View Full Version : Our O Responds Better When We Attack...

10-01-2007, 02:10 PM
Amazing as I was watching some of the Cowboys game yesterday they were talking about how much more the team has responded to this new head coach and his attack style O compared to Parcells slightly more conservative.

Then you watch our game and you really have to say the same thing is sorts. When we start attacking our pass blocking is pretty damn solid, TG and Bowe are making all world catches, wilson had a great catch and run yesterday.

It just seems like we get such an attitude change when we descide we are going to attack. Even our run blocking starts looking better cause we are blocking 7 or 8 guys instead of 9 or 10.

I hope Herm gets this.

10-01-2007, 02:41 PM
but it was the Lambs they were toasting.

10-01-2007, 03:12 PM
I believe Edwards is stubborn, but not stupid.

They just beat the Chargers on the road with an attack-style offense. I believe they'll stick with this philosophy except in games where our advantage is running the ball.