a tool. I posted it here because I think it's an interesting insight and I know that most of us don't go to DC.

05-30-2006, 07:43 AM
"We don't want to confirm or deny the Holocaust"

"...But we want to know whether this crime actually took place or not"

2 statements back to back that conflict with each other, what a dipshit

05-30-2006, 07:44 AM
I do hope this will go to DC but I am sure it's not going to for a while - someone has to come in here and piss on America a few times for that to happen. Unfortunately, I am almost certain that WILL take place here at some point.

05-30-2006, 07:46 AM
Interesting, Mr. chagrin. What, exactly, are the criteria associated with DC topics?


05-30-2006, 07:46 AM
I do hope this will go to DC but I am sure it's not going to for a while - someone has to come in here and piss on America a few times for that to happen. Unfortunately, I am almost certain that WILL take place here at some point.
Once again I don't understand why this would need to go to DC. It's an interesting insight into the mind of a global threat. I get tired of everyone trying to be board police around here. Why not just live and let live for once?

05-30-2006, 07:48 AM
No reason to be a tool. I posted it here because I think it's an interesting insight and I know that most of us don't go to DC.
Sorry you feel this way, BTW I'm not a tool just stating the obvious
Most folks have seen enough, read enough about this guy. I even downloaded the PDF of the letter he sent to the POUS.

But Get him in front of interviewer(s), a camera.... he goes off the deep end, I Think he likes to hear himself talk.....

I have my doubts how long he will be around.

05-30-2006, 07:50 AM
Sorry you feel this way, BTW I'm not a tool just stating the obvious
Most folks have seen enough, read enough about this guy. I even downloaded the PDF of the letter he sent to the POUS.

But Get him in front of interviewer(s), a camera.... he goes off the deep end, I Think he likes to hear himself talk.....

I have my doubts how long he will be around.
I honestly don't believe that "most folks" have a clear idea about how crazy this guy is. In any event, if this topic really needs to be moved I will not argue the fact although it will take me out of any further discussion on this thread.

05-30-2006, 07:53 AM
No offense BTW JimNasium

05-30-2006, 07:54 AM
Eventually enough replies will move it. Just tired of this guy waiting for a hit to happen.

05-30-2006, 07:59 AM
I'm considering kicking this guys ass.

I might just do it too.

05-30-2006, 08:06 AM
I honestly don't believe that "most folks" have a clear idea about how crazy this guy is.
He might be crazy, but I'm not sure that his statements here (I didn't read the whole thing, if I missed a doozy, let me know) reflect that one way or the other. Based upon my partial understanding of his holocaust denial I might have assumed the guy was nuts, but in reading this interview, I think he's actaully a few things:

1) Carefully choosing his words, and not flatly denying the holocaust
2) Raising the subject as a way to "defend" a position against Jews in Isreal
3) Fairly shrewed about the entire thing

Whether or not he's actaully crazy, I think it's dangerous to dismiss him a such out of hand. It seems to me that he's latched onto a fundamentalist conspriacy to move people emotionally to unite in support of a radical position... with him at the lead.

Doing so wouldn't be unsual historically. I'm sure we can all think of a few different examples of leaders doing exactly this. I think it's manipulation towards a political end, rather than crazy talk.

05-30-2006, 08:08 AM
Interesting, Mr. chagrin. What, exactly, are the criteria associated with DC topics?

Topics of foreign affairs fall clearly under the umbrella of political discussion, IMO.

Rain Man
05-30-2006, 08:15 AM
Perhaps we should start questioning whether there really is a Palestinian problem.

I sure get tired of these people waving the Palestinians around to forward their own causes, rather than helping them. It's in their best interest that there's a Palestinian problem, so they let the problem persist. It's too bad that the Palestinians will never call them on it.

05-30-2006, 08:15 AM
as much as he runs his mouth i think hes full of shit. a true badass on the world stage doesnt flex his mouthpiece in such a foolish manner.

05-30-2006, 08:22 AM
Perhaps we should start questioning whether there really is a Palestinian problem.

I sure get tired of these people waving the Palestinians around to forward their own causes, rather than helping them. It's in their best interest that there's a Palestinian problem, so they let the problem persist. It's too bad that the Palestinians will never call them on it.


That principle extends to politicians in the west, too.

