View Full Version : Life Do you answer your door for strangers?

12-14-2017, 07:12 PM
You're not expecting anyone and otherwise have no reason not to answer the door (you're wearing pants, you're not performing open heart surgery, etc.).... do you open your door to see what they want?

Black Bob
12-14-2017, 07:14 PM

12-14-2017, 07:15 PM

Why Not?
12-14-2017, 07:16 PM
Got a Ring video doorbell system for my birthday this week. Never answering the door again. Friends and family know they need not knock at my place.

12-14-2017, 07:18 PM
With video now you can tell who is at the door. No, I don't give a fuck what you are trying to sell me, gtfo

12-14-2017, 07:19 PM
Where I live. If the door bell rings or someone knocks, you answer door with a .45. Out in the country meth heads be methy.

Easy 6
12-14-2017, 07:25 PM
Yes, and usually after checking, but its a small town with little to worry about

If its someone pushing something, I am more than capable of being rude... dont need any, sorry!

Rain Man
12-14-2017, 07:25 PM
My front door is all glass, so if I can see someone, they can see me. I'll usually answer it even if it's a stranger, but I keep one foot in front of the door to block it and only open the door enough to talk. The only people that ever ring my bell are:

1. pizza delivery people for my apartment who come to the wrong door.
2. political panhandlers that I can be snarky to since I hate the company that they work for.
3. a neighbor dropping off zucchini since anyone who ever grows zucchini ends up with ten times more than they need.

Maybe once per year a panhandler will come to the door, which is annoying. But I just say no in a friendly manner so they don't vandalize my property.

12-14-2017, 07:28 PM
With video now you can tell who is at the door. No, I don't give a **** what you are trying to sell me, gtfo

How much was your video entry system?

12-14-2017, 07:31 PM
Hell no. Only thing worse than telemarketers are canvassers.

12-14-2017, 07:33 PM

Main floor is two stories up. I have Call Box that rings the phone system so that I can allow people through the exterior gate but I only buzz up people that I know.

If it's someone that says they're with Amazon or USPS, I either walk out on a balcony to verify or look out a window.

There have been way too many burglaries in our neighborhood the past few years, including mail theft.

12-14-2017, 07:36 PM
Not unsolicited. Mostly because I generally don't want to be bothered when I am chilling in my house.

12-14-2017, 07:36 PM
My front door is all glass, so if I can see someone, they can see me. I'll usually answer it even if it's a stranger, but I keep one foot in front of the door to block it and only open the door enough to talk. The only people that ever ring my bell are:

1. pizza delivery people for my apartment who come to the wrong door.
2. political panhandlers that I can be snarky to since I hate the company that they work for.
3. a neighbor dropping off zucchini since anyone who ever grows zucchini ends up with ten times more than they need.

Maybe once per year a panhandler will come to the door, which is annoying. But I just say no in a friendly manner so they don't vandalize my property.

I did forget the "Yes, but only when they can see me" option.

At my last place, there was a front window positioned perfectly so someone walking onto the front porch could easily see me sitting on the couch before even reaching the door, and they'd often make eye contact, so I felt like it was necessary to answer the door.

Otherwise, one day I asked myself why the hell I ever answer the door, because it's not like I've ever been glad I did.

Prison Bitch
12-14-2017, 07:39 PM
Only if they're hot and busty

12-14-2017, 07:49 PM
I do sometimes. We have a solid door and a steel security screen door in front of that. I many times will just open the main door and talk to them through the locked screen door. Many times just to tell them to go back and look at my "No Soliciting" sign. Once they walk backwards to look at it, I shut the door.

'Hamas' Jenkins
12-14-2017, 07:59 PM
I always do unless I'm taking a nap in the living room. Canvassers are a pain in the ass, but people are generally doing because they either have no other options, or sincerely believe in what they are doing.

If someone is selling a service (like security), I will always politely tell them that I'm highly unlikely to buy it, but if they want to give me a brief synopsis they can. That usually takes the pressure off of them, and then after they spend a couple of minutes I decline and wish them good luck with other people.

If they are Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, I'll buy some of their cheaper options just to make their lives easier.

There are some kids from lower income neighborhoods that will come and sell candy bars for fundraisers that actually aren't such. I feel sorry for someone who is desperate enough to resort to those measures, so I'll give them $5 for two shitass Hershey bars.

