View Full Version : Chiefs Alex Smith announces retirement

04-19-2021, 09:57 AM
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="https://www.instagram.com/tv/CN2kL8jpn0G/?utm_source=ig_embed&amp;utm_campaign=loading" data-instgrm-version="13" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:16px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/tv/CN2kL8jpn0G/?utm_source=ig_embed&amp;utm_campaign=loading" style=" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%;" target="_blank"> <div style=" display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;"> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;"></div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;"> <div style=" background-color: #F4F4F4; 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overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="https://www.instagram.com/tv/CN2kL8jpn0G/?utm_source=ig_embed&amp;utm_campaign=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Elizabeth Smith (@lizbsmith11)</a></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//www.instagram.com/embed.js"></script>

04-19-2021, 09:58 AM
Hell of a career Alex!! Good luck in Canton

Hammock Parties
04-19-2021, 09:58 AM
never won shit

Rain Man
04-19-2021, 10:00 AM
I bet he never plays again.

04-19-2021, 10:02 AM
Enjoy retirement, Alex!

And no, he's not going to be our QB coach. Or any coach at all. Probably the only coaching he'll ever do is volunteer coaching for his kids' flag football teams. He doesn't want to be an NFL coach. Stop being idiots.

04-19-2021, 10:04 AM

Go enjoy your family.

04-19-2021, 10:05 AM
Interesting chapter of Chiefs lore- all the best Alex and take care of that leg.

04-19-2021, 10:06 AM
Alex was a big part in turning this franchise around. As frustrating as he was at times as a QB, the man is a hell of a competitor and he will do well in whatever venture he does next.

Thank you, Alex for everything you did while you were in KC; a true professional.

04-19-2021, 10:07 AM
Enjoy retirement, Alex!

And no, he's not going to be our QB coach. Or any coach at all. Probably the only coaching he'll ever do is volunteer coaching for his kids' flag football teams. He doesn't want to be an NFL coach. Stop being idiots.

Eric Bienemy isnt under contract because Axle Smiff is gonna be our coordinator!-Shaggyshane-probably

04-19-2021, 10:08 AM
who's cutting onions? :mad:

04-19-2021, 10:08 AM
Enjoy retirement, Alex!

And no, he's not going to be our QB coach. Or any coach at all. Probably the only coaching he'll ever do is volunteer coaching for his kids' flag football teams. He doesn't want to be an NFL coach. Stop being idiots.


And way to head that off at the pass!

04-19-2021, 10:10 AM
Best of luck Mr. Smith. Enjoy retirement.

04-19-2021, 10:11 AM
About time. I mean, thank you, Alex, for helping bring this franchise back to respectability and enjoy retirement.

Hammock Parties
04-19-2021, 10:11 AM
who's cutting onions? :mad:

you've got to be fucking kidding me

04-19-2021, 10:12 AM
I am pleased to hear this. I was surprised he even tried to come back last year. Go enjoy your pile of money, Alex. Thanks for helping us get to Mahomes!

04-19-2021, 10:13 AM
you've got to be ****ing kidding me

Cheese. I think he meant who's cutting cheese.

Hammock Parties
04-19-2021, 10:15 AM
Cheese. I think he meant who's cutting cheese.

Alex "the wet fart" Smith.

04-19-2021, 10:15 AM
never won shit

Shame on you.

04-19-2021, 10:17 AM
Welp there go all our FanDuel lineups while on our way to a million dollars next season

04-19-2021, 10:17 AM
There are plenty of threads on CP that you can use to shit on Alex. Not this one.

Sofa King
04-19-2021, 10:17 AM
Thanks for helping Patrick!

04-19-2021, 10:17 AM

04-19-2021, 10:18 AM
Good luck in retirement Alex. Just stay home and bang that hot wife of yours!

04-19-2021, 10:27 AM
Good man, tough as nails and brave as a lion.

But when I watch that video I'm a little annoyed there isn't more Chief's love. He was kicked to the curb in SFO and if it wasn't for Andy picking him up and giving him an opportunity to start immediately, he'd have gone to purgatory with some shit team and not had nearly the career he did.

Frankly, he owes the Kansas City Chiefs organization a metric f**k ton.

Regardless, adios.

04-19-2021, 10:28 AM
Why is everyone talking good about Alex Smith now?

He’s a humble guy, but was an awful quarterback. I won’t miss those 3rd & 12 passes that always went under about 7 yards. Most frustrating thing to do on Sunday was watching Smith throw the ball.

New World Order
04-19-2021, 10:30 AM
Why is everyone talking good about Alex Smith now?

He’s a humble guy, but was an awful quarterback. I won’t miss those 3rd & 12 passes that always went under about 7 yards. Most frustrating thing to do on Sunday was watching Smith throw the ball.

Ahhh the ol 4 yard pass on a third-and-7.


04-19-2021, 10:33 AM
Thanks for bringing the franchise back from the depths of hell. Enjoy retirement

04-19-2021, 10:33 AM
Good man, tough as nails and brave as a lion.

But when I watch that video I'm a little annoyed there isn't more Chief's love. He was kicked to the curb in SFO and if it wasn't for Andy picking him up and giving him an opportunity to start immediately, he'd have gone to purgatory with some shit team and not had nearly the career he did.

Frankly, he owes the Kansas City Chiefs organization a metric f**k ton.

Regardless, adios.

Frankly, the Niners really did him dirty by not handing the job back to Alex when he was healthy again. The team really wasn't a better offense with Kaepernick over Alex. Kaepernick was a surprise novelty that caught teams off-guard in the regular season, and then feasted on the crap defenses of Green Bay and Atlanta in the playoffs.

I don't know if Alex beats the Ravens in the Super Bowl, but we know Kaepernick did not. I think a steadier, more proficient passer could have gotten the job done.

04-19-2021, 10:35 AM
Hat tip.

04-19-2021, 10:38 AM
Thanks for....


04-19-2021, 10:41 AM
Broke Kelce in real good.

04-19-2021, 10:42 AM
I thought that he would sign somewhere. I guess not. Well, he had a good run in KC. It's a shame that he got such a horrible injury in Washington. But, he's in his thirties and has millions in the bank. He can just enjoy life with his family now. He earned that. Kudos.

04-19-2021, 10:43 AM
Very nice career. Enjoy your retirement, Alex.


04-19-2021, 10:45 AM
Good for him.

Break a leg, Alex.

04-19-2021, 10:45 AM
He’s a humble guy, but was an awful quarterback.

Nope. He was not a GREAT QB....but not awful. A good man and I wish him well in his retirement.

04-19-2021, 10:46 AM
Infuriating as a QB, but he made up for most of that by helping to show Mahomes the ropes, without being a dick about it.

04-19-2021, 10:46 AM

04-19-2021, 10:47 AM
Good for him.
Well wishes, he was better then Matt Cassel.

04-19-2021, 10:48 AM
I respect him. But he bordered on being unwatchable on a game in and game out basis. Aside from his good final year, the stats back that up. I do not miss having him whatsoever.

04-19-2021, 10:49 AM
Frankly, the Niners really did him dirty by not handing the job back to Alex when he was healthy again. The team really wasn't a better offense with Kaepernick over Alex. Kaepernick was a surprise novelty that caught teams off-guard in the regular season, and then feasted on the crap defenses of Green Bay and Atlanta in the playoffs.

I don't know if Alex beats the Ravens in the Super Bowl, but we know Kaepernick did not. I think a steadier, more proficient passer could have gotten the job done.

Interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that. Alex was also better at throwing the ball to Vernon Davis that could stretch the field some.

Reasonable to at least have the discussion.

04-19-2021, 10:49 AM
Alex was an enigma. When he was on, he was nails. Those touchdown passes to Hill and Hunt against New England in the 2017 opener are two of the best throws I've ever seen. And who could forget that massive comeback he engineered against the Chargers? Unfortunately, that guy only came out to play a few games a season. I think he had some deep seeded confidence issues that we'll never understand.

But the main thing Alex did was be a welcoming, positive influence on Pat. He could have easily gone the Favre route and been a total dick, but didn't.

Anyway, I wish him well in retirement. And I think he'd make a fine QB coach.

04-19-2021, 10:50 AM
Why is everyone talking good about Alex Smith now?

He’s a humble guy, but was an awful quarterback. I won’t miss those 3rd & 12 passes that always went under about 7 yards. Most frustrating thing to do on Sunday was watching Smith throw the ball.

Maybe it's because we were 2-14 the year before we acquired him? Afterwards he immediately took us out of the dumpster fire we were in and helped lead us to respectable seasons pre-Mahomes.


Thankyou Alex for 5 weird, fun, sad, happy seasons. They were fun and I look back fondly at those times.

04-19-2021, 10:53 AM
Alex was an enigma. When he was on, he was nails. Those touchdown passes to Hill and Hunt against New England in the 2017 opener are two of the best throws I've ever seen. And who could forget that massive comeback he engineered against the Chargers? Unfortunately, that guy only came out to play a few games a season. I think he had some deep seeded confidence issues that we'll never understand.

But the main thing Alex did was be a welcoming, positive influence on Pat. He could have easily gone the Favre route and been a total dick, but didn't.

Anyway, I wish him well in retirement. And I think he'd make a fine QB coach.

Dude..Patrick has made a dozen passes better that those two..

04-19-2021, 10:55 AM
Maybe it's because we were 2-14 the year before we acquired him? Afterwards he immediately took us out of the dumpster fire we were in and helped lead us to respectable seasons pre-Mahomes.


Thankyou Alex for 5 weird, fun, sad, happy seasons. They were fun and I look back fondly at those times.

Well, except for a few of those week 17 Chase Daniel games. And the time Big Dick Nick got the start. And of course Mahomes' week 17 start against Denver...

04-19-2021, 10:56 AM
Why is everyone talking good about Alex Smith now?

He’s a humble guy, but was an awful quarterback. I won’t miss those 3rd & 12 passes that always went under about 7 yards. Most frustrating thing to do on Sunday was watching Smith throw the ball.
Awful? LMAO

04-19-2021, 10:58 AM
Maybe it's because we were 2-14 the year before we acquired him? Afterwards he immediately took us out of the dumpster fire we were in and helped lead us to respectable seasons pre-Mahomes.


Thankyou Alex for 5 weird, fun, sad, happy seasons. They were fun and I look back fondly at those times.

Did you actually find years 1-4 peak Chiefs fun? I knew winning football was happening, but it didn't feel fun. There was an immense amount of tweaking Andy had to do to tailor that offense to Alex. It felt like we were constantly playing field position battles and kicking way too many FGs. And the sacks and all the "heady"throw it out of bounds plays because Alex always looked at the pressure.

04-19-2021, 11:08 AM
Good to see him go out on his own terms and not carted off with a horrific injury.

That said, it was time. He was not good last year, and people gave it a pass simply because of the hell he went through to even step on the field.

I will remember Alex as the guy who could have been great, if he simply took the leap of faith in himself. Instead, he made his name as a safe throw or run/sack qb.

Great at not turning it over, but safe throws dont get you anywhere in big games.

How many wide open receivers did we see him not even look at, because pre snap he had already done the defense's job and took them out of the play?

Passes parralel to the line, running instead of looking for an open man, and checking it down. Thats Alex Smith to me.

He had the ability to go downfield, he just mentally did not have the will. He played to not turn it over, he didnt play to lead the team to victory.

Patrick Mahomes is literally the opposite of Smith in every way on that field.

04-19-2021, 11:08 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Only QBs to register a season with at least 4,000 Pass Yards, 25 Pass TD, and 5 or fewer INT:<br><br>- Aaron Rodgers<br>- Patrick Mahomes<br>- Russell Wilson<br>- ALEX SMITH <a href="https://t.co/RtR5GTXGfa">pic.twitter.com/RtR5GTXGfa</a></p>&mdash; NFLonCBS (@NFLonCBS) <a href="https://twitter.com/NFLonCBS/status/1384177309536559106?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

04-19-2021, 11:12 AM
Only QBs to register a season with at least 4,000 Pass Yards, 25 Pass TD, and 5 or fewer INT:

- Aaron Rodgers
- Patrick Mahomes
- Russell Wilson
- ALEX SMITH pic.twitter.com/RtR5GTXGfa (https://t.co/RtR5GTXGfa)
— NFLonCBS (@NFLonCBS) April 19, 2021 (https://twitter.com/NFLonCBS/status/1384177309536559106?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) <script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

OMGZORZ! Hall of fame! M I RITE?