05-30-2006, 08:24 AM
Once again I don't understand why this would need to go to DC. It's an interesting insight into the mind of a global threat. I get tired of everyone trying to be board police around here. Why not just live and let live for once?

I already clarified that I wasn't trying to be board police, but maybe I wasn't clear - I fail at that sometimes.

I am fine with this thread, but it didn't take long for Jaz to show up and after one of them DC'ers come in and start up, it's only a matter of time before we see, not in any order, buceyedpea, vlad, tj, banyon, boyce and even possibly meme if she's found her dick yet and wants to back up her stance - and once that happens, I know this will become a cluster **** of insults and "look how smart I am" posts, cut and paste politics and crap.

I agree with you, he's bonkers, intelligent but still bonkers.

FAX - I don't usually crawl up a person's ass for posting stuff like this, I just really am quite tired by the rhetoric and shit that the DC folks post on here, The Lounge. I am just not looking forward to seeing this thread on for 200 posts, like I am sure it will.

I don't know how else to explain it.

05-30-2006, 08:25 AM
Very rarely does someone get to run their gums like this nutjob without someone eventually stepping on their face.

It'd just be a damn shame if something unfortunate happened to the guy.

05-30-2006, 08:31 AM
I already clarified that I wasn't trying to be board police, but maybe I wasn't clear - I fail at that sometimes.

I am fine with this thread, but it didn't take long for Jaz to show up and after one of them DC'ers come in and start up, it's only a matter of time before we see, not in any order, buceyedpea, vlad, tj, banyon, boyce and even possibly meme if she's found her dick yet and wants to back up her stance - and once that happens, I know this will become a cluster **** of insults and "look how smart I am" posts, cut and paste politics and crap.

I agree with you, he's bonkers, intelligent but still bonkers.

FAX - I don't usually crawl up a person's ass for posting stuff like this, I just really am quite tired by the rhetoric and shit that the DC folks post on here, The Lounge. I am just not looking forward to seeing this thread on for 200 posts, like I am sure it will.

I don't know how else to explain it.
I think it's really funny that the person who started the DC chant... is same person who started calling people out by name (buceyedpea, vlad, tj, banyon, boyce ... meme)... is the same person who started hurling insults ("she's found her dick")... is the same person who starts complaining about insults ("this will become a cluster **** of insults")... and as a result, will be the person responsible for the thread being moved for the reasons he listed.


Rain Man
05-30-2006, 08:34 AM
I don't understand how a geopolitical discussion on the world stage can be considered political. I thought DC existed for discussions of partisan politics. I would have a hard time inserting anything about Republicans or Democrats into this thread.

05-30-2006, 08:35 AM
I guess I need to request that this thread be moved to DC. :shake:

05-30-2006, 08:36 AM
I don't understand how a geopolitical discussion on the world stage can be considered political. I thought DC existed for discussions of partisan politics. I would have a hard time inserting anything about Republicans or Democrats into this thread.

They turn it into political attacks against one another. I thought we could have a reasoned discussion but alas that is impossible.

05-30-2006, 08:38 AM
"We don't want to confirm or deny the Holocaust"

"...But we want to know whether this crime actually took place or not"

2 statements back to back that conflict with each other, what a dipshit
How do these statements conflict? Seems he's saying the same thing. :shrug:

Rain Man
05-30-2006, 08:39 AM
I guess I need to request that this thread be moved to DC. :shake:

No! Don't do it! Me and the rest of the townspeople will show up on Main Street at noon with you. We got your back, Sheriff.

05-30-2006, 08:40 AM
how do they conflict?

we want to
we don't want to

that clear enough

05-30-2006, 08:40 AM

They turn it into political attacks against one another. I thought we could have a reasoned discussion but alas that is impossible.

Stick to poop threads.

05-30-2006, 08:41 AM
No! Don't do it! Me and the rest of the townspeople will show up on Main Street at noon with you. We got your back, Sheriff.
If only Lassie were here to save us.

05-30-2006, 08:41 AM
Nice to see that "DER SHHHPEEEGAL" has decided the US has lost the war. I didn't know they were judge/jury..

05-30-2006, 08:41 AM
I think it's really funny that the person who started the DC chant... is same person who started calling people out by name (buceyedpea, vlad, tj, banyon, boyce ... meme)... is the same person who started hurling insults ("she's found her dick")... is the same person who starts complaining about insults ("this will become a cluster **** of insults")... and as a result, will be the person responsible for the thread being moved for the reasons he listed.


and Jaz, I forgot Jaz...the reason for the dick comment is because she says that all day long over there, it was a reference.

