View Full Version : Misc GeoGuessr - Get Lost

06-02-2013, 11:49 AM

The premise is simple: you are randomly dropped somewhere on the earth, and you have to use Google street view to figure out where you are.

I found this on Reddit and thought there would be plenty of people here who would enjoy it. It's surprisingly fun and addictive.

What's your high score? Mine's 14,235.

Baby Lee
06-02-2013, 12:15 PM
Motherfucker!! Of all things, I got a scene where it was LITERALLY nothing but an empty stretch of semi-treelined 2 lane blacktop. Horizon to horizon with no buildings, intersections, hills or anything. But it reminded me of some drives I've had to make in Mid-south Rural Illinois.

Turns out it was just north of Springfield. Off by 80-odd miles.

Sheer coincidence.

Lest some might suspect me to be humble bragging, I was WAY off in my other forays. Put a scene from middle Canada in Louisiana, and a scene on an island off the coast of Moracco in Brazil.

06-02-2013, 12:24 PM
Very addicting.

So far my best score is 14,030.

06-02-2013, 12:26 PM
Mother****er!! Of all things, I got a scene where it was LITERALLY nothing but an empty stretch of semi-treelined 2 lane blacktop. Horizon to horizon with no buildings, intersections, hills or anything. But it reminded me of some drives I've had to make in Mid-south Rural Illinois.

Turns out it was just north of Springfield. Off by 80-odd miles.

Sheer coincidence.

Lest some might suspect me to be humble bragging, I was WAY off in my other forays. Put a scene from middle Canada in Louisiana, and a scene on an island off the coast of Moracco in Brazil.

I got one of those, except mine was northern minnesota

06-02-2013, 12:38 PM
These Canadian ones are killing me.

06-02-2013, 12:47 PM
I just got one on some little tiny island around taiwan. it put me on this really long bridge that took forever to get to anything remotely close lol

Bob Dole
06-02-2013, 12:57 PM
Bob Dole is pretty decent at getting close to the correct latitude. Beyond that, though...

Rain Man
06-02-2013, 01:08 PM
This is awesome.

11,033 on my first run. I ended up with two locations in southern Brazil that hurt, but I pretty much nailed one in southern China.

Rain Man
06-02-2013, 01:29 PM
16,556. Beat that, anyone.

I'll admit that I got really lucky on one of them. It dumped me in Milwaukee right in front of the Milwaukee public market. But the others were all pretty hard, and that last one in Norway was really tough. I was sure I was in California or maybe Oregon until I finally saw a road sign that looked odd.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTY1NTYsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw0MC4yODg3NjcsLTEwNy4xNzgwNDEwMDAwMDAwM Sw0My4yNjEyMDYxMjQ3OTk3OSwtMTA5LjE2MDE1NjI1LDAsMCwyNTU3XSxbMiw0Mi44MDcyMzksMTAuMTk2MDIwOTk5OTk5OTczL DQwLjU4MDU4NDY2NDEyNzY0LDAuNTI3MzQzNzUsMCwwLDIyNDFdLFszLDQzLjAzNDc0NCwtODcuOTEwODc1MDAwMDAwMDMsNDMuM DIwNzEzNTk0Mjc4NjIsLTg3LjkxMjU5NzY1NjI1LDAsMCw2MzQ4XSxbNCw0Ny40OTk0NDMsLTEwMi4yODY1NTYwMDAwMDAwMiw0N i41ODkwNjkwODMwOTE4MiwtOTkuOTk3NTU4NTkzNzUsMCwwLDI3OTJdLFs1LDY0LjI1MTUxNiwxMS4xMzg3NjQwMDAwMDAwMzcsN jEuNjA2Mzk2MzcxMzg2MjgsMTMuMzU5Mzc1LDAsMCwyNjE4XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlbmdlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiO m51bGx9

Rudy tossed tigger's salad
06-02-2013, 01:35 PM
Some of these roads need more road signs, dammit. I've must have gone miles on this one road

Baby Lee
06-02-2013, 01:37 PM
15,584 - Got one within 3.8 Km. All in the right country/state.

Hardest was somewhere INDOORS, it was like a a corridor of a museum that was under construction, all writing visible was in what turned out to be Japanese. I picked the wrong part of Japan, but it was in Japan.

Lost on another b/c one clue suggested SK, Canada, and another strongly suggested Montreal, I went with the latter to mal results.

06-02-2013, 01:54 PM
16,556. Beat that, anyone.

I'll admit that I got really lucky on one of them. It dumped me in Milwaukee right in front of the Milwaukee public market. But the others were all pretty hard, and that last one in Norway was really tough. I was sure I was in California or maybe Oregon until I finally saw a road sign that looked odd.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTY1NTYsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw0MC4yODg3NjcsLTEwNy4xNzgwNDEwMDAwMDAwM Sw0My4yNjEyMDYxMjQ3OTk3OSwtMTA5LjE2MDE1NjI1LDAsMCwyNTU3XSxbMiw0Mi44MDcyMzksMTAuMTk2MDIwOTk5OTk5OTczL DQwLjU4MDU4NDY2NDEyNzY0LDAuNTI3MzQzNzUsMCwwLDIyNDFdLFszLDQzLjAzNDc0NCwtODcuOTEwODc1MDAwMDAwMDMsNDMuM DIwNzEzNTk0Mjc4NjIsLTg3LjkxMjU5NzY1NjI1LDAsMCw2MzQ4XSxbNCw0Ny40OTk0NDMsLTEwMi4yODY1NTYwMDAwMDAwMiw0N i41ODkwNjkwODMwOTE4MiwtOTkuOTk3NTU4NTkzNzUsMCwwLDI3OTJdLFs1LDY0LjI1MTUxNiwxMS4xMzg3NjQwMDAwMDAwMzcsN jEuNjA2Mzk2MzcxMzg2MjgsMTMuMzU5Mzc1LDAsMCwyNjE4XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlbmdlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiO m51bGx9


I got lucky though. It gave me the entrance to the Valley of Fire. I knew where it was to within 2 km.

06-02-2013, 01:55 PM
Looking for clues makes it easier~

Just guessed 2 km away from the spot in Fairbanks AK :/ That alone was worth 6300 points. Still only ended up with about 12k and that's my highest one yet :(

Rain Man
06-02-2013, 02:13 PM

I got lucky though. It gave me the entrance to the Valley of Fire. I knew where it was to within 2 km.

Nice guess on northern Brazil. What made you think north instead of south?

06-02-2013, 02:16 PM


06-02-2013, 02:19 PM
8934 on first try.

Three of my places were in Canada, which I could recognize. I always plotted down in southernish Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and it turns out they were all in the far north of those provinces. Threw me off completely.