04-19-2021, 11:21 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Chiefs?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> HC Andy Reid on his former QB, Alex Smith: &quot;If he gets into coaching I get first dibs on him.&quot;</p>&mdash; Sports Radio 810 WHB (@SportsRadio810) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportsRadio810/status/1384170975286075406?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

04-19-2021, 11:32 AM
Interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that. Alex was also better at throwing the ball to Vernon Davis that could stretch the field some.

Reasonable to at least have the discussion.

He was also really good at handing the ball off to Frank Gore and then Jamaal Charles. One of the best hand off quarterbacks in the league!

04-19-2021, 11:42 AM
Alex was an enigma. When he was on, he was nails. Those touchdown passes to Hill and Hunt against New England in the 2017 opener are two of the best throws I've ever seen. And who could forget that massive comeback he engineered against the Chargers? Unfortunately, that guy only came out to play a few games a season. I think he had some deep seeded confidence issues that we'll never understand.

But the main thing Alex did was be a welcoming, positive influence on Pat. He could have easily gone the Favre route and been a total dick, but didn't.

Anyway, I wish him well in retirement. And I think he'd make a fine QB coach.

He talked about this once. I believe Utah asked him to speak at a graduation years after he had been drafted. IIRC, he said he would basically be telling himself "Don't fuck up, don't fuck up". He didn't use those words, obv, but it mirrored his play on the field.

Dude had all the tools to be a great QB, even after fucking up his shoulder; he was just never able to let his nuts hang.

04-19-2021, 11:43 AM
Hell of a career Alex!! Good luck in Canton

LMAO Not a chance he goes to the Hall of Fame, you fucking weirdo.

04-19-2021, 11:44 AM
Alex was an enigma. When he was on, he was nails. Those touchdown passes to Hill and Hunt against New England in the 2017 opener are two of the best throws I've ever seen. And who could forget that massive comeback he engineered against the Chargers? Unfortunately, that guy only came out to play a few games a season. I think he had some deep seeded confidence issues that we'll never understand.

But the main thing Alex did was be a welcoming, positive influence on Pat. He could have easily gone the Favre route and been a total dick, but didn't.

Anyway, I wish him well in retirement. And I think he'd make a fine QB coach.

He got pummeled his rookie year as a 9er and we beat his ass 41-0 at Arrowhead that year with Damon Huard as our quarterback. He had 0 protection and was just murdered out there and horrible coaching job by Mike Singletary. Alex never really had a fair start to his career the way he was treated in San Francisco so I think he was just timid like a scared dog they practically ruined him but he did persevere because Andy Reid gave him that opportunity. I also believe that drafting Patrick Mahomes II was the best thing for him because Patrick brought out the best in him that we seen in 2017.

04-19-2021, 11:50 AM

04-19-2021, 11:52 AM
Thank you Alex. 3rd best KC Chiefs QB ever.

Rams Fan
04-19-2021, 11:56 AM
Good for him.

And **** every single one of you that rooted for him to get hurt here. Go **** yourselves.

04-19-2021, 11:57 AM
Did you actually find years 1-4 peak Chiefs fun? I knew winning football was happening, but it didn't feel fun. There was an immense amount of tweaking Andy had to do to tailor that offense to Alex. It felt like we were constantly playing field position battles and kicking way too many FGs. And the sacks and all the "heady"throw it out of bounds plays because Alex always looked at the pressure.

I found it fun. Frustrating at times but still fun.

04-19-2021, 12:01 PM
Good for him.

And **** every single one of you that rooted for him to get hurt here. Go **** yourselves.

Abtholuthely dethpicable

04-19-2021, 12:02 PM
I found it fun. Frustrating at times but still fun.

During the Cassel years I developed a festering pessimism about this team. Smith did nothing to assuage those feelings with his extremely inconsistent play, and lack of exciting moments. I wasn't cured of this until Patrick Mahomes.

04-19-2021, 12:04 PM
I'll stand my consistency that without Alex we ain't got Mahomes.

04-19-2021, 12:04 PM
During the Cassel years I developed a festering pessimism about this team. Smith did nothing to assuage those feelings with his extremely inconsistent play, and lack of exciting moments. I wasn't cured of this until Patrick Mahomes.

Same here. Alex Smith was just the continuation of a long and frustrating history of trying to make do with other teams' leftovers.

The was nothing even remotely fun about it. I don't have any ill will towards Alex Smith, the man, or even the football player, as long as he's playing for someone other than the Kansas City Chiefs.

04-19-2021, 12:05 PM
Best bridge QB we could have asked for in our situation. Helped us get back to relevancy.

It sucked waiting so long to find his replacement but it was worth it in the end

04-19-2021, 12:07 PM
During the Cassel years I developed a festering pessimism about this team. Smith did nothing to assuage those feelings with his extremely inconsistent play, and lack of exciting moments. I wasn't cured of this until Patrick Mahomes.
If the years we won an average of 10-11 games a season were the same as the years we were winning 4 games a season to you then you were watching football wrong. I don't know what to tell you.

04-19-2021, 12:08 PM
Alex was an enigma. When he was on, he was nails. Those touchdown passes to Hill and Hunt against New England in the 2017 opener are two of the best throws I've ever seen. And who could forget that massive comeback he engineered against the Chargers? Unfortunately, that guy only came out to play a few games a season. I think he had some deep seeded confidence issues that we'll never understand.

But the main thing Alex did was be a welcoming, positive influence on Pat. He could have easily gone the Favre route and been a total dick, but didn't.

Anyway, I wish him well in retirement. And I think he'd make a fine QB coach.

When the pressure was off, like in a season opener where everybody thought the mighty Patriots would win, he was lights out.

But when the lights got brightest, he got the tightest. You're exactly right - it was always about confidence. He put way too much pressure on himself I think and when you do that in clutch situations, mistakes happen. He was so worried about preventing those mistakes, he struck out looking more often than swinging away.

04-19-2021, 12:09 PM
If the years we won an average of 10-11 games a season were the same as the years we were winning 4 games a season to you then you were watching football wrong. I don't know what to tell you.

50 years without a Super Bowl appearance. One appearance in the AFC championship during that time.

At some point for a long-time fan, 10-win seasons cease to be very meaningful.

04-19-2021, 12:12 PM
He was and underdog and mismanaged early in his career. He faltered at the end but he made watching games fun and stressful. He’s be a good college coach

04-19-2021, 12:12 PM
Thank you Alex. 3rd best KC Chiefs QB ever.

Statistically, yes. But during his prime Trent Green was better than Alex ever dreamed of.

04-19-2021, 12:13 PM
50 years without a Super Bowl appearance. One appearance in the AFC championship during that time.

At some point for a long-time fan, 10-win seasons cease to be very meaningful.

So your enjoyment of football always hinges on the end result?

And there's still a huge fucking difference from watching the Cassel teams win 4 games a season and be uncompetitive in the vast majority than watching us win 10-11 and be competitive in the majority. I don't get how one isn't a lot more fun to watch over the other.

04-19-2021, 12:14 PM
Statistically, yes. But during his prime Trent Green was better than Alex ever dreamed of.

Alex played the game like chess and part of a machine while a guy like pat is the machine.

04-19-2021, 12:15 PM
So your enjoyment of football always hinges on the end result?

And there's still a huge ****ing difference from watching the Cassel teams win 4 games a season and be uncompetitive in the vast majority than watching us win 10-11 and be competitive in the majority. I don't get how one isn't a lot more fun to watch over the other.

This seems to more accurately describe your feelings on the subject (look at all those 10 win seasons!). For those with a discerning eye, you knew the season was over before it began with Smith. It is hard to be interested in the journey when you know how it will end. This might seem like it describes the "haters" and people concerned with the end result, but he was not a QB capable of overcoming the upper tier teams in the NFL when it mattered.

04-19-2021, 12:20 PM
Well, imagine if the Chiefs drafted Geno Smith instead of bringing Alex in. Not that anyone here was advocating for that of course.

dirk digler
04-19-2021, 12:22 PM
So your enjoyment of football always hinges on the end result?

And there's still a huge fucking difference from watching the Cassel teams win 4 games a season and be uncompetitive in the vast majority than watching us win 10-11 and be competitive in the majority. I don't get how one isn't a lot more fun to watch over the other.

Because with AS as our QB we always knew the ending which was no different than Cassel or any other the turd QB's that came before him outside of Trent.

04-19-2021, 12:23 PM
Well, imagine if the Chiefs drafted Geno Smith instead of bringing Alex in. Not that anyone here was advocating for that of course.

Yeah, who can forget all those championship trophies all of the non-QB draft picks brought us.

04-19-2021, 12:26 PM
So your enjoyment of football always hinges on the end result?

And there's still a huge fucking difference from watching the Cassel teams win 4 games a season and be uncompetitive in the vast majority than watching us win 10-11 and be competitive in the majority. I don't get how one isn't a lot more fun to watch over the other.

IMO, 10-11 win teams are still pretty mediocre and not great to watch when they mostly play each other all season.

I'd compare a Smith-led season to a Mahomes-led season by the marquee games... the few times we get to watch the Chiefs against the very best.

I don't exactly care about watching Mahomes vs the Jets (I'm only watching for Mahomes, not the overall quality of football), just like I didn't care when Alex Smith beat the Jags in his first game with KC.

OTOH, I absolutely love watching Mahomes against the best teams in the league, which is of course mostly when the games actually matter starting in mid-January.

For the sake of the thread, I have nothing but respect for the guy when it comes to his competitiveness and his drive to get back on the field. He was who we knew he was with the Chiefs and the results show that.

04-19-2021, 12:28 PM
Boring 10 or 11 win seasons are very profitable.

04-19-2021, 12:28 PM
Boring 10 or 11 win seasons are very profitable.

Which is precisely why it shouldn't be supported. (Thank fucking God someone, somewhere, in some room said enough and we were able to draft Mahomes.)

04-19-2021, 12:31 PM
Yes. The support vs justification is rice paper thin.

04-19-2021, 12:36 PM
So your enjoyment of football always hinges on the end result?

Now? No, because they finally got there and even won one. But after 30 years of playoff disappointments, you're fucking right my enjoyment of football hinged on the end result.

And there's still a huge fucking difference from watching the Cassel teams win 4 games a season and be uncompetitive in the vast majority than watching us win 10-11 and be competitive in the majority. I don't get how one isn't a lot more fun to watch over the other.

I've seen 2 or 3 dozen 10 win seasons since I became a fan. They're more fun than 4-win seasons but that doesn't mean they're even close to winning a championship. Not even in the same hemisphere actually.

04-19-2021, 12:38 PM

04-19-2021, 12:46 PM
Reid said at his press conference that if he wants to get into coaching, he has first dibs. Mahomes has been really cool to Alex about giving him props about understanding how to read defenses and play the QB at the NFL level. No way it was just him saying nice things about the previous guy while he took his job.

04-19-2021, 12:47 PM
Same here. Alex Smith was just the continuation of a long and frustrating history of trying to make do with other teams' leftovers.

The was nothing even remotely fun about it. I don't have any ill will towards Alex Smith, the man, or even the football player, as long as he's playing for someone other than the Kansas City Chiefs.

The home playoff loss to Tennessee was the last straw for me on Alex. I think he's a really good person, but I'm glad he's no longer our starting QB.

04-19-2021, 12:47 PM
Reid said at his press conference that if he wants to get into coaching, he has first dibs. Mahomes has been really cool to Alex about giving him props about understanding how to read defenses and play the QB at the NFL level. No way it was just him saying nice things about the previous guy while he took his job.