I hope it is moved, and I don't care that it is moved because of me. It's better than reading your propaganda and semantics all day

05-30-2006, 08:42 AM
Stick to poop threads.
Obviously I should stick with something that unites rather than divides and a good old poop thread can do just that.

05-30-2006, 08:43 AM

05-30-2006, 08:44 AM
Obviously I should stick with something that unites rather than divides and a good old poop thread can do just that.

On that note, my poop was anything BUT united this Memorial Day weekend. Damn dirty domestic beer!

Rain Man
05-30-2006, 08:45 AM
What is it, Lassie? Are there political troublemakers at the ranch?

05-30-2006, 08:45 AM
On that note, my poop was anything BUT united this Memorial Day weekend. Damn dirty domestic beer!
I typically don't have that problem with homebrew. Hangovers aren't nearly as bad either.

05-30-2006, 08:45 AM
I don't understand how a geopolitical discussion on the world stage can be considered political. I thought DC existed for discussions of partisan politics. I would have a hard time inserting anything about Republicans or Democrats into this thread.
Along those lines, 1/2 of all threads in DC could be moved back to the lounge.

I'll be very clear that while I'm often the first to call for some threads to be moved to DC, I'm not the one doing so on this thread.

05-30-2006, 08:46 AM
What is it, Lassie? Are there political troublemakers at the ranch?

05-30-2006, 08:46 AM
how do they conflict?

we want to
we don't want to

that clear enough
No. Consider the following two statements:

1- I don't want to confirm or deny you are politically naive.
2- I want to find out if you always make naive political analysis.

"want" and "don't want." According to you they are conflicting statements.

05-30-2006, 08:48 AM
how do they conflict?

we want to
we don't want to

that clear enough
Oh! I see how you're reading it.

Given the context of his first statement, I think he's saying "he's not asserting that it either happened or didn't". The second line is him saying "but we want to get to the bottom of it".

That's how I read it.

05-30-2006, 08:48 AM


05-30-2006, 08:48 AM
On that note, my poop was anything BUT united this Memorial Day weekend. Damn dirty domestic beer!

Poop, someone say poop?

Dude, please accept my apology for goading jaz into a little badmiton. It was more of a pre-emtive strike.

I am sorry to those who would in fact, intelligently discuss this without making it political. I was simply trying to stop something before it sarted.

Rain Man
05-30-2006, 08:49 AM
Ohhhh, look. Lassie's bored with non-political threads being moved to the DC forum, too.

05-30-2006, 08:50 AM
...the reason for the dick comment is because she says that all day long over there, it was a reference.
Really? I've never seen it. Is there a link to one of the many instances?

05-30-2006, 08:50 AM
No. Consider the following two statements:

1- I don't want to confirm or deny you are politically naive.
2- I want to find out if you always make naive political analysis.

"want" and "don't want." According to you they are conflicting statements.

Frankie, I'm not going to fight with you today. I read his sentences and they clearly go against one another. I didn't read anything into it, I took it as it was printed.

05-30-2006, 08:51 AM
Really? I've never seen it. Is there a link to one of the many instances?

Are you serious?

05-30-2006, 08:51 AM

It's okay girl. Perhaps we can talk about geopolitics via PM.

05-30-2006, 08:54 AM

ROFL Lassie looks like she cares....

05-30-2006, 09:09 AM

05-30-2006, 09:45 AM
Are you serious?
Completely. I've never seen memyselfi refer to herself having a dick.

I'd be amused to read such a post. Or many such posts.

05-30-2006, 10:22 AM
seems he speaks with intelligence, more than we can say about our president. why do you think this man is crazy? he made several points in here about his goals and where he stands.

05-30-2006, 10:24 AM
I don't think the dude is crazy per se. I think he's crazy like Hitler was crazy...he's obviously well spoken and intelligent...Hell, the Brits thought Hitler was a "Nice Lad" until it was too late...

...This guy is scary...

05-30-2006, 10:53 AM
seems he speaks with intelligence, more than we can say about our president. why do you think this man is crazy? he made several points in here about his goals and where he stands.


