View Full Version : A New Doctor?

03-09-2007, 01:05 AM
So I went to a doctor two weeks ago for a problem I was having, got treated for it only to get my results back as nothing. He said it could be a UTI or a prostate infection. I took cipro for 7 days, thought it was all cleared up until it started back up this morning. I didn't have any pain for close to two weeks. I called him up and told him what was going on, he told me it could be prostitis (sp) or just a bladder infection. He gave me a prescription of septra (cipro could have givin me plenty of chances to start a poop thread) for 30 days. My mother told me this doctor is an idiot and should go somewhere else if it doesn't go away. Any body ever had prostitis? The doctor I go to is free cause I'm a student. What do you guys think?

Hammock Parties
03-09-2007, 01:12 AM
Doctors are for pussies. Skip, what do you think?

03-09-2007, 01:34 AM
So I went to a doctor two weeks ago for a problem I was having, got treated for it only to get my results back as nothing. He said it could be a UTI or a prostate infection. I took cipro for 7 days, thought it was all cleared up until it started back up this morning. I didn't have any pain for close to two weeks. I called him up and told him what was going on, he told me it could be prostitis (sp) or just a bladder infection. He gave me a prescription of septra (cipro could have givin me plenty of chances to start a poop thread) for 30 days. My mother told me this doctor is an idiot and should go somewhere else if it doesn't go away. Any body ever had prostitis? The doctor I go to is free cause I'm a student. What do you guys think?

Dude, you should go to a REAL doctor, asap. That is absolutely, unequivacably the last gland you want to be horsing around with. I know it will cost you some dough (unless you're still covered by your parent's insurance, and you should be until age 23), but GO. Campus doctors (unless you're at UCLA, Stanford, Harvard, Georgetown, etc.) are quacks.

Don't ignore the signs.

03-09-2007, 01:43 AM
This probably won't help at all.

03-09-2007, 01:49 AM
Campus doctors are fine for minor things but I don't think I would trust them for anything more. Look for another doctor.

03-09-2007, 03:18 AM

Mile High Mania
03-09-2007, 07:36 AM
You need another doctor.

03-09-2007, 08:19 AM
Get it checked out soon, you never know....

03-09-2007, 08:32 AM
Definitely get a second opinion.

03-09-2007, 09:34 AM
Seems like a little penicillin or zithromax is in your future (which is the least of your worries).

Skip Towne
03-09-2007, 09:39 AM
As I've been saying for years, if everybody acted like me there would only be three doctors in the U.S.

03-09-2007, 10:14 AM
Let me tell you about the last week and then you can answer your own question.

Sunday my BIL went to the emergency room because he had what he thought was a boil on his crotch and it had suddenly become badly swollen. They did surgery at the emergency room because it was abscessed. Cleaned it out, packed it, gave him painkillers and anitbiotics and sent him home. Tuesday morning his shit is so swollen you couldn't see his penis any longer. Back to the emergency room where he is sent by ambulance to Universtity Hospital at Columbia. They take a look and start prepping an operating room then tell his mother (who in turn calls my wife) that they don't honestly expect him to survivie the surgery. Turns out he now has 2 different infections and a flesh eating bacteria combined with a blood sugar level of like 235 because he's an undiagnosed diabetic. They removed over 20lbs of infection and dead flesh and one of his testicles in the first operation.

They went in again yesterday and found a little more infection but apparently not enough to cause a lot of alarm. It looks like he's going to pull through everything but he's still in ICU so things can change quickly. They asked the Docs that did the surgery what started it and they said it was as likely as not an infected hair follicle.

He's 37 so not an old guy by any means. Not in the best of shape but not so bad that he woke up Tuesday thinking that he could die before the day was out.

So now you can ask yourself if you still wonder if you should see someone else.

Personally, I'm going along with everyone else here and suggest you find another doctor for another opinion.

03-09-2007, 10:19 AM

Hammock Parties
03-09-2007, 10:21 AM
How do people even GET flesh-eating bacteria?

03-09-2007, 10:38 AM
Thanks for the opinions, I haven't had any pain going to the bathroom since yesterday evening. I've been drinking a lot of water and cranberry juice. This doctor said if it doesn't feel better by Monday to come in. Even if it does feel better, would you guys go in anyways, just to make sure? If I do I'm going to my hometown doctor. I'm glad I'm still on my dads insurence.

03-09-2007, 10:43 AM
The one thing I've learned in this thread is that men aren't supposed to trim their pubes. Yikes, an ingrown pube that causes you to lose a testicle and have 20lbs of infection???

03-09-2007, 10:53 AM
How do people even GET flesh-eating bacteria?

I have no clue how they get them. I asked the same question but none of them (her family) can answer it.

We've surely got a doctor lurking on cp somewhere.... field this one for us, Doc.

03-09-2007, 10:55 AM
I'll be sure to tell my g/f that story the next time she chokes on a pube

03-09-2007, 10:57 AM
Jebus crust, that story made me faint twice just reading it...

