View Full Version : Chiefs Dear Andy, protect your quarterback. Signed, everyone.

01-17-2021, 08:26 PM
Andy Reid. Lot of ways to describe this man.

Innovator. Genius. Guru.

So how does a man deserving of these adjectives, who has coached for two decades plus, guiding now two separate franchises to host a hat trick of title games not understand that exposing the very reason your team transcends all others is UNFATHOMABLY stupid?

3rd n 1. Big bruising back in the game playing well. Best arm on the planet running the offense. Lets not hand it off though, let's call a designed run exposing our qb to a free shot that gets his head ripped off.


Mahomes isn't going to back off from the call, and the guy puts a bullseye on his back enough with his own scrambles down field. Its YOUR JOB to protect your quarterback.

Why the fuck are you calling designed qb running plays? He was already dinged and limping around. You cannot honestly believe that THIS was the only way you could get one yard on this trash defense.

15 is the reason KC is favored in every contest.

15 covers MANY of your warts as a play caller and time manager.

15 is the guy who saved your coaching legacy, bringing you a championship that eluded you for years, because your other quarterbacks could not overcome your post season pant shitting.

Why you choose to put 15 in harms way intentionally is beyond any sane line of thinking. It isnt like you have an o line that can protect him. You have a former #1 and a bunch of JAGS up front trying their best to just not look like a retard trying to fuck a doorknob.

Every time he drops back, he has to run for his life already, so to just throw him into the teeth of the defense, intentionally, is simply unfathomably stupid.

Take a look at your incredible 3 point performance in the second half against the terrible Browns defense. That's how far an innovative, guru genius like you is going to get with Chad fucking Henne.

So please. For all of us, pal.

Take care of your fucking quarterback.

01-17-2021, 08:27 PM
Does this go for his touchdown run, too?

And when he was diving head first into defenders during the Super Bowl?

01-17-2021, 08:27 PM
It's a contact sport. I know where you're coming from, but babying Mahomes is neutering Mahomes.

Jewish Rabbi
01-17-2021, 08:28 PM

Eat fuck pie, queer.



Hammock Parties
01-17-2021, 08:30 PM
Any Ree sux!!!

Fia Any Ree!!!!!

01-17-2021, 08:31 PM
Reid will be cautious until the Super Bowl, assuming Mahomes is cleared.

I expect lots of fast passes where Mahomes carves up the center of the field.

01-17-2021, 08:31 PM
Signed everyone? I'm not fucking signing this. Not blaming Andy fucking Reid for this injury. Jfc.

01-17-2021, 08:33 PM
The guy has to run enough as is on designed passes. As said, He's not backing off any call. You have running backs to get "tough yards". They're not called tough yards for nothing.

Mahomes throws the ball. He's the best on the planet. So until you have someone behind him that can do what he can, you leave the route running, and the plowing headlong into the teeth of the defense to the guys on your roster paid to ****ing do that.

01-17-2021, 08:35 PM
The guy has to run enough as is on designed passes. As said, He's not backing off any call. You have running backs to get "tough yards". They're not called tough yards for nothing.

Mahomes throws the ball. He's the best on the planet. So until you have someone behind him that can do what he can, you leave the plowing headlong into the teeth of the defense to the guys on your roster paid to fucking do that.

Did you have this same problem on his TD run? It was the same play.

Mahomes has just had some weird fluke injuries on normal plays. It's not even like it was a collision concussion.

01-17-2021, 08:35 PM
Reid won the game with that awesome 4th and 1 call... however, he does need to wisen up a bit with running Mahomes. If Patrick runs from a scramble fine, but the option play needs to be shelved when he is limping around already. Pretty dumb imo. They also need to shore up the interior of the line in the upcoming draft. They really need to protect the franchise, but without taking away his creativity.

01-17-2021, 08:36 PM

Already read this in the Pete thread.

Mods, can we merge dumb threads to keep the lounge pristine?

Pasta Little Brioni
01-17-2021, 08:37 PM
It's not his play style, dude. Part of what makes him great. Reid can't do shit about that

01-17-2021, 08:37 PM
Dumb. It’s football. Freak injuries happen.

01-17-2021, 08:40 PM
Did you have this same problem on his TD run? It was the same play.

Mahomes has just had some weird fluke injuries on normal plays. It's not even like it was a collision concussion.

Yeah, it was just as risky. Exposing Mahomes intentionally to hits is stupid. Hes exposed enough on normal pass plays.

At least on the scoring play it got points. 3rd n1 and we lost Patrick and didnt even get the fucking first.

If running your qb is the only way you know how to get a yard, you go some serious problems.

01-17-2021, 08:40 PM

01-17-2021, 08:41 PM

01-17-2021, 08:41 PM

Already read this in the Pete thread.

Mods, can we merge dumb threads to keep the lounge pristine?

You could off yourself and get the gene pool one step closer to pristine.

01-17-2021, 08:43 PM
Reid won the game with that awesome 4th and 1 call... however, he does need to wisen up a bit with running Mahomes. If Patrick runs from a scramble fine, but the option play needs to be shelved when he is limping around already. Pretty dumb imo. They also need to shore up the interior of the line in the upcoming draft. They really need to protect the franchise, but without taking away his creativity.

It's fine if he gets hurt when scrambling, but not if it's an option play? And don't get a concussion when you have turf toe?

I get it... he's the half billion dollar asset and clearly the franchise.

People can't also pick and choose when it's okay for him to make contact, like scrambling and diving head first into defenders in the SB, versus an option play in the divisional round.

I think he's pretty smart when it comes to getting out of bounds and choosing when to make a play... and it's a contact sport.

01-17-2021, 08:44 PM

Already read this in the Pete thread.

Mods, can we merge dumb threads to keep the lounge pristine?

*merges 97,000 threads*

Jewish Rabbi
01-17-2021, 08:47 PM
You could off yourself and get the gene pool one step closer to pristine.

Why are you anti Semitic???

01-17-2021, 08:47 PM
The defender kept twisting Mahomes head even after he was down. Should have been a flag.

01-17-2021, 08:49 PM
The Chiefs have already removed the QB sneak play from their playbook that every other team runs... it’s a contact sport and shit happens.

01-17-2021, 08:49 PM

01-17-2021, 08:50 PM
I dislike this thread

01-17-2021, 08:50 PM
Did you have this same problem on his TD run? It was the same play.

Mahomes has just had some weird fluke injuries on normal plays. It's not even like it was a collision concussion.


01-17-2021, 08:51 PM
Bieniemy calls the plays remember :)

01-17-2021, 08:51 PM
The defender kept twisting Mahomes head even after he was down. Should have been a flag.

Absolutely. Really Cleveland playing dirty.

01-17-2021, 08:52 PM
JFC, this stupid fucking false narrative just won’t die.

It’s fucking DUMB AS FUCK.

01-17-2021, 08:54 PM
Did you have this same problem on his TD run? It was the same play.

Mahomes has just had some weird fluke injuries on normal plays. It's not even like it was a collision concussion.I'm still wondering where the sudden stop, the collision with something, happened to cause a concussion?

I'm not saying he isn't concussed, I'm just wondering when it happened during that tackle.

01-17-2021, 08:55 PM
Andy Reid is a great NFL coach. Patrick Mahomes plays football. Chiefs Rule

01-17-2021, 08:56 PM
Reid won the game with that awesome 4th and 1 call... however, he does need to wisen up a bit with running Mahomes. If Patrick runs from a scramble fine, but the option play needs to be shelved when he is limping around already. Pretty dumb imo. They also need to shore up the interior of the line in the upcoming draft. They really need to protect the franchise, but without taking away his creativity.A Trent Green era O-line would be nice too. Sometimes those five guys can help the QB be even more awesome.

01-17-2021, 08:56 PM
I'm still wondering where the sudden stop, the collision with something, happened to cause a concussion?

I'm not saying he isn't concussed, I'm just wondering when it happened during that tackle.

Andy said postgame he got the wind knocked out of him more than anything.

Maybe he didn’t see the hit coming, because Mahomes is usually good about avoiding the big hits and giving himself up or getting out of bounds.

01-17-2021, 08:57 PM
Dumb. I would limit the risk in the regular season but once playoffs are here. Play to win the game. Unleash everything you've got.

01-17-2021, 08:57 PM

01-17-2021, 08:58 PM
I'm still wondering where the sudden stop, the collision with something, happened to cause a concussion?

I'm not saying he isn't concussed, I'm just wondering when it happened during that tackle.

Immediately after seeing the replay, I thought it looked like the blood supply to his brain was cut off and he blacked out like during a BJJ choke.

He tried to get back up before his brain had a chance to recover. By the time he was heading into the locker room, he was straight up running like it was no big deal.

There did not seem to be a concussive impact there. I don't even think there was any sub-concussive damage, TBH.

I am not a doctor, though.

01-17-2021, 09:04 PM
At least on the scoring play it got points.

You just deligitimized your entire argument.

01-17-2021, 09:05 PM
Immediately after seeing the replay, I thought it looked like the blood supply to his brain was cut off and he blacked out like during a BJJ choke.

He tried to get back up before his brain had a chance to recover. By the time he was heading into the locker room, he was straight up running like it was no big deal.

There did not seem to be a concussive impact there. I don't even think there was any sub-concussive damage, TBH.

I am not a doctor, though.

I am a doctor, and I thought the exact same thing.

01-17-2021, 09:08 PM
Tommy Fraiser read option plays don't work in the NFL. And when the QB makes 500million I'd bet the owner has a word with the bonehead that called the play. ****ing stupid.

<img class="rg_i Q4LuWd" src=" GxAQGi0fHx0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLTctLTc3N//AABEIAM0A9QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQIDBAYHAAj/xAA6EAABAwIEBAUEAAIKAwEAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBkFRYRMicYGRMkJSoRQjBzNTYnKCksHR4RVD8Bb/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwABBAUG/8QAJxEAAgICAgICAgIDAQAAAAAAAAECEQMhEjEEQRMiBTJRkUJhcRT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AM27FZYxYBh7kaqrLXvebu0tyGi9Un3Q+eUgqotGnLXK0EmyNvrex7o5R0sJbd0wb+1k4Zrq652iqaVjsClNP+EaigMQlAjdnta5 tZdGo2AtGq4rglRaXfoutYNVXZqbrhflU1Q3DtstyRsubub6WQLGcLDvp8x5aWRWdxJ0bdVK6pe1uoA9Fzsebi1RoiqZnIMLnAP8 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H76dgZCLSPYXOkdqGnoBzWbhnVbGqbxI9NXN1HfsqxZHCVFIsVeN1VSI3SPD3Bl3OeQ2w3sAqNZiIFo4n+I5zD4z7eVl9sqDYtmZ la7fKD/tb9Kzg+CPcMz3FrX2JaNzbbVPyOK2w9BzAbuj1voSvK1C3K0NGzRYLyxuSbsU0WMw6JC4KEuK8CgLolLgm3TV4AqrJQ4lJnCv4Vh TpnZc7W+u/wq3EmBy01nOIew828vUI4rkasHi839nRG+oFtChznnNp1VaN6lmp3uF22HdaqjGJ13KGKNLo1lHiVmAOOw2Kq4lXB2yxs3iA+a7u +ZwSSSkjY/wCorix/GRcuVmKflapF2qOZ4F+YQ3E5DPUeQEtiGS46gaohh9CTZ1iPe6JU1E2MeVoF9+63QjHE/wDhmeetg2LD8jbuF3FBsbhuFrZYyQgeJQX3TseRuWzPKbk7ZiCnMKlq4MriO6hC3rotGowYeVq09INFjsHrQAAbAhamiqgRuseZO wJBEpLpWm4T2hZXaYNEVkhYprLyqyUD6ilB5INX4eCPpHwtSoX04PJHHI4hHOammcw87IjgED5nZW6AbkrTVOENf0S4fRCD6RzW3 FnjL9guQSpuHZuZH7V9mBvAvcGyHv4geFBLxXyubpsoYn0Rg+rwWQvd4hb9YIJ1Ngb2HQIuPRUmVmY3JvdWmvWDJYNjrheS2Xkqy A3E3yM8zDe3JepqrxW5ozZw+tvQ8/ZEpaYuFi0/Cys9M+mlz2cGuJA3sbrThnqmHQWmr3t5Ara/0cCGfOJmtc5rgWnpcDRc0qq8HZafg/EHREuaDZ1j11AsnJRW6Lo6Lxhh1MYvEjyxTRaxuabG45G24WNxjGzNFYi5cPN6r2JV0ku4IBVDw7DYpeXKnpIOOZxWgXTUp5iyLR Oyi1gVEM1/pd8FTMheftd8LPKUmDkzTn2Qzwtdu1qijoWD7Qr38O7ofheMB6JdsVsia3oAn+y86NIGK1ZEjzndkNrIroo1gTJKdWrIzC41R31A 1WfOhXSqvDi7QBZ+t4e5jQrXiyV2WmCsDwl1Q7fI0fU7/hbqhpqambcNMrhzeTv6BZfDonwgttcE8lNNWv2DXa9iVrU40WwnW8QPe6zcrAOQAT6XECfqN1n2wSk3LHN9RZXae7d0jIk/REaKOoHRWGTN/FCaWdEI5brHOLI0WfHZ+P7KXxW/j+1Bdeulgkhc38be6Q5eh+UxNeUNshDUwMP229ygtVQs6ftHr9lSnbumQm0ywRDIWlF6epuAhstl6KuaDZam1NF0H2SLyoRVoIuv JPxIviHocVIP1n3UeJvE7cr3A2va3WylZhrCAdVFNC0bK+iJ2ZWnwbzDMfKDyWngqWsFmjKApKaJpGovqnTMaNgETk6I2M/jynMrD1VZ1TbZrfhMFU48mj2S7BCAqHHZ9vdefM/nI3/Uqbah1vt/0hNkdcbN+FSkvZZbFQ7+0H+pIaonTOPlDwOzfhSH0b8KNr0UWm5fzHynvykayhUsnp8f9puX0+FVohYbFGPvCtx1GUWHhn3Qsxd/0mGmJ+79K1JEDQnJ5NUE+vIfCEmB35uUbmPG0jlHJMgSyhu7Qm/xjByAPt/wqDYnHd7inNpL/cVXJlMklka7UkqnUNb6q0KQDmUklGDzKtTdkQJDrFWYK2xVg4Y3qV4YYzumPIg7Rfp6oEbNUhqB+IVJtOBtdO8PuUluwW0T+MEoe FX8IJwj7lCQsCQKOUNPRN8HuUnhdyrshG+mYeQVKXDG9AiPh9yveH3VqTRLBzKAjQbLyIGPuV5TkyuTP//Z" data-deferred="1" jsname="Q4LuWd" alt="Hit took out RG3's knee (Redskins-Ravens) | Useful Information Chunks" data-atf="true" data-iml="1052" width="240" height="201">