Ultra Peanut
05-30-2006, 10:54 AM
I hope I'm saying this right... Ahmoonidjeed? Ahmaddenjid...

05-30-2006, 10:54 AM
Completely. I've never seen memyselfi refer to herself having a dick.

I'd be amused to read such a post. Or many such posts.

I've never said it. I've said I have balls and that is because I've been bestowed that honor by more than a few people on this board. I know science isn't my best subject but balls does not a dick make... :hmmm: Perhaps Chagrin has some kind of physical defect which he would associate one in the same.

To the original post, the way to absolutely guarantee this whackjob becomes more popular and more powerful in Iran is for the US to pretend he's a threat and start saber rattling. Iranians love nothing more than to be threatened...

the best thing to do is to covertly work (and that does not mean the CIA on the ground in Iran) to undermine this guy and forget the John Wayne rhetoric or mentality.

05-30-2006, 11:01 AM
I've never said it. I've said I have balls and that is because I've been bestowed that honor by more than a few people on this board. I know science isn't my best subject but balls does not a dick make... :hmmm: Perhaps Chagrin has some kind of physical defect which he would associate one in the same.

To the original post, the way to absolutely guarantee this whackjob becomes more popular and more powerful in Iran is for the US to pretend he's a threat and start saber rattling. Iranians love nothing more than to be threatened...

the best thing to do is to covertly work (and that does not mean the CIA on the ground in Iran) to undermine this guy and forget the John Wayne rhetoric or mentality.

Stop, you know you stroke yourself every time Ahmadinejad is on TV. You're not fooling anyone.

Ultra Peanut
05-30-2006, 11:02 AM
I've never said it. I've said I have ballsTHATCHERS.

05-30-2006, 11:05 AM
Completely. I've never seen memyselfi refer to herself having a dick.

I'd be amused to read such a post. Or many such posts.

You have misquoted me, I never said meme said she had a dick, she has referred to people that disagree with her as being "dickless" and has also sai dthat they don't "have the stones" "balls" etc to back up their stance.
It was a reference, and the fact that I wrote dick instead of dickless, grow a pair, etc shouldn't take away from that.

But I understand how you and your buddies work, that's okay.

05-30-2006, 11:07 AM
Perhaps Chagrin has some kind of physical defect which he would associate one in the same.

I'll skip all the "iave been here for so long" garbage and go straight to this.

No physical defect here; I am a brain cancer survivor but it didn't have an effect on my physical well being, other than short term memory loss.

But I understand you have quite the nicely trimmed mustache, I have that from a good authority, who shall remain nameless.

Tell me how you keep it so nicely groomed?

05-30-2006, 11:12 AM
I'll skip all the "iave been here for so long" garbage and go straight to this.

No physical defect here; I am a brain cancer survivor but it didn't have

Tell me how you keep it so nicely groomed?

I stopped drinking milk...

Kudos to you for your surviving brain cancer and continued good health to you.

05-30-2006, 11:15 AM
I stopped drinking milk...

Kudos to you for your surviving brain cancer and continued good health to you.

Quit pretending you care about the infidels.

05-30-2006, 11:16 AM
I know you didn't just wish me well, right?

that's not going to make this fun anymore!

05-30-2006, 11:19 AM
I know you didn't just wish me well, right?

that's not going to make this fun anymore!

Sorry, but even clueless, obnoxious politicos with short term memory deserve kudos if they have fought and won a battle like yours. :clap: :p

05-30-2006, 11:23 AM
This guy is a certifiable nutjob. I hope the moderates in Iran take care of this before we are forced to. :shake:

Link (http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,druck-418660,00.html)

SPIEGEL Interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"We Are Determined"

In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discusses the Holocaust, the future of the state of Israel, mistakes made by the United States in Iraq and Tehran's nuclear conflict with the West.


"Chief of the boat make your depth 150ft and commence hovering" "This is the Captain, by order of the National Command Authority and the President we have been authorized for Nuclear release" " Weapons officer spin up missiles 1 through 16" "We're going to end this war in 15 minutes. That is all."

05-30-2006, 11:23 AM
You have misquoted me, I never said meme said she had a dick, she has referred to people that disagree with her as being "dickless" and has also sai dthat they don't "have the stones" "balls" etc to back up their stance.
It was a reference, and the fact that I wrote dick instead of dickless, grow a pair, etc shouldn't take away from that.

