View Full Version : Cool Beans Baby : More surgery , Yeah Baby......

03-14-2008, 12:44 PM
This time I am happy too. For those who don't know, I have had tubes inside of me for 2 months with my kidney issues. They have been extremely painful and each day I have had pain. Taking a piss almost makes you scream...... the stinging effect is horrible.

But the heart doctor said I was far enough along to take me off the blood thinners for 1 week to get the damn tubes out and stones broken up. PBJ This makes me happy as a lark. I'll settle as a happy :KU: . :D

FTR, I wish that no one ever has to have tubes in both kidneys to the bladder with stones to big to pass as I have had after this heart attack.

03-14-2008, 12:49 PM
Taking a piss almost makes you scream...... the stinging effect is horrible.

sounds a lot like the bullhead-clapp.
good luck w/the surgery.

03-14-2008, 12:50 PM
Never had that, but I hear that I will piss sand pebbles for a week........:shake: A week is better than the next 6-8 months I thought I was waiting for . :D

03-14-2008, 01:03 PM
Damn, I was bleeding for 55 days after the damn tubes went in..... just stopped a few days ago.

Rain Man
03-14-2008, 01:06 PM
You kids and your crazy fads. I have no idea why you do this stuff.

Glad you're on the mend.

Mr. Kotter
03-14-2008, 01:33 PM
Hang in there, Roy. Glad things are looking up. :toast:

03-14-2008, 01:38 PM
Drink lots-o-water!! Keep them kidney's flushed out! Good luck, hope everything comes out ok ;)

03-14-2008, 01:41 PM
Good luck big ROYC.

Duck Dog
03-14-2008, 02:37 PM
Good luck, Man.

03-14-2008, 02:45 PM
Good luck, dude!

03-14-2008, 03:04 PM
I'm sure all will be OK, I'm thrilled to get these damn things out. The tubes are painful, coming out will be painful, they are going to knock me out for that part. Those damn things at spiraled up in a pigtail on each end, that's too much activity on my little buddy down there and be awake. :shake:

03-14-2008, 03:10 PM
I had to experience the tube for 3 days when I was in the hospital for the heart thing. I don't envy you ROYC.

03-14-2008, 03:16 PM
Normally I'd recommend whiskey......... but....

03-14-2008, 04:48 PM
Hey Roy It's been a wile since we touched base hope everything goes well we both have went through to much. I went through a little setback lately you know my story but here is my latest I developed osteoporosis in my legs because I don't use them and last august I dropped my hat leaned over to pick it up and my femur shattered into 13 pieces they put a plate in and its been 6 1/2 months and it is healing but not very well I still have to be careful, I not one to complain, we are both still here. I often wonder when ever I see you post how you and your family are, hope everything goes well

03-14-2008, 05:00 PM
Lithotripsy isn't that bad, take another 'hit' every time they offer you more pain meds, trust me. Passing a whole bunch of broken kidney stones and 'gravel'...well, better you and any number of KU fans than me.

If you can drink it, Crystal Light diet lemonade (and store-brand clones) contains a lot of potassium citrate. Drink all you can stand, it helps dissolve/prevent kidney stones.

03-14-2008, 05:02 PM
Good luck Roy... you're a tougher dude than I am...

03-14-2008, 06:18 PM
Hey Roy It's been a wile since we touched base hope everything goes well we both have went through to much. I went through a little setback lately you know my story but here is my latest I developed osteoporosis in my legs because I don't use them and last august I dropped my hat leaned over to pick it up and my femur shattered into 13 pieces they put a plate in and its been 6 1/2 months and it is healing but not very well I still have to be careful, I not one to complain, we are both still here. I often wonder when ever I see you post how you and your family are, hope everything goes well

WOW, sad to hear this, I'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Of all the people on this BB, I do feel you are the one that has been thru the most pain and suffering. God Bless you !

03-14-2008, 07:03 PM
Yikes man! Good luck with that. And I thought having my appendix rupture was a ****ed up deal. Seriously, hope you get past this quickly.

03-14-2008, 07:07 PM
Hey Roy It's been a wile since we touched base hope everything goes well we both have went through to much. I went through a little setback lately you know my story but here is my latest I developed osteoporosis in my legs because I don't use them and last august I dropped my hat leaned over to pick it up and my femur shattered into 13 pieces they put a plate in and its been 6 1/2 months and it is healing but not very well I still have to be careful, I not one to complain, we are both still here. I often wonder when ever I see you post how you and your family are, hope everything goes well

Damn! I broke my leg a little over a month ago snow boarding "spiral fracter" and it still kind of hurts when I try shifting my weight from side to side. 13 places? Wow man, I'm really sorry to hear that.

03-14-2008, 07:13 PM
I had to experience the tube for 3 days when I was in the hospital for the heart thing. I don't envy you ROYC.

He said his Tubes Ache Frankie....not that he was hungry for tubesteak.

Easy 6
03-14-2008, 07:51 PM
Keep your chin up & concentrate on that light at the end of the tunnel.

Get well Roy.

03-14-2008, 08:15 PM
He said his Tubes Ache Frankie....not that he was hungry for tubesteak.

ROFL Damn buddy, you're on your game tonight.

FTR, 2 months of steady pain, 55 days of bleeding when I piss, 55 days of piss'n and shitting orange stuff as well ( medication ). Bending over feels like I am getting stabbed in the bladder and kidneys. Walking causes them to move as well, which hurts. The bleeding was caused by the blood thinners after theheart attack..... I can't even use a gazelle to exercise with.

I was so damn happy to hear that doc say I can get this done next month I grabbed my water botle and told him I needed a drink to celebrate. :D

03-14-2008, 08:58 PM
Congrats Roy

03-14-2008, 09:29 PM
Congrats Roy

ROFL Ya know, I have never wanted any kind of surgery before, but I am now.:)

03-14-2008, 11:13 PM
Good news Roy. Hope it goes well for you with many years of health to follow.


03-15-2008, 07:25 AM
thats what you get for being a Jayhawk fan.