View Full Version : MU Wlhat tle fluck ils flustrated?

the Talking Can
10-19-2008, 02:19 PM
clan wle flire hlis alss jlust flor slaying tlhat wlord??

Fire Me Boy!
10-19-2008, 02:20 PM
You can't talk to Herm about this type of thing.

He gets frustered.

10-19-2008, 02:21 PM
He's saying that he's frustrated, but the fact that he still has a job keeps a bounce in his step like flubber.

Hence he's flustrated.

10-19-2008, 02:27 PM
It's how you feel after watching the Chiefs play.
Herm doesn't cuss so he say Fluck. So basically he is saying it's flucking frustrating.

Hence Flustrated.

10-19-2008, 02:34 PM
LOL! You must look in the Urban Dictionary for the definition.


1. flustrated 31 up, 8 down love ithate it

1) To become frustrated and flustered at the same time cauz you cant get what you want 2) to be like Neil
Neil: Oh shit, I've become flustrated cauz Sarah wont go out with me.
by Kapps Feb 27, 2003 share this add comment
2. flustrated 12 up, 5 down love ithate it

frustrated and flustered, used by Oswego County rubes
My husband got me so flustrated when he refused to hang the pictures.
by Susan English Sep 26, 2004 share this add comment
3. flustrated 5 up, 2 down love ithate it

the combination of being flustered and frustrated at the same time.
If one is aggravated over something and also stressed at the same time, this would be flustration. Also, if a person of the opposite gender flusters someone, making them kind of go crazy, and also causes one to be angry at them, it would be flustration.
Delilah became very flustrated because Scotty made her feel very flustered, but aggravated her a ton at the same time. he drove her crazy, in both good and bad ways.