<img class="rg_i Q4LuWd" src=" GhAQGy0lHyUtLS0tKy0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLSstLS0rKy0tLf/AABEIAKkBKwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAQIDBQYABwj/xABCEAABAwIDBQUGAwcDAgcAAAABAgMRACEEEjEFBkFRYRMicYGRFDKhscHwB0LhFSNSYoLR8TNykkOTNHODorLC0v/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgMEBQb/xAAtEQACAgEDAgQGAQUAAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMRNBBCJRYRQycYGx8JEjocHh8f/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A86x9BYfWjNoGg8PrQyexZpMIJ6VVrM31qydP7s1W5aznyb4o3ESZpzTHJRHhNPvznxA+dPSDyFZ2adFC4iw HnUE0XiIKOoI/tQVVHdEyjpdDqkYYWswhJUeSQT/ikw7WYx61r9jJShMC31pt0QCbP3RWpOZxxDZ4JjOf6iCAPInyqDaWxls6wpP8SdPMG4rXMLSBQO0FiTfXXlyqbFbMQ4L0ypsUiFE daiiqKG11LFdTA6rLZYqtq22WKzyfKXDksndKontTV6/7tUTmtYYzcip6TTTXJNagS10Ugp0UhkzDM0V7HUWEcij+3EVz5JSvYhg6MJUnsVSJxAqcYkVk5zFYMMDSKwVHDEimuYkVOudjsAO FpPY6J9pFPQ+IqtcgsrzhalRg7UR2wqdp0RQ8kgsAOB6UBjcJFaDthVftJwVWLJJyJnwVDVkCpgKDWdKlSuu450Q47xB6gyD1B4i hMPrRWMoNo1uZ9i6aw/aJKQQDwnSRwoNzZbydUT4EH60VgXqtmcQ3N21T/K4QPTMIrHPqXmTVe5rilSopWNjPr0QfMpHzNWOH3ZckZ1NpnhMnyA1q/wANimR/0m//AFHSfgZoXam3nCMiAlpF7NDJm0Aki8dOt65VKU3Skvsjqjb7Ae09jtIZWkKzOykDMcuXvAq7gvpPvVQHZpH5hRynALD4cKapfDyr fGnBVdldNPdh27OyGnFEOYlprkV54UeUhMJ43JrVY3dpxhIXdSCJC0ELRHO1yOotWBTh0AzHrMeFaDZO3nmUw0tSUzdEyjWTKDKf MCetOV9jJ4L4DHH8o+tVWPxVqu9h4I414twEIMqUUTCOQTmmL3jkDWkX+F7ChbEu9LI+NqE9T2RjKOjaR5I5ck1HFei4/wDCvEpksutOdFZmz4DUE+MVkNsbv4nDH9+ytHU3T/zTKZ6TWgrKiK6KeU0kUANirfZelVQFXGzE2rLM/KaY+QrFHu1SLq6xnu1SrrLFwdBGaSnUkVqKh6TTxUQp4NIZIFRXF40yaSlSChxfNKMUaiNNIo0omgj2s0pxRoWlo0IVE4xBpwxRo antomjSgJvaDUicSaQNgVA4uKfTTE5pB3tMUBi8Saj7cUx0zVxxpGEp2IVWFSpodYsPCng02ShMYDyoQCt27stJ4UOrYyeVHWRmZ zBJq6ZxKW0kriJGqcw9NaPZ2UkcKdtbZoLDkC4SSP6b/SiWRSVWONWQo23nbUlBRBgKyoKbG8ST0qnxTk6cKF2a5DSuq/8A6pp4VWaVd7PRgklsMCp0ojC4da1JbbQpa1GAlIJJPQCogOVqsNi7aVhVqUkyFDK4mcpUmZKQ4O8iY1SQfGqRU3Ss0uzN1mmwVY 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2xDilrAPvAIFgOnSs80QRwtf/ABVNeg4q9meuuNBYlBCkqSZIy2JnXLaZn40WNpNJaQpxYStxPvLsCpMgpkaRBt9Sa8n2Xt53Dn9yogEGUk90gzoOBuTVhjN5lvMq aWlBBWVg3lKiRMH19TS1SjwgWF3uesbNx7RgJdQoFKbg6kCDRGFAzKgpN+hsevjXgSlpBBMCePA9DyPWj9j7dewrnaNKJA/KTKVA6pUOPMHpVrJLvRb8Mq8rN7+LG7Cn2DiWBLjaCFpGq27kEdUn4E0xG31sOIDak9iW0d11JUFQkSW1hQj+HiJTpz1e7O1A/h0OAghSTmHIyZT5XFeY7adTh8W7hnD+5zygGCAFCRANrSQDqIqpP07mcU3s+x6bszHoxBGXurSk92xkGJgkXvHKlwLDobf7VOXvu hMxdGY5FWMXH3wqg3X2Ue1adYMNJkqUsqVnBBTkbSIjU98nUQAbkbjEOCIIFxzufI0niclvyRaT2MuHygkEd0CZAt4Vm98dkhQD7 fAALjiPyq8tD0jlWodMFQM8r1XLcCFFowUrFgZMzOZJNfJYZyxZGu65/wAnW90edlquS3VhtHAKbcUkaA28DcfChDh117kZ2rTMrIlN1GUVKULpimVVV+4tRGU00Ip6m1UwpVVILOUK4Lri2o1CUK5U6AIzU 5K6GGblSyrlS0gE9rXByob8q4TypaQM/tlUuqPh8qAnwqw22ghyeBFVs16GP5UYvk9P2++pTJSAJcUlseKzFXe3WmClaHEyxh0NoCbgQwlLxIjWe4D/AOXVI8Mz2HSQYD7SundJt6xRuKcKzkme0xIB/wBhxMqH/bBFeXK+kop7uSRrhruP3xx6sJs1tiYexBJdIPEntcQR0zKSjwVXnAxioibeNaH8VccV4tCJs20P+S1KUr1SEelY2RNhExpN69Fo1 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bpMg5UevDmJtFRqw5ABJF6qmwTAVNjlSFsVcs7CxDiCtDSlJAJkAAGNYKiAfKgVNJhspIWXEIcSEkEhLicyc17Kgi3WaqOPI+EFs GDQ5UpbHKilYcgwYB5Zkk/AmlLEgxB8CDRKE1ygtlLtXAMLAU6opSkySOXKOtaTC7FYCEhKUxAi1Vj2FC0qQpMg2ign9tLbOQE90JHwFdnhZeVphyWgfAWlRBs tKp4DKQTpxilbeh5vpiF/Dtkj4xQidoC9laE3FjVbisYQrOJspK46tlJI8wkeprkSbq+zs1xyq16lbv46TjnfBqP+2iu3ObbzrfduhhGcxrME2692B1UKi3yU FPh1JkOITfqm3/xyetRbuYwAuNqVl7UABREgKSZTI43gx0612zVx/fuXGWxqMR+ILRBCsOpRFg2rIEjKZEqk8h3cvO5p2wNpYzFuLeYYYbAUhK1CAsNyFraR1VeVRJzC4gRjcXsd5Bu2VSbKR3kq8Cnx4 xV3sJpWDC8Q4otOwA0AoSdSSpAJChp3VCNZFaakkZUGb44btNoJbT75yINiYUTqUpuYEmpN49k4VLIaZTmUkKKXhGdau+5ClAQtJ FhxECjMVvakNNvPMJ7ZxtSEBucwQTBXn94FZuASTrcmaon3GwUukvMpR3uxW3qVyBGkWm8flHOvPk5Odq0lx7v9+x1JrTTKPF4hz s2ULChlC4KpvKz8gB8aVnSl2xtZT6h3QEpslKRJgc1G6jUba+HL6V3b1ujKLXAY27pTnnpBt986CW5NclU0UMmnmfvhT5EeH2fvp 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 FPYx1AxDiGEuKbS2klKClHcOdKSM6VEEkKJso+FZ87TIJAcJuZUBdQBiY+NLvD2Li1ONk59VclnifGqYO/f1FRqsKNVhcWiSc1hzBkgAXPDnx4UGcQvIFhRuSBqNCZv6ep5VTjHEzMSdSBF+cc/vjRWCfEBKpIjheBJPzPxrOd0NI2WExiezBUSpUXPM6H6/d6pcfhnS4ooyKSTKTPAj7FAocVlInnTmcSykQtTgUJkAwNeVZadLtBReqwZmyjobEm8THLSkewcpAUZ+xEHjpVolkniQLdZJ8OF/u88pJGl9D5xex61x62jPdGaxOw1LRkKrAkpMSU6262+9KCG650Ko0vrYjQiNY5HWa1hPC/C0fE0xx0BPeMCwnjp68K0XiJcIepmfGyX02S8pIjS5vA53gX66DrTRu+pSiXFkjWdbFI08T4a9L6FToASYUpKzYjQCLEz4aU1pwF RMKSdAo9IiL86rrS9B6mEYQtj3GoX2aUBwKGdBuO5IIAAE21I5XrOo3XcV3luJzElahOckgDKCTY8Z+xV6pq1tPLhrUJKpixEWII MTp1v05VOPIocIbyOXJncZu24lagjSTpPu8I5mOH2A3tjupiRAPGZi1p+Wla5wm8Hyn5+lQstOd2TBSIsZSoa6H3TJ861WexKRl2 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 RPh0qRKo8Ke6CwTB4It6ERpl6HUAaa0UlmIBJ+dd7Rxpq8QCrlQ23yF2Klrn6GoSze45VOXI+5pSqT4/SluMgDaRauUi4Bn0qcWOo/tT0XPvRamthAvYx70W/Q3pq0Difr/ii1DjFp8jUBjW0UWAOhhMkk+I50pw4tf9aNVz6CIpvZDWJE68qd2AJ2Zm3GndnaCPu9SrSBw407JofnRYA2SNP760mVQvHL7NEZe JpMsaXFOwBwpQ/Q+P350raiOlS9mSDpNIpkm3nPhRaAiTpY8PLUG/PxpzbihzN724dKRtKp1npUi2fKh0MRt0mT8/7UwPnx0kVOlqEzP603suNLYQnazMDUecimKX89OdKWj5+FIG+t6NgBsS4tM5E6dJk6ffSn4Z9WUFUBXURrpImpROh4/CmdgM035C948araqHYqFWsSrn49OlSKdAMWifCNOVIvDjy4RTS0Y7oNqQCOnrNjc0xKpMk2gnT5x1+VTNIKbx8flTXU6Rb460VQ6 IU2MSf153p6JM971j7mmdkoXAi9I42ocZBtFhfhFVQEiVnQEetvvp/eocQtYsQbREcPE12RZ42k3/AFp5BHEfThQnQELGICSO192dAYJEzBPAenlVg5vilBypTh8ogCWUKOnFRuaBxLCSIVEW40ONjI/lPn+lbY8sYrgLNAVpUIi8a0uHxEJykaAih0CL0il3rkt0SHMZSLmKc4wgCypqtUaeFDnT1AHtYdBF1VErBJkGRrQoVPGlOutGr2A mcYCbTXN4ckwPGoVmaeFEAQTNJNWA4Mq5VIWVcqiZxKkqnWjE7SPIVS0gRhtUaGKgW1bSj1bRkaVwxqDYinUfUKKxtqBapAKtEoZ NgYpXNnIy2VT6b7DKfJrNdFoqx/ZRiZqDFYFSdKThJCBkpAp+UDhTxs9cTTxgHCJilpkAE+gkHLY0Ph0uIPe700cvCrBvUSyRY0JVyFjXXSNE09bybTbypomkUb0Ugs kBETSLc0yn4U0qrgDNF0NMm7Ym9RVxpUUN2FnR0pxRI0phXSoXrUgNM8qVlV9PKkLtcp2hMQroBM6Hh08OVdFoimBcm9I68dBVW2 Pk5QiK4JmZ4Ujbh48KkbWDrQAErG5e5BOsHgaVp5BgQZtwsKLWBPCmK0sBNVsM4tpPH7400t+NB9k6AYM9KcFu8qen3BpFpkHlSF Ipx0phrEkRbQIqJDY51KahqgCCyALa1EEU7hSpoYDRakLnCkc1piaKGS5q5K6ipqdaTQE96cpyojTaVATpXSnEqGhqOozVoCcY1c ampPblazQdOTRbAsE7TURFFtbXIERVMipU1WtoCzO1EnUV2IcaWBzqlerkU+o+4FqpCOdInCpN5oI1KdKWoCX2RJPvUnshNpoU60 ZhfeFPYCI4NUxUTzCk8KvF+9SY3WqcFyBnCDSirDEcaCRrWbVCIVIpyRHCpKUUARpApSZpFUxNFDJFRSgVF+YU9zWnQCovanus8j TEU+kwOTFdFMNOTSA//9k=" data-deferred="1" jsname="Q4LuWd" alt="Ravens' Ngata not fined for hits on RGIII" data-atf="true" data-iml="1050" width="299" height="169">