I'm sure Mahomes is sincere, and I'm sure that Alex was nothing but class about the whole situation.

All comments about his level of play aside, Alex Smith is a quality person with a high football IQ.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 12:49 PM
Lot of butthurt Alexsexual energy in this thread. DO we have to hear how great his career was and how much money he made and how hot his wife was?

Fuck all alexians. Period.

04-19-2021, 12:50 PM
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He will forever be "what could have been." The Niners did a good job ruining him early on. Not sure if he would have done better elsewhere though. He's way too cautious.

04-19-2021, 12:51 PM
Good for him.

And **** every single one of you that rooted for him to get hurt here. Go **** yourselves.

We never rooted for Alex to get hurt.

We rooted for Cassel to get hurt.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 12:52 PM
So your enjoyment of football always hinges on the end result?

not really but i didn't have that much fun watching him throw 5 yard passes to the flat and tight ends
KNOWING what the end result would be ahead of time...and never being able to convert 3rd downs...

By the time he started even trying to go deep (his last season or so with KC), it was too late and we had already drafted mahomes.

So while my enjoyment doesnt HINGE on the result...my enjoyment is affected if
I know the end result before the season even starts.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 12:54 PM
We never rooted for Alex to get hurt.

Exactly. There were maybe a couple of guys (trolls) doing that but by and large no one REALLY was doign that.

In fact most of even the die hard Alex Haters acknowledged and accepted Mahomes riding the bench that 1st season.

04-19-2021, 12:55 PM
I honestly don't remember this Alex Smith guy but I'm glad he's happy

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 12:59 PM
I'll stand my consistency that without Alex we ain't got Mahomes.

This makes zero sense to me. We nearly missed mahomes and had to trade up to get him, because we were middle of the road (17th pick) and we had to trade up to the 11 spot to get him.

Without Smith we might not have needed to trade to get him...

Can you explain the logic of why we needed a better QB to get a higher draft pick?

04-19-2021, 12:59 PM
We never rooted for Alex to get hurt.

We rooted for Cassel to get hurt.


Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 01:01 PM

Make a list of the posters who actually rooted for smith to get hurt. I guarantee it will be short and one of them was sandy vagina, who was the biggest

Alexsexual in the universe like a jilted lover. All this type of post is , is dishonest red herring..

Rams Fan
04-19-2021, 01:01 PM
We never rooted for Alex to get hurt.

We rooted for Cassel to get hurt.

I can reference two specific posters by username who actively rooted for him to get hurt and were temp-banned as a result.

And your post made me laugh, damn it.

04-19-2021, 01:02 PM
Make a list of the posters who actually rooted for smith to get hurt. I guarantee it will be short and one of them was sandy vagina, who was the biggest

Alexsexual in the universe like a jilted lover. All this type of post is , is dishonest red herring..

You misunderstand my laughter. To that, I take offense.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 01:04 PM
I can reference two specific posters by username who actively rooted for him to get hurt and were temp-banned as a result.

do it

I guarnatee you they are trolls / worthless/ shitposters anyway

Because 2 posters did it to be trolls, doesnt mean that thought (rooting for his injury) was even remotely common...even among
alex haters. Believe me I was posting alot in those days. This attitude was NOT common.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 01:05 PM
You misunderstand my laughter. To that, I take offense.

You werent around in the beginning of cassel's time....but I was here and I definitely agree that FAR more
people rooted for cassel to get hurt etc...I actually defended cassel quite a bit from those types of posts...and got shit on for it.

Rams Fan
04-19-2021, 01:06 PM
do it

I guarnatee you they are trolls / worthless/ shitposters anyway

Because 2 posters did it to be trolls, doesnt mean that thought (rooting for his injury) was even remotely common...even among
alex haters. Believe me I was posting alot in those days. This attitude was NOT common.

If you consider The Franchise and Clay to be shitposters, then sure.

Clay isn’t a troll-he’s an enigma.

04-19-2021, 01:06 PM

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 01:08 PM
If you consider The Franchise and Clay to be shitposters, then sure.

Clay isn’t a troll-he’s an enigma.

well I think clay is a very valuable poster but to say that he wasnt trollish in those days is just dishonest. I have no

idea who 'the franchise' is but I have no memory of him or his involvement in the Alex Smith Wars . I don't think he

was one of the main voices during those times, unless he has changed usernames. And FTR any post calling for the injury of any player IS a troll/shitpost.

Rams Fan
04-19-2021, 01:09 PM
well I think clay is a very valuable poster but to say that he wasnt trollish in those days is just dishonest. I have no

idea who 'the franchise' is but I have no memory of him or his involvement in the Alex Smith Wars . I don't think he

was one of the main voices during those times, unless he has changed usernames.


Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 01:13 PM

Ahh. Pest is a good guy. I doubt he TRULY wished injury on smith but I would have to see the post. It was probably just trollbait etc... My main point still stands though
- the idea that there was some widespread wish or desire for smith to be hurt in that last season (or before) just isn't true. There was maybe a FEW people who did want to start
Mahomes immediately even in the beginning of the 1st season but I would say 95%+ were OK with him stinning on the bench until far later in that season. And I say this as an Alex Smith hater
who was posting like crazy during those times from Day 1 of ALex Smith's tenure here and my memory is pretty solid on this.

04-19-2021, 01:28 PM
3rd and 12..... pass..... high right flutter ball out of bounds..... SMIFFFFF, gtfo! Rinse and repeat.

04-19-2021, 01:45 PM
There was nothing wrong with rooting for an Alex Smith ankle sprain. =P

Quality human being, husband, father, etc.... but after years of excuses... was ready for something new.... IE: Mahomes.

Then there were douchebags HERE and in the media (Cough Kevin Keitzman) who wants Mahomes to stay on the bench and remain with Alex another season.

04-19-2021, 01:51 PM
Well, imagine if the Chiefs drafted Geno Smith instead of bringing Alex in. Not that anyone here was advocating for that of course.

LOL Clay had Geno’s Schlong firmly planted down his throat and in his ass. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-19-2021, 01:54 PM
He will forever be "what could have been." The Niners did a good job ruining him early on. Not sure if he would have done better elsewhere though. He's way too cautious.

He wasn’t overly cautious until year 2 when Mike Nolan questioned his toughness and destroyed his shoulder. His rookie year he slung it all over and had the arm to do it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-19-2021, 01:55 PM
Sup, Mav?

04-19-2021, 01:56 PM
This makes zero sense to me. We nearly missed mahomes and had to trade up to get him, because we were middle of the road (17th pick) and we had to trade up to the 11 spot to get him.

Without Smith we might not have needed to trade to get him...

Can you explain the logic of why we needed a better QB to get a higher draft pick?

Without Alex you probably draft a qb before Mahomes. The Chiefs aren’t waiting 4 seasons to draft a qb without Alex. But, then again it shouldn’t surprise me that with you common sense isn’t common.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-19-2021, 01:58 PM
Sup, Mav?

Hey bud. Figured today was a good day to hop out of lurker status. Hope all is well Dave!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-19-2021, 02:06 PM
Hey bud. Figured today was a good day to hop out of lurker status. Hope all is well Dave!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I imagine you must have called in sick today.

Tribal Warfare
04-19-2021, 02:08 PM
Ahh. Pest is a good guy. I doubt he TRULY wished injury on smith but I would have to see the post. It was probably just trollbait etc... My main point still stands though
- the idea that there was some widespread wish or desire for smith to be hurt in that last season (or before) just isn't true. There was maybe a FEW people who did want to start
Mahomes immediately even in the beginning of the 1st season but I would say 95%+ were OK with him stinning on the bench until far later in that season. And I say this as an Alex Smith hater
who was posting like crazy during those times from Day 1 of ALex Smith's tenure here and my memory is pretty solid on this.


Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 02:41 PM
Without Alex you probably draft a qb before Mahomes. The Chiefs aren’t waiting 4 seasons to draft a qb without Alex. But, then again it shouldn’t surprise me that with you common sense isn’t common.

even if we HAD drafted a guy b4 alex we probably still take mahomes if we suck right?

Look, im really broken up about your boy smith never winning anything but at least you can fantasize about his hot wife and his bank accounts.
I know this must be a sad day for you that your undying love retires....but i'm sure we will still hear from you when you come back on one of
Mahomes' rare off-days...yeah?

Oh by the way did you sell all your redskins gear on ebay yet? What team are you gonna be a "fan" of now?

04-19-2021, 02:41 PM
The home playoff loss to Tennessee was the last straw for me on Alex. I think he's a really good person, but I'm glad he's no longer our starting QB.

That was a stinker, which is a shame because he put up a hell of a first half. You just can't follow that up with a goose egg in the second half.

If that douche Triplette doesn't call off the "forward progress" sack, who knows how it ends? That's kinda been Alex's career though. In 2011 he definitely goes to a Super Bowl if not for Kyle Williams muffing two punts. In 2013 he just couldn't hang on in the end @IND with the Luck fumble TD. The forward progress sack and Mariota's TD pass to himself against TEN in 2017.

Guy was just always on the wrong end.. and that was mostly his fault. I'd say @NE 2015, PIT 2016 and TEN 2017 were losses I'd say he took the brunt of the blame for having subpar games.

I found it fun. Frustrating at times but still fun.

It was fun. I watch highlights from that period frequently.

It was frustrating and not nearly as fun as it is with Mahomes, but a hell of a lot better than going 4-12, 6-10 or some shit like that.

04-19-2021, 02:46 PM
3rd and 12..... pass..... high right flutter ball out of bounds..... SMIFFFFF, gtfo! Rinse and repeat.

Oh, goodness. I'm getting a flashback.

We're down to the Broncos. It's either end of half or end of regulation. With time expiring, a Hail Mary is the only option. This dude drops back to pass then tucks it and runs up the sideline for like a 20 yard gain LMAO

Fucking pointless.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 02:51 PM
It was frustrating and not nearly as fun as it is with Mahomes, but a hell of a lot better than going 4-12, 6-10 or some shit like that.

Youre making me ponder this...but I am not sure what is more fun, honestly. If I was watching games live,
I guess I would rather watch the better team, but as a fan at home just knowing we can't win in the playoffs ruins things for me.
If you were to give me the choice right now between 2-3 miserable seasons and some high draft picks / rebuild
and 5-6 mediocre seasons with middle of the road picks and middle of the road picks...I might just put the gun to my head and try to end the misery faster...
but full disclosure if I had season tickets or still lived closer I might not think the same way...

04-19-2021, 02:52 PM
Hey bud. Figured today was a good day to hop out of lurker status. Hope all is well Dave!


The irony of all ironies...

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 02:53 PM

The irony of all ironies...

exactly...like its just some random thing the guy is here. You know he is in his PJ's and in tears with a big bowl of ice cream

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Dsceq8G1JoU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

04-19-2021, 02:56 PM
Youre making me ponder this...but I am not sure what is more fun, honestly. If I was watching games live,
I guess I would rather watch the better team, but as a fan at home just knowing we can't win in the playoffs ruins things for me.
If you were to give me the choice right now between 2-3 miserable seasons and some high draft picks / rebuild
and 5-6 mediocre seasons with middle of the road picks and middle of the road picks...I might just put the gun to my head and try to end the misery faster...
but full disclosure if I had season tickets or still lived closer I might not think the same way...

I understand your point of view, especially after we'd had a few 10-6, 11-5 first round playoff exits with Alex and it became more and more apparent that he would probably never get us over the hump. 45+ years of pretty much never making it past the Divisional Round wore us down. We NEEDED that Super Bowl that Mahomes was so kind enough to deliver.

But generally speaking, give me the puncher's chance over that losing season shit. Just make it to the postseason and anything can happen.

Al Bundy
04-19-2021, 02:58 PM
you've got to be fucking kidding me

You're a real piece of shit for cheering his injury.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 02:58 PM
But generally speaking, give me the puncher's chance over that losing season shit. Just make it to the postseason and anything can happen.