But I understand how you and your buddies work, that's okay.
Now the attacks turn directly to me? Because I misunderstood your convoluted insult justified in your mind by the fact that Denise used some (different but the same) insult in the past?


05-30-2006, 11:25 AM
"Chief of the boat make your depth 150ft and commence hovering" "This is the Captain, by order of the National Command Authority and the President we have been authorized for Nuclear release" " Weapons officer spin up missiles 1 through 16" "We're going to end this war in 15 minutes. That is all."

foolish, ignorance, stupidity, im sure you've heard it all before

05-30-2006, 11:27 AM
foolish, ignorance, stupidity, im sure you've heard it all before

Another bed wetting, appeasing, cowardly neo lib.

05-30-2006, 11:32 AM
Quit pretending you care about the infidels.


Jiz, Islamamama, and Frankie Shah: the unholy trifecta. Why do the DC dwellers crawl out here and run a perfectly good discussion into the ground?
Now this pig will have to be banished to the DC hole.

05-30-2006, 11:34 AM
Another bed wetting, appeasing, cowardly neo lib.

obviously my post applied to you as well. you egocentric pos. stupidity breeds stupidity and this site my friend is a spawning pool for your type. so sit back relax and inbreed like your known to. we must keep your level of comfort to par. wheres your sister at?

05-30-2006, 11:45 AM
obviously my post applied to you as well. you egocentric pos. stupidity breeds stupidity and this site my friend is a spawning pool for your type. so sit back relax and inbreed like your known to. we must keep your level of comfort to par. wheres your sister at?

I can fire rhetoric at you all day long Pak but it bores me and your obviously unable to sustain good smack as your last post shows. I'll boil it down for you so you can move on and change your dipey.

If Iran uses weapons of mass destruction on Israel, The weenie Euros, US troops in Iraq or if they give them to terrorists to use against us we should destroy their ability to wage war and overthrow their government. If a nuke is detonated in the US and it originates from Iran we should respond with measured, effective and devastating force even the possibility of Nukes.

I'm sure our officials through appropriate channels have made that clear indirectly to the Iranians and the N. Koreans.

I'm not advocating first use, but if anyone ever dared to attack us with WMD's we should end their government and their military. Just to be clear to you " I'd like to buy the world a coke" types we should never target their population centers even in a worse case scenario.

05-30-2006, 12:00 PM
obviously my post applied to you as well. you egocentric pos. stupidity breeds stupidity and this site my friend is a spawning pool for your type. so sit back relax and inbreed like your known to. we must keep your level of comfort to par. wheres your sister at?

Love the anger. Keep it up. What's the motivation - lack of sausage smoking over the holiday?

05-30-2006, 12:10 PM
Love the anger. Keep it up. What's the motivation - lack of sausage smoking over the holiday?

05-30-2006, 12:10 PM

Jiz, Islamamama, and Frankie Shah: the unholy trifecta. Why do the DC dwellers crawl out here and run a perfectly good discussion into the ground?
Now this pig will have to be banished to the DC hole.


This from the guy who has 22% of all his posts since 2001 in the DC, a forum that's only existed since July 2004.

And this from the guy who just finished calling me "Jiz".

And this form the guy who after hurling such an insult at me, declared that I'm responsible for running this thread into the ground.

And this from the guy who himself called for the thread to be moved to his vaction home in the DC.

And this from the guy who didn't bother to respond to my very first post on this thread...


05-30-2006, 12:18 PM


This from the guy who has 22% of all his posts since 2001 in the DC, a forum that's only existed since July 2004.

And this from the guy who just finished calling me "Jiz".

And this form the guy who after hurling such an insult at me, declared that I'm responsible for running this thread into the ground.

And this from the guy who himself called for the thread to be moved to his vaction home in the DC.

And this from the guy who didn't bother to respond to my very first post on this thread...


There are gimps in the basement, occasionally I go down cellar to stare. That is not the same as being a gimp.

Now get back to your hole and continue to lecture on how you became a post-NFL player billionaire CEO while spending 95% of your time spouting useless partisan rhetoric on an intraweb BB, all the while engaging in a mutual pussy stroke with your fellow terrorist sympathizers.
Pimpin' aint easy is it stud boy?