06-02-2013, 02:21 PM

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjE2NjAsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw1NS4xMzk4NywzNy40NTA5OTQwMDAwMDAwNCw1N S43MzkwOTUxNDUxMTU1ODQsMzcuNjUyNTQ5NzQzNjUyMzQ0LDAsMCwzNjE5XSxbMiw1Ni42Mjg0NDIsNDcuODk5MDg2MDAwMDAwM DEsNTMuNjk2NzA2NDc1MzAzMjMsMzMuMjIyNjU2MjUsMCwwLDIxODVdLFszLDQxLjM4NDc5NCwyMy4zNjIxOTcwMDAwMDAwMzcsN DIuNDg4MzAxOTc5NjAyMjQsMjMuMjAzMTI1LDAsMCwzMDUyXSxbNCwtMTUuODUwMTE0LC00OC45NTc3OTgwMDAwMDAwMjUsLTE1L jg0Nzc0NzEwNjA5MjA2MSwtNDguOTUyMzMxNTQyOTY4NzUsMCwwLDY0MjVdLFs1LDQ3LjY3MzczLC02OC45OTM3MzYwMDAwMDAwM Sw0Ny42Njk3ODAyMzQ5NzYxOCwtNjguOTc4ODYyNzYyNDUxMTcsMCwwLDYzNzldXSwiaXNDaGFsbGVuZ2UiOmZhbHNlLCJjaGFsb GVuZ2VTY29yZSI6bnVsbH0%3D

06-02-2013, 02:24 PM
Fun game. I'm terrible at it so far though. I'm not really traveling very far along the roads and just trying to wing it though. Most impressive thing I've done is one time it dropped me in a rural field full of sheep. I went a couple miles up and the road and blindly guessed somewhere in Denmark and was right... at least a couple hundred km away.

06-02-2013, 02:27 PM
1st location: Your guess was 2047.184 km from the correct location and gave 1944 points.

2nd location: Your guess was 457.19 km from the correct location and gave 2474 points.

3rd location: Your guess was 962.958 km from the correct location and gave 2193 points.

4th location: Your guess was 789.12 km from the correct location and gave 2264 points.

5th location: Your guess was 5998.518 km from the correct location and gave 1269 points.

Game finished!

You got 10144 points in total.

I had no idea where the hell I was on that last one. Couldn't even guess the continent.

06-02-2013, 02:44 PM
Nice guess on northern Brazil. What made you think north instead of south?

I found a sign on a tourist shop and hunted the map until I found the town name.

06-02-2013, 03:01 PM
Also, if you see any billboards with a web address, the domain suffix can be a dead giveaway.

06-02-2013, 03:03 PM
I'm trying to break 15,000 without moving the street view along the road ever. It's not going well.

Baby Lee
06-02-2013, 03:04 PM
25911 Biznitches. First one, I got within .5 Km, but then it took forever to a) confirm, and b) refine my suspicions that I was on the effing Alaska Pipeline Highway. There is nothing but dirty snowy pavement going on forever and Peterbilts every 5 miles or so up there. NOTHING!! Even when I knew almost exactly where I was, the map didn't have enough detail to let me pick it precisely, ended up 80 Km off, by far my biggest error.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjU5MTEsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwtMi41MjgyMjQsLTQ0LjMwNzY2Mjk5OTk5OTk5L C0yLjUzMzUzOTYxODA0NzQwMjQsLTQ0LjMwNzEzMTc2NzI3Mjk1LDAsMCw2NDI5XSxbMiw2OS4zMzc4OTMsLTE0OC43MzEwNiw3M C4wNTgwOTE4NTM3MTk1NywtMTQ4LjU5MDA4Nzg5MDYyNSwwLDAsMzQzMF0sWzMsLTIxLjMyMDE4LDE0OS4yMzA4Mzc5OTk5OTk5N SwtMjIuMDY1Mjc4MDY3NzY1ODIsMTQ4Ljk5MTA4ODg2NzE4NzUsMCwwLDMzNTRdLFs0LC0xNS40NTA1NTUsMTI4LjExOTA5NywtM TUuNDUxMTk4MzgyMDQzODM2LDEyOC4xMDM4NDc1MDM2NjIxLDAsMCw2MzQyXSxbNSwzNi4wMTQwMjcsLTk1LjYzNjUyOCwzNi4wM DIyNDMyNDYyOTA1OSwtOTUuNjI5MDM0MDQyMzU4NCwwLDAsNjM1Nl1dLCJpc0NoYWxsZW5nZSI6ZmFsc2UsImNoYWxsZW5nZVNjb 3JlIjpudWxsfQ%3D%3D

Rudy tossed tigger's salad
06-02-2013, 03:04 PM
I'm cheating a ton and still I missed one within the country by a large margin. Got up to 18,152. This could help my geography.

06-02-2013, 03:08 PM
Like the game isn't hard enough with out car licenses plates being blurred out.....

Mr. Wizard
06-02-2013, 03:14 PM
Game finished!

You got 11830 points in total.

06-02-2013, 03:25 PM

Rudy tossed tigger's salad
06-02-2013, 03:59 PM
FUCK MEAD, NEBRASKA! ruined my score. Stuck in that Podunk shithole and found nothing but old houses and a city-building parking lot (not labeled). Not one junker car could have had a Cornhusker N somewhere on it? Finally gave up and picked somewhere in Ohio.


06-02-2013, 04:33 PM
Anyone been dropped in the middle of a dead, flat grassland on a gravel road? This is crap.

06-02-2013, 05:08 PM
http://geoguessr.com/?s=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MCwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwicm91bmRzIjpbWyJyb3VuZCIsImxhdCIsImxuZyIsImdMYXQiLCJnTG5nI l0sDQpbMSwzOS4wNDgzNzcsLTk0LjQ4Mzc0OCwzOS4wNDgzNzcsLTk0LjQ4Mzc0OF0sDQpbMiwzNi4wNjA3OTYsLTExMi4xMzk2N TEsMzYuMDYwNzk2LC0xMTIuMTM5NjUxXSwNClszLDI4LjIyNjk3LC0xNjkuMDEzNjcyLDI4LjIyNjk3LC0xNjkuMDEzNjcyXSwNC ls0LDQzLjE2NTEyMywxNTEuMjU5NzY2LDQzLjE2NTEyMywxNTEuMjU5NzY2XSwNCls1LDMyLjY0NzI1NywtMTYuOTA1MzU5LDMyL jY0NzI1NywtMTYuOTA1MzU5XV19

Baby Lee
06-02-2013, 06:06 PM
29187 - and two were in Russia.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjkxODcsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw1NS43OTg4NzIsNDkuMTA0Mzk1MDAwMDAwMDcsN TUuNzk4NTczMjcxNDI4NTgsNDkuMTA2MzExNzk4MDk1NywwLDAsNjQ2OV0sWzIsMjkuNDA5NzExLC0xMDMuMTM5ODAxMDAwMDAwM DMsMjkuMjQyMDcyMDAwMzU3MjI2LC0xMDMuMDkxNTgzMjUxOTUzMTIsMCwwLDUxNjldLFszLDM2LjMwNTM1MiwtMTA0LjE4ODM4O DAwMDAwMDAzLDM2LjMwMTg0NTMwMzY4NDM0NSwtMTA0LjE4ODg0Mjc3MzQzNzUsMCwwLDY0NDZdLFs0LDYwLjUxNzQ1MiwxMC4yN Tk2NjE5OTk5OTk5MzUsNjAuNzg4NzQ2MTE1MDcyMDcsMTAuMjU2MDgwNjI3NDQxNDA2LDAsMCw0NjUyXSxbNSw1Ni44NDQ1ODMsN jAuNjA5NjU3OTk5OTk5OTcsNTYuODQ3NTYzODY0MDI2NDQsNjAuNjA5MjExOTIxNjkxODk1LDAsMCw2NDUxXV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlb mdlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9

06-02-2013, 06:20 PM
Those are some pretty good scores. I just played it again and got this Japanese island that was around 1000 km southeast of the main islands. I'm glad I didn't spend 15 minutes on it because I never would've figured it out. It was in the general area of Iwo Jima.