Oddly, I never, ever give money or food to people on the side of the road. I'm oddly inconsistent with my charity, I guess.

12-14-2017, 08:00 PM
This always cracks me up because its so spot on to the changes in our society.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9hv0M4mnrE8" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

12-14-2017, 08:03 PM
We don’t have many visitors out here but the ones that have we keep in the crawl space under the garage.

12-14-2017, 08:14 PM
I always do unless I'm taking a nap in the living room. Canvassers are a pain in the ass, but people are generally doing because they either have no other options, or sincerely believe in what they are doing.

If someone is selling a service (like security), I will always politely tell them that I'm highly unlikely to buy it, but if they want to give me a brief synopsis they can. That usually takes the pressure off of them, and then after they spend a couple of minutes I decline and wish them good luck with other people.

If they are Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, I'll buy some of their cheaper options just to make their lives easier.

There are some kids from lower income neighborhoods that will come and sell candy bars for fundraisers that actually aren't such. I feel sorry for someone who is desperate enough to resort to those measures, so I'll give them $5 for two shitass Hershey bars.

Oddly, I never, ever give money or food to people on the side of the road. I'm oddly inconsistent with my charity, I guess.

Guess I have to take back "it's not like I've ever been glad I did".... one time I bought popcorn from a neighborhood kid who was in the Boy Scouts. As a formerly socially inept kid, I'm happy to let them at least get through their spiel.

Rain Man
12-14-2017, 08:22 PM
Only if they're hot and busty

Does that happen often?

True story:

In my single days, I moved into a new apartment, and quickly noticed that my next door neighbor had fantastic legs. As in, spectacularly fantastic. One day she rode by on her bicycle in short shorts as I was walking by my big glass patio doors, and I had no choice but to turn and watch. It was impossible to not do so.

And of course she looked over and saw me staring at her fantastic legs, steaming up the window with my tongue.

About an hour later, she came over and knocked on my door to introduce herself. And here's the weird part - she came onto me. She had fantastic legs and she came on to me.

At the time, I was an idiot. I was engaged to a terrible, terrible person, so I politely turned her down in an awkwardly flirtatious manner and we nonetheless hit it off. So here I was, living next door to a woman with fantastic legs and we flirted with each other whenever we crossed paths and she was kind of teasing while I sighed and was loyal to my far less attractive and terrible fiance who really didn't have great legs.

So a month or two goes by, and my terrible fiance creates a fake crisis about something stupid for the millionth time, and for the fourth or fifth time we break up. But this time I'm dandy with it.

So I give it a week or so, and then I'm over at my neighbor's door. Did I mention that she had fantastic legs? I knew she was home because I'd seen her go in earlier.

Knock, knock.

No answer.

Knock, knock.

No answer.

The next day, she came over and said, "Oh, I really wanted to answer the door, but I couldn't. My boyfriend was with me, and he's really jealous."

Boyfriend? She'd never told me about a boyfriend and I'd never seen one. So alas, my window was lost. And then the next week my terrible fiance with the bad legs showed back up, and we got together again until she cheated on me with her boss and we finally broke up for good.

I really lost an opportunity there.

12-14-2017, 08:23 PM
Sometimes. I’ll look through the small window on the door. I’ve ignored it several times.

One issue we have is both of our toddlers like to unlock the doorknob and open the door, for everyone. Luckily, one of them can’t reach the deadbolt and the other is starting to learn not to open the door.

12-14-2017, 08:28 PM
We almost never get people showing up unannounced, and very few solicitors, but I'll answer the door. Been meaning to put in a peephole for about 17 years now but haven't gotten around to it. We live in a good area and I've never heard of any violent crimes or break-ins in my neighborhood. Also, my unit is in the middle of the building, and all the buildings look alike, and I park my car in the garage, so there's absolutely nothing to draw attention to my home.

Plus, most of the time I'm armed.

12-14-2017, 08:30 PM
Does that happen often?

True story:

Two beautiful women showed up at my door once.

Their first question was "Do you believe in God?"

I told them no, but I was just starting to reconsider.

12-14-2017, 08:39 PM
Being law enforcement in a small town, it's inevitable.

Hammock Parties
12-14-2017, 08:45 PM
usually invite them in for a spot of tea and anal

12-14-2017, 08:46 PM

12-14-2017, 08:51 PM
I do but I have a portacullis a foot away keeping me safe.