<img class="rg_i Q4LuWd" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuNxAjMpdwc0XLiN59BKk-3vg8KlcA8Aw71g&amp;usqp=CAU" data-lt="" jsname="Q4LuWd" alt="Doctor optimistic after Redskins' RG3 knee surgery - The Courier" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuNxAjMpdwc0XLiN59BKk-3vg8KlcA8Aw71g&amp;usqp=CAU" width="275" height="183">

<img class="rg_i Q4LuWd" src=" 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 A6HTaDIpj4ZxXIJYjoes+f5Vd32WOmHsTh8p01Xr/eoJqXA8Ys3CFJEnTpPtUWIQKxAMgHesebGocrozzjR6DXoNRA16GrPYhLXtB+JdocPYMO8t0XU+h5A+tCLXb7DltUcL10Jn0narV jk+UhlFscIodi+N2U+9mPRdfrtQTiXaq3cQrYaZBzEyCB0AP50m/wAWev7NbdPpFJbpkoeMT2q/Ag9SZ+giocDxPE4h8qPlG7EAQo/e2v6wkfxOYgZonrRrh+Jbu2tWzoursPvk8j5ADbb61sUMOP8A2k2Sa9o2cU7RW7VrurbuX1BcEEg9czAz7D0ilG5iM7Estx4+HMx 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u2vw2xzPnPKu2WDV9nGHzY60YIAV29PCQPqRWv3MUqROnX8prHuxN9sPiO9vPHeqVjQKoEEFidhpHq1O/GMYHGrQRzH1oSXlkTXQtfa52JucQYYjDwb1q2VKHe6s5lCnbMJfQ7zGlYXhLht3RmNxCrENlEXARyytzBGxr9D2u0CWwyEgBgArN qARPxeWu9A+O28LeObGYdHOmW8rFLkf0XkksB0cMPMclq+iOSXYtf8WizaF3wsAAmbJ3pTSA8E5ZAB88qz1LVwTEg4e2Y/wBMO0nncuDIMoPIWjc/6l60J4jwLAm1nZ7uUABFazbYk/7hchjv0+lTJixcAcoFCgrbHMKcoJMbsxVQdPugcqz5ZbVx+Q+3a/kJ8QxYCSSfCcwg89cub5zWJ4jF3LmJuXA5VizQykg6aLBB00ArXlsi6lxdzlP6REfPrWVcW4HdwzlipNonw3Bqp8iRseUGjpVceR LaiajwHtOt/Dd7OVho4/A+k+x3B6eYNXsJ2nRMqq06anzrGhirlvM1typcQ40KuNxmB0/frUuH7ROu9pSeoLD6AkfKtEk4ugqVm88K4+SRsQRoZ+hqr2w4oWVLUwHlm80Hwg+RaT/6RWSYLt5ft5Qli1M6ZjcO/wD6hTTxniTXDbdiuZrAnKCFnxyACTtPWr9Ik8qso1bfpOgnbeRpGvXeoeM8Lv4hACfEvwNmGYDmrE6lemuh23IPGCfSecUSw2JNd meOOWO2SOHDLPDLdB8iNfD2G/mKVdN5EB06jrH9xVDAYe5evq2DktnzkEhVEFZaSdgSDHPlWoXsVbKFboDK2mVgCD7HShuC7N2rLd7hkKd5MoxeGAP3AWGkg/42rj5fpzx8xdnbw/VPV9s41+fH9g+b925dcalECkjlImDHSTV7BXbiNmstC5gbx0JmPgk7DUQeh5UCxN9Fu2muNkUxmJBAESNVrzEYtFdX8LJ8IJlZBE hs0SvLlWR8M1J2Gu03apWUrYeF++4nNO2RY2PKRrrpSzwVUe8Ve28KATmjLrsAATMwdTpptOtdcVfKUlAmj5PET4QeYI3GYbcmr7 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 3iYGnTT9IV7naCeI2nyhRbYqQCSPEGB1POGHvXfGeJvagW7gFwgZirAwNivkdNaT7sglhvv771IqyD72i40r4rDhSuYJf57eFWE9 NVFCOPcUuYNxj7REMwt37JOlyBowPJxBE9I5AgqSXDktXe7u5sxF5irRlcFWVdIBE6eYE1dwvEbTZS1u2cjOzA2w8s3inO/wHNuNiSY5ULIa9hb9rE2EI0W4qvbLD4SyyFYdCGykdCR0ode4jctkKQggn4lBPIMCeZGgnmCDzoPwftAhABKgnXKWUvBmCVBMHQ+ gFFOJYgOJEFhE67/AIZP/sPqp+7SZY7o8dkfKJz2gf8ABa//AF15QMXwdco18h/evq52+fyV2wFxLEWrILkSV0Ucv3NRcO4FxO/F+HVWEoFa2rEctHaVFMPBOz+HvXke/medUt6ZNg/i5mJiNutaLf4eCAZI9I/tXVc34LKMX7ZdmcUy2g5KsR4gz5liBzWQWBnz1rvg927h7YR77OBsG1jyWdQPKa0Lt9hQuC01bvBlJ5HKx5cjFYtf4i2xoPLXFcl co89jDxDihIMAsQDoNz5ChnC8ZetLpdcFpLCZWTrGU6QKFvi2E67j961Wu49gDrPSeXlVPLGGn/irPAc5oELoAF9AsD6UQHFgvhBGmkRuInXXrrApM4ffJUudPT/NEWjzjUgCNIgxry5Uk+eGAaOH8dti74mKqQ0yD0MfUx7mvcTxjD5CbdwKx36HqGU6EeutK7WxyY6k8ug8ya9xFggQTJEg6DYaxt+ +lTHJRVBToG8VsoxJVVQnkh8B9By9vlQK4rDlTW3DpIBCEEjSPMx7b/OvG4QhgECARtpM+n7+VWet8k4FvAiGzHemNuMIUCnkZU+u4NRXeALy0knYnlUZ7PbQ0T7/AL3po51F2gSSkqYxYDG50DqfI+oq4nEHC8tDS1wzCvZLDMGVo0PXWCNPb/xXY4oRII329K7GDWRnHvk5eXTNS46HPs44v4y0tzVSVEctMzEe8D51PxbijXMUWByk3LiT+FVzKAo2+6u4ikPDcfa063FHiRgw6G OR9RpRTjHGl783VU5XPegGAQT8Y+cketGGdety+K/yO8L9JJLzz/QbcZw+9c4eXdu9uBi0mJy7QI6ATrVDhOOW/ZNl8qXLYOSJJeRBkbc5oVge1TWWf4mRWhkkQyt4h6EBo9qgxQ7pluWyQlwZ05MFPJhtPoa52sg4ZNy5TNuGVxoe+8svw9lvZQ6eD MYlb33G02DLv79KSWxcHUzrp4pXQ6EaxVXiHH2ukugKpCrcWfiYT44A31Ma0OspBSyB4rnjDFjpMGCNo32rXp8ihD3ddlGeDnK4/oNFricCpLfFCNqWzYugkSunmf7edQvirqQGy6idCepXp1FaVr8T8mJ6OXwa52CxCrh8RijBuAuJ/wBoED0k0H/ji0uxJZzJPPr+RHvNI3Z7ti2HN2wy5rd2ZAOqsRBI8o/Kr3DeMHvktsJEt9Mx/wC2l0WSO6bfbZo1WNtQS6S6H18alm3muMqCNZMV5wzt7mPds4WzH+q33QOvkfnWb8Rx4xVxjeByrmKgcgNN/rQ7Dv3iMzEhU2HhadyMwIjahnyrJxQ+HG8fNmm8Z48LimGa1gxqWYw10jWSDqFPJRv9aXb/AGjLKy2VFu0333HjI/pE+EfvXmCwtlrwDX2L+GUE+FVCyBG0856/OrLdm7bblp2+JjuDG55TXEeaKfJu3FUZTtGXmTzrh7tsHSJqZuzVoSNZMxDOI+bGu27JIPvN7MfT85NH/UwJZYxON08HebAFmABK6woUTkXQ6g5iYJMQALv3HDfy5j/7bw9s8zEnTpoJ8xyLtwtdJLbfi5D/AMV83BQBMkiAYzH97ms3qV0CwTgHxBdc1rLbZgCkiApPiEfh1DQenOmy1xIsAVU5FkE6AAbNPmd9NoAG1CU4Qog5nAO0MZjz5bVO MH90M8SJGaIMctNferI515CmeXrZzHxDc87n6GK8r0YI/jb6f2r6l9aAbR//2Q==" data-deferred="1" jsname="Q4LuWd" alt="The NFL's revised concussion protocol failed Cam Newton" data-atf="true" data-iml="1194" width="290" height="174">

01-17-2021, 09:08 PM
I'm still wondering where the sudden stop, the collision with something, happened to cause a concussion?

I'm not saying he isn't concussed, I'm just wondering when it happened during that tackle.

A couple people in the GDT mentioned something along the lines of "neck compression"... not a concussion, but something that can cause dizziness.

I watched that replay several times and there wasn't helmet to helmet contact and I'm pretty sure his head didn't make contact with the turf.

I'm sure their protocols side on extreme caution.

01-17-2021, 09:10 PM
A couple people in the GDT mentioned something along the lines of "neck compression"... not a concussion, but something that can cause dizziness.

I watched that replay several times and there wasn't helmet to helmet contact and I'm pretty sure his head didn't make contact with the turf.

I'm sure their protocols side on extreme caution.

He got knocked the fuck out dude. lol. "dizziness"...

01-17-2021, 09:15 PM
He got knocked the fuck out dude. lol. "dizziness"...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some potentially good news from Jay Glazer on Patrick Mahomes. Indicated Mahomes’ issues were more related to symptoms similar to getting “choked out” than a concussion, but still has to clear the concussion protocol. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Chiefs?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> <a href="https://t.co/ZZgoxAkKLW">pic.twitter.com/ZZgoxAkKLW</a></p>&mdash; Brandon Kiley (@BKSportsTalk) <a href="https://twitter.com/BKSportsTalk/status/1351004230912520197?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Knocked the fuck out?

01-17-2021, 09:16 PM

01-17-2021, 09:17 PM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Some potentially good news from Jay Glazer on Patrick Mahomes. Indicated Mahomes’ issues were more related to symptoms similar to getting “choked out” than a concussion, but still has to clear the concussion protocol. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Chiefs?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> <a href="https://t.co/ZZgoxAkKLW">pic.twitter.com/ZZgoxAkKLW</a></p>&mdash; Brandon Kiley (@BKSportsTalk) <a href="https://twitter.com/BKSportsTalk/status/1351004230912520197?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Knocked the **** out?

Jelly legs. That's a sure sign the brain stem got wobbled. But I digress. It was just dizziness.

01-17-2021, 09:18 PM
"I'm a beast out here"

Damn right.

01-17-2021, 09:19 PM
he good

01-17-2021, 09:21 PM
He got knocked the **** out dude. lol. "dizziness"...

No if you watch it carefully he may not have been “knocked” out. He may have briefly lost consciousness from transient interruption of blood flow to the brain from carotid compression. It would certainly cause him to stagger when he tried to stand up. It looked like he was dragged briefly by the neck, maybe choked. Important difference though because the risk from concussion is related to the traumatic bruise which doesn’t occur in a transient choking.

01-17-2021, 09:22 PM
Jelly legs. That's a sure sign the brain stem got wobbled. But I digress. It was just dizziness.

A wobbled brain stem?

01-17-2021, 09:29 PM
No if you watch it carefully he may not have been “knocked” out. He may have briefly lost consciousness from transient interruption of blood flow to the brain from carotid compression. It would certainly cause him to stagger when he tried to stand up. It looked like he was dragged briefly by the neck, maybe choked. Important difference though because the risk from concussion is related to the traumatic bruise which doesn’t occur in a transient choking.

Yeah, it's very clear on the replays. No helmet to helmet or even head contact... no hard contact with the turf. And someone in the GDT with an actual medical background was guessing neck compression type of issues.

Standing up and wobbling all over the place, it certainly looked like he had gotten knocked out, but he didn't.