06-02-2013, 06:31 PM
29187 - and two were in Russia.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjkxODcsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw1NS43OTg4NzIsNDkuMTA0Mzk1MDAwMDAwMDcsN TUuNzk4NTczMjcxNDI4NTgsNDkuMTA2MzExNzk4MDk1NywwLDAsNjQ2OV0sWzIsMjkuNDA5NzExLC0xMDMuMTM5ODAxMDAwMDAwM DMsMjkuMjQyMDcyMDAwMzU3MjI2LC0xMDMuMDkxNTgzMjUxOTUzMTIsMCwwLDUxNjldLFszLDM2LjMwNTM1MiwtMTA0LjE4ODM4O DAwMDAwMDAzLDM2LjMwMTg0NTMwMzY4NDM0NSwtMTA0LjE4ODg0Mjc3MzQzNzUsMCwwLDY0NDZdLFs0LDYwLjUxNzQ1MiwxMC4yN Tk2NjE5OTk5OTk5MzUsNjAuNzg4NzQ2MTE1MDcyMDcsMTAuMjU2MDgwNjI3NDQxNDA2LDAsMCw0NjUyXSxbNSw1Ni44NDQ1ODMsN jAuNjA5NjU3OTk5OTk5OTcsNTYuODQ3NTYzODY0MDI2NDQsNjAuNjA5MjExOTIxNjkxODk1LDAsMCw2NDUxXV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlb mdlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9
I have no fucking clue what to do when I get shit with signs in cyrillic. I'm pretty much guessing if it's a large or small city in Russia. Throwing a dart at a fucking board, pretty much.

16921 on my second try


Baby Lee
06-02-2013, 06:41 PM
Those are some pretty good scores. I just played it again and got this Japanese island that was around 1000 km southeast of the main islands. I'm glad I didn't spend 15 minutes on it because I never would've figured it out. It was in the general area of Iwo Jima.

The Russian ones were quite vexing, because there were a SHIT TON on landmarks, but everything was Cyrillic.

The first was a stone's throw from this


And google image search 'Kazan Russia' for a lot of unique, but totally unknown to me, nearby architecture.

The last one was in the upper right of this picture


The US ones, OTOH, were in the middle of BFE with nothing around. I went like 20 miles south to BARELY make out a reference to Rio Grande Village, first identifiable landmark. Then I went another 15 or so miles west in the other to find I-25, then had to scour I-25 for a while to find the referent intersection.

06-02-2013, 06:50 PM
I'm trying to break 15,000 without moving the street view along the road ever. It's not going well.

Damn. Just got 14,000. Not travelling to find road signs or landmarks is really hard.

Simply Red
06-02-2013, 06:53 PM
Mother****er!! Of all things, I got a scene where it was LITERALLY nothing but an empty stretch of semi-treelined 2 lane blacktop. Horizon to horizon with no buildings, intersections, hills or anything. But it reminded me of some drives I've had to make in Mid-south Rural Illinois.

Turns out it was just north of Springfield. Off by 80-odd miles.

Sheer coincidence.

Lest some might suspect me to be humble bragging, I was WAY off in my other forays. Put a scene from middle Canada in Louisiana, and a scene on an island off the coast of Moracco in Brazil.

I hammered Brazil twice, trouble is - it's enormous, so it's not some secret, hidden talent - or anything.

06-02-2013, 07:03 PM
Hahahaha, yesssssss. I did it without moving around at all. http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjA3NjQsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwxNi4zMzE3MSwtOTUuMjMzNTIyLDE2Ljc4MzUwN TU2MTkyNzc4MiwtOTYuNTI1ODc4OTA2MjUsMCwwLDI5NDRdLFsyLC0xMy44NjE1NTksLTQwLjA3NTA1ODAwMDAwMDAxLC0xMy44N jQ3NDcwNDYxNDIyODYsLTQwLjA3MjYzMTgzNTkzNzUsMCwwLDY0NDJdLFszLDQ3LjEzODMzNiwtMTE0LjA0MzI0OSw0Ny44NzIxN DM5Njg4ODczMSwtMTAyLjEyODkwNjI1LDAsMCwyMjE3XSxbNCw1Ny4yMTI3NjcsMjUuNTkyOTQ0OTk5OTk5OTg2LDU3LjEzNjIzO TMxOTE3NzQzNCwyOS45NzA3MDMxMjUsMCwwLDI2ODVdLFs1LDMyLjI5NzMyNiwtOTAuMTgyNDIyOTk5OTk5OTcsMzIuMjk3MzYyO TczNTgyNiwtOTAuMTgyODE5MzY2NDU1MDgsMCwwLDY0NzZdXSwiaXNDaGFsbGVuZ2UiOmZhbHNlLCJjaGFsbGVuZ2VTY29yZSI6b nVsbH0%3D

I got 20,000 based on two LUCKY guesses in Mexico and eastern Europe, one significant clue in the Brazil location, and (best of all) a scene I actually know in downtown Jackson, MS.

06-02-2013, 07:09 PM
I wonder what's with all the landmarks in Canada? And Japan too, really.

I understand that the geographically large countries are going to get more opportunities than others, but then I don't understand why China doesn't have a bunch of landmarks. That's a pretty shitmassive country too.

06-02-2013, 07:17 PM
I wonder what's with all the landmarks in Canada? And Japan too, really.

I understand that the geographically large countries are going to get more opportunities than others, but then I don't understand why China doesn't have a bunch of landmarks. That's a pretty shitmassive country too.

Go to Google Maps and try to enter street view in China. There's no data there at all.

(knowing what nations have Google Maps street view data and which don't is a lifesaver when it comes to this game)

big nasty kcnut
06-02-2013, 08:14 PM
21445 good game i love being a det. and figuring out where i was.

Pitt Gorilla
06-02-2013, 08:56 PM
I had one where I was literally out in a field. I couldn't move anywhere, except to rotate. From one perspective, you could literally see that it was a guy standing out in the middle of nowhere with a camera due to his shadow.

Start Croyle
06-02-2013, 09:16 PM
Sometimes you get bad luck and it puts you in some remote place that you really have no chance of getting. Other times, it's quite easy and you can track down the place you are at by name on the big map.

I got 18.2k on this one. (http://www.geoguessr.com/?s=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTgyNTIsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyJdLFsxLDM3LjM5ODIyMywtOTYuNjMyMDc4OTk5OTk5OTgsMzguODIyNTkwOTc2MTc3MSwtMTAxLjQyNTc4MTI1XSxbMiwyN C4zMzQ3NSwxMTYuMTEzNzksMjMuODA1NDQ5NjEyMzE0NjI1LDEyMC44NDk2MDkzNzVdLFszLDQzLjQ2MjE2MSwtMTA1LjMzMjk2M ywzOS4zNTEyOTAzNTUyNjcwNSwtOTkuODIxNzc3MzQzNzVdLFs0LC0yLjUyODIyNCwtNDQuMzA3NjYyOTk5OTk5OTksLTIuNTUzN Dc1NTkyOTQ3NjQ4NSwtNDQuMzE4ODQ3NjU2MjVdLFs1LDIxLjg3NjA2NiwtMTU5LjQ2Mjc4NSwyMi4xMjQ0NDY1MTM1MTY0MjUsL TE1OS40MzkwODY5MTQwNjI1XV19)

Start Croyle
06-02-2013, 09:18 PM
I had one where I was literally out in a field. I couldn't move anywhere, except to rotate. From one perspective, you could literally see that it was a guy standing out in the middle of nowhere with a camera due to his shadow.

