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View Full Version : Chiefs Players can wear guardian caps in game now

Hammock Parties
04-26-2024, 12:22 PM
Every DB in the league should be wearing this ROFL

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">To reduce player risk and continue driving innovations in equipment technology, Guardian Caps have been authorized for in-game use this season.<br><br>Hear more from <a href="https://twitter.com/NFL?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@NFL</a> Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Allen Sills: <a href="https://t.co/PpqOBxEiHl">https://t.co/PpqOBxEiHl</a> <a href="https://t.co/tXUlAaEDbR">pic.twitter.com/tXUlAaEDbR</a></p>&mdash; NFL Football Operations (@NFLFootballOps) <a href="https://twitter.com/NFLFootballOps/status/1783921382314877363?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

04-26-2024, 12:28 PM
Old men will be really mad

04-26-2024, 12:28 PM
Tua’s career has been extended another season.

04-26-2024, 12:28 PM
Old men will be really mad

I would be too because it introduces DRAG. Meaning slower players.... Fuck that (HALF KIDDING)

04-26-2024, 12:28 PM
This should be coupled with a repeal of all "blows to the head" penalties.

Pasta Little Brioni
04-26-2024, 12:37 PM
The fuck?

04-26-2024, 12:42 PM
I thought this was a Guardian cap?


Indian Chief
04-26-2024, 12:43 PM
I thought this was a Guardian cap?


Thread title legitimately confused me before I clicked on it.

04-26-2024, 12:47 PM
Don Beebe and Mark Keso are set to come out of retirement

04-26-2024, 12:47 PM
Old men will be really mad

I appreciate the humor in this observation. It then occurred to me that I'm an old man, but I like that the players will have more protection. Just going off of my own personal experience--and as a statistics professor, I knew that anecdotal evidence isn't very strong--I think there are a lot of us who, as we've gotten older, are more and more in favor of changes to the rules and equipment that promote player safety. That's not just for football, either. Protecting catchers and middle infielders from aggressively sliding baserunners is also something I like, even though I grew up loving Hal McRae's style of play, like this famous incident, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIiYw53nGd0

04-26-2024, 12:58 PM

Rain Man
04-26-2024, 01:03 PM
I'm a fan. I wear one of those around the house and I've had no concussions in roughly a year.

04-26-2024, 01:14 PM
Related: players will also be required to wear Jimmy hats off the field. Tyreek, amirite?!

04-26-2024, 01:17 PM
Related: players will also be required to wear Jimmy hats off the field. Tyreek, amirite?!

You may consider covering your rump with one while remodeling.

Garcia Bronco
04-26-2024, 01:18 PM
I'm a fan. I wear one of those around the house and I've had no concussions in roughly a year.

Well..... none you remember. :)

04-26-2024, 01:19 PM
Does the cup match the bowl

04-26-2024, 01:22 PM
I'm a fan. I wear one of those around the house and I've had no concussions in roughly a year.

I'm a proponent of avoiding sharp blows to head when in my house.

04-26-2024, 01:25 PM
Looks so dumb. At least put the team logo on them if they’re going to wear them in games.

04-26-2024, 01:26 PM
You can wear one if you want to be called a pussy all game

04-26-2024, 01:32 PM
Makes the player look reeruned.

Next the team will arrive on a short bus.

04-26-2024, 01:43 PM
How has no one come up with a jab at Rain Man involving a French bicyclist yet?

04-26-2024, 01:43 PM
It looks a little silly, but it doesn't bother me that they're making it an option. I'd guess this will primarily come into play for guys who have recently had concussions.

04-26-2024, 01:49 PM
It looks silly, and will probably take a while to get used to seeing, but it was really just a matter of time for us to go from cool looking helmets to something more protective. I'm going to hate watching them bobbing around the field for a while though.

04-26-2024, 01:56 PM
Can wait for some funny bounces when the football hits the helmet.

04-26-2024, 02:04 PM
I definitely want Mahomes wearing one.

04-26-2024, 02:05 PM
Don Beebe and Mark Keso are set to come out of retirement

It has been too long for me to remember. Who rammed their own head into the padding in St. Louis and gave themselves a concussion?

04-26-2024, 02:06 PM
It has been too long for me to remember. Who rammed their own head into the padding in St. Louis and gave themselves a concussion?