Rain Man
12-14-2017, 08:53 PM
I do but I have a portacullis a foot away keeping me safe.

I've never heard of that dog breed.

12-14-2017, 08:59 PM
I've never heard of that dog breed.

Ha! Not a dog—an iron gate to keep out enemies.

12-14-2017, 09:06 PM

One of my high school friends lives about 15 miles south of Jeff City, out in the middle of nowhere. Several years ago his house got broken into. There was a group that worked rural areas - they'd drive up to a house and knock on the door. If somebody answered, they said they were lost and asked for directions. If nobody was home, they'd loot the place.

The good thing about living in the country is that you're far removed from most of the shitty people. The bad thing about living in the country is you're far removed from help if the shitty people come to you.

12-14-2017, 09:06 PM

Onsite deterrent devices.

Discourages people from ringing my door bell.

12-14-2017, 09:10 PM
Yeah I'm not afraid to answer my door and shoo off somebody if need be. I have a little window so I know what I'm getting myself into.

12-14-2017, 09:13 PM
usually invite them in for a spot of tea and anal

Spider's got another fly in the web.

Why don't you follow me downstairs to the dunge.. basement to demo that Kirby vacuum.

12-14-2017, 09:13 PM
I guess I never considered not. I don’t get a lot of solicitation in this town except from kids. I’m game for kids. If they man up and come to the door without a parent I’ll usually reward them with something but they have to tell me what it’s for.

When I was in college a meth head was knocking on doors asking for money because she had a flat tire. I offered to fix it and she freaked. So yeah. Creepy.

12-14-2017, 09:20 PM
If I don't know you are coming, I ain't answering.

12-14-2017, 09:27 PM
Nope. If someone knocks but wasn't invited I just ignore it. Everyone I need to know has my number and would call ahead.

I called the police recently on a group of hoodlums who knocked on all the doors around my place at 3pm, then at 8pm they made a second round knocking on doors.

I heard their convo with the police and whatever they were doing it was up to no good. They told them 'Their friend lives around here but didn't say which place' so they were knocking to find them. Yeah fuck outta here.

12-14-2017, 09:28 PM

Onsite deterrent devices.

Discourages people from ringing my door bell.

Aussie shepards?

My parents breed mini aussies.

Rain Man
12-14-2017, 09:32 PM

Onsite deterrent devices.

Discourages people from ringing my door bell.

Are those Portcullises?

12-14-2017, 09:34 PM
When you answer the door in your Sunday gimp getup the solicitors tend to scram.

Does this zipper make my face look fat?

12-14-2017, 09:36 PM
Aussie shepards?

My parents breed mini aussies.

Yes they are. They are pretty harmless but the Blue Merle One will bite if threatened or cornered.

They love to nip at the heels of people.

12-14-2017, 09:36 PM
Are those Portcullises?

Guard dogs?

12-14-2017, 09:45 PM
I don't answer the door. Period.

In fact, I don't even have a doorbell. The button was on the frame of the old entry door, and when I replaced the door I cut the fucking wires, ripped the bell out of the hallway, patched the hole and painted over it.

Don't even bother coming to my door if I'm not expecting you.

12-14-2017, 09:47 PM
Are those Portcullises?


12-14-2017, 09:49 PM

What am I missing?

A portcullis (from the French porte coulissante, "sliding door") is a heavy vertically-closing gate typically found in medieval fortifications, consisting of a latticed grille made of wood, metal, or a combination of the two, which slides down grooves inset within each jamb of the gateway.

12-14-2017, 09:51 PM
What am I missing?

A portcullis (from the French porte coulissante, "sliding door") is a heavy vertically-closing gate typically found in medieval fortifications, consisting of a latticed grille made of wood, metal, or a combination of the two, which slides down grooves inset within each jamb of the gateway.

Onsite deterrence devices that would discourage people from ringing your doorbell.

12-14-2017, 09:57 PM
I don't answer the door. Period.

In fact, I don't even have a doorbell. The button was on the frame of the old entry door, and when I replaced the door I cut the fucking wires, ripped the bell out of the hallway, patched the hole and painted over it.

Don't even bother coming to my door if I'm not expecting you.