05-30-2006, 12:19 PM


This from the guy who has 22% of all his posts since 2001 in the DC, a forum that's only existed since July 2004.

And this from the guy who just finished calling me "Jiz".

And this form the guy who after hurling such an insult at me, declared that I'm responsible for running this thread into the ground.

And this from the guy who himself called for the thread to be moved to his vaction home in the DC.

And this from the guy who didn't bother to respond to my very first post on this thread...



05-30-2006, 12:19 PM
I honestly don't believe that "most folks" have a clear idea about how crazy this guy is. In any event, if this topic really needs to be moved I will not argue the fact although it will take me out of any further discussion on this thread.I will tell you why this needs to go to DC. Because, we have had a whole bunch of seditionists, that have been undermining the war effort for political reasons from the moment that we moved into Iraq in a classic pincer move, preparing to take out the beast that is in Iran.

knock knock knock. Brent Musberger said it best on Sunday, "We are at war. "

You may not like war, you may think it is wrong, but we are at war. WE didn't ask for it, but by God we will have to finish it if we want to keep on having Indianapolis 500 races on Memorial day weekend.

So thank youk, liberal pukes, for Neutering the President to a point where he cannot act in the Countries Strategic national interests, and wipe that shit stain off the Iranian map.

05-30-2006, 12:25 PM

In the interest of complete discloure I hereby admit that BD was the first to convert the name of 'Jaz" to the much more appropo "Jiz".
I didn't think BD would mind if I ripped him off.

05-30-2006, 12:25 PM
There are gimps in the basement, occasionally I go down cellar to stare. That is not the same as being a gimp.

Now get back to your hole and continue to lecture on how you became a post-NFL player billionaire CEO while spending 95% of your time spouting useless partisan rhetoric on an intraweb BB, all the while engaging in a mutual pussy stroke with your fellow terrorist sympathizers.
Pimpin' aint easy is it stud boy?
You are truely a purist at heart, never seeking to drive a thread into the ground with your comments.

You truely kick ass vailpass.

05-30-2006, 12:28 PM
In the interest of complete discloure I hereby admit that BD was the first to convert the name of 'Jaz" to the much more appropo "Jiz".
I didn't think BD would mind if I ripped him off.
Actually I think Brock or Lattimer earned that honor. But you are still one hell of a great human being vailpass. We should put you likeness right up there on the DC Mount Rushmore. Anyone who contributes almost a quarter of their 5 years worth of posts to the DC in a span of 2 years... that's truely amazing. Kudos to you my friend. Kudos to you.

05-30-2006, 12:34 PM
Perhaps we should start questioning whether there really is a Palestinian problem.

I sure get tired of these people waving the Palestinians around to forward their own causes, rather than helping them. It's in their best interest that there's a Palestinian problem, so they let the problem persist. It's too bad that the Palestinians will never call them on it.Funny, but isn't that the same thing the Democrats do with Social Security and old people?

05-30-2006, 12:34 PM
Sorry, but even awesome dudes with short term memory deserve kudos if they have fought and won a battle like yours. :clap: :p


05-30-2006, 12:35 PM
Actually I think Brock or Lattimer earned that honor. But you are still one hell of a great human being vailpass. We should put you likeness right up there on the DC Mount Rushmore. Anyone who contributes almost a quarter of their 5 years worth of posts to the DC in a span of 2 years... that's truely amazing. Kudos to you my friend. Kudos to you.

I think your ripping me off on this one when I said they should name a park after you.

05-30-2006, 12:36 PM

It's a set up infidel.

05-30-2006, 12:37 PM
I don't understand how a geopolitical discussion on the world stage can be considered political. I thought DC existed for discussions of partisan politics. I would have a hard time inserting anything about Republicans or Democrats into this thread.Yeah, politics USE to stop at the waters age, but the Democrats rewrote those rules.

05-30-2006, 12:37 PM
It's a set up infidel.

That's why I "fixed" the post first. Obviously I was not serious, neither was she I'll bet

05-30-2006, 12:39 PM
Funny, but isn't that the same thing the Democrats do with Social Security and old people?

Democrats don't care about old people, there's a new style of Beneful out now; they're set - time for another cause.

05-30-2006, 12:49 PM

They turn it into political attacks against one another. I thought we could have a reasoned discussion but alas that is impossible.
I tried (http://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showpost.php?p=3230126&postcount=14)... but alas...
Funny, but isn't that the same thing the Democrats do with Social Security and old people?