I had that too. It was a 360 photo of a guy standing in what looked like a snowy sports field of a high school or small college. I guessed Michigan. It was Ukraine.

Baby Lee
06-02-2013, 09:18 PM
Over 30K

The last one was ROFL - Standing in front a big marquee for the Say When Casino. Marked me as 3M as is meters from the correct spot.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzA0OTEsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwzNi41Mjk0NDIsLTYuMjk0NjQwOTk5OTk5OTU2L DM2LjUzMzM5ODUzMDA5NjgxLC02LjI5MzM2MzU3MTE2Njk5MiwwLDAsNjQ0MV0sWzIsNjQuODU1NjUsLTE0Ny44MTY4NjgsNjQuO DU1MTU2MTQzMjI5NzYsLTE0Ny44MjA5MTYxNzU4NDIyOSwwLDAsNjQ2Ml0sWzMsMzIuMTY4OTczLC05Ni4zOTAxODI5OTk5OTk5O CwzMi4xNjg2Mzc5MjYzNTkxMSwtOTYuMjY0MjY2OTY3NzczNDQsMCwwLDU2MDBdLFs0LDQ1LjMzNTM3OCwtODMuNTk2MDAyLDQ1L jM1NzkzNTQxMDY3MjA4LC04My43NjMxOTg4NTI1MzkwNiwwLDAsNTUwOV0sWzUsNDEuOTk3NDEzLC0xMTcuNzE4NzM4MDAwMDAwM DMsNDEuOTk3NDU0Nzg5ODA3MDYsLTExNy43MTg2OTg5Nzg0MjQwNywwLDAsNjQ3OV1dLCJpc0NoYWxsZW5nZSI6ZmFsc2UsImNoY WxsZW5nZVNjb3JlIjpudWxsfQ%3D%3D

06-02-2013, 09:19 PM
I had one where I was literally out in a field. I couldn't move anywhere, except to rotate. From one perspective, you could literally see that it was a guy standing out in the middle of nowhere with a camera due to his shadow.

I had one that was the interior of a parking garage with snow on the ground. No readable signs. Couldn't go anywhere, just turn around.

Turns out it was located in northern Kazakhstan. Like I was going to guess that.

06-02-2013, 09:39 PM
WTF is this?? It dropped me right in the middle of a tennis match. LMAO I can't move.


06-02-2013, 09:52 PM
http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzIxNTQsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw1NS43OTg4NzIsNDkuMTA0Mzk1MDAwMDAwMDcsN TUuODA3NDU1NTEwODA2ODA0LDQ5LjExOTg3MzA0Njg3NSwwLDAsNjM2NV0sWzIsNTIuMzExMDg5LDAuMjkwMjQxMDAwMDAwMDM3M yw1Mi4zMjAyMzIwNzYwOTc0MiwwLjI3NzQwNDc4NTE1NjI1LDAsMCw2MzY3XSxbMywtMTkuMjU4NjE2LDE0Ni44MTg2MTAwMDAwM DAwNCwtMTkuMjU4NTQ0NjM2OTcyNjQsMTQ2LjgxODE5OTE1NzcxNDg0LDAsMCw2NDc1XSxbNCwzMC4yMzM2ODksLTg0LjMwMDkwN ywzMC4yMzM1NjA4NDk2NDcxNSwtODQuMzAyMjE1NTc2MTcxODgsMCwwLDY0NjhdLFs1LDM5LjcxMjc2MSwtOTEuMzU1NzY2MDAwM DAwMDIsMzkuNzEyNzU3ODE1NzQxOCwtOTEuMzU1ODM1MTk5MzU2MDgsMCwwLDY0NzldXSwiaXNDaGFsbGVuZ2UiOmZhbHNlLCJja GFsbGVuZ2VTY29yZSI6bnVsbH0%3D

06-02-2013, 09:54 PM
32,154. I don't think I could do any better.

Rain Man
06-02-2013, 10:49 PM
How are you guys getting such high scores? Are you using google and stuff to get help? I just walked up the road, down the road, and guessed.

06-02-2013, 10:52 PM
I think they have to be using google for help, or they are going all the way down the road until they see a town name and searching on the map in the game

06-02-2013, 11:57 PM
14911 - first try, got screwed by being placed on some beach in the Ukraine. Coudn't even move, just look around in a circle at literally nothing but a rocky beach. I guessed Greece so I wasn't as far off as I could have been. Also got soe random highway at the top of Norway, guessed Denmark.

06-03-2013, 01:55 AM
WTF is this?? It dropped me right in the middle of a tennis match. LMAO I can't move.



06-03-2013, 02:31 AM
Here's my best pick so far... I saw 802 on a building and could kind of read the road sign as Commercial Ave. Found one in Washington. I was RIGHT on the building, but it said I was off a bit.


06-03-2013, 04:08 AM
6155 points in one guess, hell yeah!



06-03-2013, 04:18 AM
Gettin' good at this. This is so addictive.

U.S. 101, Gold Beach, Curry, Oregon 97444, United States


06-03-2013, 04:32 AM
Pretty decent score I think. I'm getting better at this.

26134 points

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjYxMzQsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwzMC43NTMzNDcsLTg1LjE5MzUyNzAwMDAwMDAyL DMwLjcxODAwNTE1OTY0MDQ2LC04NS4yMDA3MzQxMzg0ODg3NywwLDAsNjE1NV0sWzIsMjcuMjUxMzE0LC04MC4yMjU2MzMwMDAwM DAwMiwzMi4xMTEyOTU2MDA1MDU4NCwtODEuMDkxNzE4NjczNzA2MDUsMCwwLDI0MDNdLFszLDQyLjQyNjczMiwtMTI0LjQxMzI3M yw0Mi40MjcyNTc5MDg1NDYxLC0xMjQuNDEzNDcxMjIxOTIzODMsMCwwLDY0NzRdLFs0LDUwLjQyNDY4NSwtMTA3LjExNDE4MzAwM DAwMDAzLDUwLjIyMzQ2MDQ4NzI3MDQ5LC0xMDcuMjQ0MDkzNDE4MTIxMzQsMCwwLDQ5MTddLFs1LC0xOC4xODc2OTcsLTQ1LjI1M zk4Njk5OTk5OTk5NSwtMTguMjAwMzI2NzI2NTgyNzM0LC00NS4yMjI2NDQ4MDU5MDgyLDAsMCw2MTg1XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlbmdlI jpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9

06-03-2013, 04:33 AM
32,154. I don't think I could do any better.Didn't see this one. Well done.