12-14-2017, 10:00 PM
Better have business being at my place. Friends and family call before they come over. If anyone disturbs me other than that bet your ass my pistol is in my back waistband. I can dig a lot of holes on this 160ac

12-14-2017, 10:08 PM

Main floor is two stories up. I have Call Box that rings the phone system so that I can allow people through the exterior gate but I only buzz up people that I know.

If it's someone that says they're with Amazon or USPS, I either walk out on a balcony to verify or look out a window.

There have been way too many burglaries in our neighborhood the past few years, including mail theft.

What if they say they're from Chiefsplanet?

12-14-2017, 10:09 PM
What if they say they're from Chiefsplanet?

He'd call them a butt****ing moron via his little call box and neg rep them back to the stone ages.

12-14-2017, 10:15 PM
What if they say they're from Chiefsplanet?

I’ve always let those people up.

Always welcome.

12-14-2017, 10:16 PM
He'd call them a butt****ing moron via his little call box and neg rep them back to the stone ages.


12-14-2017, 10:48 PM
He'd call them a butt****ing moron via his little call box and neg rep them back to the stone ages.

He's a hot-headed Italian just like my babbo.

12-14-2017, 11:02 PM
I never open the door without checking, why would anyone. With or without a portacullis

12-14-2017, 11:11 PM
Yea I'm no pussy

12-14-2017, 11:20 PM
i cast a mis-vote, but no matter. i can see who pulls up to our house, but only on the rare occasion do we even get visitors/deliveries. that said, i keep the screen door locked, and open the big door. :D

12-14-2017, 11:23 PM
Thinking about this thread more, I can't believe my parents left the door unlocked the entire time we lived in Harrisonville, as well as the entire time I lived in Colorado Springs with them. This world is too ****ed up to just leave doors unlocked. And I mean they never ever locked them. Harrisonville house didn't even have a key.

12-14-2017, 11:28 PM
Nope. I answer the door for expected guests and packages only. I don't give a fuck if it's someone I know knocking on the door, what I don't know doesn't hurt me. Whenever I'm making plans, depending on what they are, I give whoever fair notice, doesn't matter if I'm going over to my mothers house. I expect the same courtesy.

I don't answer the phone for numbers I don't recognize either. If they are calling the right number or they arent a telemarketer they will leave a message.

12-14-2017, 11:35 PM
If they look like they are selling something or pushing religion or look like dangerous dirtbags then no. Otherwise yes. I do have a security screen though. But I live in a safe neighborhood in a safe city in a safe state so I don't normally have a problem.

cooper barrett
12-15-2017, 01:29 AM
usually invite them in for a spot of tea and anal

Why don'y you go to a wine bar if you want a chick with a dick to butt rape you?

Oh wait, you already do that.

cooper barrett
12-15-2017, 01:34 AM
Spider's got another fly in the web.

Why don't you follow me downstairs to the dunge.. basement to demo that Kirby vacuum.

Clay: "Do you like have a smaller hose for that attachment?"

cooper barrett
12-15-2017, 01:42 AM
I just let the lab out the back door and say "who's there", he goes bat shit on then as he escorts them back to their car.

Works well. one of my neighbors showed up at the door, never again.

12-15-2017, 08:25 AM
It depends.

If it's kids selling something, I generally answer the door and try to buy whatever they are selling to help them out. I don't get that many so, it's not that big of a deal. Some candy, cookies or a magazine which I donate. I have been on the other side as a kid trying to peddle something for sports to raise a few bucks, so I get it.

Adults are another story. If it's a politician, or a Jehovah witness, (which are the only strangers that seem to knock on my door) I either won't answer the door, or the conversation is very short.

12-15-2017, 08:58 AM
random salesmen, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc, would ring the doorbell at my grandmother's house. She would ignore them,but they would persist, and not go away. So she would take her false teeth and putt them very loosely in her mouth, to the point where they would clack/chatter and damn near fall out; she would them hunch herself way over, and answer the door making a sound similar to an old movie where someone hard of hearing would screech "ehhhh"?....as if they couldn't hear. She would shake, make the weird sound, tilt her head 90 degrees, and clack her teeth while at the screen door.

dudes would just walk away. LMAO
She was cool.

12-15-2017, 09:01 AM
Does that happen often?