The funny thing is i ABSOLUTELY used to feel that way but the years of Marty and decent teams beat that notion out of my head.
Basically decades of fielding good solid teams with backup QB's and seeing the futility of it all....
I'm pretty convinced now that maybe there are a few exceptions but basically you need a premier QB to have a real shot to win it all.

04-19-2021, 02:58 PM
I understand your point of view, especially after we'd had a few 10-6, 11-5 first round playoff exits with Alex. 45+ years of pretty much never making it past the Divisional Round wore us down. We NEEDED that Super Bowl that Mahomes was so kind enough to deliver.

But generally speaking, give me the puncher's chance over that losing season shit. Just make it to the postseason and anything can happen.

Your last sentence sounds great in theory.

But your second sentence all but precludes that last sentence from being true.

In other words, after 50 years of getting to the playoffs and losing, it got to the point where I never even felt we had a puncher's chance. Going into a first round playoff game, the expectation was always that we'd lose, probably from 2003 on, for me.

04-19-2021, 03:23 PM
But generally speaking, give me the puncher's chance over that losing season shit. Just make it to the postseason and anything can happen.

Except, it doesn't.... or hasn't in the AFC for the past couple decades.

04-19-2021, 03:26 PM
Alex was a good player but even a better man. He was all class. He's a winner. He is the standard for how you groom a young super star, our Patrick Mahomes. That's not an easy pill to swallow but took on the role like a champ.

Best of luck, Alex. Thank you.

04-19-2021, 03:29 PM
I am all for giving Alex his props for persevering and having a decent career. I am not ok with romanticizing his career and pumping him up to be something he is/was not.

04-19-2021, 03:45 PM
Reid said at his press conference that if he wants to get into coaching, he has first dibs.

Mahomes has been really cool to Alex about giving him props about understanding how to read defenses and play the QB at the NFL level. No way it was just him saying nice things about the previous guy while he took his job.

He didn’t have the natural talent to play at the elite level in the NFL. But, he did maximize the talent he was born with. He will make a great coach.

04-19-2021, 03:48 PM
Keep exorcising that leg :thumb:

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 03:50 PM
Mahomes has been really cool to Alex about giving him props about understanding how to read defenses and play the QB at the NFL level. .

No way it was just him saying nice things about the previous guy while he took his job.

This is the kind of thing I disagree with. It absolutely was him being nice. Most of what mahomes does
(vision, quick thought process, rocket arm / ball velocity, accuracy, the winning/killer instinct) just can't be taught by someone
while you're holding a clip board. I am willing to give credit where credit is due (not being a dick,
helping with the transition etc...) but just from seeing mahomes in pre-season after we drafted
him and knowing what he has physically/mentally.. My thought is that even if alex was a dick (he wasn't, kadoos to him)
mahomes would still be the best QB in the NFL and would have been able to play at the elite NFL level
..because of the unteachables.

04-19-2021, 03:57 PM
after some of the crap QBs we had to suffer through, Alex WAS a professional, didnt evade accountability/throw teammates under the bus, etc. etc.

Was he Mahomes or Rodgers, nope.....but we've certainly had worse.

Seems like a good guy, and a helluva comeback story. Vaya Con Dios Mr Smith.

04-19-2021, 04:00 PM
I heard Andy talking about how he would love to have him back as a coach.

God no, please god no. Don't do it. Great guy, great teammate. Holy shit can you imagine him as a coach? No no no Patrick, you don't want to try the more risky throw downfield on 3rd and 15 we want to have you run it 9 yards and out of bounds to set up a good punt and flip the field position. You don't want to risk an incompletion and a turn over.

04-19-2021, 04:04 PM
The funny thing is i ABSOLUTELY used to feel that way but the years of Marty and decent teams beat that notion out of my head.
Basically decades of fielding good solid teams with backup QB's and seeing the futility of it all....
I'm pretty convinced now that maybe there are a few exceptions but basically you need a premier QB to have a real shot to win it all.


Just saying, we went from the perennial playoff punching bag to elite, budding dynasty seamlessly. The idea that we needed to have some 4-12 seasons thrown in between is an incorrect one.

Knowing that, I'd rather have the winning season she to bide my time until the right QB comes along.

Your last sentence sounds great in theory.

But your second sentence all but precludes that last sentence from being true.

In other words, after 50 years of getting to the playoffs and losing, it got to the point where I never even felt we had a puncher's chance. Going into a first round playoff game, the expectation was always that we'd lose, probably from 2003 on, for me.

Eh, it can happen. Brady's first three Super Bowls come to mind, as does Russell Wilson's one and only. 2007 and 2011 for the Giants. 2017 Eagles. 2012 Ravens.

I'm not going to spend a bunch of time thinking about it, but the 2019 49ers and 2017 Vikings came close. None of those teams had premier QBs at the time.

Except, it doesn't.... or hasn't in the AFC for the past couple decades.

Kind of a weird time in the AFC having the two QBs with the greatest claim to GOAT status playing at the same time. Now it looks like Mahomes is picking up where Brady and Manning left off..

04-19-2021, 04:09 PM
I heard Andy talking about how he would love to have him back as a coach.

God no, please god no. Don't do it. Great guy, great teammate. Holy shit can you imagine him as a coach? No no no Patrick, you don't want to try the more risky throw downfield on 3rd and 15 we want to have you run it 9 yards and out of bounds to set up a good punt and flip the field position. You don't want to risk an incompletion and a turn over.

Why do people say this stupid shit? You really think people coach exactly how they played? If that was the case, Reid would be coaching Mahomes to eat a cheese burger in between plays.

A lot of players lack the talent or confidence to make some plays. That doesn't mean they don't know that the play is there to be made or that they would coach others not to make a play. I mean what do you think Kafka coaches Mahomes to do if coaching has anything to do with how you played?

04-19-2021, 04:19 PM
This is the kind of thing I disagree with. It absolutely was him being nice. Most of what mahomes does
(vision, quick thought process, rocket arm / ball velocity, accuracy, the winning/killer instinct) just can't be taught by someone
while you're holding a clip board. I am willing to give credit where credit is due (not being a dick,
helping with the transition etc...) but just from seeing mahomes in pre-season after we drafted
him and knowing what he has physically/mentally.. My thought is that even if alex was a dick (he wasn't, kadoos to him)
mahomes would still be the best QB in the NFL and would have been able to play at the elite NFL level
..because of the unteachables.dude come on, it’s a given on Mahomes natural talent. When have we ever seen a QB falling down, perpendicular to the ground throw an accurate ball 30 yards down field, split defenders and hit his guy in the face mask? That’s once in a generation you have to be born with talent.

Just because Smith didn’t have that talent doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a great coach. Or he didn’t “really” help Mahomes.

04-19-2021, 04:22 PM
Why do people say this stupid shit? You really think people coach exactly how they played? If that was the case, Reid would be coaching Mahomes to eat a cheese burger in between plays.

A lot of players lack the talent or confidence to make some plays. That doesn't mean they don't know that the play is there to be made or that they would coach others not to make a play. I mean what do you think Kafka coaches Mahomes to do if coaching has anything to do with how you played?

If he wouldn't coach that way, why would he play exactly that way? I've never seen a player as talented as Alex Smith (he was yanno, the 1st overall pick in the draft) be completely as risk adverse as he was. There wasn't anything more he loved to do than to pick up garbage yards on 3rd down with no intention ever of getting to the sticks.

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 04:39 PM
dude come on, it’s a given on Mahomes natural talent. When have we ever seen a QB falling down, perpendicular to the ground throw an accurate ball 30 yards down field, split defenders and hit his guy in the face mask? That’s once in a generation you have to be born with talent.

Just because Smith didn’t have that talent doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be a great coach. Or he didn’t “really” help Mahomes.

i didn't say he wouldnt be a great coach or that he wasn't "helpful" or whatever. I mean maybe he would maybe he wouldnt be a great coach
, thats not the point of what I wrote.
WHat I am saying is that whatever "coaching" alex did with smith wasn't make it or break it for Mahomes. What you posted
(that I quoted) makes it seem like without Smith, mahomes wasn't ready for the NFL. I posted why I disagreed. Like the
pre-season games. The kid was READY. Am I glad we waited a year? Sure. I personally do not think it mattered THAT
much as some people (alexians mainly) would like to over-state.

04-19-2021, 04:55 PM
Good for him, great guy.

04-19-2021, 05:02 PM
Glad he's retired, and that he did it mostly on his own terms. His comeback will largely define his legacy. Good quarterback, great human being.

04-19-2021, 05:16 PM
Some of you on here are truly amazing about a players beliefs, vision, or a players overall wisdom or knowledge of the game.

Alex played the game old school in a newer version of football. He wasn't blessed with exceptional talent yet with enough to go with being wise enough to pull off some good football play.

It has made him millions of $$$, how many millions have some of you smartass's have made?

To a First Class guy, Well played Alex, enjoy retirement!

04-19-2021, 05:17 PM
Dicks gonna dick, man.

Brody Wa
04-19-2021, 05:20 PM
So, Where does Alex Smith rank when it comes to KC Chiefs Qbs? Does it go
4.Here is where I’m stuck so I’m going to go with Trent Green and Alex Smith tied for 4th. Did I leave anybody out?

04-19-2021, 05:30 PM
I wish he wasn't quiet so conservative in his play making decisions because when he slung the rock it worked. He always struck me as a guy that was more concerned with losing than saying "fuck it" and trying to win.

He helped us transition Mahomes and for that alone I cannot hold any ill will.

I wish nothing but the best.

04-19-2021, 05:39 PM
Glad he's retired, and that he did it mostly on his own terms. His comeback will largely define his legacy. Good quarterback, great human being.

Mahomes said today on 610 that Alex was one of the first ones to congratulate him on the birth of his little girl. Pretty classy.

04-19-2021, 05:46 PM
Alex Smith enjoy pounding the shit out of your wife and raising those children, you earned it

Ming the Merciless
04-19-2021, 05:55 PM
Some of you on here are truly amazing about a players beliefs, vision, or a players overall wisdom or knowledge of the game.

im.just curious if anyone in this thread actually questioned his wisdom, beliefs, or knowledge of the game? should I bother scrolling back or did you just make all of that up? vision wise, he seemed to get tunnel vision at times and stop looking downfield. but I haven't seen anyone question his smarts or wisdom or "beliefs"...LOL

04-19-2021, 06:58 PM
I don't know when I've heard a bigger crock of shit from so-called chiefs fans here. Wee Lil Beauford's was the bowl flowing over.

Through the Smiff years, game day predictions in the regular season and playoff threads were overwhelmingly we will win this one. When we didn't you had your scapegoat. Its easy to blame one guy and Smiff was so easy with his conservative game management. But football is and always will be a team sport. The team didn't do enough and the coaching game plan was to hide our weakness "Smiff." Plenty of players disappeared in the playoffs also.

I was so happy to finally draft a QB finally again high in the 1st round it was time to move away from Alex. But it's completely disingenuous to claim you lost interest because of Smiff because you were all here hoping and predicting we were finally going to do it.

04-19-2021, 07:19 PM
Alex Smith the Dr. of KC Chiefs football. First, do no harm.

04-19-2021, 07:22 PM
he helped win a playoff game which was a major milestone for the Chiefs at the time. At that point in time it was only the 2nd time in my life I had witnessed a Chiefs playoff victory.

04-19-2021, 07:27 PM
He didn’t have the natural talent to play at the elite level in the NFL..

I disagree..SF with 5 OC's in like five years made him overcautious.

Reid & Mahomes have nothing but respect for the guy.

Good enough for me.

04-19-2021, 07:40 PM
If he wouldn't coach that way, why would he play exactly that way? I've never seen a player as talented as Alex Smith (he was yanno, the 1st overall pick in the draft) be completely as risk adverse as he was. There wasn't anything more he loved to do than to pick up garbage yards on 3rd down with no intention ever of getting to the sticks.

I dunno...maybe it's the injuries and bad o-lines and bad coaching in his younger years that fucked up his confidence.