06-03-2013, 05:29 AM
http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjQxNzUsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwyNi4yMTcxOTMsMTI3LjcxODczMDk5OTk5OTkzL DI2LjIxNjkwMTA4MDM4NzU2LDEyNy43MTkzNjg5MzQ2MzEzNSwwLDAsNjQ3M10sWzIsMzMuOTY1NzkzLDEzMi4xMjg5MjMsMzcuM TYwMzE2NTQ2NzM2NzcsMTI4LjE0NDUzMTI1LDAsMCwyNDMzXSxbMywtMzQuNzY4MzI0LDE1MC44MTI5Njc5OTk5OTk5NiwtMzguM Dg4MDI2NTI0NjU3MjQ1LDE0NC4zMjI1MjE2ODY1NTM5NiwwLDAsMjMxNV0sWzQsNDAuNTU5ODY1LC00LjE5NjM0MDk5OTk5OTk2M Sw0MC41NTk2ODg3NDI4MjU2LC00LjE5NjAwNDg2NzU1MzcxMSwwLDAsNjQ3Nl0sWzUsNTIuMzQ4NTk0LDE0LjU1NzE5ODk5OTk5O Tk2OSw1Mi4zNDg1NTM0NjE2MTAyNCwxNC41NTczOTk3NDk3NTU4NiwwLDAsNjQ3OF1dLCJpc0NoYWxsZW5nZSI6ZmFsc2UsImNoY WxsZW5nZVNjb3JlIjpudWxsfQ%3D%3D

24,175 on first try, but I got lucky that I found some kind of street sign or a dsitinct business name on each go. A couple there were even things like roundabouts or rivers that made it possible to guess within a few feet of the actual spot. Fun game. This is going to be addictive.

06-03-2013, 06:51 AM
This is awesome.

big nasty kcnut
06-03-2013, 07:07 AM
http://www.geoguessr.com/?s=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6Mjc0MjksInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyJdLFsxLC0yOC4xNzMwMzUsMzAuMjMxMjkzOTk5OTk5OTM0LC0yOC4xNjU5MDc4Nzc2NDE0MzQsMzAuMjM2MzY4NjM1NjY5M zVdLFsyLC0zMi40OTM0MDIsMTguNTcyNDEzOTk5OTk5OTgsLTE5LjY1ODgxMjk2NTIyODgsMzAuMzA1MjkyNjA2MzUzNzZdLFszL C0xMi45NzMwNTEsLTM4LjUwOTY1MDk5OTk5OTk2LC0xMi45OTE3MDEzMjQwMTg0MzgsLTM4LjUwNDg2MzkwMjkyNjQ0NV0sWzQsM jguMjE0NTM3LC0xNzcuMzc1MjY4LDI4LjIwMjU3MTE3MDEwNTY0NiwtMTc3LjM3NzE1MTE5NjQxNTA3XSxbNSw2Ni4zMTA4MzMsM TQuMTQxODMzMDAwMDAwMDIsNjYuMzE1OTU5MDI2MDA2NDUsMTQuMTY0MTA2OTU0NzA0MDM5XV19 27429 boom

06-03-2013, 09:00 AM
Australia is a round ruiner for me.

06-03-2013, 09:39 AM
Australia is a round ruiner for me.

Botswana has destroyed many a fine round for me. Turns out it looks just like Texas.

06-03-2013, 09:50 AM
Game finished!
You got 7802 points in total.

I was fairly close...

J Diddy
06-03-2013, 10:05 AM
Being dropped in the ocean where the only clue is a scuba diver killed it for me.

06-03-2013, 10:12 AM
This is different. But fun.

Rudy tossed tigger's salad
06-03-2013, 10:28 AM
How are you guys getting such high scores? Are you using google and stuff to get help? I just walked up the road, down the road, and guessed.

Yes, Id say people are cheating-- myself included. Any raw score in the 15k range is definitely more impressive.

06-03-2013, 10:39 AM
Y'all should play on hard mode with me. You can't move the location at all (but you are allowed to Google anything you can see or zoom in on from your fixed starting spot. 15,000 scores on "hard mode" feel so good.

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 10:57 AM
We should have three different leagues:

1. Anything goes. Use google or whatever.

2. Don't move, but use google or whatever.

3. Walk around all you want, but you can't use any resources other than your own knowledge. (I prefer this one myself.)

I guess there's a fourth option where we don't move, and rely on your own knowledge, but I haven't seen anyone use that yet.

06-03-2013, 11:42 AM
I had 21,000 points. It gave me one in Wyoming, one in Colorado, one in Washington State, one in Poland, one in Australia. Australia and Wyoming were hard. Totally middle of nowhere.

06-03-2013, 11:48 AM
http://geoguessr.com/?s=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MCwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwicm91bmRzIjpbWyJyb3VuZCIsImxhdCIsImxuZyIsImdMYXQiLCJnTG5nI l0sDQpbMSwzOS4wNDgzNzcsLTk0LjQ4Mzc0OCwzOS4wNDgzNzcsLTk0LjQ4Mzc0OF0sDQpbMiwzNi4wNjA3OTYsLTExMi4xMzk2N TEsMzYuMDYwNzk2LC0xMTIuMTM5NjUxXSwNClszLDI4LjIyNjk3LC0xNjkuMDEzNjcyLDI4LjIyNjk3LC0xNjkuMDEzNjcyXSwNC ls0LDQzLjE2NTEyMywxNTEuMjU5NzY2LDQzLjE2NTEyMywxNTEuMjU5NzY2XSwNCls1LDMyLjY0NzI1NywtMTYuOTA1MzU5LDMyL jY0NzI1NywtMTYuOTA1MzU5XV19

It stops after 2...

06-03-2013, 11:55 AM
It stops after 2...

3 and 4 are ocean locations

06-03-2013, 11:55 AM
We should have three different leagues:

1. Anything goes. Use google or whatever.

2. Don't move, but use google or whatever.

3. Walk around all you want, but you can't use any resources other than your own knowledge. (I prefer this one myself.)

I guess there's a fourth option where we don't move, and rely on your own knowledge, but I haven't seen anyone use that yet.

A possible 4th option would be to walk around all you want, and use the built in map for clues. There have been a couple of times where I ran across a highway sign with a town name and highway number. The name would sound like it belonged somewhere (like Mexico), so I would zoom in on the suspected country and look for the highway number. That's the way I've been playing.

06-03-2013, 12:20 PM

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 12:28 PM
**** ALL THE RULES!!!1

I usually live and let live, but I have to speak up here.

You people who are using the maps and using google are leaving yourselves woefully unprepared in the event of spontaneous teletransportation. If you get spontaneously teletransported to a random spot on the globe, you aren't going to have the map to help you. You may not have your phone, and even if you did it probably wouldn't work due to the large-scale natural electromagnetics involved in spontaneous teletransportation. You're going to land somewhere, and it's going to be up to you to figure out where you're at, using only what's in your head. Using google and maps and stuff in this preparatory simulation is only going to make you more vulnerable in the actual event.

Go fully monty on the information. Walk around and give it your best shot. You'll thank yourself later when it actually happens.

06-03-2013, 01:18 PM
It stops after 2...

Yeah, it's broke. I spent way too long trying to fix it and gave up.

06-03-2013, 01:20 PM
Pretty cool, but there are a few that there is no possible way to tell if you are in west texas, austrailia, or the plains of south America.

Thig Lyfe
06-03-2013, 01:27 PM
I have no fucking clue what to do when I get shit with signs in cyrillic. I'm pretty much guessing if it's a large or small city in Russia. Throwing a dart at a fucking board, pretty much.