True story:

In my single days, I moved into a new apartment, and quickly noticed that my next door neighbor had fantastic legs. As in, spectacularly fantastic. One day she rode by on her bicycle in short shorts as I was walking by my big glass patio doors, and I had no choice but to turn and watch. It was impossible to not do so.

And of course she looked over and saw me staring at her fantastic legs, steaming up the window with my tongue.

About an hour later, she came over and knocked on my door to introduce herself. And here's the weird part - she came onto me. She had fantastic legs and she came on to me.

At the time, I was an idiot. I was engaged to a terrible, terrible person, so I politely turned her down in an awkwardly flirtatious manner and we nonetheless hit it off. So here I was, living next door to a woman with fantastic legs and we flirted with each other whenever we crossed paths and she was kind of teasing while I sighed and was loyal to my far less attractive and terrible fiance who really didn't have great legs.

So a month or two goes by, and my terrible fiance creates a fake crisis about something stupid for the millionth time, and for the fourth or fifth time we break up. But this time I'm dandy with it.

So I give it a week or so, and then I'm over at my neighbor's door. Did I mention that she had fantastic legs? I knew she was home because I'd seen her go in earlier.

Knock, knock.

No answer.

Knock, knock.

No answer.

The next day, she came over and said, "Oh, I really wanted to answer the door, but I couldn't. My boyfriend was with me, and he's really jealous."

Boyfriend? She'd never told me about a boyfriend and I'd never seen one. So alas, my window was lost. And then the next week my terrible fiance with the bad legs showed back up, and we got together again until she cheated on me with her boss and we finally broke up for good.

I really lost an opportunity there.
True dat.

Easy 6
12-15-2017, 09:10 AM
He'd call them a butt****ing moron via his little call box and neg rep them back to the stone ages.


12-15-2017, 09:15 AM
We are armed heavily and trespassers are warned repeatedly before getting near the house. Survivors are prosecuted.

12-15-2017, 09:26 AM
We are armed heavily and trespassers are warned repeatedly before getting near the house. Survivors are prosecuted.

I peeked in one of your windows a month ago and trespassed. You didn't catch me either by shooting or prosecution. :harumph: :D

12-15-2017, 09:36 AM
Only if they're hot and busty

Ding dong


Easy 6
12-15-2017, 10:07 AM
Wanna know who is even harder to get rid of than Jehovahs Witnesses?

Mormon missionaries

Had two of them show up a few years ago, met them at the door but didn't allow them in... and man! no matter how many times I told them I was comfortable with my faith and not planning to change it at all, they just kept at it like I've never experienced before

I tried being nice, complimenting them on guys like Steve Young, recognizing their early history in Nauvoo, Il... but that only seemed to egg them on

Finally just had to say 'hey guys I have things to do, good luck on your mission!' and shut the door on them

They stood outside the door for a good 30 seconds just kinda looking at each other like WTF?

If they were offended, it was their problem not mine, I was as polite to them as possible... until it became obvious they were NOT taking no for an answer

12-15-2017, 11:11 AM
I'm in the country so if they knock it's friend, family, neighbor...or someone broken down on the hwy or trying bring me some Jesus. The orchard thieves don't knock on the door.

I usually know when to be nice or not, and if it's dark when you knock I probably have an assistant tucked behind my back.

I found the secret to the Mormons.
If you're outside working and they show up wanting to talk...and you're say, digging a hole...Offer a shovel and tell them you'll listen as long as dirt is coming out of the hole.

Easy 6
12-15-2017, 11:17 AM
I'm in the country so if they knock it's friend, family, neighbor...or someone broken down on the hwy or trying bring me some Jesus. The orchard thieves don't knock on the door.

I usually know when to be nice or not, and if it's dark when you knock I probably have an assistant tucked behind my back.

I found the secret to the Mormons.
If you're outside working and they show up wanting to talk...and you're say, digging a hole...Offer a shovel and tell them you'll listen as long as dirt is coming out of the hole.

Those guys will dig a hole to your EXACT specifications if it means they get to talk

12-15-2017, 11:20 AM
I must have drawn the wrong team, because these guys were not interested in busting out concrete steps or digging holes for deck pilings. They chose to move on.

In the future I should probably make a list of tasks...clean my shop, cut cedars out of hedge rows, pick up rocks in the hay field...