What about Mike Kafka's play makes him a good qb coach for Mahomes?

Chris Meck
04-19-2021, 07:49 PM
I think Smith's shoulder was fucked after the San Fran fiasco. I don't think he ever really trusted his arm again after that.

He certainly doesn't have to prove his toughness; and while he wasn't good enough to get us over the hump, he WAS good enough to get us back into the play-offs year in and year out.

He's the third or fourth best QB in franchise history, and a good man besides. I don't get the hate.

He was good, just not good enough. And he was a good mentor for Patrick. I don't want him back or anything (unless he was going to come back to backup Patrick) but it's not like he was terrible.

Hell of a career, Alex. Now go bang your wife and maybe take a TV job.

04-19-2021, 08:59 PM
Eh, it can happen. Brady's first three Super Bowls come to mind, as does Russell Wilson's one and only. 2007 and 2011 for the Giants. 2017 Eagles. 2012 Ravens.

I'm not going to spend a bunch of time thinking about it, but the 2019 49ers and 2017 Vikings came close. None of those teams had premier QBs at the time.

Prior to Brady's first Super Bowl, the Patriots had appeared in the Super Bowl in 1997, just 5 years before.

Russell appeared in two Super Bowls with the Seahawks (2013 and 2014), winning one. The Seahawks had also appeared in the Super Bowl just 8 years earlier, in 2005.

In addition to 2007 and 2011, the Giants had appeared in the Super Bowl in 1990 and again in 2000.

The 49ers played in the 2012 Super Bowl before making it back again in 2019. They lost the NFC Championship 4 times in the 1990's. They also won the 1994 Super Bowl.

The Vikings made it to the 1998, 2000, and 2009 AFC Championship games.

I arbitrarily only went back 20 years but if I had gone further, this statement would be even more impactful:

Between Len Dawson and Mahomes, the Chiefs played in one conference championship game. ONE.

Of the teams you listed, only the Vikings really come close but even then, the Vikings fans at least had SOME evidence they had a punchers chance. Chiefs fans had literally nothing to give them hope. Nothing.

04-19-2021, 09:07 PM
I don't know when I've heard a bigger crock of shit from so-called chiefs fans here. Wee Lil Beauford's was the bowl flowing over.

Through the Smiff years, game day predictions in the regular season and playoff threads were overwhelmingly we will win this one. When we didn't you had your scapegoat. Its easy to blame one guy and Smiff was so easy with his conservative game management. But football is and always will be a team sport. The team didn't do enough and the coaching game plan was to hide our weakness "Smiff." Plenty of players disappeared in the playoffs also.

I was so happy to finally draft a QB finally again high in the 1st round it was time to move away from Alex. But it's completely disingenuous to claim you lost interest because of Smiff because you were all here hoping and predicting we were finally going to do it.

It's not disingenuous at all.

I absolutely did lose interest because of Alex Smith. And Matt Cassel, Damon Huard, Brodie Croyle, Tyler Thigpen, and the list goes on.

I was 100% tired of retreads at the QB position and for that reason, I logged off of CP for almost 2 years and missed almost an entire season of Chiefs football where I didn't watch the games.

04-19-2021, 09:09 PM
I disagree..SF with 5 OC's in like five years made him overcautious.

Reid & Mahomes have nothing but respect for the guy.

Good enough for me.


04-19-2021, 09:18 PM
I disagree..SF with 5 OC's in like five years made him overcautious.

Reid & Mahomes have nothing but respect for the guy.

Good enough for me.


04-19-2021, 09:18 PM
In the list of KC QBs, Trent Green is undoubtedly above Alex Smith.

But Smith seems like a nice dude. Boring as shit - he said his favorite Thanksgiving food was turkey - and his play reflected it.

But gotta be a tough MF'r to go through everything he did.

04-19-2021, 09:20 PM
Turkey is the wrong answer? Hogwash.

04-19-2021, 10:00 PM
Eric Bienemy isnt under contract because Axle Smiff is gonna be our coordinator!-Shaggyshane-probably

I would love for Alex to be Quality Control for a year then be QB coach under Kafka next year.

Not gonna happen...but I wouldn't hate it.

04-19-2021, 10:03 PM
In the list of KC QBs, Trent Green is undoubtedly above Alex Smith.

But Smith seems like a nice dude. Boring as shit - he said his favorite Thanksgiving food was turkey - and his play reflected it.

But gotta be a tough MF'r to go through everything he did.

It wasn't Trent's fault, but he never won a single playoff game, with one of the best offenses and probably the single best offensive line ever.

At least Alex won a playoff game. We hadn't done that since 1993.

For that alone, he deserves our respect.


Brody Wa
04-19-2021, 11:57 PM
Trent Green also had Will Shields and Willie Roaf blocking for him.

04-20-2021, 12:54 AM
Smith has better stats as a Chief then Green. Smith got the Chiefs back to being relevant after being sick for years under Cassell, Huard, Croyle and the cast of shitty QBs. We owe Smith so much! Thank you Alex for being awesome at what you do!

04-20-2021, 03:13 AM
At some point for a long-time fan, 10-win seasons cease to be very meaningful.

Meaningless as they may have been, they were still infinitely more enjoyable than the 2-14 & 4-12 seasons.

I was never an Alex Smith fan. I didn't want to trade for him, and there were many times that his play on the field pissed me off. But, deep down, a part of me was happy that I wasn't watching Casshole, or Huard, or Tyler FN Palko.

What Alex Smith did in his last season with the Chiefs made me wonder what he could have been if Reid had been his head coach his entire career. In SF he was forced to go through a new head coaches, new offensive coordinators, and new offensive schemes almost every year of his career.

But, I am thankful for how he mentored Mahomes, and after last year, he absolutely has my respect. His perseverance and determination through his injury made me an Alex Smith fan, which was nearly as unlikely as his return to the NFL field.

Sent from my GM1915 using Tapatalk

Bo James
04-20-2021, 03:34 AM
So, Where does Alex Smith rank when it comes to KC Chiefs Qbs? Does it go
4.Here is where I’m stuck so I’m going to go with Trent Green and Alex Smith tied for 4th. Did I leave anybody out?

Steve DeBerg. That broken finger and play action pass.

04-20-2021, 05:03 AM
Steve DeBerg. That broken finger and play action pass.The DeBerg years were fun. SD really had fun playing for the CHIEFS. Good memories.

04-20-2021, 05:36 AM
Meaningless as they may have been, they were still infinitely more enjoyable than the 2-14 & 4-12 seasons.

Where is this crap coming from? I NEVER said I preferred 4-12 seasons, ever. Never even insinuated it. 4-12 seasons suck but at least you know there's no hope. All of those 10 win seasons and all they do is get your hopes up and then let you down. Fuck that.

To quote a wise man, "if you ain't first, you're last".

I was never an Alex Smith fan. I didn't want to trade for him, and there were many times that his play on the field pissed me off. But, deep down, a part of me was happy that I wasn't watching Casshole, or Huard, or Tyler FN Palko.

What Alex Smith did in his last season with the Chiefs made me wonder what he could have been if Reid had been his head coach his entire career. In SF he was forced to go through a new head coaches, new offensive coordinators, and new offensive schemes almost every year of his career.

But, I am thankful for how he mentored Mahomes, and after last year, he absolutely has my respect. His perseverance and determination through his injury made me an Alex Smith fan, which was nearly as unlikely as his return to the NFL field.

I agree with all of this and I will add to it:

It isn't Alex Smith's fault he was the last in a long line of cast offs. I can't blame HIM for that. I blame the Chiefs, going all the way back to Steve DeBerg and Marty. It isn't Alex Smith's fault that the Chiefs had been taking on other people's unwanted QB's for 30+ years. But even though it wasn't his fault, he WAS the continuation of 3 decades of failure at the QB position and it was impossible to separate him from the situation. It was nauseating from the day they traded for him and his play on the field only made it worse because you could see how close they were if only he would let go and just play the damn game.

Brody Wa
04-20-2021, 05:38 AM
Steve DeBerg. That broken finger and play action pass.

Thank you. Was he wearing a splint around his hand during that play? I think I remember the play.

04-20-2021, 06:15 AM
Thank you. Was he wearing a splint around his hand during that play? I think I remember the play.


04-20-2021, 06:22 AM
Have fun playing with your kids.

04-20-2021, 06:32 AM
Where is this crap coming from? I NEVER said I preferred 4-12 seasons, ever. Never even insinuated it.

I'm sorry, I never meant to imply that you said you preferred losing seasons. I was actually agreeing with you, and I just meant that as frustrating as it was always coming up short in the playoffs, I would never want to go back to what we were before Andy Reid got here.

Sent from my GM1915 using Tapatalk

04-20-2021, 06:36 AM
I'm sorry, I never meant to imply that you said you preferred losing seasons. I was actually agreeing with you, and I just meant that as frustrating as it was always coming up short in the playoffs, I would never want to go back to what we were before Andy Reid got here.

I never want to go back to what we were before Patrick Mahomes got here. ;)

04-20-2021, 06:44 AM
I never want to go back to what we were before Patrick Mahomes got here. ;)I feel like Clark Hunt should start directing his billions towards human cloning, and should patent or copyright the Patrick Lavon Mahomes II model immediately.

Sent from my GM1915 using Tapatalk

04-20-2021, 07:10 AM
Congratulations to Smith on a well earned retirement. You were a mentor to Patrick knowing he was drafted to take your job when most others never would have. You made KC relevant again.

It's sad but I look on Smith's career in KC as what could have been. He had all the talent in the world yet never capitalized on it. He could sling it down the field on a rope yet felt the need to throw 5 yard passes all over the field. It's like he preferred to get on base with a single vs hitting the home run.

I was always frustrated by his inability to hold a lead in the playoffs. With him no lead was safe which was similar to Mahomes, just on the opposite end of the spectrum. Mahomes overcomes 24-0, Smith would give up a 24-0 lead.

At the end of the day the fact he is able to retire on his terms and walk after the injury he suffered is worthy of respect.

Bo James
04-20-2021, 07:28 AM

What a badass.

04-20-2021, 07:39 AM
Prior to Brady's first Super Bowl, the Patriots had appeared in the Super Bowl in 1997, just 5 years before.

Russell appeared in two Super Bowls with the Seahawks (2013 and 2014), winning one. The Seahawks had also appeared in the Super Bowl just 8 years earlier, in 2005.

In addition to 2007 and 2011, the Giants had appeared in the Super Bowl in 1990 and again in 2000.

The 49ers played in the 2012 Super Bowl before making it back again in 2019. They lost the NFC Championship 4 times in the 1990's. They also won the 1994 Super Bowl.

The Vikings made it to the 1998, 2000, and 2009 AFC Championship games.

I arbitrarily only went back 20 years but if I had gone further, this statement would be even more impactful:

Between Len Dawson and Mahomes, the Chiefs played in one conference championship game. ONE.

Of the teams you listed, only the Vikings really come close but even then, the Vikings fans at least had SOME evidence they had a punchers chance. Chiefs fans had literally nothing to give them hope. Nothing.

I see. You're operating with full hindsight, so it seems you have all the leverage. The issue is, we actually did have a puncher's chance many of those years, and a pretty damned good chance in quite a few others. Hell, we lost four playoff games with Alex by a combined 4 points. You're telling me we had no chance in those games?

I honestly feel like the point you just made only strengthens my argument. Those teams got lucky and had some success in the postseason without a premier QB. They just stacked their roster and hoped to get hot.. and they did.

Rams Fan
04-20-2021, 07:51 AM
Prior to Brady's first Super Bowl, the Patriots had appeared in the Super Bowl in 1997, just 5 years before.

Russell appeared in two Super Bowls with the Seahawks (2013 and 2014), winning one. The Seahawks had also appeared in the Super Bowl just 8 years earlier, in 2005.

In addition to 2007 and 2011, the Giants had appeared in the Super Bowl in 1990 and again in 2000.