16921 on my second try


I was able to get a decent score on the Russian town I ended up in by making looking at the trees. They looked kinda Scandanavian, so I guessed northwestern Russia outside of St. Petersburg. Wasn't SUPER close, but way better than it could have been.

Thig Lyfe
06-03-2013, 01:28 PM
Pretty cool, but there are a few that there is no possible way to tell if you are in west texas, austrailia, or the plains of south America.

There was a dusty, barely-civilized small town I SWORE had to be in the Oklahoma panhandle but it turned out to be in the middle of nowhere in Australia. Fucked up my score big time.

06-03-2013, 01:36 PM
Pretty cool, but there are a few that there is no possible way to tell if you are in west texas, austrailia, or the plains of south America.

Well, they drive on the left in Australia, so if you can spot a vehicle that's a clue.

06-03-2013, 01:38 PM
They also drive on the left in many other places as well.

06-03-2013, 01:42 PM
Ran into an Iceland\Norway mixup today.

06-03-2013, 01:53 PM
Fuck that noise. Use all the resources available to you. That's why God invented the internet.

I got 22,214 on my second try. South Africa, Baha California, Ireland, Bumfuck Wyoming, Western Kansas.

06-03-2013, 02:18 PM
http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTk4OTMsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwzNi4yNzU3OTksLTk5LjQ3OTU1MDAwMDAwMDAyL DM0LjUyNDY2MTQ3MTc3MTcyLC05Ny44NjYyMTA5Mzc1LDAsMCwyNzE1XSxbMiw2OC40NDIyMzgsMjIuNDc4MjE4OTk5OTk5OTY3L DY4LjQyNzIyMTMwMDYxNTY0LDIyLjQ4NDcyMjEzNzQ1MTE3MiwwLDAsNjMzOF0sWzMsLTE4LjcxNjMzMywxMjEuODg3MDAxOTk5O Tk5OTQsMzMuMjg0NjE5OTY4ODg3Njc1LC0xMTcuMzMzOTg0Mzc1LDAsMCwxMjNdLFs0LDU0LjAyMzg2NywtMTI2LjE2MDI2OTk5O Tk5OTk3LDU0LjAyNjYyOTI2OTgzNTQ0LC0xMjUuNTQzNjg5NzI3NzgzMiwwLDAsNDI4MV0sWzUsNjMuNDk5MDg1LC0xNDMuODMxN TgxMDAwMDAwMDMsNjMuNDk1MjgzMDgzMzQ3NDQ1LC0xNDMuODM3MTI3Njg1NTQ2ODcsMCwwLDY0MzZdXSwiaXNDaGFsbGVuZ2UiO mZhbHNlLCJjaGFsbGVuZ2VTY29yZSI6bnVsbH0%3D

Australia got me good. Only 100 points.

06-03-2013, 02:38 PM
Very fun game.

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 02:46 PM
**** that noise. Use all the resources available to you. That's why God invented the internet.

I got 22,214 on my second try. South Africa, Baha California, Ireland, Bum**** Wyoming, Western Kansas.

But if you've been randomly teletransported you won't have internet. You're walking around the countryside and that's all the resources you've got.

Thig Lyfe
06-03-2013, 02:54 PM
But if you've been randomly teletransported you won't have internet. You're walking around the countryside and that's all the resources you've got.

It would be cool if the game were able to pull through data on 3G coverage in the area you've been transported to. If they have coverage, you can look up stuff.

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 03:03 PM
It would be cool if the game were able to pull through data on 3G coverage in the area you've been transported to. If they have coverage, you can look up stuff.

That would indeed be cool.

06-03-2013, 03:59 PM
I suck at this. 18746.

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTg3NDYsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw0MS4zODM1MzksLTkzLjI2MTAwMDk5OTk5OTk2L DQxLjg2MTM3OTE1NTg3MzU4NSwtOTMuNTkyNTI5Mjk2ODc1LDAsMCwzNzcwXSxbMiw3MC4zNzExMDksMzEuMTAzNTA5MDAwMDAwM DMsNjcuNjU5Mzg2MzcwMDk4ODIsMTcuNDkwMjM0Mzc1LDAsMCwyMzU1XSxbMywtMjkuNDI5Mjg4LDE0Mi4wMTA2NTYwMDAwMDAwN CwtMjkuMTYxNzU1NTE1MzI4ODI0LDE0MS43ODQwNTc2MTcxODc1LDAsMCw0MzkyXSxbNCwtMzEuMzA1MDAyLDExOS4zNjQzOTE5O Tk5OTk5NSwtMjUuNzk5ODkxMTgyMDg4MzIsMTM4LjUxNTYyNSwwLDAsMTk1OF0sWzUsMzQuODg2ODg3LC0xMTYuOTk0OTc0MDAwM DAwMDEsMzQuODc4NjA4MzYzODU5MjMsLTExNi45NjkzNzU2MTAzNTE1NiwwLDAsNjI3MV1dLCJpc0NoYWxsZW5nZSI6ZmFsc2UsI mNoYWxsZW5nZVNjb3JlIjpudWxsfQ%3D%3D

06-03-2013, 04:03 PM
But if you've been randomly teletransported you won't have internet. You're walking around the countryside and that's all the resources you've got.

Yeah, but at least I'd be able to read street signs.

06-03-2013, 04:33 PM
Some of the drops are stupid. They dropped me in the Northwest Territory of Australia, then the Yukon, then near the Amazon River in Brazil. No civilization for miles and miles and miles. That sucks, not really fair.

Thig Lyfe
06-03-2013, 04:40 PM
Some of the drops are stupid. They dropped me in the Northwest Territory of Australia, then the Yukon, then near the Amazon River in Brazil. No civilization for miles and miles and miles. That sucks, not really fair.

Spontaneous teletransportation ain't fair, homie.

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 04:47 PM
Spontaneous teletransportation ain't fair, homie.

Exactly. You never know where you'll end up, which is why you should always carry a pocketknife, a powerbar, and a bottle of water.

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Exactly. You never know where you'll end up, which is why you should always carry a pocketknife, a powerbar, and a bottle of water.

And maybe a condom in case you end up in Bangkok or Rio or Amsterdam.

06-03-2013, 05:03 PM
Around 21500 using google. Had a site in Austrailia that I guessed within a few hundered KM from a grid sign and clay soil. Had a site yin Canada that I got from just guessing. Those were my worst two. The others I could get withing 20 km.

06-03-2013, 05:05 PM
My best without moving from the starting location was 15,081, My best overall is 20581.

Those of you in the 30,000s must have been exactly at the location on all your guesses.

06-03-2013, 05:34 PM
My best without moving from the starting location was 15,081.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e57/Thereaper16/fbvrk4.gif (http://s37.photobucket.com/user/Thereaper16/media/fbvrk4.gif.html)

06-03-2013, 06:01 PM
Thanks for my newest addiction. Jeez

06-03-2013, 06:02 PM
My best without moving from the starting location was 15,081, My best overall is 20581.

Those of you in the 30,000s must have been exactly at the location on all your guesses.

Or liars like those us that run 4.4s and date supermodels.

06-03-2013, 07:09 PM
I usually live and let live, but I have to speak up here.