03-11-2007, 11:58 PM
Update: I've been taking Septra since Thursday. It hasn't helped at all. It has made me completely stop pooping. Not even laxitives are working, gonna try milk of magnesia tomorrow. I think I should stop taking Septra cause it doesn't seem to be helping and maybe it will allow me to go to the bathroom? I'm going to a new doctor Tuesday after class. I guess if he doesn't know what to do, it's off to a urologist. Kind of want to go to one anyways. It seems that the 7 days of cipro I took cleared up most of it but alittle bit was left in there and it just seemed to come right back after the medicine cleared my system.

03-12-2007, 03:03 AM
Don't just "stop" taking your medicine. Consult a doctor first.

Are you eating enough fiber?

03-12-2007, 06:19 AM
Lots of young guys can get mild swelling of the prostate due to bacterial infections or by having sex with a steady g-friend regularly and then after a break up and you don't so regularly and the result can cause a swelling in your prostate as well. I had a mild swelling there a few years back in my 20's. Doc put me on two, two week cycles of some horsepill (white oval shaped don't remember the name). The first two weeks helped but then it came back. Doc said that it is easy for bacteria to hide in the prostate as the gland looks like a walnut with little grooves and folds in it where the bacteria can hide. He gave me another round of the same stuff and it cleared up and went away. He told me to quit drinking coffee and caffeine in general and to quit taking Sudafed for my allergies as I was ingesting too much of both and that could of contributed to the problem. Getting a steady girl helps too. You may have something else but don't worry about minor swelling as it can be taken care of. As you get a bit older keep away from too much coffee and other stimulants. For some reason they can cause swellling there when used over extended periods of time. I agree with the other guys, go to a good doctor. Hope you enjoy the jelly finger cause your going to get one.

03-12-2007, 06:24 AM
Update: I've been taking Septra since Thursday. It hasn't helped at all. It has made me completely stop pooping. Not even laxitives are working, gonna try milk of magnesia tomorrow. I think I should stop taking Septra cause it doesn't seem to be helping and maybe it will allow me to go to the bathroom? I'm going to a new doctor Tuesday after class. I guess if he doesn't know what to do, it's off to a urologist. Kind of want to go to one anyways. It seems that the 7 days of cipro I took cleared up most of it but alittle bit was left in there and it just seemed to come right back after the medicine cleared my system.

If you're backed up try hot decaf green tea in the morning (the hot water will relax your digestive tract) and have a bowl of all-bran every day. Stay away from laxatives. They screw up peristolsis and can actually cause you more problems over time. Staying hydrated is extremely important too like the other guys have said. 8 big glasses of water a day standard. More if you work out and sweat lot.

03-12-2007, 06:23 PM
Well, the pain today was the worse I've ever experienced. I had problems standing up because of the pain. I took myself to the emergency room. Took my urine sample again (the first time, three weeks ago, the sample came back clean) this time there was a lot of blood in there. The doctor said I have a bad UTI and a possible kidney stone. I have to go in tomorrow for a cat scan. If that comes up with no kidney stones they are sending me to a urologist. I hope it's not a kidney stone, I do not want to pass one of those.

03-12-2007, 06:26 PM
I hope you have life insurance.

03-12-2007, 06:31 PM
Well, the pain today was the worse I've ever experienced. I had problems standing up because of the pain. I took myself to the emergency room. Took my urine sample again (the first time, three weeks ago, the sample came back clean) this time there was a lot of blood in there. The doctor said I have a bad UTI and a possible kidney stone. I have to go in tomorrow for a cat scan. If that comes up with no kidney stones they are sending me to a urologist. I hope it's not a kidney stone, I do not want to pass one of those.

Just think of the endorphins as free drugs.

Skip Towne
03-12-2007, 06:56 PM
Do you need for me to come kick the shit out of you? Just wanting to help.

03-13-2007, 08:57 PM
Do you need for me to come kick the shit out of you? Just wanting to help.

If it would clear up my problems, I'd be ok with you doing that. A few bruises wouldn't hurt near as much.

The cat scan came up negative for stones so I am going to a urologist tomorrow in Enid. My luck the doctor is going to have fat stubby fingers.

03-13-2007, 09:02 PM
Sounds like you've got the bullhead clap.

You might want to track down the source.

03-13-2007, 09:09 PM
Flesh eating bacteria on the man gland......un-diagnosed source.

...and you're sticking your pickle a branch of the same genetic source?

Chuck Norris shudders at the bravery.

I have no clue how they get them. I asked the same question but none of them (her family) can answer it.

We've surely got a doctor lurking on cp somewhere.... field this one for us, Doc.

Story still has me shuddering. No way I'm showing the doc the small lump on my upper leg now.

03-13-2007, 09:12 PM
Sounds like you've got the bullhead clap.

You might want to track down the source.

I was tested for the clap three weeks ago and so was my fiance we came up clean. That's what they thought it was at first.

03-13-2007, 09:14 PM
Did you punch her before the test results came back, or did she slap you and ask you about your spring break in tiajuana?

Did you think they stabbed a wire brush into the wrist?