The 49ers played in the 2012 Super Bowl before making it back again in 2019. They lost the NFC Championship 4 times in the 1990's. They also won the 1994 Super Bowl.

The Vikings made it to the 1998, 2000, and 2009 AFC Championship games.

I arbitrarily only went back 20 years but if I had gone further, this statement would be even more impactful:

Between Len Dawson and Mahomes, the Chiefs played in one conference championship game. ONE.

Of the teams you listed, only the Vikings really come close but even then, the Vikings fans at least had SOME evidence they had a punchers chance. Chiefs fans had literally nothing to give them hope. Nothing.
If you make the playoffs, you have a punchers chance.

Teams like the Jaguars, Lions, Browns, etc. haven’t.

They can’t even make the dance.

04-20-2021, 07:56 AM
I see. You're operating with full hindsight, so it seems you have all the leverage. The issue is, we actually did have a puncher's chance many of those years, and a pretty damned good chance in quite a few others. Hell, we lost four playoff games with Alex by a combined 4 points. You're telling me we had no chance in those games?

I honestly feel like the point you just made only strengthens my argument. Those teams got lucky and had some success in the postseason without a premier QB. They just stacked their roster and hoped to get hot.. and they did.

Except I felt that way BEFORE the games actually happened. I wasn't operating with hindsight then. I just felt like the team wasn't good enough to win it all. The 2007 Giants fans just saw them play in a Super Bowl 7 years before, why wouldn't they think they could win it all?

I was born in 1973 and saw the Chiefs win exactly one playoff game since I was in college.

We're not talking fact here, we're talking feelings. I never felt like the Chiefs had a puncher's chance and they provided me with zero evidence to the contrary for almost 30 years.

04-20-2021, 07:57 AM
If you make the playoffs, you have a punchers chance.

Teams like the Jaguars, Lions, Browns, etc. haven’t.

They can’t even make the dance.

Objectively that may be the case.

Almost 35 years of Chiefs fandom prior to Patrick Mahomes told me otherwise.

Mr. Plow
04-20-2021, 08:07 AM
Enjoy retirement.


04-20-2021, 08:09 AM
Except I felt that way BEFORE the games actually happened. I wasn't operating with hindsight then. I just felt like the team wasn't good enough to win it all. The 2007 Giants fans just saw them play in a Super Bowl 7 years before, why wouldn't they think they could win it all?

I was born in 1973 and saw the Chiefs win exactly one playoff game since I was in college.

We're not talking fact here, we're talking feelings. I never felt like the Chiefs had a puncher's chance and they provided me with zero evidence to the contrary for almost 30 years.

OK, fair enough.

I actually felt like we could win most of those games, but I was born in '89 and didn't really become a hardcore fan until '03 so I was probably just a fair bit less jaded.

04-20-2021, 08:14 AM
If you make the playoffs, you have a punchers chance

Yeah, this is how I feel.

We've seen it recently with the 49ers, Vikings, Eagles, Jaguars and even the Rams all within the last 5 years. Just stack your roster, hope to get lucky and enjoy the ride.

It's all about entertainment at the end of the day. If your satisfaction is tied solely to winning Super Bowls then you're going to have a bad time. Hell, even Tom Brady doesn't win the SB more often than he does. We've been the creme de la creme ever since Mahomes came along and in three years we've won one SB and not won two of them. I still had a blast.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 08:15 AM
If you make the playoffs, you have a punchers chance.

You have to throw punches to have a punchers chance though...otherwise you are what we were for 50 years...a punching BAG

Rams Fan
04-20-2021, 08:15 AM
Objectively that may be the case.

Almost 35 years of Chiefs fandom prior to Patrick Mahomes told me otherwise.

The NFL isn’t the NBA or NHL where if you’re the two lowest seeds you virtually have no chance.

Even the QB thing is over played. Yes, a team needs a good QB. How it happens is where things are not as clear other than a first round pick likely giving you the best odds-which is why I get why people here weren’t happy when the Chiefs went 30 years without taking a QB in the first.

But people here saying you have to take one in the first just because was annoying as hell.

You have to throw punches to have a punchers chance though...otherwise you are what we were for 50 years...a punching BAG
No, that’s what happens you make the playoffs.

Punching bag is what the Lions have been for 50+ years.

Rams Fan
04-20-2021, 08:20 AM
Yeah, this is how I feel.

We've seen it recently with the 49ers, Vikings, Eagles, Jaguars and even the Rams all within the last 5 years. Just stack your roster, hope to get lucky and enjoy the ride.

It's all about entertainment at the end of the day. If your satisfaction is tied solely to winning Super Bowls then you're going to have a bad time. Hell, even Tom Brady doesn't win the SB more often than he does. We've been the creme de la creme ever since Mahomes came along and in three years we've won one SB and not won two of them. I still had a blast.

Eagles recipe seems for a SB seems to be an anomaly.

They won with a backup who they gave up on previously after their #2 pick went down and a bunch of stop gap FAs made huge contributions with their HC getting the ax.

Howie Roseman shouldn’t have a job.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 08:21 AM
Punching bag is what the Lions have been for 50+ years.

Maybe if you were a chiefs fan you would realize that to describe them as anything OTHER than playoff punching bag for the 50ish years prior to mahomes is just plain wrong.

04-20-2021, 08:21 AM
OK, fair enough.

I actually felt like we could win most of those games, but I was born in '89 and didn't really become a hardcore fan until '03 so I was probably just a fair bit less jaded.

Yeah, I was born in 73 and became a fan in 89. You missed the Marty years where we had not one, not two, but THREE ex-49er QB's - Bono, Montana, and Grbac.

We had Gannon, who was a journeyman. We had DeBerg on the downside of his career. We had former Seahawk Dave Krieg.

You starting to see a pattern?

Rams Fan
04-20-2021, 08:22 AM
Maybe if you were a chiefs fan you would realize that to describe them as anything OTHER than playoff punching bag for the 50ish years prior to mahomes is just plain wrong.

I misinterpreted your post then.

04-20-2021, 08:23 AM
Objectively that may be the case.

Almost 35 years of Chiefs fandom prior to Patrick Mahomes told me otherwise.

Occasionally teams get lucky like a 9 win Cardinals team or a 9 win Giants team who gets to the super bowl. It can be done.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 08:24 AM
I misinterpreted your post then.

its ok. you havent lived through being a regular season champ only to turn into glass joe in the 1st round for 4+ decades otherwise you'd get it.

04-20-2021, 08:25 AM
Yeah, this is how I feel.

We've seen it recently with the 49ers, Vikings, Eagles, Jaguars and even the Rams all within the last 5 years. Just stack your roster, hope to get lucky and enjoy the ride.

It's all about entertainment at the end of the day. If your satisfaction is tied solely to winning Super Bowls then you're going to have a bad time. Hell, even Tom Brady doesn't win the SB more often than he does. We've been the creme de la creme ever since Mahomes came along and in three years we've won one SB and not won two of them. I still had a blast.

No Tom Brady doesn't win one every year but the thrill of winning one can often last long enough to get you through to the next one. Hell, the Super Bowl win 2 years ago will probably be enough to get me to my DEATH. It was that awesome. I wasn't even disappointed in losing this year. NOTHING can take away 2019.

That's the real issue. Been a fan since 1989 and after a while a handful of hope doesn't cut it anymore.

04-20-2021, 08:29 AM
Occasionally teams get lucky like a 9 win Cardinals team or a 9 win Giants team who gets to the super bowl. It can be done.

But it didn't. For 50 years.

Do you think Cardinals fans thought, after winning 9 games and backing into the playoffs, that they actually had a chance to make it to the Super Bowl?

You're talking about objective facts, not subjective feelings.

Of course, if a team makes the playoffs, they have a statistical probability to make it to the Super Bowl.

But after nearly 3 decades of watching a team lose their first playoff game every damn time, what fan would actually think that?

04-20-2021, 08:38 AM
But it didn't. For 50 years.

Do you think Cardinals fans thought, after winning 9 games and backing into the playoffs, that they actually had a chance to make it to the Super Bowl?

You're talking about objective facts, not subjective feelings.

Of course, if a team makes the playoffs, they have a statistical probability to make it to the Super Bowl.

But after nearly 3 decades of watching a team lose their first playoff game every damn time, what fan would actually think that?

No reasonable fan would. I’m just saying it happens every now and then.

04-20-2021, 08:44 AM
The NFL isn’t the NBA or NHL where if you’re the two lowest seeds you virtually have no chance.

This is something I was going to mention as well. 99/100 the better team will win the series, which takes the bite out of pretty much every other major sports league, IMO. The win-or-go-home nature of the NFL postseason makes it so unique. Anyone can get lucky. It could have been us many of those years if the ball just bounced a different way.

Eagles recipe seems for a SB seems to be an anomaly.

They won with a backup who they gave up on previously after their #2 pick went down and a bunch of stop gap FAs made huge contributions with their HC getting the ax.

Howie Roseman shouldn’t have a job.

Yep, the Eagles are a bit different. They made an effort to go out and get their QB but I still consider them a great example because the fact that they stacked their roster allowed them to be in a position to get lucky when Foles stepped in.

Yeah, I was born in 73 and became a fan in 89. You missed the Marty years where we had not one, not two, but THREE ex-49er QB's - Bono, Montana, and Grbac.

We had Gannon, who was a journeyman. We had DeBerg on the downside of his career. We had former Seahawk Dave Krieg.

You starting to see a pattern?

I was a fan in the 1990s; I was just too young and not invested enough to give too much of a shit. I'm well aware of the history.

No Tom Brady doesn't win one every year but the thrill of winning one can often last long enough to get you through to the next one. Hell, the Super Bowl win 2 years ago will probably be enough to get me to my DEATH. It was that awesome. I wasn't even disappointed in losing this year. NOTHING can take away 2019.

That's the real issue. Been a fan since 1989 and after a while a handful of hope doesn't cut it anymore.

Agreed. That championship was magical. I was disappointed that we didn't win again this last season, but for different reasons than normal. I was more pissed off that we let Brady win another and the fact that we embarrassed ourselves on the biggest stage than I was about not winning.

It was a weird place to be in and I can say it's entirely due to the fact that the previous year's win afforded us some leeway in my mind. If we hadn't won the chip in 2019, I'd have been INFINTELY more pissed about losing this past year.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 08:53 AM
I’m just saying it happens every now and then.

about 3 times in the last 30 years ... so 10% chance a non elite QB takes it. (Johnson , Dilfer, Foles).

so basically 90% of the time an Elite QB is gonna get a ring.

Prior to 30 years ago (yes I am that old) I would completely and 100% agree with taking the "puncher's chance"

and a solid team, solid QB, good D and trying to just make the playoffs. Nowadays....I am convinced of the new "way"...

Rams Fan
04-20-2021, 08:55 AM
about 3 times in the last 30 years ... so 10% chance a non elite QB takes it. (Johnson , Dilfer, Foles).

so basically 90% of the time an Elite QB is gonna get a ring.

Prior to 30 years ago (yes I am that old) I would completely and 100% agree with taking the "puncher's chance"

and a solid team, solid QB, good D and trying to just make the playoffs. Nowadays....I am convinced of the new "way"...

Add 2015 Broncos. Peyton and Osweiler were garbage.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 08:58 AM
Add 2015 Broncos. Peyton and Osweiler were garbage.

i didnt break down the yearly analysis for any team.. just speaking in general terms with what they went into starting that season....and came away with a ring..
more in terms of planning / roster etc..

04-20-2021, 08:58 AM
This is something I was going to mention as well. 99/100 the better team will win the series, which takes the bite out of pretty much every other major sports league, IMO. The win-or-go-home nature of the NFL postseason makes it so unique. Anyone can get lucky. It could have been us many of those years if the ball just bounced a different way.

And this here is why you not being die hard in the 90’s makes all the difference. The NFL playoffs absolutely can be decided by one bounce if the ball. But those of us that were fans back then watched the ball bounce the WRONG way not once or twice but EVERY DAMN TIME.