You people who are using the maps and using google are leaving yourselves woefully unprepared in the event of spontaneous teletransportation. If you get spontaneously teletransported to a random spot on the globe, you aren't going to have the map to help you. You may not have your phone, and even if you did it probably wouldn't work due to the large-scale natural electromagnetics involved in spontaneous teletransportation. You're going to land somewhere, and it's going to be up to you to figure out where you're at, using only what's in your head. Using google and maps and stuff in this preparatory simulation is only going to make you more vulnerable in the actual event.

Go fully monty on the information. Walk around and give it your best shot. You'll thank yourself later when it actually happens.

But I can interact with the locals and determine where I am pretty quickly.

This game is frustrating but the time I was off by only .069 KM in Hong Kong was cool. With Google help of course.

Rain Man
06-03-2013, 07:36 PM
But I can interact with the locals and determine where I am pretty quickly.

This game is frustrating but the time I was off by only .069 KM in Hong Kong was cool. With Google help of course.

I think the safest thing is to assume that the locals will kill you and eat you. Even in Oklahoma.

Especially in Oklahoma.

06-03-2013, 07:36 PM
But I can interact with the locals and determine where I am pretty quickly.

This game is frustrating but the time I was off by only .069 KM in Hong Kong was cool. With Google help of course.

Not to mention car license plates would not be blurred out. I think it evens out rather nicely myself.

Psyko Tek
06-03-2013, 08:24 PM
These Canadian ones are killing me.

australia is killing me

06-03-2013, 09:31 PM
My best score was 31,818. I didn't try to nail it within feet, I just spent enough time (few minutes) to get within a mile or two.

06-03-2013, 10:08 PM
I haven't done that great in terms of overall scores, but I'll throw this one out there. No cheating - just recognized the place from driving by it!


06-03-2013, 10:16 PM
I find the Russian countries to be a bitch. Lots of land mass and very little to distinguish exact locations.

06-04-2013, 02:08 AM
Australia is a round ruiner for me.Same here. Unless you're in a town or city, there's no way to tell where the hell you are.

06-04-2013, 02:09 PM
32236 Points!


06-04-2013, 03:15 PM
Why does this cocksucker keep dropping me in Russia?

06-05-2013, 02:21 AM
Australia has endless roads without signage or landmarks, gah!

30,252 points (http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzAyNTIsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwzNi4zMzk0OCwtNzguNDIwMDA0LDM2LjMzOTQ4N zI1ODczNDkzLC03OC40MjAxMjA0Nzc2NzYzOSwwLDAsNjQ3OF0sWzIsNzAuMTg0NTc3LDI1LjMxNDU1NzAwMDAwMDAzNiw3MC4xO DQ1NzQ0OTAyMjkzNSwyNS4zMTQ1NDkyMDc2ODczNzgsMCwwLDY0NzldLFszLC0xNi41MTUxMDEsMTM0LjY4MTMzNiwtMTYuNDk3N Dg4NjM2ODg5Njk1LDEzNC4zMjAzOTQ2MDg2NDI1NywwLDAsNDMzOV0sWzQsNDUuNjc4ODU3LC0xMTEuMDM4NzQyMDAwMDAwMDEsN DUuNjc4ODYyOTgwNjMxMjgsLTExMS4wMzg3NDc5MTY0MTgwNiwwLDAsNjQ3OV0sWzUsMT****Q4MDgsLTk4LjU2NjMzMzk5OTk5O Tk4LDE3LjU0ODE2MDY4NDQ2OTMyNywtOTguNTY2MTQ5NTE5ODE3MjYsMCwwLDY0NzddXSwiaXNDaGFsbGVuZ2UiOmZhbHNlLCJja GFsbGVuZ2VTY29yZSI6bnVsbH0%3D)

Stanley Nickels
06-05-2013, 07:31 AM
If you guys haven't signed up for the Google Maps beta-- DO IT NOW. It's incredible.

06-06-2013, 10:28 PM
I just got in on the Google Maps beta and I've been playing around with it all day. Is anyone else as impressed as I am? The 3D view is incredible.

06-08-2013, 04:16 PM
I just got in on the Google Maps beta and I've been playing around with it all day. Is anyone else as impressed as I am? The 3D view is incredible.

Yeah, it's pretty bad ass.

Here is my best effort to date. I don't consider it cheating, but I use Google maps to pin point my location just because the map in the game is too small. I don't use the search, street view or satellite function in Google Maps, I just look for roads, landmarks, etc. that I get from the street view in the game.

Game finished!
You got 29043 points in total.
http://geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MjkwNDMsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw1NS4yNzExNzksMTQuNzU2MjE0LDU1LjQzODc1M jc3ODQzMTI2LDEzLjg4Nzc0ODcxODI2MTcxOSwwLDAsMzgwOV0sWzIsNTQuMzMzMzc4LC0xMDguMjk3NzM5OTk5OTk5OTgsNTQuM zk1NTUwOTM3ODcwOTYsLTEwOC4yNzUwNzAxOTA0Mjk2OSwwLDAsNTkyNV0sWzMsNDMuNDU4MTUzLC05Mi45NjIyNTUwMDAwMDAwM yw0My40NTgxNTI1MzE0NzEzMzUsLTkyLjk0NDE2NDI3NjEyMzA1LDAsMCw2MzU3XSxbNCw1MC40NzI0NzQsMTcuMzMyNjgzOTk5O Tk5OTcyLDUwLjQ3MjY1NTA5NTg2NjMyLDE3LjMzMjc1NjUxOTMxNzYyNywwLDAsNjQ3N10sWzUsNDYuMTUyMzk2LDUuNjA3MzE2O Tk5OTk5OTY2LDQ2LjE1MTkwNzUwOTk4Njg0LDUuNjA3MjAzNTQzMTg2MTg4LDAsMCw2NDc1XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlbmdlIjpmYWxzZ SwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9

06-08-2013, 04:17 PM
I just got in on the Google Maps beta and I've been playing around with it all day. Is anyone else as impressed as I am? The 3D view is incredible.

I've played around with it. I like it for sure, but there are still a few things that are a little clunky for me that I hope they get worked out. Still, lots of promise.

Baby Lee
06-09-2013, 10:00 PM
Eff that

06-09-2013, 10:05 PM
Eff thatWhere is that? Im curious now.

Baby Lee
06-10-2013, 12:47 AM
My best score was 31,818. I didn't try to nail it within feet, I just spent enough time (few minutes) to get within a mile or two.

I bow, 30,525. Though I got one within 3M, and another within 6M. Missed a rural intersection by 20K [they were identical in how they intersected and the US/HWY/Spur/etc numbers were all over the place. Cost me about 1500.

The last one was a B-word, clear as day the rural SE US [pines and sandy red soil], but the road was tree-lined and meandering, but it turned out to be [well, you could tell right away it was] only tree-lined one tree deep. This let light in that washed out all disinguishing marks, and the mapper traversed every dirt road that spurred off. And there were all these decent [$200-250K for the area] homes back in those woods, but the sun washed everything out. Also, this had to have the record for 1 frame 100 yards away from a sign, next frame dead even on past on the backside. Turned out to be an ecological preserve outside Albany GA where they were testing erosion on the other side of the tree line. Got within 2Km. The backtracking mentally was as hard as the observing was.