01-17-2021, 09:30 PM
A couple people in the GDT mentioned something along the lines of "neck compression"... not a concussion, but something that can cause dizziness.

I watched that replay several times and there wasn't helmet to helmet contact and I'm pretty sure his head didn't make contact with the turf.

I'm sure their protocols side on extreme caution.

Cool, that's kind of what I saw too.

01-17-2021, 09:31 PM
Yeah, it's very clear on the replays. No helmet to helmet or even head contact... no hard contact with the turf. And someone in the GDT with an actual medical background was guessing neck compression type of issues.

Standing up and wobbling all over the place, it certainly looked like he had gotten knocked out, but he didn't.

Mack Wilson's forearm slammed into his neck where I think the carotid artery runs.

01-17-2021, 09:49 PM
Mack Wilson's forearm slammed into his neck where I think the carotid artery runs.

The kneebuckle when he stood up obviously was not good but from the sounds of it he probably could have gone back in. Not saying he should have but probably could have. Doesn't seem like it was any kind of concussion.

01-17-2021, 09:51 PM
Mack Wilson's forearm slammed into his neck where I think the carotid artery runs.

Right, so I suspect he’ll have some kind of arteriography, CTA or MRA or at least an ultrasound to confirm that he hasn’t done any damage (ie dissection) to the carotids.

01-17-2021, 10:02 PM
Right, so I suspect he’ll have some kind of arteriography, CTA or MRA or at least an ultrasound to confirm that he hasn’t done any damage (ie dissection) to the carotids.

I bet he gets MRI/MRA because of the injury.
Might as well look at the noodle too

None of it is probably necessary though

01-17-2021, 10:10 PM
The guy has to run enough as is on designed passes. As said, He's not backing off any call. You have running backs to get "tough yards". They're not called tough yards for nothing.

Mahomes throws the ball. He's the best on the planet. So until you have someone behind him that can do what he can, you leave the route running, and the plowing headlong into the teeth of the defense to the guys on your roster paid to ****ing do that.

If you watched both games today, you saw more than one QB sneak.

Just stop.

01-17-2021, 10:12 PM
A wobbled brain stem?

Yeah, you just slide a folded cigarette box under one side and it's gonna even itself out. Easy peasy.

01-17-2021, 10:14 PM
If you watched both games today, you saw more than one QB sneak.

Just stop.

I get what you're saying but sneaks are nothing like the kind of runs Patrick usually does or the one he got hurt on today. In fact he is the only QB I have ever seen get hurt on a sneak and that was a complete fluke.

01-17-2021, 10:15 PM
Starting to be a Little concerned Mahomes is injury prone. Protect his ass.

He’s certainly no ‘Ironman’ Favre, Rivers or Manning.

01-17-2021, 10:20 PM
Starting to be a Little concerned Mahomes is injury prone. Protect his ass.

He’s certainly no ‘Ironman’ Favre, Rivers or Manning.

I think today's injury was a bit fluky and I wouldn't call him "injury prone". Dude is tough and takes some hits.

But go back to the Miami game and probably even before but they beat the shit out of him. New Orleans beat the shit out of him. Atlanta beat the shit out of him.

Dude has taken a lot of hits from poor protection this season and especially late in the season.

01-17-2021, 10:25 PM
Starting to be a Little concerned Mahomes is injury prone. Protect his ass.

He’s certainly no ‘Ironman’ Favre, Rivers or Manning.

You continue to show your football ignorance. Both injuries have been odd contact injuries. That does not make him injury prone.

01-17-2021, 10:32 PM
The Chiefs have already removed the QB sneak play from their playbook that every other team runs... it’s a contact sport and shit happens.And that was a overreaction too. Pat's a big boy he should be able to line up behind center and get 1 yrd when need be. You can't treat him like he's a fucking china doll. :harumph:

01-17-2021, 10:42 PM
A couple people in the GDT mentioned something along the lines of "neck compression"... not a concussion, but something that can cause dizziness.

I watched that replay several times and there wasn't helmet to helmet contact and I'm pretty sure his head didn't make contact with the turf.

I'm sure their protocols side on extreme caution.

So the sleeper hold Roddy Roddy style in reverse?

01-17-2021, 10:44 PM
I'm pretty sure he has designed QB running plays because Mahomes is a quarterback...that can run.

I don't understand.

01-17-2021, 10:45 PM
No if you watch it carefully he may not have been “knocked” out. He may have briefly lost consciousness from transient interruption of blood flow to the brain from carotid compression. It would certainly cause him to stagger when he tried to stand up. It looked like he was dragged briefly by the neck, maybe choked. Important difference though because the risk from concussion is related to the traumatic bruise which doesn’t occur in a transient choking.

That's the old sleeper hold.

Blood choke

Blood chokes (or carotid restraints / sleeper holds) are a form of strangulation that compress one or both carotid arteries and/or the jugular veins without compressing the airway, hence causing cerebral ischemia and a temporary hypoxic condition in the brain.

01-17-2021, 10:48 PM

Pitt Gorilla
01-17-2021, 10:56 PM
How many stupid ****ing threads can we have on the front page?

01-17-2021, 11:09 PM
Tommy Fraiser read option plays don't work in the NFL. And when the QB makes 500million I'd bet the owner has a word with the bonehead that called the play. ****ing stupid.

https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/ GxAQGi0fHx0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLTctLTc3N//AABEIAM0A9QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFAQIDBAYHAAj/xAA6EAABAwIEBAUEAAIKAwEAAAABAAIDBBEFEiExBkFRYRMicYGRMkJSoRQjBzNTYnKCksHR4RVD8Bb/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwABBAUG/8QAJxEAAgICAgICAgIDAQAAAAAAAAECEQMhEjEEQRMiBTJRkUJhcRT/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AM27FZYxYBh7kaqrLXvebu0tyGi9Un3Q+eUgqotGnLXK0EmyNvrex7o5R0sJbd0wb+1k4Zrq652iqaVjsClNP+EaigMQlAjdnta5 tZdGo2AtGq4rglRaXfoutYNVXZqbrhflU1Q3DtstyRsubub6WQLGcLDvp8x5aWRWdxJ0bdVK6pe1uoA9Fzsebi1RoiqZnIMLnAP8 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https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/ 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 A6HTaDIpj4ZxXIJYjoes+f5Vd32WOmHsTh8p01Xr/eoJqXA8Ys3CFJEnTpPtUWIQKxAMgHesebGocrozzjR6DXoNRA16GrPYhLXtB+JdocPYMO8t0XU+h5A+tCLXb7DltUcL10Jn0narV jk+UhlFscIodi+N2U+9mPRdfrtQTiXaq3cQrYaZBzEyCB0AP50m/wAWev7NbdPpFJbpkoeMT2q/Ag9SZ+giocDxPE4h8qPlG7EAQo/e2v6wkfxOYgZonrRrh+Jbu2tWzoursPvk8j5ADbb61sUMOP8A2k2Sa9o2cU7RW7VrurbuX1BcEEg9czAz7D0ilG5iM7Estx4+HMx 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a7aVUxCoWjQMCBOVo+JDsG/IyKz7E4xrgZV0gSP0rvs3iLr3E7l0zGRluEqCx3AYAxIJEEQdqrg30+SzJFdrgWL+CxN1S9mzduL1RGYD5CtR7NqVwthGBDLatgg yCDlEyDqNad+zmGFu0iuqI8aqmqqBpoYGkeVF1wNpjsrfWmnh3RSMeT3vkRV1rqRzpvxXBLB+7HoSPpSj2kCWLdxrTC4yqSEkF8w GiwKoeln45KZLb2Zt9oPGf4m4uEsMCiGbrDbMDAXzy/mR0oSlkoqoh5ACBJPr5zRHhnY3Gd0LltFJbVizAM3mAfu6mNdd+dEcLwe5hU73FKQSYkAFUH9RUkCep05VuxqMVtTLfTkl0UsJhW sr4vE7DrsBEqAPbWoMUpfQJJ5co85q7i8QBqJb5aihVzDOVP88i3+HQN6E7+VWsQqXLZzZQcz84JKr5eZqliuFuzSdD5n/FW7zKgyjJHSCx9wDv8AOoBeGsIT8kX5DWlZCCzbvJp3uUdMxPyAqU2Ru5dvNjlHyJmor2OYCAyJ5INfcmmfsp9nWIxYGIxLHDYbf vLn+o6/0K2w/qbTmA1AIsnHop0XTy/zTB2VwhvXBdgwpBTTQsDufIfn6Vp3DuzXDrIAs4K1cQLPfXYdmO05mBgR0A5QKX+IYfGJjFGC7pO/SGtXCzIrWsxm2dGgg7eXSIFhoN4DClXzN4WJJkCBJiTA0MxJ6xO+tScYwsA3AAIlnHITqbg8j98cx4viXUXh+I423c7nE2UdshcC 0YzqpAY2833wWXwk6zoREFjwnELd5VuWjmUaNIIYEbhlOoKndT51Gk1TCC7LAiYI8uYPMGvjB5V9isF3FyAP5bDw+QGgX/0yF81Nvo1d5q5mXHslRU1RHX1e5x519VdAMz45fzFbSaKAFAHQcqnxLhctpFKosTpuRrH751DhcOVHekeLZB1br7fnFEcFhbtpc7 u2vw2xzPnPKu2WDV9nGHzY60YIAV29PCQPqRWv3MUqROnX8prHuxN9sPiO9vPHeqVjQKoEEFidhpHq1O/GMYHGrQRzH1oSXlkTXQtfa52JucQYYjDwb1q2VKHe6s5lCnbMJfQ7zGlYXhLht3RmNxCrENlEXARyytzBGxr9D2u0CWwyEgBgArN qARPxeWu9A+O28LeObGYdHOmW8rFLkf0XkksB0cMPMclq+iOSXYtf8WizaF3wsAAmbJ3pTSA8E5ZAB88qz1LVwTEg4e2Y/wBMO0nncuDIMoPIWjc/6l60J4jwLAm1nZ7uUABFazbYk/7hchjv0+lTJixcAcoFCgrbHMKcoJMbsxVQdPugcqz5ZbVx+Q+3a/kJ8QxYCSSfCcwg89cub5zWJ4jF3LmJuXA5VizQykg6aLBB00ArXlsi6lxdzlP6REfPrWVcW4HdwzlipNonw3Bqp8iRseUGjpVceR LaiajwHtOt/Dd7OVho4/A+k+x3B6eYNXsJ2nRMqq06anzrGhirlvM1typcQ40KuNxmB0/frUuH7ROu9pSeoLD6AkfKtEk4ugqVm88K4+SRsQRoZ+hqr2w4oWVLUwHlm80Hwg+RaT/6RWSYLt5ft5Qli1M6ZjcO/wD6hTTxniTXDbdiuZrAnKCFnxyACTtPWr9Ik8qso1bfpOgnbeRpGvXeoeM8Lv4hACfEvwNmGYDmrE6lemuh23IPGCfSecUSw2JNd meOOWO2SOHDLPDLdB8iNfD2G/mKVdN5EB06jrH9xVDAYe5evq2DktnzkEhVEFZaSdgSDHPlWoXsVbKFboDK2mVgCD7HShuC7N2rLd7hkKd5MoxeGAP3AWGkg/42rj5fpzx8xdnbw/VPV9s41+fH9g+b925dcalECkjlImDHSTV7BXbiNmstC5gbx0JmPgk7DUQeh5UCxN9Fu2muNkUxmJBAESNVrzEYtFdX8LJ8IJlZBE hs0SvLlWR8M1J2Gu03apWUrYeF++4nNO2RY2PKRrrpSzwVUe8Ve28KATmjLrsAATMwdTpptOtdcVfKUlAmj5PET4QeYI3GYbcmr7 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 3iYGnTT9IV7naCeI2nyhRbYqQCSPEGB1POGHvXfGeJvagW7gFwgZirAwNivkdNaT7sglhvv771IqyD72i40r4rDhSuYJf57eFWE9 NVFCOPcUuYNxj7REMwt37JOlyBowPJxBE9I5AgqSXDktXe7u5sxF5irRlcFWVdIBE6eYE1dwvEbTZS1u2cjOzA2w8s3inO/wHNuNiSY5ULIa9hb9rE2EI0W4qvbLD4SyyFYdCGykdCR0ode4jctkKQggn4lBPIMCeZGgnmCDzoPwftAhABKgnXKWUvBmCVBMHQ+ gFFOJYgOJEFhE67/AIZP/sPqp+7SZY7o8dkfKJz2gf8ABa//AF15QMXwdco18h/evq52+fyV2wFxLEWrILkSV0Ucv3NRcO4FxO/F+HVWEoFa2rEctHaVFMPBOz+HvXke/medUt6ZNg/i5mJiNutaLf4eCAZI9I/tXVc34LKMX7ZdmcUy2g5KsR4gz5liBzWQWBnz1rvg927h7YR77OBsG1jyWdQPKa0Lt9hQuC01bvBlJ5HKx5cjFYtf4i2xoPLXFcl co89jDxDihIMAsQDoNz5ChnC8ZetLpdcFpLCZWTrGU6QKFvi2E67j961Wu49gDrPSeXlVPLGGn/irPAc5oELoAF9AsD6UQHFgvhBGmkRuInXXrrApM4ffJUudPT/NEWjzjUgCNIgxry5Uk+eGAaOH8dti74mKqQ0yD0MfUx7mvcTxjD5CbdwKx36HqGU6EeutK7WxyY6k8ug8ya9xFggQTJEg6DYaxt+ +lTHJRVBToG8VsoxJVVQnkh8B9By9vlQK4rDlTW3DpIBCEEjSPMx7b/OvG4QhgECARtpM+n7+VWet8k4FvAiGzHemNuMIUCnkZU+u4NRXeALy0knYnlUZ7PbQ0T7/AL3po51F2gSSkqYxYDG50DqfI+oq4nEHC8tDS1wzCvZLDMGVo0PXWCNPb/xXY4oRII329K7GDWRnHvk5eXTNS46HPs44v4y0tzVSVEctMzEe8D51PxbijXMUWByk3LiT+FVzKAo2+6u4ikPDcfa063FHiRgw6G OR9RpRTjHGl783VU5XPegGAQT8Y+cketGGdety+K/yO8L9JJLzz/QbcZw+9c4eXdu9uBi0mJy7QI6ATrVDhOOW/ZNl8qXLYOSJJeRBkbc5oVge1TWWf4mRWhkkQyt4h6EBo9qgxQ7pluWyQlwZ05MFPJhtPoa52sg4ZNy5TNuGVxoe+8svw9lvZQ6eD 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 MH90M8SJGaIMctNferI515CmeXrZzHxDc87n6GK8r0YI/jb6f2r6l9aAbR//2Q==No he's not Tommie Frazier but he runs a sprint out option well enough. Witness this afternoon for the 1st td and against New Orleans with Bell. And the SB with the 1st td in that game. I wish they'd run a little bit more of it. And not just on the goal line.