We had a coach that believes in keeping the game close because he always wanted a chance to win it at the end. The problem is that when that ball bounces the wrong way in close games, it’s a death blow. It became a curse - anything that could go wrong did - untimely penalties, turnovers, missed field goals. Marty invented a new way to lose every time. And when we had a QB that could overcome it, the other team just hurt him to get him out of the game.

Not having experienced that viscerally, I’m just not sure you can see it from my view. Let me put it this way:

I’m sure when Indy cemented their comeback in 2013, you were stunned. I wasn’t. In fact, when they scored the 2nd time to cut the lead, my first thought was “here we go again”.

Rams Fan
04-20-2021, 08:59 AM
i didnt break down the yearly analysis for any team.. just speaking in general terms with what they went into starting that season....and came away with a ring.

Fair enough. If we were doing annual breakdown, there’s probably more that I missed.

04-20-2021, 08:59 AM
It's all about entertainment at the end of the day. If your satisfaction is tied solely to winning Super Bowls then you're going to have a bad time. Hell, even Tom Brady doesn't win the SB more often than he does. We've been the creme de la creme ever since Mahomes came along and in three years we've won one SB and not won two of them. I still had a blast.

It's tied to being competitive in the biggest games of the season and then against the few really good teams in the postseason. Everyone knows you're not winning a SB every year, but being a true contender most years is infinitely better than the "make the playoffs and see what happens" approach.

The Patriots did it for 20 years, Packers have done it for years, the Colts for years with Manning, etc.... but, never the Chiefs prior to Mahomes.

Tim Tebow can win more games than he loses and win a playoff game... it's actually very hard not to reach that level of mediocrity in the NFL every year or three. That's the entire point of the league and it's not impressive or all that entertaining, IMO, to beat or 9 or 10 teams that range from shit to okay and then beat one of them in the playoffs before bowing out to a real contender. :shrug:

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 09:00 AM
This is something I was going to mention as well. 99/100 the better team will win the series, which takes the bite out of pretty much every other major sports league, IMO. The win-or-go-home nature of the NFL postseason makes it so unique.

If you look at the end results its not THAT different. maybe not 99/100 but like 40/50 and something like 26 or 27/30 for the most recent years

Easy 6
04-20-2021, 09:21 AM
I'm genuinely shocked he didn't end up in Jax, he would've been an ideal backup/mentor for Lawrence

04-20-2021, 09:28 AM
And this here is why you not being die hard in the 90’s makes all the difference. The NFL playoffs absolutely can be decided by one bounce if the ball. But those of us that were fans back then watched the ball bounce the WRONG way not once or twice but EVERY DAMN TIME.

We had a coach that believes in keeping the game close because he always wanted a chance to win it at the end. The problem is that when that ball bounces the wrong way in close games, it’s a death blow. It became a curse - anything that could go wrong did - untimely penalties, turnovers, missed field goals. Marty invented a new way to lose every time. And when we had a QB that could overcome it, the other team just hurt him to get him out of the game.

Not having experienced that viscerally, I’m just not sure you can see it from my view. Let me put it this way:

I’m sure when Indy cemented their comeback in 2013, you were stunned. I wasn’t. In fact, when they scored the 2nd time to cut the lead, my first thought was “here we go again”.

Honestly, I'm a lil chiefy at heart. I truly believed that we could win any game prior to Mahomes coming to town. Even back in the Cassel days, I'd get my ass up and ready every Sunday hoping Jamaal could carry us to victory lol

Now, with Patrick, I truly believe that we will win every game :)

It's tied to being competitive in the biggest games of the season and then against the few really good teams in the postseason. Everyone knows you're not winning a SB every year, but being a true contender most years is infinitely better than the "make the playoffs and see what happens" approach.

The Patriots did it for 20 years, Packers have done it for years, the Colts for years with Manning, etc.... but, never the Chiefs prior to Mahomes.

Tim Tebow can win more games than he loses and win a playoff game... it's actually very hard not to reach that level of mediocrity in the NFL every year or three. That's the entire point of the league and it's not impressive or all that entertaining, IMO, to beat or 9 or 10 teams that range from shit to okay and then beat one of them in the playoffs before bowing out to a real contender. :shrug:

I don't think anyone would argue the contrary.

I think there are people on both sides of the fence for either "4-12, 6-10 types of seasons until you get the QB are preferable" and "give me 10-6, 11-5 seasons even though our chances of winning it all are extremely slim". I'd take the latter every time. It seems many here would prefer the former.

If you look at the end results its not THAT different. maybe not 99/100 but like 40/50 and something like 26 or 27/30 for the most recent years

If you look solely at the winners, then it's a little closer, but including the final four shows that you've actually got a pretty good shot at getting far even without an elite QB. In the last 20 years, here are the teams I'd say made it to at least the Championship game who did not have an elite QB at the time. It's going to be a bit murky because of what you might consider elite. Like, I would not consider Brady elite from 2001-2004. Russel Wilson was not elite in 2013. Guys like Flacco in 2012 were not elite, but had elite postseasons. Manning in 2015 was no longer elite, though obviously he once was. Anyway, here goes:

2019 49ers
2019 Titans
2018 Rams (this one is up for debate as Goff was potentially in elite category that season)
2017 Eagles
2017 Vikings
2017 Jaguars
2015 Cardinals (also up for debate as Palmer was pretty elite that year)
2015 Broncos
2014 Seahawks
2013 49ers
2013 Seahawks
2012 49ers
2012 Ravens
2011 Ravens
2011 Giants
2011 49ers
2010 Jets
2010 Bears
2009 Jets
2008 Ravens
2006 Bears
2005 Seahawks
2005 Broncos
2004 Patriots
2003 Panthers
2003 Patriots
2002 Titans
2002 Buccaneers
2001 Patriots
2000 Giants
2000 Ravens

I almost listed the 2016 Falcons and 2015 Panthers but decided not to as Newton and Ryan both had MVP season's that year that clearly propelled the team to elite territory.

04-20-2021, 09:53 AM
I think there are people on both sides of the fence for either "4-12, 6-10 types of seasons until you get the QB are preferable" and "give me 10-6, 11-5 seasons even though our chances of winning it all are extremely slim". I'd take the latter every time. It seems many here would prefer the former.

Depends on the long term vision/plans, IMO.

If the main driver of front office decisions is butts in seats or just the basic idea of not wanting an embarrassing season, you can ride that 9-11 win train for years with mediocre QBs that other teams don't want, and that's not acceptable, IMO.

Or if you're riding along with a core group that's "good enough" but probably won't ever win anything, I'd much rather see that team be more aggressive with a rebuild. You see this with hockey quite a bit these days, after teams like the Sharks hung on faaaaar too long, but now teams are becoming far more aggressive with selling their assets and stocking up on young talent.

But, say your motivation is to turn around a shit franchise quickly, but of course franchise QBs don't grow on trees.... then if the motivation is to grab an Alex Smith to quickly get back to respectability, but aggressively seek a replacement when the right QB and situation arises, then I'd much rather live out a few of those just-above-mediocre seasons.

Basically, I'd prefer a short stint at the bottom if that gets a team over the hump sooner, than trying avoid bottoming out with no real vision/concept of being a true contender.

04-20-2021, 09:53 AM
Yeah, I was born in 73 and became a fan in 89. You missed the Marty years where we had not one, not two, but THREE ex-49er QB's - Bono, Montana, and Grbac.

Actually had FOUR ex-49ers - DeBerg was on as well.

04-20-2021, 09:56 AM
I dunno...maybe it's the injuries and bad o-lines and bad coaching in his younger years that ****ed up his confidence.

What about Mike Kafka's play makes him a good qb coach for Mahomes?

Well, for one he's already been a coach for years and was a coach on two Super Bowl teams. I'd rather have Mike Vick coach than Alex Smith.

04-20-2021, 10:17 AM
I think there are people on both sides of the fence for either "4-12, 6-10 types of seasons until you get the QB are preferable" and "give me 10-6, 11-5 seasons even though our chances of winning it all are extremely slim". I'd take the latter every time. It seems many here would prefer the former.

I don’t think anybody said they would PREFER the former. But for me, I just don’t see the difference. This team won more games in the 90’s than every other NFL team other than San Francisco. They had more regular season wins than the Bills, who went to the Super Bowl four times.

After a run like that, there really isn’t anything left to accomplish other than winning in the playoffs and eventually winning a championship, which the Chiefs spent the next two decades trying to do.

Nobody enjoys a 4-win season. Some people enjoy 10-win seasons though and some don’t.

04-20-2021, 10:19 AM
Actually had FOUR ex-49ers - DeBerg was on as well.

I forgot about that. I was only remembering his stint in Tampa.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 10:26 AM
If you look solely at the winners, then it's a little closer,

Yes, thats what I was doing was looking at ring winners. I don't agree with some of the items on your
list but since my point was winners anyway, I won't argue on a case by case....
I used to just want to get in there. I was one of the biggest 3-yards and a cloud of dust + solid D = playoffs
guy there ever was. Just to show you how extreme I was in that mentality and how long I clung onto it,
I actually had hope that MATT CASSEL would be 'good enough' to just get us that chance to win a ring.
The destruction of my conservative / old school football spirit began with Marty and was fully completed
and I joined the dark side when matt cassel was 'good enough' to get us to the playoffs in 2010. My unhappiness
with alex smith was not hindsight. I am on record from literally day 1 with my reasons as to why he would
never take us deep. Until / unless I see the new trend of elite QB's winning rings almost every year, and
the rules favoring the passing attack I simply cannot accept not having an elite passing attack / passer
as a 'real' attempt at winning a ring. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors / seat filling / placating the masses, honestly. Yes, there are
exceptions. If people want to quibble about exactly HOW stacked the odds are against non-eite QB's
(9-1 vs 7-1 or whatever) I really don't care. Its stacked. Period. And yes, I am talking about winning a ring.

04-20-2021, 10:34 AM

04-20-2021, 10:37 AM
Seems we all mostly agree.

Good discussion, boys. Very chill, civil. I like it.

04-20-2021, 10:47 AM
Yes, thats what I was doing was looking at ring winners. I don't agree with some of the items on your
list but since my point was winners anyway, I won't argue on a case by case....
I used to just want to get in there. I was one of the biggest 3-yards and a cloud of dust + solid D = playoffs
guy there ever was. Just to show you how extreme I was in that mentality and how long I clung onto it,
I actually had hope that MATT CASSEL would be 'good enough' to just get us that chance to win a ring.
The destruction of my conservative / old school football spirit began with Marty and was fully completed
and I joined the dark side when matt cassel was 'good enough' to get us to the playoffs in 2010. My unhappiness
with alex smith was not hindsight. I am on record from literally day 1 with my reasons as to why he would
never take us deep. Until / unless I see the new trend of elite QB's winning rings almost every year, and
the rules favoring the passing attack I simply cannot accept not having an elite passing attack / passer
as a 'real' attempt at winning a ring. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors / seat filling / placating the masses, honestly. Yes, there are
exceptions. If people want to quibble about exactly HOW stacked the odds are against non-eite QB's
(9-1 vs 7-1 or whatever) I really don't care. Its stacked. Period. And yes, I am talking about winning a ring.

Yesh, at the time it was the excitement of Reid, shitcanning Pioli, and the excitement of Dorsey.... just to be shown yet another 49ers QB retread.

And in that moment it didn't even really matter if any QB in the draft fit their system or whatever... no matter how warranted it was that time, it was just laughably sad to see the next regime do the same thing as the last regimes with the most important position across all sports.