05-30-2006, 12:51 PM
I think your ripping me off on this one when I said they should name a park after you.
Maybe so, but I first noticed it from one of those two. I'll let you three duke it out.

05-30-2006, 12:52 PM
If this thread gets moved, I think we'll know who's responsible.
Funny, but isn't that the same thing the Democrats do with Social Security and old people?
Yeah, politics USE to stop at the waters age, but the Democrats rewrote those rules.
Democrats don't care about old people, there's a new style of Beneful out now; they're set - time for another cause.

05-30-2006, 12:53 PM

05-30-2006, 12:54 PM
Actually I think Brock or Lattimer earned that honor. But you are still one hell of a great human being vailpass. We should put you likeness right up there on the DC Mount Rushmore. Anyone who contributes almost a quarter of their 5 years worth of posts to the DC in a span of 2 years... that's truely amazing. Kudos to you my friend. Kudos to you.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

05-30-2006, 12:57 PM
Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Thanks for the apology.

05-30-2006, 12:59 PM
Quit pretending you care about the infidels.They think of us infidels in the same way I do my Rock Cornish Cross meat birds, which have 10 more days before I cut their heads off by the way.

05-30-2006, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the apology.
You're welcome.

05-30-2006, 01:09 PM
"Chief of the boat make your depth 150ft and commence hovering" "This is the Captain, by order of the National Command Authority and the President we have been authorized for Nuclear release" " Weapons officer spin up missiles 1 through 16" "We're going to end this war in 15 minutes. That is all."Why did we spend all those billions on these things anyway. :hmmm:

05-30-2006, 01:24 PM
I can fire rhetoric at you all day long Pak but it bores me and your obviously unable to sustain good smack as your last post shows. I'll boil it down for you so you can move on and change your dipey.

If Iran uses weapons of mass destruction on Israel, The weenie Euros, US troops in Iraq or if they give them to terrorists to use against us we should destroy their ability to wage war and overthrow their government. If a nuke is detonated in the US and it originates from Iran we should respond with measured, effective and devastating force even the possibility of Nukes.

I'm sure our officials through appropriate channels have made that clear indirectly to the Iranians and the N. Koreans.

I'm not advocating first use, but if anyone ever dared to attack us with WMD's we should end their government and their military. Just to be clear to you " I'd like to buy the world a coke" types we should never target their population centers even in a worse case scenario.Why must we wait to be bitch slapped, why?

05-30-2006, 01:31 PM
Whatever we doing, I get nervous at our lack of negotiation or non-military strategies. I mean, military strategy may be tbe obnly way, but I've never even heard a whisper of anything else.

And although I'm sure few will agree with me, I don't think anything should be done without the backing of United Nations. First America doesn't bother to get their support, then Russia, then Germany... All you gotta do is Google the causes of WWI to find out everyone thinking on their own, treaties are made and usually end up making a huge divide in the world. And if we do decided to go on our own, I hope no other nations see it as something they should do also.


05-30-2006, 01:49 PM
Democrats don't care about old people, there's a new style of Beneful out now; they're set - time for another cause.hehe, you picked the wrong guy to use that analogy on dude. Beneful, is nothing more than reshaped, rehyped, recolored, repackaged Dog Chow.

Ralston Purina can never admit they have been making crappy Dog food for years. Its all the rest of us, and the performance of our Dogs that have it wrong.

Corn must be an essential ingredient in all of their products, after all, its a vegetable.

05-30-2006, 01:54 PM
If this thread gets moved, I think we'll know who's responsible.I think the rest of the board will thank me for getting it kicked.

05-30-2006, 02:00 PM
Why must we wait to be bitch slapped, why?

I don't think we should wait. In fact I think we should strike first with conventional weapons if we recognize a threat. However, I would not want to use a Nuke unless we were attacked first with one of them or we knew 100% for sure we were about to be attacked by one of them. The new ABL Laser could be used to shoot down a Nuke missile in its boost phase and would give the Pres. some options.

Nukes are a last and terrible resort.

05-30-2006, 02:06 PM
Why did we spend all those billions on these things anyway. :hmmm:

Deterrence. You win if you don't use them. It keeps the nut jobs honest. They know they're there.