Easy 6
12-15-2017, 11:27 AM
I must have drawn the wrong team, because these guys were not interested in busting out concrete steps or digging holes for deck pilings. They chose to move on.

In the future I should probably make a list of tasks...clean my shop, cut cedars out of hedge rows, pick up rocks in the hay field...

LMAO preach while you work!

12-15-2017, 11:51 AM
Wanna know who is even harder to get rid of than Jehovahs Witnesses?

Mormon missionaries

Had two of them show up a few years ago, met them at the door but didn't allow them in... and man! no matter how many times I told them I was comfortable with my faith and not planning to change it at all, they just kept at it like I've never experienced before

I tried being nice, complimenting them on guys like Steve Young, recognizing their early history in Nauvoo, Il... but that only seemed to egg them on

Finally just had to say 'hey guys I have things to do, good luck on your mission!' and shut the door on them

They stood outside the door for a good 30 seconds just kinda looking at each other like WTF?

If they were offended, it was their problem not mine, I was as polite to them as possible... until it became obvious they were NOT taking no for an answer

This used to happen to me when I was younger, maybe 11 or so and that's the kind of cult like stuff that made me grow up to be agnostic. I don't do the religion thing at all. Football is my religion I guess.

T-post Tom
12-15-2017, 12:22 PM
Have a gate. My butler or maid will converse via the intercom between the manor and the gate.

Rain Man
12-15-2017, 12:29 PM
Wanna know who is even harder to get rid of than Jehovahs Witnesses?

Mormon missionaries

Had two of them show up a few years ago, met them at the door but didn't allow them in... and man! no matter how many times I told them I was comfortable with my faith and not planning to change it at all, they just kept at it like I've never experienced before

I tried being nice, complimenting them on guys like Steve Young, recognizing their early history in Nauvoo, Il... but that only seemed to egg them on

Finally just had to say 'hey guys I have things to do, good luck on your mission!' and shut the door on them

They stood outside the door for a good 30 seconds just kinda looking at each other like WTF?

If they were offended, it was their problem not mine, I was as polite to them as possible... until it became obvious they were NOT taking no for an answer

I was out for a run once, and there were a couple of JW guys on the running trail. One of them tried to engage me as I ran past. Seriously? I thought that was a really bad plan.

Easy 6
12-15-2017, 12:32 PM
I was out for a run once, and there were a couple of JW guys on the running trail. One of them tried to engage me as I ran past. Seriously? I thought that was a really bad plan.

I have JW as close family, and yeah... they are anything but shy about pushing their views

Over Yonder
12-15-2017, 01:07 PM
You're not expecting anyone and otherwise have no reason not to answer the door (you're wearing pants, you're not performing open heart surgery, etc.).... do you open your door to see what they want?

Yea, I open the door for strangers, but like others have said, I'm out in the sticks so it's a rarity.

Funny story, I actually answered the door in my drawers once. It turned out to be the Fed Ex guy. Didn't bother either one of us it seemed, but I thought the wife was gonna have a stroke. I just told her that he shouldn't of knocked if he didn't want to run the risk of seeing a dude in his drawers, it's my house :shrug:

12-15-2017, 01:13 PM
Yea, I open the door for strangers, but like others have said, I'm out in the sticks so it's a rarity.

Funny story, I actually answered the door in my drawers once. It turned out to be the Fed Ex guy. Didn't bother either one of us it seemed, but I thought the wife was gonna have a stroke. I just told her that he shouldn't of knocked if he didn't want to run the risk of seeing a dude in his drawers, it's my house :shrug:

Well at least you had your drawers on. ROFL I'm sure everyone of those guys that have worked there for a few years have some epic stories.

12-15-2017, 01:19 PM
It depends on if it's day or night, am I busy or not, do i have the Ruger handy?

12-15-2017, 04:09 PM
Yea, I open the door for strangers, but like others have said, I'm out in the sticks so it's a rarity.

Funny story, I actually answered the door in my drawers once. It turned out to be the Fed Ex guy. Didn't bother either one of us it seemed, but I thought the wife was gonna have a stroke. I just told her that he shouldn't of knocked if he didn't want to run the risk of seeing a dude in his drawers, it's my house :shrug:

Is your name Conyers?

cooper barrett
12-15-2017, 07:11 PM
Well at least you had your drawers on. ROFL I'm sure everyone of those guys that have worked there for a few years have some epic stories.