01-17-2021, 11:59 PM
How many stupid ****ing threads can we have on the front page?

The actual number will probably make most of us cringe tomorrow morning.

siberian khatru
01-18-2021, 06:40 AM
If you watched both games today, you saw more than one QB sneak.

Just stop.

Including by QBs who are 42 and 43 years old.

01-18-2021, 07:21 AM
Guys, I am worried about Mahomes getting hit on deep shots, we can't have him being hit trying to make a pass. Maybe its time to stop calling QB pass plays?

01-18-2021, 08:51 AM
How many stupid ****ing threads can we have on the front page?

Always room for more, shit gorilla. Why don't you add one lamenting yet again, our decision to get rid of Kareem Hunt?

I'm sure THAT would be compelling, must read material.

He DID score a TD on us, so I'm sure you needed a few boxes of Kleenex for that play.

Sofa King
01-18-2021, 09:35 AM
Please for the love of god, will people STOP saying that Darrell Williams is a power back that can easily get short yardage? Because he sure the fuck can not. He's got to be one of the worst in the league at converting those 1-3 yard runs. He constantly gets stuffed at the line. All the fucking time. How do you not see that? He got stuffed on 2nd and 2 for fucks sake, that's why Mahomes even had to run it. What a stupid fucking narrative. God damnit. Fuck!

1st & 10 at KC 39
(9:00 - 3rd) (No Huddle, Shotgun) P.Mahomes pass short middle to T.Kelce to KC 47 for 8 yards (J.Phillips).

2nd & 2 at KC 47
(8:28 - 3rd) Darr.Williams left guard to KC 48 for 1 yard (M.Wilson).

3rd & 1 at KC 48
(7:44 - 3rd) P.Mahomes right end to KC 48 for no gain (M.Wilson). KC-P.Mahomes was injured during the play. He is Out.

01-18-2021, 11:00 AM
Andy Reid. Lot of ways to describe this man.

Innovator. Genius. Guru.




01-18-2021, 11:23 AM
I can see one creating this thread whilst still being super emotional after seeing Pat go down like that. I mean, yeah, human nature is to blame SOMEONE so you can focus your anger. It happens.

It's the doubling down that is really damning, IMO.

01-18-2021, 11:32 AM
Even the sneak was just a ridiculous fluke. How many QBs have ever got injured on a fucking sneak.

This was a fluke, too, but 15 just has to protect himself more. He'll never be Brady or Manning who give themselves up at the first glance of a defender, but he doesn't need to be superman. He needs to know we're good enough to win without that. 4th quarter of a SB is about the only exception.

01-18-2021, 11:41 AM
Even the sneak was just a ridiculous fluke. How many QBs have ever got injured on a fucking sneak.

This was a fluke, too, but 15 just has to protect himself more. He'll never be Brady or Manning who give themselves up at the first glance of a defender, but he doesn't need to be superman. He needs to know we're good enough to win without that. 4th quarter of a SB is about the only exception.

He wants to be Superman. He likes showing off. The reason he can do the things he does is directly attributable to that mentality. You people are talking like you can just get him to stop being who he is.

Might as well try castrating him.

Titty Meat
01-18-2021, 12:01 PM
This thread sucks

01-18-2021, 02:26 PM


01-18-2021, 03:26 PM
Jelly legs. That's a sure sign the brain stem got wobbled. But I digress. It was just dizziness.

He got knocked the **** out dude. lol. "dizziness"...

Dr. Semenmonster with the neuro diagnosis.

It’s got to be a difficult task to knock #petethings off the Mt. Rushmore of Poster Idiocy, but after drafting him for a few thousand posts, lurking behind halfcan, and going shoulder to shoulder with wallcrawler on the final turn, it looks like you’re ready overtake him down the stretch in a race that is just too close to call.

Good luck.

01-18-2021, 03:33 PM
Dr. Semenmonster with the neuro diagnosis.

It’s got to be a difficult task to knock #petethings off the Mt. Rushmore of Poster Idiocy, but after drafting him for a few thousand posts, lurking behind halfcan, and going shoulder to shoulder with wallcrawler on the final turn, it looks like you’re ready overtake him down the stretch in a race that is just too close to call.

Good luck.


01-18-2021, 09:59 PM

Eat **** pie, queer.




J Diddy
01-18-2021, 10:05 PM
I'm pretty sure Andy is thanking God for you posting this.

01-19-2021, 01:35 AM
When the qb becomes a runner, all the rules that protect him go out the window. Its a free shot on the qb. Defenses reading an option play, they're going to light up the qb regardless of whether he pitches it or not if they have any fucking sense.

Behind a great line, its dumb. Behind this frothy jar of ass we have posing as an offensive line, its fucking insane.

But hey, let's keep opening Patrick up for guaranteed punishment to gain one fucking yard because football. Or you know, NOT get the one yard and get him knocked out of the fucking game.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

J Diddy
01-19-2021, 01:49 AM
When the qb becomes a runner, all the rules that protect him go out the window. Its a free shot on the qb. Defenses reading an option play, they're going to light up the qb regardless of whether he pitches it or not if they have any ****ing sense.

Behind a great line, its dumb. Behind this frothy jar of ass we have posing as an offensive line, its ****ing insane.

But hey, let's keep opening Patrick up for guaranteed punishment to gain one ****ing yard because football. Or you know, NOT get the one yard and get him knocked out of the ****ing game.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Pat plays the way Pat plays. He could have pitched, he chose not to. What you're basically candyassing about is Reid give his qb, who is arguably the best player in the game, the ball and his choice on what to do with it.

He chose, shit happens when you play a contact sport, especially at that level. I'm not sure what you expect of Reid. Do you want him to triple pillow tampon strap him? Please show me the post last year when Pat runs against the Titans last year where you were vaginally effected.

FFS man.

01-19-2021, 07:29 AM
I think there's some middle ground here. Yes, Pat plays behind an O-line that's not going to get mentioned in any conversations about great O-lines, and that's sad, so Pat's not going to be able to be a pocket QB if he wanted to be. But he doesn't want to be, that's not his things, it's not in his DNA, it's simply not going to happen. So Andy and EB have designed plays and a system that works toward what's in his DNA, and that means he's going to be mobile, he's going to run, he's going to do things that put him in more danger than a traditional pocket QB. We have to deal with that. That being said, it also means we better have a decent backup ready to go because he's going to get dinged.

01-19-2021, 09:04 AM
So basically the thread title should be edited to say "signed nobody. Except Wallcrawler."

01-19-2021, 09:28 AM
Pat plays the way Pat plays. He could have pitched, he chose not to. What you're basically candyassing about is Reid give his qb, who is arguably the best player in the game, the ball and his choice on what to do with it.

He chose, shit happens when you play a contact sport, especially at that level. I'm not sure what you expect of Reid. Do you want him to triple pillow tampon strap him? Please show me the post last year when Pat runs against the Titans last year where you were vaginally effected.

FFS man.

Titans game was a scramble. Not a designed run. Try to ****ing keep up. A scramble against double coverage on everyone is EXACTLY the same as plowing headlong into the los, amirite? Jesus fucking Christ youre either intentionally obtuse, or really fucking stupid.

And yes, In a playoff game, the hyper competetive Michael Jordan of football is going to pitch the football to the back for a 6 yard loss on 3rd n 1.

Did you even watch the play?

39 streaks straight to the back. Pitching was not an option if youre trying to get the first down.

Its a dumbass gadget play that Pat has scored twice on, and now we want to do the shit in the middle of the field, all but guaranteeing a big shot on the qb.

On the goal line at least the successful play ends after one yard. Its still stupid, but less risk of the hit if he squeaks in. No such luck in the mddle of the field.

Patrick's elusiveness frustrates the shit out of defenders. They can't get the clean shot on him. So lets just do them a favor right? Here you go boys, He's a running back now. Fire away.

There's ZERO reason for Mahomes to be getting put on the ground BY DESIGN. IDGAF if its contact sport or not.

We got multiple Rbs, and the sausage to throw at the los for ****s sake. As a "genius", the bevy of options Reid has makes his decision to use Pat as a RB inexcusable. Like THIS was the only way to get a yard.

But yeah, keep chest pounding about how smart it is to put your all universe qb in harms way.

When he lands funny and jams or separates his throwing shoulder, or breaks his collarbone, you can all console yourselves with the dumbass notion that "its just football" and wasn't at all avoidable.

He was the ONLY way we could run that ball. Lmmfao.

01-19-2021, 09:33 AM
Titans game was a scramble. Not a designed run. Try to fucking keep up.

And yes, In a playoff game, the hyper competetive Michael Jordan of football is going to pitch the football to the back for a 6 yard loss on 3rd n 1.

Did you even watch the play?

39 streaks straight to the back. Pitching was not an option if youre trying to get the first down.

Its a dumbass gadget play that Pat has scored twice on, and now we want to do the shit in the middle of the field, all but guaranteeing a big shot on the qb.

On the goal line at least the successful play ends after one yard. Its still stupid, but less risk of the hit if he squeaks in. No such luck in the mddle of the field.

Patrick's elusiveness frustrates the shit out of defenders. They can't get the clean shot on him. So lets just do them a favor right? Here you go boys, He's a running back now. Fire away.

There's ZERO reason for Mahomes to be getting put on the ground BY DESIGN. IDGAF if its contact sport or not.

We got multiple Rbs, and the sausage to throw at the los for ****s sake. As a "genius", the bevy of options Reid has makes his decision to use Pat as a RB inexcusable. Like THIS was the only way to get a yard.

But yeah, keep chest pounding about how smart it is to put your all universe qb in harms way.

When he lands funny and jams or separates his throwing shoulder, or breaks his collarbone, you can all console yourselves with the dumbass notion that "its just football" and wasn't at all avoidable.

He was the ONLY way we could run that ball. Lmmfao.

By alll means, don't run it with Mahomes on 3rd and 1.

Also, don't pickup the first down.


JFC. :facepalm:

You don't remove plays from your playbook because somebody might get hurt. It's like trying to box with 1 hand tied behind your back.

01-19-2021, 09:50 AM
Titans game was a scramble. Not a designed run. Try to ****ing keep up. A scramble against double coverage on everyone is EXACTLY the same as plowing headlong into the los, amirite? Jesus fucking Christ youre either intentionally obtuse, or really fucking stupid.

And yes, In a playoff game, the hyper competetive Michael Jordan of football is going to pitch the football to the back for a 6 yard loss on 3rd n 1.

Did you even watch the play?

39 streaks straight to the back. Pitching was not an option if youre trying to get the first down.

Its a dumbass gadget play that Pat has scored twice on, and now we want to do the shit in the middle of the field, all but guaranteeing a big shot on the qb.

On the goal line at least the successful play ends after one yard. Its still stupid, but less risk of the hit if he squeaks in. No such luck in the mddle of the field.

Patrick's elusiveness frustrates the shit out of defenders. They can't get the clean shot on him. So lets just do them a favor right? Here you go boys, He's a running back now. Fire away.

There's ZERO reason for Mahomes to be getting put on the ground BY DESIGN. IDGAF if its contact sport or not.

We got multiple Rbs, and the sausage to throw at the los for ****s sake. As a "genius", the bevy of options Reid has makes his decision to use Pat as a RB inexcusable. Like THIS was the only way to get a yard.

But yeah, keep chest pounding about how smart it is to put your all universe qb in harms way.

When he lands funny and jams or separates his throwing shoulder, or breaks his collarbone, you can all console yourselves with the dumbass notion that "its just football" and wasn't at all avoidable.

He was the ONLY way we could run that ball. Lmmfao.

I'm very glad that you aren't advising our coaches.