Baby Lee
06-10-2013, 03:04 PM
Boom bitches - 32,298

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzIyOTgsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw3MC4zNzExMDksMzEuMTAzNTA5MDAwMDAwMDMsN zAuMzcwNzQzMjU5MTExMiwzMS4xMDQ3MDA4NjMzNjEzNiwwLDAsNjQ3NF0sWzIsMzEuNzEyOTE2LC0xMTAuMDY3MDU4OTk5OTk5O TcsMzEuNzEyNzk0MDY3MDc0NjU4LC0xMTAuMDY3MTE0MzgyOTgyMjUsMCwwLDY0NzhdLFszLDU0LjcxMDQ3Myw1NS45NTQ5MzY5O Tk5OTk5Nyw1NC43MTA3ODg0MTU3MjIyOCw1NS45NTUxMjg2Njk3Mzg3NywwLDAsNjQ3Nl0sWzQsNDIuNTY2MzcxLC04MS44MTA4M DUwMDAwMDAwMiw0Mi41NzEwMTg0NDkzMzc5OCwtODEuODAzOTUyNDU1NTIwNjMsMCwwLDY0MTVdLFs1LC0zLjY4ODQxMSwtNDAuM zQ4MDk2OTk5OTk5OTk2LC0zLjY4NjQ3ODI3MzA5NTE4OTcsLTQwLjM0OTc3OTEyOTAyODMyLDAsMCw2NDU1XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlb mdlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9

Thig Lyfe
06-10-2013, 03:49 PM
Had a round where I started off by getting within .005 KM in Rock Spring, Wyoming in round 1 before getting boned in the next three rounds. I got dropped in the middle of a beach where I wasn't allowed to move at all, a weird housing project in rural Russia, and a larger Russian town that didn't offer much in the way of clues beyond the fact that it was obviously in Russia.

Luckily I finished off the game by getting within like 10 KM on a highway in Brazil.

06-10-2013, 07:01 PM
Boom bitches - 32,298

http://www.geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzIyOTgsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw3MC4zNzExMDksMzEuMTAzNTA5MDAwMDAwMDMsN zAuMzcwNzQzMjU5MTExMiwzMS4xMDQ3MDA4NjMzNjEzNiwwLDAsNjQ3NF0sWzIsMzEuNzEyOTE2LC0xMTAuMDY3MDU4OTk5OTk5O TcsMzEuNzEyNzk0MDY3MDc0NjU4LC0xMTAuMDY3MTE0MzgyOTgyMjUsMCwwLDY0NzhdLFszLDU0LjcxMDQ3Myw1NS45NTQ5MzY5O Tk5OTk5Nyw1NC43MTA3ODg0MTU3MjIyOCw1NS45NTUxMjg2Njk3Mzg3NywwLDAsNjQ3Nl0sWzQsNDIuNTY2MzcxLC04MS44MTA4M DUwMDAwMDAwMiw0Mi41NzEwMTg0NDkzMzc5OCwtODEuODAzOTUyNDU1NTIwNjMsMCwwLDY0MTVdLFs1LC0zLjY4ODQxMSwtNDAuM zQ4MDk2OTk5OTk5OTk2LC0zLjY4NjQ3ODI3MzA5NTE4OTcsLTQwLjM0OTc3OTEyOTAyODMyLDAsMCw2NDU1XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlb mdlIjpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9

Game finished!
You got 32310 points in total.


http://geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzIzMTAsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSwtMjguNTkzNjIyLDI5LjgwMTEwMTAwMDAwMDAxN ywtMjguNTkzNjgxMDA2NzQ2ODI0LDI5LjgwMTExNTA5NTYxNTM4NywwLDAsNjQ3OV0sWzIsNDguNzgxODY1LC01NC4yMTMyOCw0O C43ODE4NjgzMTA4NzQwMywtNTQuMjEzMjgwNjc3Nzk1NDEsMCwwLDY0NzldLFszLDQ5LjEwNDQzNiwxLjQzMzU4Njk5OTk5OTk4O DYsNDkuMTA1MjMwMzQ3OTk1Mzk1LDEuNDM0MTg3ODg5MDk5MTIxLDAsMCw2NDcxXSxbNCwtMjguMzYzODMxLDI0LjgxODc4NDk5O Tk5OTkzNCwtMjguMzcxNzY2NzQ2MjYzMjY1LDI0LjgxNzA4NTI2NjExMzI4LDAsMCw2NDAzXSxbNSwtMjYuMDg1NDYyLDE1Mi4yM zc4MjI5OTk5OTk5MywtMjYuMDg1NDE5NzM2MjYwOTc0LDE1Mi4yMzc2NjY4NDUzMjE2NiwwLDAsNjQ3OF1dLCJpc0NoYWxsZW5nZ SI6ZmFsc2UsImNoYWxsZW5nZVNjb3JlIjpudWxsfQ%3D%3D

06-10-2013, 09:57 PM

http://geoguessr.com/?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MzIzOTUsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLFtudWxsXSwiY0xuZyIsW251bGxdLCJwb2ludHMiXSxbMSw0Ny4xNzM3MTcsMjUuNDI4MjE3MDAwMDAwMDE4L DQ3LjE3MzcwOTg5MjQ4NDIyNiwyNS40MjgyMTMxNzkxMTE0OCwwLDAsNjQ3OV0sWzIsMTcuNTI1MzE1LC05OS40OTA4NjM5OTk5O Tk5OSwxNy41MjUzMTkyMDEyNTIyMzgsLTk5LjQ5MDg1OTgwNjUzNzYzLDAsMCw2NDc5XSxbMyw0MC4xMTg1OTgsLTc1LjI3MjYyO Tk5OTk5OTk5LDQwLjExODU5NTEzMTQ4MzM1LC03NS4yNzI2MzEzNDcxNzk0MSwwLDAsNjQ3OV0sWzQsLTIwLjI5NDEzNCwtNDAuM jg5MjQ0LC0yMC4yOTQxNDc0MDc0NzMzODUsLTQwLjI4OTI0OTcxODE4OTI0LDAsMCw2NDc5XSxbNSwtMTguOTI4ODQxLC00OC4yO Dk4NTQ5OTk5OTk5OSwtMTguOTI4ODM4MzA0NzU3MzgsLTQ4LjI4OTg0MjAwOTU0NDM3LDAsMCw2NDc5XV0sImlzQ2hhbGxlbmdlI jpmYWxzZSwiY2hhbGxlbmdlU2NvcmUiOm51bGx9

Baby Lee
07-02-2014, 07:37 PM


07-07-2014, 07:30 PM
I wanted to bump this thread for anyone that missed it last year. Pretty addicting activity.

Baby Lee
07-07-2014, 08:03 PM
I wanted to bump this thread for anyone that missed it last year. Pretty addicting activity.

Did you try smartypins? Similar concept, only they ask you trivia questions and you place the pin where the trivia occurred.

07-07-2014, 08:04 PM
Did you try smartypins? Similar concept, only they ask you trivia questions and you place the pin where the trivia occurred.

Nope. I'm looking into it now, though.

07-07-2014, 08:04 PM

07-08-2014, 02:07 PM
Did you try smartypins? Similar concept, only they ask you trivia questions and you place the pin where the trivia occurred.

I did much better with the smarty pins. I got just over 20 questions deep before I fucked one up royally and wasted all of my miles.

Rain Man
07-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Did you try smartypins? Similar concept, only they ask you trivia questions and you place the pin where the trivia occurred.

That's pretty cool.