Epic activities too...

I'd bet they didn't look like this.


12-15-2017, 07:40 PM
I can see out my front door. But I still have a camera with 24 hour recording. I can look at the monitor before I answer. Everyone should have a camera on their house. Maybe more.

12-15-2017, 07:45 PM
Epic activities too...

I'd bet they didn't look like this.


You’re a horny bastard lol

Sandy Vagina
12-15-2017, 07:50 PM
No delivery? no planned encounter? nope.. **** right off.

Never understood those schmucks that need to stop what they are doing to answer every call of their phone either.


12-15-2017, 07:59 PM
No delivery? no planned encounter? nope.. **** right off.

Never understood those schmucks that need to stop what they are doing to answer every call of their phone either.


Half the calls I get nowadays are BS tell-market-bullshit. On my voicemail I specifically say that if it's important to leave a message and I'll get back with them asap. Therefore, if they don't leave a VM, I know it was a scammer.

Sandy Vagina
12-15-2017, 08:02 PM
Half the calls I get nowadays are BS tell-market-bullshit. On my voicemail I specifically say that if it's important to leave a message and I'll get back with them asap. Therefore, if they don't leave a VM, I know it was a scammer.

Yeah, I don't even answer my phone, if I don't instantly recognize a number. Half the time, my phone is on silent anyway. I don't like talking to people on phones... can barely tolerate talking to them in person.

12-15-2017, 08:06 PM
Yeah, I don't even answer my phone, if I don't instantly recognize a number. Half the time, my phone is on silent anyway. I don't like talking to people on phones... can barely tolerate talking to them in person.

:thumb: maybe this is why we make message board accounts.

12-15-2017, 08:09 PM
Yeah, I don't even answer my phone, if I don't instantly recognize a number. Half the time, my phone is on silent anyway. I don't like talking to people on phones... can barely tolerate talking to them in person.

:thumb: maybe this is why we make message board accounts.

As expected, both of you guys are totally normal

12-15-2017, 08:11 PM
As expected, both of you guys are totally normal
I can't imagine how awful talking to you on the phone would be.

12-15-2017, 08:15 PM
I can't imagine how awful talking to you on the phone would be.

Well, I haven't done telemarketing since 1987 in Lawrence, while I was in college, but I was the #1 salesperson for 4 months in a row.

I sold Player's Club International, the Tele Savalas backed gig, and the stories I could tell...

I may have told a few back in the day but man, it was awesome.

Sandy Vagina
12-15-2017, 08:17 PM
Well, I haven't done telemarketing since 1987 in Lawrence, while I was in college, but I was the #1 salesperson for 4 months in a row.

I sold Player's Club International, the Tele Savalas backed gig, and the stories I could tell...

I may have told a few back in the day but man, it was awesome.

So at what point did you become the raging anus we observe today? Who hurt ya bro? we're here for ya. :thumb:

12-15-2017, 08:19 PM
Well, I haven't done telemarketing since 1987 in Lawrence, while I was in college, but I was the #1 salesperson for 4 months in a row.

I sold Player's Club International, the Tele Savalas backed gig, and the stories I could tell...

I may have told a few back in the day but man, it was awesome.

Sales are fun when you're good at it. I've experienced both hard times and great success doing cold call sales at Homeadvisor.

But I hate people, so I left. I can't put on a fake salesy voice all the time.

12-15-2017, 08:36 PM
So at what point did you become the raging anus we observe today? Who hurt ya bro? we're here for ya. :thumb:

The exact second that you and your ilk arrived.

(Okay, maybe that’s not true. Dumbasses annoy me.)

cooper barrett
12-15-2017, 08:47 PM
No delivery? no planned encounter? nope.. **** right off.

Never understood those schmucks that need to stop what they are doing to answer every call of their phone either.


You would answer the door, you need someone to talk to. The FedEx guy drops packages at your garage door, runs, and honks as he's leaving...

12-15-2017, 09:32 PM
Only if they ring the doorbell twice. I wired a taser to the doorbell, so it lets me know how seriously they want to talk.

Pasta Little Brioni
12-15-2017, 09:34 PM
Only for the mormons

12-15-2017, 09:37 PM
I answer the door and convert to whatever religion is being offered. If it's a salesman or a kid selling girl scout cookies, I try to convert them to my latest religion.