01-19-2021, 10:03 AM
He'll play no matter what and flags will fly to protect him, pray that nothing happens to him, or it could have long term consequences ..

01-19-2021, 10:06 AM
He'll play no matter what and flags will fly to protect him, pray that nothing happens to him, or it could have long term consequences ..

That's where we all are.

01-19-2021, 10:23 AM
I get it to some extent... he's already going to be aggressive and scramble when needed and you may need him to run it in from the 1, the offensive line sucks and he may take a shot at any time,, etc.... so why not save him so to speak for those moments and not add another layer of risk with designed plays.

OTOH, I don't remember anyone complaining about QB sneaks until he got hurt, and now people act there's a 100% chance of him getting hurt if he does it again.... and now it'll be the same for those option plays, like he's turned into a china cabinet overnight because he's been injured and unavailable for all of like 3.5 games over 3 seasons.

Reid's won a SB and has now reached CG weekend for like the 14th time or something.... not sure how much I'd want him second guessing and using the 2nd best option and playing it safe. The added risk of +1 or 2 hits just isn't significant enough, and the fact that he got hurt once probably reduces the chances that it will keep happening (unlike popular belief here, which seems to be a low chance thing happening means it'll happen a 2nd and 3rd and 4th time).

01-19-2021, 10:24 AM
I get it to some extent... he's already going to be aggressive and scramble when needed and you may need him to run it in from the 1, the offensive line sucks and he may take a shot at any time,, etc.... so why not save him so to speak for those moments and not add another layer of risk with designed plays.

OTOH, I don't remember anyone complaining about QB sneaks until he got hurt, and now people act there's a 100% chance of him getting hurt if he does it again.... and now it'll be the same for those option plays, like he's turned into a china cabinet overnight because he's been injured and unavailable for all of like 3.5 games over 3 seasons.

Reid's won a SB and has now reached CG weekend for like the 14th time or something.... not sure how much I'd want him second guessing and using the 2nd best option and playing it safe. The added risk of +1 or 2 hits just isn't significant enough, and the fact that he got hurt once probably reduces the chances that it will keep happening (unlike popular belief here, which seems to be a low chance thing happening means it'll happen a 2nd and 3rd and 4th time).


01-19-2021, 10:31 AM
I get it to some extent... he's already going to be aggressive and scramble when needed and you may need him to run it in from the 1, the offensive line sucks and he may take a shot at any time,, etc.... so why not save him so to speak for those moments and not add another layer of risk with designed plays.

OTOH, I don't remember anyone complaining about QB sneaks until he got hurt, and now people act there's a 100% chance of him getting hurt if he does it again.... and now it'll be the same for those option plays, like he's turned into a china cabinet overnight because he's been injured and unavailable for all of like 3.5 games over 3 seasons.

Reid's won a SB and has now reached CG weekend for like the 14th time or something.... not sure how much I'd want him second guessing and using the 2nd best option and playing it safe. The added risk of +1 or 2 hits just isn't significant enough, and the fact that he got hurt once probably reduces the chances that it will keep happening (unlike popular belief here, which seems to be a low chance thing happening means it'll happen a 2nd and 3rd and 4th time).

I'm honestly a little frustrated that the QB sneak has been completely removed from the playbook. I get it for a little while, but his knee is healed at this point. No reason to completely remove the play because of one weird fluke.

Of course, it's also possible that Andy has been setting it up to use a sneak in a key situation soon, so if that's the case, I'm on board. :)

01-19-2021, 10:34 AM
I get it to some extent... he's already going to be aggressive and scramble when needed and you may need him to run it in from the 1, the offensive line sucks and he may take a shot at any time,, etc.... so why not save him so to speak for those moments and not add another layer of risk with designed plays.

OTOH, I don't remember anyone complaining about QB sneaks until he got hurt, and now people act there's a 100% chance of him getting hurt if he does it again.... and now it'll be the same for those option plays, like he's turned into a china cabinet overnight because he's been injured and unavailable for all of like 3.5 games over 3 seasons.

Reid's won a SB and has now reached CG weekend for like the 14th time or something.... not sure how much I'd want him second guessing and using the 2nd best option and playing it safe. The added risk of +1 or 2 hits just isn't significant enough, and the fact that he got hurt once probably reduces the chances that it will keep happening (unlike popular belief here, which seems to be a low chance thing happening means it'll happen a 2nd and 3rd and 4th time).

Agree, quality post...

What Andy could be doing, and maybe he's trying and just not succeeding, is improve the O-line. It's strange to have a $500,000,000 asset PMII protected by an O-line like this.

01-19-2021, 10:38 AM
Agree, quality post...

What Andy could be doing, and maybe he's trying and just not succeeding, is improve the O-line. It's strange to have a $500,000,000 asset PMII protected by an O-line like this.

Fisher is the only guy that's started every game. Everybody else has missed time. Wylie has played 3 different positions, Remmers has played 2. Alligretti is 7th round draft pick.

They're in the AFCCG for the 3rd year in a row. They'll address to offensive line to be sure but it won't likely be the overhaul everybody wants.

01-19-2021, 10:41 AM
I'm in the minority I guess but I wouldn't be upset if we squashed the option stuff or atleast very rarely used it.

Let Pat make plays with his legs and moving around to throw the ball, fine. But he's just too important to take the risks IMO. I understand both sides of the argument, but to me, I want him in the pocket as much as possible.

01-19-2021, 10:44 AM
I'm in the minority I guess but I wouldn't be upset if we squashed the option stuff or atleast very rarely used it.

Let Pat make plays with his legs and moving around to throw the ball, fine. But he's just too important to take the risks IMO. I understand both sides of the argument, but to me, I want him in the pocket as much as possible.

He's at his most deadly when he's out of the pocket. You can take away the option, but then what? Take away the scramble too?

I just think it's silly to believe you can keep him from getting hit sometimes. We've taken away the sneak. People want to take away the option now. Might as well remove the scramble. And then teams will just know he's gonna sit back there in the pocket, and he'll inevitably take a big hit back there and get hurt.

You just can't protect him in all situations.

01-19-2021, 10:45 AM
He's at his most deadly when he's out of the pocket. You can take away the option, but then what? Take away the scramble too?

I just think it's silly to believe you can keep him from getting hit sometimes. We've taken away the sneak. People want to take away the option now. Might as well remove the scramble. And then teams will just know he's gonna sit back there in the pocket, and he'll inevitably take a big hit back there and get hurt.

You just can't protect him in all situations.

Exactly. :clap:

01-19-2021, 10:49 AM
Fisher is the only guy that's started every game. Everybody else has missed time. Wylie has played 3 different positions, Remmers has played 2. Alligretti is 7th round draft pick.

They're in the AFCCG for the 3rd year in a row. They'll address to offensive line to be sure but it won't likely be the overhaul everybody wants.

We keep hearing that, I hope it finally happens. I want PMII to play for a long, long, time.

01-19-2021, 10:59 AM
We keep hearing that, I hope it finally happens. I want PMII to play for a long, long, time.

It's kind of hard to argue with what they're doing. 3 straight AFC championship games.

I get that people think the offensive line is more important than the Chiefs apparently do but I side with the Chiefs.

They should probably spend a couple of mid-to-late draft picks there this year - they haven't drafted anybody but Alligretti since 2016 in any round (Parker Ehringer in the 4th).

The Chiefs M.O. is to bargain shop in free agency. Just in the last 3 or 4 years you have Osemele, Wisnewski, Remmers, Rankin, Reiter, and Kilgore plus Wylie was a UDFA IIRC.

01-19-2021, 11:03 AM
He's at his most deadly when he's out of the pocket. You can take away the option, but then what? Take away the scramble too?

I just think it's silly to believe you can keep him from getting hit sometimes. We've taken away the sneak. People want to take away the option now. Might as well remove the scramble. And then teams will just know he's gonna sit back there in the pocket, and he'll inevitably take a big hit back there and get hurt.

You just can't protect him in all situations.

I agree, but it's all about minimizing said risk. When he's in the pocket, he's protected by the rules to a pretty crazy degree. His most value comes from him throwing the ball in the pocket, long term.

Once he's out running around, he's just susceptible to getting hit.

3 years in now, he's been hurt 3 times. He can't keep that up. It get it's a sport that injuries just happen in so there will always be a risk.

01-19-2021, 11:04 AM
It's kind of hard to argue with what they're doing. 3 straight AFC championship games.

I get that people think the offensive line is more important than the Chiefs apparently do but I side with the Chiefs.

They should probably spend a couple of mid-to-late draft picks there this year - they haven't drafted anybody but Alligretti since 2016 in any round (Parker Ehringer in the 4th).

The Chiefs M.O. is to bargain shop in free agency. Just in the last 3 or 4 years you have Osemele, Wisnewski, Remmers, Rankin, Reiter, and Kilgore plus Wylie was a UDFA IIRC.

The Packers have went to 2 straight and you were arguing with waht they've done. ;)

But for real, the OL needs some juice in the middle. It's just time. It's been slowly fading in there for a few years and theuy've patched it together. I'm not thrilled about giving a G spot to a guy who hasn't played in a year either.

01-19-2021, 11:06 AM
The Packers have went to 2 straight and you were arguing with waht they've done. ;)

But for real, the OL needs some juice in the middle. It's just time. It's been slowly fading in there for a few years and theuy've patched it together. I'm not thrilled about giving a G spot to a guy who hasn't played in a year either.

The Chiefs did make, and win, the Super Bowl last year.

The Packers haven't done that since 2009. ;)

01-19-2021, 11:08 AM
It's kind of hard to argue with what they're doing. 3 straight AFC championship games.

I get that people think the offensive line is more important than the Chiefs apparently do but I side with the Chiefs.

They should probably spend a couple of mid-to-late draft picks there this year - they haven't drafted anybody but Alligretti since 2016 in any round (Parker Ehringer in the 4th).

The Chiefs M.O. is to bargain shop in free agency. Just in the last 3 or 4 years you have Osemele, Wisnewski, Remmers, Rankin, Reiter, and Kilgore plus Wylie was a UDFA IIRC.

Let's hope their bargain basement locks protect their most valuable asset for a long time to come. While it's a challenge to argue with success, I suspect we all know at the rate PMII is getting hurt he won't be playing into his mid 40s. Maybe that just comes with the type of player he is and less about the quality of the O-line. We'll see, time will tell which way they go and what the results end up being. To argue against my own desire for a stud O-line, I guess it doesn't much matter if your QB's nature is to get out of the pocket.

So, again, we'll see.

01-19-2021, 11:08 AM
The Chiefs did make, and win, the Super Bowl last year.

The Packers haven't done that since 2009. ;)

With a very highly paid OL too!

01-19-2021, 11:14 AM
Let's hope their bargain basement locks protect their most valuable asset for a long time to come. While it's a challenge to argue with success, I suspect we all know at the rate PMII is getting hurt he won't be playing into his mid 40s. Maybe that just comes with the type of player he is and less about the quality of the O-line. We'll see, time will tell which way they go and what the results end up being. To argue against my own desire for a stud O-line, I guess it doesn't much matter if your QB's nature is to get out of the pocket.

So, again, we'll see.

To date, none of Patrick's injuries were due to poor line play. They've all occurred with him as a ball carrier, whether it was the ankle, the knee, or now the neck.

It's the nature of his game. And even if he was more of a pocket passer, loading up the offensive line is wasted cap space that could be more effectively used elsewhere. 80% of the top 10 offensive lines in the league are now sitting at home watching the playoffs. In the AFC, we know the Chiefs. The Bills are arguably worse in terms of spending. If it weren't for Mitch Morse at C, it wouldn't even be comparable, because the Bills have spent virtually nothing on the rest of their line save LT.

01-19-2021, 11:18 AM
To date, none of Patrick's injuries were due to poor line play. They've all occurred with him as a ball carrier, whether it was the ankle, the knee, or now the neck.

It's the nature of his game. And even if he was more of a pocket passer, loading up the offensive line is wasted cap space that could be more effectively used elsewhere. 80% of the top 10 offensive lines in the league are now sitting at home watching the playoffs. In the AFC, we know the Chiefs. The Bills are arguably worse in terms of spending. If it weren't for Mitch Morse at C, it wouldn't even be comparable, because the Bills have spent virtually nothing on the rest of their line save LT.

Fair enough, but with that in mind I'm wondering what the logic was behind such a long contract.

01-19-2021, 11:18 AM
To date, none of Patrick's injuries were due to poor line play. They've all occurred with him as a ball carrier, whether it was the ankle, the knee, or now the neck.

It's the nature of his game. And even if he was more of a pocket passer, loading up the offensive line is wasted cap space that could be more effectively used elsewhere. 80% of the top 10 offensive lines in the league are now sitting at home watching the playoffs. In the AFC, we know the Chiefs. The Bills are arguably worse in terms of spending. If it weren't for Mitch Morse at C, it wouldn't even be comparable, because the Bills have spent virtually nothing on the rest of their line save LT.

Last years ankle injuries were due to poor OL play.

01-19-2021, 11:20 AM
I think the best way to move away from having him have to run the option and such, is to improve the traditional run game. CEH healthy and a healthy OL (improved or not) will help. I'd imagine that was part of the plan heading into the season as well.

01-19-2021, 11:20 AM
Fair enough, but with that in mind I'm wondering what the logic was behind such a long contract.

Because he's on track to be the best QB to ever play the game and they don't want him to go anywhere else?

