View Full Version : Fandom Has its Price

01-07-2007, 12:54 PM
I wrote this last night for my CultivateGreatness.com (http://cultivategreatness.com/2007/01/06/why-am-i-hopeful-come-to-expect-success) blog... I feel we love sports even though we have no control over the outcome...


Fandom has its price. Only one team wins each year in a given sport… so, 1/32 or whatever, is pretty slim that your team is gonna win. But, you know what? This is out of your control. And I think you have to separate yourself away from the outcome. We can only control, what we can control… so concentrate on becoming the best that you can be, and expect the best.

As a Kansas City Chiefs fan, I find myself always optimistic leading up to the games… then halfway through, you just feel it slipping away. This whole situation is something that is out of my control?

There are only a few things that you can control in your life. So, you better take care of those.

Take care of your body. And you won’t need to be hopeful of good health. You can expect it, because you have prepared for it. You work out consistently.

Take care of your relationships by putting effort into the relationships you have, so you don’t have to hope that other people love you. They love you, and they know you love them. Come to expect success in your personal life.

Come to expect success in your life and everything you do, because you are constantly preparing for it.

Believe in yourself, and make yourself the best YOU that you can be. Don’t worry about the Jone’s in the world. Come to expect success.

Do the necessary steps to insure your success. Don’t hope things might happen. Demand it out of yourself to MAKE it Happen.

Now, when dealing with your sports teams. I know its tough, it certainly is for me… but you have to detach yourself from the outcomes of things that you can’t control. Even if it almost makes you cry. All you can control, is all that you can control. So, concern yourself with those things.

Seriously, as much as the Kansas City Chiefs, the Kansas Jayhawks, and the Kansas City Royals let me down and ‘Break my Heart’… and sure, it’s disappointing… but, we can’t control these things. So, control the things you can… and come to expect success.

Come to EXPECT Success.

Heh. This was tough to write, as I sit and watch the Colts beat the Chiefs in playoffs for the 3rd time in the past 11 years. Man. But I realized, hey, I can’t control this. What I do has absolutely NO bearing on the outcome of the game. Nothing. I can sit and watch poor performance, and poor play calling… but what can I do? Nothing. I can only sit in pain and misery. So, separate yourself from your fandom.

And concern yourself with things that better your life.

Come to EXPECT SUCCESS. Go get it.

01-07-2007, 12:59 PM
the chiefs home success has nothing to do with the fans. We don't matter

Hammock Parties
01-07-2007, 01:00 PM
This cheese dip is excellent.

01-07-2007, 01:06 PM
the chiefs home success has nothing to do with the fans. We don't matter

Its not that we don't matter... we really don't have any control over what goes on, on the field.

Since, we have no control over... its best to minimalize the amount of concern we place on sporting events... and control what we can.

01-07-2007, 01:13 PM
I get what you're saying, Ari. Yesterday afternoon, I was wondering if all those Sunday afternoons away from my wife and kids because I was glued to the tube were worth it.
It is if I don't let it define me.

It's entertainment. Like gambling. I go to Vegas a lot. If I'd drop 500 or a grand there I used to get all worked up and angry. Until I started treating Vegas like a regular vacation. We hang out at the pool. We shop. We eat good meals. And if I drop 500 or a grand? Hey, that was part of the entertainment. Coming away with money doesn't define the vacation. That's what I had budgeted to play with and was prepared to lose, if luck goes that way.

WTF does this have to do with being a fan of the Chiefs?

Not sure, just trying to cope. We had friends, who, I asked they wanted to come over and watch some games. The husband said, "I can't watch football with anyone in the room. I get too wrapped up in the game, I get too mad."

I got that way a little bit this year. I think we're all mad because we feel like Herm or Soalri are taking our beloved team, which ACTUALLY HAD A CHANCE and screwed it up with bad decisions.

01-07-2007, 01:23 PM
That is part of it, for sure... Tiny E, and it looks like you got a good way to handle things. Some people allow things they don't have any control over, consume them.

Man, sports has a way of making you look at things from a different angle.

Being a fan of mediocre midwest teams, we really need to disassociate ourselves from the outcome... Our teams suck... I've come to be okay with that.

Yesterday, I was a bit pissed, but then, I separated myself from it... and all was good.

But it sure would have been nice to beat the ****ing Colts in their house. **** Peyton Mangina.