Willie Lanier
12-15-2017, 09:45 PM
Wanna know who is even harder to get rid of than Jehovahs Witnesses?

Mormon missionaries

Had two of them show up a few years ago, met them at the door but didn't allow them in... and man! no matter how many times I told them I was comfortable with my faith and not planning to change it at all, they just kept at it like I've never experienced before

I tried being nice, complimenting them on guys like Steve Young, recognizing their early history in Nauvoo, Il... but that only seemed to egg them on

Finally just had to say 'hey guys I have things to do, good luck on your mission!' and shut the door on them

They stood outside the door for a good 30 seconds just kinda looking at each other like WTF?

If they were offended, it was their problem not mine, I was as polite to them as possible... until it became obvious they were NOT taking no for an answer

I must have some pussy mormons around my area, because when I open the door to say no (and I don't do it in an aggressive manner) they leave quite quickly...

Sandy Vagina
12-15-2017, 09:46 PM
You would answer the door, you need someone to talk to. The FedEx guy drops packages at your garage door, runs, and honks as he's leaving...

Shit on that... extreme opposite. I don't even like when dear friends would show up after months/years to catch up. Hate it. Most people don't call me to chat.. as I simply won't answer.. and they learn this over time. Never show up out of the blue either... **** that.

People suck. Know your place. Leave an urgent or important message.. but there is no small talk or feasible interrupting of my desired small world. :harumph:

Easy 6
12-15-2017, 09:58 PM
I must have some pussy mormons around my area, because when I open the door to say no (and I don't do it in an aggressive manner) they leave quite quickly...

It was mostly my mistake, stepped outside the screen door and tried to humor them too much with what I know of their history... 'My favorite coach Andy Reid is proudly BYU'

They were extremely polite in their pushiness, and it drew me in for a few minutes

Willie Lanier
12-15-2017, 10:02 PM
It was mostly my mistake, stepped outside the screen door and tried to humor them too much with what I know of their history... 'My favorite coach Andy Reid is proudly BYU'

They were extremely polite in their pushiness, and it drew me in for a few minutes

Yeah, sounds like you were too nice bud...

cooper barrett
12-15-2017, 11:40 PM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/zDKVO23comY?rel=0&amp;controls=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Shit on that... extreme opposite. I don't even like when dear friends would show up after months/years to catch up. Hate it. Most people don't call me to chat.. as I simply won't answer.. and they learn this over time. Never show up out of the blue either... **** that.

People suck. Know your place. Leave an urgent or important message.. but there is no small talk or feasible interrupting of my desired small world. :harumph:

cooper barrett
12-16-2017, 01:11 AM
I never answer my door either....


12-16-2017, 01:15 AM
What've you been drinking, Cooper?

cooper barrett
12-16-2017, 01:41 AM
What've you been drinking, Cooper?


I believe that should be "have" not "what" and yes, I tested my Ghost pepper infused vodka, it'a almost there.

Why? do you have a problem?


12-16-2017, 11:36 PM
This cracked me up


There really should be a way to embed on a phone

12-17-2017, 01:18 AM

This is how most home invasions start.

12-17-2017, 01:22 AM
I don't even open my door all the way for the pizza man to see inside the house. I'm like a prisoner just asking them to slide in through the crack and I'll slide the money under the door.

12-17-2017, 08:19 AM
This cracked me up


There really should be a way to embed on a phone

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9hv0M4mnrE8" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

12-17-2017, 08:59 AM
I'm in the country so if they knock it's friend, family, neighbor...or someone broken down on the hwy or trying bring me some Jesus. The orchard thieves don't knock on the door.

I usually know when to be nice or not, and if it's dark when you knock I probably have an assistant tucked behind my back.

I found the secret to the Mormons.
If you're outside working and they show up wanting to talk...and you're say, digging a hole...Offer a shovel and tell them you'll listen as long as dirt is coming out of the hole.

You should make your list. Wife gave some fool resounding “No I’m catholic” and he offered her to help her with whatever nonetheless. One time I was on my roof doin Christmas lights and used that as an excuse instead of go fuck yourself and they offered to help.

All the ones here have been polite and not too pushy. The only thing that really shut them up quick was when the wife started abusing them about whatever book they use not being something or other. I laughed.