01-19-2021, 11:21 AM
I think the best way to move away from having him have to run the option and such, is to improve the traditional run game. CEH healthy and a healthy OL (improved or not) will help. I'd imagine that was part of the plan heading into the season as well.

Yeah, let's take the ball out of his hands and be more like the Titans and Ravens, both of whom are watching from home this weekend.

01-19-2021, 11:23 AM
Because he's on track to be the best QB to ever play the game and they don't want him to go anywhere else?

I hope he into his mid 40s.

01-19-2021, 11:25 AM
Yeah, let's take the ball out of his hands and be more like the Titans and Ravens, both of whom are watching from home this weekend.

If it keeps him healthy and lets them improve in short yardage situations, go for it.

It's worked for the Packers who are playing in their second straight championship game.

01-19-2021, 11:43 AM
I hope he into his mid 40s.

Why wouldn't he?

Aaron Rodgers has ha two season-ending injuries in 8 years, behind a very good offensive line. And he's 37.

01-19-2021, 11:44 AM
If it keeps him healthy and lets them improve in short yardage situations, go for it.

It's worked for the Packers who are playing in their second straight championship game.

It worked for the Saints too. So well that they dominate the regular season and can't win in the playoffs. Like the Baltimore Ravens of the NFC.

Improving the o-line isn't going to keep him healthy. It's fools gold. It didn't keep Rodgers healthy. And it has resulted in zero Super Bowl appearances in a decade.

No thanks. I'll pass.

01-19-2021, 11:46 AM
Last years ankle injuries were due to poor OL play.

Let's be honest: Pat's ankle was stepped on. That's not poor line play; the technical term for that is it was an "accident."

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 11:48 AM
LMAO You're still on with this dumbass narrative that improving the OL won't immensely help Mahomes? Ask the Colts how they feel about letting their OL play deteriorate around their franchise QB.

01-19-2021, 11:50 AM
LMAO You're still on with this dumbass narrative that improving the OL won't immensely help Mahomes? Ask the Colts how they feel about letting their OL play deteriorate around their franchise QB.

Improving the OL will help everybody. So will improving the WR corps, the TE group, the RB's, the defensive line, the linebackers, and the DB's.

Improvement is improvement.

It's not about improving, it's about how much needs to be spent to do it.

And the evidence OVERWHELMINGLY suggests the over-investing in the OL is going backwards, not forwards.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 11:50 AM
If you want to argue that the resources are better used elsewhere, that's fine, but to pretend like it wouldn't make a difference is ridiculous.

01-19-2021, 11:52 AM
This might be the first time in my life that i actually welcome some early round fatties.

Kind of a trip to say. But that's where we are.

01-19-2021, 11:52 AM
If you want to argue that the resources are better used elsewhere, that's fine, but to pretend like it wouldn't make a difference is ridiculous.

In terms of "keeping him healthy" it won't make a lick of difference.

Guys get hurt in the pocket, out of the pocket, and playing pickup basketball in the offseason.

The whole idea that the offensive line needs to be urgently upgraded to protect Patrick from getting hurt is just based on knee-jerk reactions and myth.

The Packers offensive line didn't protect Aaron Rodgers from missing all those games 3 years ago. Drew Brees missed 4 games this season despite all of the 1st round picks on their line.

I'm ALL FOR improving the line. But to say it needs to be done to "keep Mahomes healthy" just isn't an argument grounded in reality, it's straight up fiction.

01-19-2021, 11:53 AM
When the qb becomes a runner, all the rules that protect him go out the window.

This is pure genious. Who knew?

Seriously, just how many plays are we going to take out of the book because Mahomes somehow got injured in some freak way one time?

It's idiotic. It's hard enough to win games in the NFL, but because Wallcrawler (et al) is a whiny bitch Andy should take yet another play out of the book because of a freak accident?

It's football. Stuff happens. you don't take the highest percentage plays out of the book just because Patrick just signed a $450 million contract.

He's a football player. Let him play ball.

Some of you act like Andy is making Pat run these plays, when it's a lot more likely that Pat is calling for these plays himself. And has had absurdly stunning success running them, we should add.

Stop your bitching, ffs.

01-19-2021, 11:54 AM
Seriously, just how many plays are we going to take out of the book because Mahomes somehow got injured in some freak way one time?

All of them. We're going to get our own Taysoms Hills. Gotta keep Patrick healthy.

New World Order
01-19-2021, 11:58 AM
Pat takes risks. Even when he's throwing he sometimes holds onto the ball for as long as possible until he's hit.

We're probably going to have a few injuries over his career. It's just how it's going to be.

01-19-2021, 12:00 PM
Why wouldn't he?

Aaron Rodgers has ha two season-ending injuries in 8 years, behind a very good offensive line. And he's 37.


01-19-2021, 12:05 PM
Agree, quality post...

What Andy could be doing, and maybe he's trying and just not succeeding, is improve the O-line. It's strange to have a $500,000,000 asset PMII protected by an O-line like this.

It’s difficult to “improve the offense line” when the Chiefs are starting their 4th Left Guard, 4th Right Guard and 4th Right Tackle of the 2020 season.

It’s absolutely amazing that throughout all of the losses of offensive lineman to injury and opt-outs that the Chiefs are 15-2, because any other team facing the loss of so many lineman would be 2-14.

01-19-2021, 12:06 PM
It worked for the Saints too. So well that they dominate the regular season and can't win in the playoffs. Like the Baltimore Ravens of the NFC.

Improving the o-line isn't going to keep him healthy. It's fools gold. It didn't keep Rodgers healthy. And it has resulted in zero Super Bowl appearances in a decade.

No thanks. I'll pass.

The 9ers made it to the sb with another teams backup. Maybe the chiefs should try that?

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 12:12 PM
Uh, no, the line needs to be upgraded urgently because the core is either rapidly declining or already finished due to injury (Schwartz), hasn't played organized football in well over a year and wasn't particularly good at staying healthy when he was (LDT), isn't even under contract after this year (Reiter), is a complete liability when he's on the field (Wylie), and is starting to show signs of declining play due to his own age and accumulated injuries (Fisher).

01-19-2021, 12:18 PM
The 9ers made it to the sb with another teams backup. Maybe the chiefs should try that?

He wasn't a backup in SF. They traded a 2nd-round pick for him.

01-19-2021, 12:19 PM
Uh, no, the line needs to be upgraded urgently because the core is either rapidly declining or already finished due to injury (Schwartz), hasn't played organized football in well over a year and wasn't particularly good at staying healthy when he was (LDT), isn't even under contract after this year (Reiter), is a complete liability when he's on the field (Wylie), and is starting to show signs of declining play due to his own age and accumulated injuries (Fisher).

For sure, they have work to do. It's just a question of how much they want to spend to do it.

01-19-2021, 12:22 PM
He wasn't a backup in SF. They traded a 2nd-round pick for him.

They traded for another teams backup and made it to a sb so it can be done!

01-19-2021, 12:22 PM
For sure, they have work to do. It's just a question of how much they want to spend to do it.

There’s no way they overhaul the whole thing. Maybe 2 new starters I’d think

01-19-2021, 12:28 PM
They traded for another teams backup and made it to a sb so it can be done!

They made it to the Super Bowl with a historically good defensive line.

Maybe if the Packers had focused on getting Rodgers some weapons instead of trying to match their offensive line against that defensive line, the Packers would have beat them.

You know, like we did.

01-19-2021, 12:30 PM
There’s no way they overhaul the whole thing. Maybe 2 new starters I’d think

It depends on what they do with Reiter. If they let him go, there's 1 new starter.

There's also the thing with Schwartz.

The issue here is that most people hate Wylie and don't think much more of LDT. Both of those guys will likely be starters next year.

Otherwise you ARE overhauling the whole thing.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 12:34 PM
They made it to the Super Bowl with a historically good defensive line.

Maybe if the Packers had focused on getting Rodgers some weapons instead of trying to match their offensive line against that defensive line, the Packers would have beat them.

You know, like we did.
I seem to remember the 49ers OL opening up gaping holes for Mostert as the reason they easily won that game.

01-19-2021, 12:40 PM
It depends on what they do with Reiter. If they let him go, there's 1 new starter.

There's also the thing with Schwartz.

The issue here is that most people hate Wylie and don't think much more of LDT. Both of those guys will likely be starters next year.

Otherwise you ARE overhauling the whole thing.

I don't want to hand a job to LDT after he hasn't played in a year.

Wylie is....fine. He's not good, maybe not average, but he's fine if everything else is ok. I think a good C would go along way with him.

But it's not ideal, but they're gonna have to probably start bringing in talent

01-19-2021, 12:44 PM
I seem to remember the 49ers OL opening up gaping holes for Mostert as the reason they easily won that game.

Yeah and their starters were:

LT Joe Staley - 1st round pick of the 49ers in 2007
LG Laken Tomlinson - former 1st round pick cut by the Lions, made just over $4M last year
C Mike Person - 7th round pick of the 49ers in 2011
RG Ben Garland - UDFA, played for 3 different teams, made about $1M last year
RT Mike McGlinchey - 1st round pick of the 49ers in 2018

See a pattern there?

01-19-2021, 12:45 PM
I don't want to hand a job to LDT after he hasn't played in a year.

Wylie is....fine. He's not good, maybe not average, but he's fine if everything else is ok. I think a good C would go along way with him.

But it's not ideal, but they're gonna have to probably start bringing in talent

You may not want to but the guy is under contract in a cap-strapped season and a former starter. He's almost assured of being the starting RG to start the season.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 12:46 PM
Yeah and their starters were:

LT Joe Staley - 1st round pick of the 49ers in 2007
LG Laken Tomlinson - former 1st round pick cut by the Lions, made just over $4M last year
C Mike Person - 7th round pick of the 49ers in 2011
RG Ben Garland - UDFA, played for 3 different teams, made about $1M last year
RT Mike McGlinchey - 1st round pick of the 49ers in 2018

See a pattern there?
Have you seen the pattern where one of our OTs is on the brink of retirement and the other may not be too far behind him?

01-19-2021, 12:46 PM
You may not want to but the guy is under contract in a cap-strapped season and a former starter. He's almost assured of being the starting RG to start the season.

I'd cut him and get some money back.

01-19-2021, 12:47 PM
Why does everyone assume Fisher is on the brink of retiring? He's been in the league 7 years.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 12:49 PM
Why does everyone assume Fisher is on the brink of retiring? He's been in the league 7 years.
Back problems for an OT are never a good sign.

01-19-2021, 12:55 PM
Back problems for an OT are never a good sign.

How many games has Fisher missed this year?

01-19-2021, 12:56 PM
I'd cut him and get some money back.

He's basically un-cuttable next year. If I'm reading it correctly, we'd actually lose cap space by cutting him due to the $750k COVID payment this year and his 2022 contract already being voided.


01-19-2021, 12:57 PM
I'd cut him and get some money back.

I could be thinking of someone else, but I think I read on Arrowhead Pride the other day that cutting LDT doesn't help, for whatever reason. Probably Dane or one of the other guys that keeps up with the cap news would know.

01-19-2021, 12:59 PM
Have you seen the pattern where one of our OTs is on the brink of retirement and the other may not be too far behind him?

I sure have.

What does that have to do with throwing money and picks at the INTERIOR offensive line, which is where most of the complaints are?

01-19-2021, 01:00 PM
He's basically un-cuttable next year. If I'm reading it correctly, we'd actually lose cap space by cutting him due to the $750k COVID payment this year and his 2022 contract already being voided.



LDT is staying. No way to get rid of him without eating cap.

01-19-2021, 01:01 PM
Back problems for an OT are never a good sign.

Fisher and Remmers had back "pain". That's not necessarily an injury. People get sore for all kinds of reasons that aren't lingering or chronic.

01-19-2021, 01:02 PM
I could be thinking of someone else, but I think I read on Arrowhead Pride the other day that cutting LDT doesn't help, for whatever reason. Probably Dane or one of the other guys that keeps up with the cap news would know.

You get back about $4M and accelerate over $7M in dead cap space.

He'd cost you over $3M in cap space to get him off the roster.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 01:03 PM
I sure have.

What does that have to do with throwing money and picks at the INTERIOR offensive line, which is where most of the complaints are?
Feel free to point out where anybody said only the IOL is an issue. Maybe back before the Schwartz injury that was a thing, but not recently.

01-19-2021, 01:05 PM
Feel free to point out where anybody said only the IOL is an issue. Maybe back before the Schwartz injury that was a thing, but not recently.

Dude, there's literally thousands of posts in the last 6 months bitching about Wylie and Reiter. If you go to the draft forum right now, people are talking about Wylie and Reiter.

Every weekend, the #1 target on the offensive line for bitching is Wylie. It's always Wylie, before and after the Schwartz thing.

Seriously, not sure why this is even an argument. There are tons of people here that still feel the IOL is the biggest problem on the offense. Saw a couple of posts about it this morning.

01-19-2021, 01:44 PM
Yeah and their starters were:

LT Joe Staley - 1st round pick of the 49ers in 2007
LG Laken Tomlinson - former 1st round pick cut by the Lions, made just over $4M last year
C Mike Person - 7th round pick of the 49ers in 2011
RG Ben Garland - UDFA, played for 3 different teams, made about $1M last year
RT Mike McGlinchey - 1st round pick of the 49ers in 2018

See a pattern there?