In that moment, I would have preferred another 4-win season and take a chance the following season over years more of playoff one-and-dones.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 11:08 AM
In that moment, I would have preferred another 4-win season and take a chance the following season over years more of playoff one-and-dones.

exactly my feeling. And if you look back at my posts from those threads where we traded for smith,
youll see one other angle of my personal unhappiness was having watched a lot of smith's play at SF
(being as I live out here and my wife is a die hard SF fan). So I felt like I knew the situation pretty
well and what we were getting into.The other thing that really pissed me off during those times was the
1.1 Fischer draft pick. Yeah, yeah I know ...I know..that was a horrible draft year etc....But I couldn't stand
that pick and felt we couldve traded it or tried to do SOMETHING different..and ridden with Albert another year or 2.
But anyways yeah i mean, in my mind this was a continuation of retreads and a shitty cirtcumstance
of that 1.1 just so happening the year after andrew luck etc and my personal experience watching smith play for
years prior. I was not happy about it...BUT...I will say this. Alex is a great guy, a tough son of a bitch
and of course deserves a happy retirement. There a lot of people on both sides who exxaggerate what
he was or what he wasn't. I have never said he was horrible or anything...he was just the embodiment
of what I knew was futility. I think if people look at my posts without being hysterical and overly defensive
of smith , I am pretty reasonable in my logic and I havent overstated things. Yes, I used to post my
displeasure a LOT. So I did make a lot of posts , but I dont think any of them were completely off base.
I just posted too much back then, honestly. My biggest issue here was way more the Alexsexuals than alex himself.

04-20-2021, 11:35 AM
That was a stinker, which is a shame because he put up a hell of a first half. You just can't follow that up with a goose egg in the second half.

If that douche Triplette doesn't call off the "forward progress" sack, who knows how it ends? That's kinda been Alex's career though. In 2011 he definitely goes to a Super Bowl if not for Kyle Williams muffing two punts. In 2013 he just couldn't hang on in the end @IND with the Luck fumble TD. The forward progress sack and Mariota's TD pass to himself against TEN in 2017.

Guy was just always on the wrong end.. and that was mostly his fault. I'd say @NE 2015, PIT 2016 and TEN 2017 were losses I'd say he took the brunt of the blame for having subpar games.

It was fun. I watch highlights from that period frequently.

It was frustrating and not nearly as fun as it is with Mahomes, but a hell of a lot better than going 4-12, 6-10 or some shit like that.
Alex fumbled late in that Indy game. The ball was recovered by an Indy defender whose ass cheeks were split by the boundary at the edge of the field.

in other words...he was out of bounds when he recovered the ball.

04-20-2021, 11:49 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Best win percentage by a starting QB in the last 10 seasons (min. 50 starts):<br><br>Peyton Manning .789<br>Tom Brady .763<br>Aaron Rodgers .696<br>Alex Smith .688<br><br>Say what you want, but Alex Smith was always a WINNER! <a href="https://t.co/tzw794W3LE">pic.twitter.com/tzw794W3LE</a></p>&mdash; CBS Sports HQ (@CBSSportsHQ) <a href="https://twitter.com/CBSSportsHQ/status/1384300849560649734?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

04-20-2021, 12:04 PM
Well, for one he's already been a coach for years and was a coach on two Super Bowl teams. I'd rather have Mike Vick coach than Alex Smith.

Yeah but he was probably teaching Mahomes to throw incompletions and interceptions!! Dude played 4 games in his career and had 0TDs and 2INTs! Why would you want that guy to teach your qb anything?!?!

04-20-2021, 12:19 PM
Alex fumbled late in that Indy game. The ball was recovered by an Indy defender whose ass cheeks were split by the boundary at the edge of the field.

in other words...he was out of bounds when he recovered the ball.

Yep, and it was the turning point in the game. The ball went backwards for like 20 yards and the guy falls on it near the sideline, but when he gets control, he was clearly out.

04-20-2021, 12:53 PM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Best win percentage by a starting QB in the last 10 seasons (min. 50 starts):<br><br>Peyton Manning .789<br>Tom Brady .763<br>Aaron Rodgers .696<br>Alex Smith .688<br><br>Say what you want, but Alex Smith was always a WINNER! <a href="https://t.co/tzw794W3LE">pic.twitter.com/tzw794W3LE</a></p>&mdash; CBS Sports HQ (@CBSSportsHQ) <a href="https://twitter.com/CBSSportsHQ/status/1384300849560649734?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

See this is the kind of moral victory horse shit that turns people off of the whole topic.

3 of those guys have Super Bowl rings. Alex is a nice guy and a decent QB but nobody gives a shit about a guy that won 70% of his regular season wins but is 2-5 in the playoffs with no Super Bowl appearances.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 01:03 PM
3 of those guys have Super Bowl rings. Alex is a nice guy and a decent QB but nobody gives a shit about a guy that won 70% of his regular season wins* but is 2-5 in the playoffs with no Super Bowl appearances.

*in the past 10 seasons , (so ignores the worst chunk of his stats) if you look at the graphic...Huge asterisk there, another reason people dislike that kind of "stat"

04-20-2021, 01:04 PM
I'm genuinely shocked he didn't end up in Jax, he would've been an ideal backup/mentor for Lawrence

Well they tried. Jville's docs had a look at him.

Jax told him his leg was fucked and they weren't gonna sign him. So he retired.

04-20-2021, 01:05 PM
See this is the kind of moral victory horse shit that turns people off of the whole topic.

3 of those guys have Super Bowl rings. Alex is a nice guy and a decent QB but nobody gives a shit about a guy that won 70% of his regular season wins but is 2-5 in the playoffs with no Super Bowl appearances.

Fire up the bbq and beer for the tailgate for the regular season but not in the playoffs.

04-20-2021, 01:38 PM
See this is the kind of moral victory horse shit that turns people off of the whole topic.

3 of those guys have Super Bowl rings. Alex is a nice guy and a decent QB but nobody gives a shit about a guy that won 70% of his regular season wins but is 2-5 in the playoffs with no Super Bowl appearances.

And it would something to note if he made it to a SB, or multiple conference championship games etc.... but, his playoff success was basically the one divisional win 10 years ago on an otherwise very good team with a 29th rated passing attack.

04-20-2021, 01:40 PM
Alex fumbled late in that Indy game. The ball was recovered by an Indy defender whose ass cheeks were split by the boundary at the edge of the field.

in other words...he was out of bounds when he recovered the ball.

Yep, and it was the turning point in the game. The ball went backwards for like 20 yards and the guy falls on it near the sideline, but when he gets control, he was clearly out.

Meh, if we were on defense and made that same play, I'd be furious if they didn't give us the ball.

04-20-2021, 01:59 PM
No Tom Brady doesn't win one every year but the thrill of winning one can often last long enough to get you through to the next one. Hell, the Super Bowl win 2 years ago will probably be enough to get me to my DEATH. It was that awesome. I wasn't even disappointed in losing this year. NOTHING can take away 2019.

That's the real issue. Been a fan since 1989 and after a while a handful of hope doesn't cut it anymore.


Seeing them win the Superbowl cannot be stated how much that means to me. We easily forget that there were fans who went their entire lives, some of them were members here, who died never seein their Chiefs win it all.

I want them to win more, but if they never do again before im gone, its enough.

Ive seen them win, and lose the big one.

Now I just want to enjoy Mahomes' career here, and see how it all plays out.

Ming the Merciless
04-20-2021, 03:05 PM
Good discussion, boys. Very chill, civil. I like it.

yeah. I agree. Good times.

04-21-2021, 03:12 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Best win percentage by a starting QB in the last 10 seasons (min. 50 starts):<br><br>Peyton Manning .789<br>Tom Brady .763<br>Aaron Rodgers .696<br>Alex Smith .688<br><br>Say what you want, but Alex Smith was always a WINNER! <a href="https://t.co/tzw794W3LE">pic.twitter.com/tzw794W3LE</a></p>&mdash; CBS Sports HQ (@CBSSportsHQ) <a href="https://twitter.com/CBSSportsHQ/status/1384300849560649734?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

One of those is not like the others

Tom Brady is a pedophile

04-21-2021, 06:08 AM
Seems we all mostly agree.

Good discussion, boys. Very chill, civil. I like it.

Yeah man, this is a great thread.

Not only was it all amiable but it was civil in a thread about ALEX SMITH - probably the most divisive non-political topic in the history of Chiefsplanet.

04-21-2021, 06:09 AM

Seeing them win the Superbowl cannot be stated how much that means to me. We easily forget that there were fans who went their entire lives, some of them were members here, who died never seein their Chiefs win it all.

I want them to win more, but if they never do again before im gone, its enough.

Ive seen them win, and lose the big one.

Now I just want to enjoy Mahomes' career here, and see how it all plays out.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F7c981c036a7ac041e66b0c87b42542f2%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3 D8650049&f=1&nofb=1

04-21-2021, 07:00 AM
Cheers Alex, to a great few years that set up the greatest years.

04-21-2021, 08:48 AM
*in the past 10 seasons , (so ignores the worst chunk of his stats) if you look at the graphic...Huge asterisk there, another reason people dislike that kind of "stat"

Ehhh the worst chunk of his stats though is easy to ignore because they were from his first years in the league and not later in his career...

I still wonder how he would’ve done sitting behind a favre for years like Rodgers did, and then how Rodgers would’ve done starting right away like smith did. For some reason I think Rodgers would’ve still been fine starting right away, because of his personality but Alex’s personality makes me feel like he woulda been pretty bad ass in the nfl had he been able to sit behind favre for those years...

04-22-2021, 07:20 AM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ztlhW5dgRa0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

04-22-2021, 07:31 AM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YDx_BSu3iqo" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

04-22-2021, 07:36 AM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ztlhW5dgRa0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

An almost exactly 2:1 ratio TD to INT over his career. For a guy known to be risk averse so as to avoid turnovers.

By comparison, Mahomes' TD to iNT ratio, despite being a gunslinger of sorts, is 4.75:1.

04-22-2021, 07:51 AM
An almost exactly 2:1 ratio TD to INT over his career. For a guy known to be risk averse so as to avoid turnovers.

By comparison, Mahomes' TD to iNT ratio, despite being a gunslinger of sorts, is 4.75:1.

But Mahomes is a turnover machine right? :p

04-22-2021, 08:03 AM
But Mahomes is a turnover machine right? :p

Yeah, it's really weird.

Alex Smith played in 174 games and threw 101 receptions. In other words, he played almost exactly 11 years worth of games and threw under 10 interceptions a year for his career. That's exceptional. Alex Smith's INT per game was .58. Peyton Manning for example, was 94. 251 INT's in 265 games, or almost double Alex Smith's ratio.

The problem is that Alex got his turnovers that low by taking less chances. Alex Smith's TD per game is 1.14. Manning's? 2.0.

Patrick Mahomes? A whopping 2.5.

It's the old Marty conundrum. You "won't" lose if you don't turn the ball over but you CAN'T win if you don't score.

04-22-2021, 08:43 AM
Godspeed Alex. I’ll always appreciate you taking Patrick under your wing in 2017. I know some folks are doubtful about the impact of that — but if there had been drama or if that story was exaggerated, we would have heard about it by now from past players/talk radio (the Favre/Rodgers story comes to mind). Patrick and his dad have always appreciated Alex (and both of them know how important Alex’s support was to the dynamics of a locker room) and I absolutely do, too.

04-22-2021, 09:51 AM
An almost exactly 2:1 ratio TD to INT over his career. For a guy known to be risk averse so as to avoid turnovers.

By comparison, Mahomes' TD to iNT ratio, despite being a gunslinger of sorts, is 4.75:1.

And, if you broke up AS's TDs to INTs from the pre-Harbaugh to post-Harbaugh years, you'll see that the majority of those INTs came during the early portion of his career.

04-22-2021, 09:53 AM
And, if you broke up AS's TDs to INTs from the pre-Harbaugh to post-Harbaugh years, you'll see that the majority of those INTs came during the early portion of his career.

And yet he still never really increased his number of TD's.

You simply can't make excuses for the guy - he played too careful to ever be a champion.

04-22-2021, 09:56 AM
Heard a good quote from Phil Simms, "Oh hey he's safe! He doesn't turn the ball over. Yeah, well, he doesn't score points either".

04-22-2021, 04:24 PM
Glad he is retiring.

His final year turned out better than expected. I thought he might actually die.

Enjoy your hot wife and family.