View Full Version : Poop "PICS" Would you rather? **Fight a shark or Fight a lion....till the death"

God of Thunder
07-08-2011, 07:40 AM

5' Pool of Water (sorry boypussy)
20' x 20' enclosure
2' Club with spikes on end



20'x20' enclosure
same weapon as above

Fight to the Death. Both Animals are hungry and provoked.


Dave Lane
07-08-2011, 07:42 AM
Lion at least I'm in my element

07-08-2011, 07:43 AM
I'll take the lion. I'll probably still get eaten but at least the land is my natural environment also. In the water I'm a sitting duck.

07-08-2011, 07:43 AM
Lion at least I'm in my element

This. I wear contacts so if I get water in my eyes fighting a shark I'm toast.

Sofa King
07-08-2011, 07:45 AM
I'm faster than Michael Phelps in the water and Usain Bolt on land. Either one would tire out before they catch me.

07-08-2011, 07:45 AM
I'd take on the lion. Good luck with the club of doom, if you have to swing it under water. In either case, one is likey to be taking a dirt nap.

07-08-2011, 07:47 AM
With the lion I might have a slim chance going at the throat or eyes, in some clumsy manner

Edit: Wooo I get a weapon too

07-08-2011, 07:48 AM
Im going to go with the Lion because I will sneak in a flask full of antifreeze and take the easy win.

07-08-2011, 07:48 AM
Easy< I'll take the shark. Provoked or not, one stick in the nose with the spiked club and he stays on the other side of the pool, but not the lion.

07-08-2011, 07:51 AM
I would think a shark might be happy with just taking part of a limb and leaving, probably not the lion.

Sofa King
07-08-2011, 07:56 AM
I'd bite the shark.

07-08-2011, 08:13 AM
Lion at least I'm in my element


07-08-2011, 08:26 AM
Shark. You're in a spot where you can see it coming. They don't have a lot of fancy moves, they pretty much just swim right at you and open their mouths. I can defend against that. A lion bouncing around with claws swinging from either side and all of that weight and strength would be damn near impossible to beat.

07-08-2011, 08:39 AM
Shark. I am hoping the punch them in the nose trick works.

Johnny Vegas
07-08-2011, 08:39 AM
the shark. because anyone knows that if you press on the sharks nose you block its sensors making it docile.

07-08-2011, 08:41 AM
Perhaps we should hold a "Wild Kingdom: Battle To The Death Tournament" or has that one already been done?

07-08-2011, 08:47 AM

I'll be the first man on earth to spear a shark with a lion's reproductive organ.

As it pierces the Shark's heart, I'll say "Mufassa!"

07-08-2011, 09:16 AM
Before I choose, I need to know if the frickin' shark has a frickin' laser beam attached to it's frickin' head.
Posted via Mobile Device

The Franchise
07-08-2011, 09:54 AM
The shark.

I may not be able to swing the weapon....but I can at least stick it in front of me when it's swimming at me.

A lion is just going to fuck your world up from all angles.

07-08-2011, 10:17 AM
Just how buoyant is that little club? That's the determining factor, for sure.

07-08-2011, 10:37 AM
"...till the death"
How the fuck are you going to kill the shark?

07-08-2011, 10:46 AM
"...till the death"
How the **** are you going to kill the shark?

Air tank and rifle.

MeaTy The Pimp
07-08-2011, 11:03 AM
Is the 2' club with spikes on it dripping anti-freeze or any thing like that? Or has it been blessed by the second coming of Rich Scanlon or anything else like that?

07-08-2011, 11:08 AM
Shark. Nose trick. Thanks Discovery Channel!

And how big is the shark, btw? Can I latch onto its back and wrestle/ride it?

Like others have said, the Shark is just gonna rush you with it's mouth wide open. You could possibly time your swing right and put your spiked club right through its dome piece.

Hammock Parties
07-08-2011, 11:14 AM

You got this from OT

07-08-2011, 11:36 AM
A shark. On land.

07-08-2011, 11:39 AM

You got this from OT