Mike fucking Person. Good grief, that guy sucked in KC.

01-19-2021, 01:45 PM
Have you seen the pattern where one of our OTs is on the brink of retirement and the other may not be too far behind him?

Why would Fisher even remotely entertain retirement?

Pitt Gorilla
01-19-2021, 02:21 PM
Dude, there's literally thousands of posts in the last 6 months bitching about Wylie and Reiter. If you go to the draft forum right now, people are talking about Wylie and Reiter.

Every weekend, the #1 target on the offensive line for bitching is Wylie. It's always Wylie, before and after the Schwartz thing.

Seriously, not sure why this is even an argument. There are tons of people here that still feel the IOL is the biggest problem on the offense. Saw a couple of posts about it this morning.
As I've said for well over a year now: Reiter is playing really well. Period. If a great IOL comes available, draft/sign him. But, until he is a FA, Reiter does not HAVE to be replaced. Certainly not by a guy like Kilgore.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 02:22 PM
As I've said for well over a year now: Reiter is playing really well. Period. If a great IOL comes available, draft/sign him. But, until he is a FA, Reiter does not HAVE to be replaced. Certainly not by a guy like Kilgore.
Reiter is an UFA after the season.

Pitt Gorilla
01-19-2021, 02:22 PM

LDT is staying. No way to get rid of him without eating cap.

LDT with a year of rest after that injury should be good to go.

Pitt Gorilla
01-19-2021, 02:24 PM
Reiter is an UFA after the season.

I was wondering if that wasn't the case. He's no Hudson or Morse, but I'd hate to see us lose another quality center, even if Chief Fan doesn't like him for whatever dumbass reason.

01-19-2021, 02:29 PM
I was wondering if that wasn't the case. He's no Hudson or Morse, but I'd hate to see us lose another quality center, even if Chief Fan doesn't like him for whatever dumbass reason.

There would be an epic meltdown if the Chiefs were to re-sign Reiter this offseason.


01-19-2021, 02:30 PM
Can we get this thread back on track? There is a race going her between some really moronic posters and right now, as they make the turn, it's a fucking horse race.

I want to see who is going to break the tape at the end, and instead, here we are mucking it up with real fucking discussion.


01-19-2021, 02:58 PM
There would be an epic meltdown if the Chiefs were to re-sign Reiter this offseason.


There will probably be a lot of bitching no matter what they do with Reiter. It's the nature of CP.

You have to wonder if he will come back or if someone else will pay him. It will certainly let us know what the rest of the league thinks of him vs. the rep he's got here.

01-19-2021, 03:04 PM
There will probably be a lot of bitching no matter what they do with Reiter. It's the nature of CP.

You have to wonder if he will come back or if someone else will pay him. It will certainly let us know what the rest of the league thinks of him vs. the rep he's got here.

That's because people here just can't seem to grasp the concept that you can't pay a QB $40 million and a couple of receivers $16 million each, a Tight End $12 million, a defensive tackle $20 million, a defensive end $20 million and a safety $14 million, yet still have enough money leftover to pay each offensive lineman $10 to $20 million.

The Chiefs will continue to go "dumpster diving" on all of their interior line positions because they just don't have the cap in order to sign three or four guys to huge contracts.

01-19-2021, 03:06 PM
That's because people here just can't seem to grasp the concept that you can't pay a QB $40 million and a couple of receivers $16 million each, a Tight End $12 million, a defensive tackle $20 million, a defensive end $20 million and a safety $14 million, yet still have enough money leftover to pay each offensive lineman $10 to $20 million.

The Chiefs will continue to go "dumpster diving" on all of their interior line positions because they just don't have the cap in order to sign three or four guys to huge contracts.

A lot of teams do that. Tackle is a premium position. Other than that, the offensive line is just down the priority list in terms of expenditures. Teams that spend big bucks on interior line end up with messes like the Steelers now have.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 03:15 PM
A lot of teams do that. Tackle is a premium position. Other than that, the offensive line is just down the priority list in terms of expenditures. Teams that spend big bucks on interior line end up with messes like the Steelers now have.
Steelers would be in this mess regardless of how much they spent on the interior line. It's usually what happens when your franchise QB regresses to this extent.

01-19-2021, 03:19 PM
That's because people here just can't seem to grasp the concept that you can't pay a QB $40 million and a couple of receivers $16 million each, a Tight End $12 million, a defensive tackle $20 million, a defensive end $20 million and a safety $14 million, yet still have enough money leftover to pay each offensive lineman $10 to $20 million.

The Chiefs will continue to go "dumpster diving" on all of their interior line positions because they just don't have the cap in order to sign three or four guys to huge contracts.

It is indeed a challenge, but to say we can't grasp the concept is not only wrong, it's rather arrogant.

01-19-2021, 03:20 PM
It is indeed a challenge, but to say we can't grasp the concept is not only wrong, it's rather arrogant.

I wasn't calling you out directly or indirectly.

Those people know who they are because they continue to repeat this mantra year after year after year.

01-19-2021, 03:23 PM
Steelers would be in this mess regardless of how much they spent on the interior line. It's usually what happens when your franchise QB regresses to this extent.

They have the highest paid interior line in football (certainly Pouncey and Decastro are up there) and can't run the ball through a line of tackling dummies. That's not really about the QB. That's about the line just being bad, despite the investments.

01-19-2021, 03:27 PM
I wasn't calling you out directly or indirectly.

Those people know who they are because they continue to repeat this mantra year after year after year.

Fair enough. But I would love to have something closer to what they gave Trent and Priest back in the day. But hey, I guess at some level I'm arguing with success. We'll never know but one has to wonder if PMII is as mobile as he is out of necessity (meaning a better line might mean he works from the pocket a lot more often), or would a better O-line be a waste of money they don't have anyway because he'd run out of the pocket anyway, because that's just how he is?

01-19-2021, 03:29 PM
Fair enough. But I would love to have something closer to what they gave Trent and Priest back in the day. But hey, I guess at some level I'm arguing with success. We'll never know but one has to wonder if PMII is as mobile as he is out of necessity (meaning a better line might mean he works from the pocket a lot more often), or would a better O-line be a waste of money they don't have anyway because he'd run out of the pocket anyway, because that's just how he is?

The days of the what they gave Trent and Priest are long, long past. Look at the WR's they trotted out there in those days. Some of them wouldn't even make this team and got meaningful snaps on those teams. This team just isn't built that way. It never will be.

And running around is part of his game. Even with a better line protecting him, he's still going to run around.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 03:35 PM
They have the highest paid interior line in football (certainly Pouncey and Decastro are up there) and can't run the ball through a line of tackling dummies. That's not really about the QB. That's about the line just being bad, despite the investments.
Uhh, no they don't. Decastro counts for just under 10 million of the cap and Pouncey counts for 7 and a half. Dotson is a rookie so he barely even registers.

01-19-2021, 03:42 PM
And running around is part of his game. Even with a better line protecting him, he's still going to run around.


He's the furthest thing from the traditional 5 or 7 step drop style of QB, which can put the offensive line in a bad place because it's next to impossible to hold a block for 7 seconds.

01-19-2021, 03:53 PM
The days of the what they gave Trent and Priest are long, long past. Look at the WR's they trotted out there in those days. Some of them wouldn't even make this team and got meaningful snaps on those teams. This team just isn't built that way. It never will be.

And running around is part of his game. Even with a better line protecting him, he's still going to run around.Fair enough. Let's hope he stays healthy.

01-19-2021, 03:57 PM
You can't devote all your resources to one spot, gotta spread it around.

They've gotta get cheap labor somewhere. A 2/3rd round starting C or G would go a long way.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 03:58 PM
Might try Allegreti at C. He played there a couple of times at Illinois. I don't think we've even got another C on the roster for 2021 yet.

01-19-2021, 04:01 PM
I'd sign a free agent C. There will be some good ones.

Then I'd draft a G somewhere in the draft.

Sassy Squatch
01-19-2021, 04:04 PM
I'd sign a free agent C. There will be some good ones.

Then I'd draft a G somewhere in the draft.
It would be nice to have Niang in the building now just to see whether he'd be a good candidate to fast track to RT or still a G for now

01-19-2021, 04:04 PM
Uhh, no they don't. Decastro counts for just under 10 million of the cap and Pouncey counts for 7 and a half. Dotson is a rookie so he barely even registers.

Pouncey made $11M this year (tied for 4th in the league). Decastro made $10M (tied for 13th in the league, 4 guys making $11M).

Go out to Spotrac and take a look at the highest paid interior linemen in the league.

By and large, you're going to find that 80% of them play for non-playoff teams.

01-19-2021, 04:05 PM
I'd sign a free agent C. There will be some good ones.

Then I'd draft a G somewhere in the draft.

Like Austin Reiter? ;)

01-19-2021, 04:07 PM
Like Austin Reiter? ;)

No thanks.

He's already 30. I don't like that.

01-19-2021, 04:11 PM
No thanks.

He's already 30. I don't like that.

Good centers make a lot of money. More than they're actually worth in many cases.

The top 17 centers in the league all made over $8M this past season.

Austin Reiter made $2.25M.

01-19-2021, 04:12 PM
Good centers make a lot of money. More than they're actually worth in many cases.

The top 17 centers in the league all made over $8M this past season.

Austin Reiter made $2.25M.

Yeah, he's been fine at that number. If he needs to be paid more than that, I'll look elsewhere.

01-19-2021, 04:12 PM
We should be more aggressive about our offensive line. Why is Wylie still here? You don't draft Niang in the 2nd if you know he has to sit out his 1st year. We needed someone to contribute THIS year. As soon as LDT opted out we should have been aggressive about adding someone on the Oline.

Reiter sucks, we continue to refuse to pay for a center?

How many players do with have on the team that can pass block AND run block? Most of our guys can do one or the other. Unacceptable.

When you pay your QB a half of a Billion dollars, you don't skimp on the offensive line. Indy did it to 2 of their Quarterback and everyone here destroyed them for it. Texans with Carr got destroyed. We are heading down the same stupid road.

We can do it, just have to focus more on the offensive line.

01-19-2021, 04:15 PM
Yeah, he's been fine at that number. If he needs to be paid more than that, I'll look elsewhere.

Where you going to look, though? It won't be in free agency because from there, salaries DOUBLE and then TRIPLE for just an incremental improvement in play.

The best bet is to actually draft a center. The ceiling is much higher and the payout is much lower.

This is a team that's going to have to really rely on the draft because free agency just isn't going to be as easy to navigate with this many star contracts.

Finger/Butts fan
01-19-2021, 04:31 PM
Neck injuries including a pinched nerve can be devastating IMO.
Spent the worst two months of my life layed up last winter from a pinched nerve in my neck. Arms going numb, messed up my stomach, felt like someone was stabbing me with a hot knife over and over again in my shoulder. Pain so intense sent my blood pressure into the lower 200's. If I'm Reid Mahomes is my backup (at 80 %)

Big fan of Mahomes and would not like to see his career cut short from injury.

01-19-2021, 04:59 PM
Where you going to look, though? It won't be in free agency because from there, salaries DOUBLE and then TRIPLE for just an incremental improvement in play.

The best bet is to actually draft a center. The ceiling is much higher and the payout is much lower.

This is a team that's going to have to really rely on the draft because free agency just isn't going to be as easy to navigate with this many star contracts.

Just depends what happens with teh cap and such. I doubt they'll have much but they can make it work if they want. I'd rather draft one as well.

01-19-2021, 07:35 PM
This is the 2nd time Patrick has had a concussion or concussion-like symptoms, the first being at TTU.

We need to start treating him like a QB who has had trauma twice. Most short yardage needs to be a pass or RB/FB run/trick play.

01-19-2021, 08:19 PM
This is the 2nd time Patrick has had a concussion or concussion-like symptoms, the first being at TTU.

We need to start treating him like a QB who has had trauma twice. Most short yardage needs to be a pass or RB/FB run/trick play.

There's nothing to stop Patrick from making his decision on the field to use his legs in the course of ANY play, whether designed or not.

Like Bieniemy said, he's a competitive prick. If he's been taught to do the thing for his safety, but the risky thing means his team wins, he's going to tell safety to go fuck itself.

We might just have to live with that kind of thing until he gets older and forces himself to play differently because he HAS to in order to prolong his career.

01-19-2021, 08:23 PM
Neck injuries including a pinched nerve can be devastating IMO.
Spent the worst two months of my life layed up last winter from a pinched nerve in my neck. Arms going numb, messed up my stomach, felt like someone was stabbing me with a hot knife over and over again in my shoulder. Pain so intense sent my blood pressure into the lower 200's. If I'm Reid Mahomes is my backup (at 80 %)

Big fan of Mahomes and would not like to see his career cut short from injury.

He didn't get a pinched nerve, douche

01-20-2021, 12:50 AM
This is the 2nd time Patrick has had a concussion or concussion-like symptoms, the first being at TTU.

We need to start treating him like a QB who has had trauma twice. Most short yardage needs to be a pass or RB/FB run/trick play.

Fuck all that. Seriously, FUCK ALL THAT SHIT.

he isn't Carson Wentz for fuck's sake. it was a flukey fucking accident. Don't you nitwits get your panties in a big bunch over a once in a lifetime accident. Sack up, like Patrick, and let the man play ball.