Gus Frerotte

04-26-2024, 02:16 PM
I don't know how I feel about this. I find myself to be relatively young at age 31, and this to me makes the look of the game feel like it will be odd/weird?? Then again, who am I to bitch about what I'm viewing on another players helmet, and I am probably more or less going to get used to this new change when watching games. I'm just imaging though a bunch of oversized heads out there hitting eachother.

04-26-2024, 02:17 PM
I assume they arent heavy and dont throw off your equilibrium? Either way I feel like QB may not be a position to utilize them on where precision of timing is at a premium

04-26-2024, 02:23 PM
You can wear one if you want to be called a pussy all game

That's what I was gonna say too?? Is this a mandatory equipment rule, or is it just optional. If it's optional, it's hard to see a lot of players saying yes to wear them, especially if it could deteriorate their level of play, especially if statistics are saying it only reduces 10% when not everyone is using them.

04-26-2024, 02:23 PM
This may be another result of the Damar Hamlin injury?

04-26-2024, 02:24 PM
That's what I was gonna say too?? Is this a mandatory equipment rule, or is it just optional. If it's optional, it's hard to see a lot of players saying yes to wear them, especially if it could deteriorate their level of play, especially if statistics are saying it only reduces 10% when not everyone is using them.

It's optional. Going forward every player gets to decide for themselves how much brain damage they want to endure from the sport of football.

04-26-2024, 02:26 PM
It's optional. Going forward every player gets to decide for themselves how much brain damage they want to endure from the sport of football.

How much? It says 10% if not everyone is wearing them, 20% if all wears them lol. that seems specific.

Bob Dole
04-26-2024, 03:01 PM
I guess teams will save a few dollars not having to put logos on the helmets.

04-26-2024, 03:03 PM
This may be another result of the Damar Hamlin injury?

Nah, the shoulder pads with a built-in defibrillator are a result of the Damar Hamlin injury.

Easy 6
04-26-2024, 03:06 PM
You can wear one if you want to be called a pussy all game

I genuinely can't see anyone wearing that shit, they'd never hear the end of it

04-26-2024, 03:07 PM
Tua’s career has been extended another season.

LOL perfect

Zebedee DuBois
04-26-2024, 03:08 PM
I just can't see the logic in one player wearing a padded helmet calling another player wearing a larger padded helmet a pussy.

04-26-2024, 03:09 PM
I really feel like this is the NFL's way of avoiding lawsuits down the road. "Hey, we offered more protection, the player refused to wear it" kinda thing.

04-26-2024, 03:12 PM
I genuinely can't see anyone wearing that shit, they'd never hear the end of it

They wear them in practice all the time. I suspect that fans would make a much bigger deal out of it than players.

04-26-2024, 03:18 PM
Run through his helmet and ask him if it helped.

04-26-2024, 03:18 PM

That's the first thing I thought of as well. I know they've worn them in camp, but it just seems it would be an awkward piece of equipment that gets in the way.

04-26-2024, 03:18 PM
I really feel like this is the NFL's way of avoiding lawsuits down the road. "Hey, we offered more protection, the player refused to wear it" kinda thing.

Accidently downvoted your post as I was so in agreement with it, but rep.

Totally makes sense.

I bet that is exactly what is going on.

04-26-2024, 03:21 PM
If I'm an established veteran playing anything but RB/WR, I can't imagine not wearing it. Fuck how it looks, you only get one brain. Want to enjoy the majority of your life which comes after retiring from the NFL? Wear the damn thing and give yourself the best chance.

WR/RB I could see not doing it, because it might be an issue for vision in the receiving game.

04-26-2024, 03:22 PM
I’d prefer sombreros.

04-26-2024, 03:23 PM
The best athletes in the world will now look like peewee football players.

04-26-2024, 03:27 PM
'<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qrUOFs-hZ-M?si=uFvOMAv_Ci_Q6RzV" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Easy 6
04-26-2024, 03:34 PM
They wear them in practice all the time. I suspect that fans would make a much bigger deal out of it than players.

I totally get it for practice, but my money says very few if any of them actually wear it... we'll find out soon enough

04-26-2024, 03:45 PM
I totally get it for practice, but my money says very few if any of them actually wear it... we'll find out soon enough

Yeah, I doubt that any of them will wear it for every game, but I'm thinking of cases like Tua getting like 3 concussions in a single season a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if guys who have already had one decide to wear it for a few games just to be safe.

Easy 6
04-26-2024, 03:48 PM
Yeah, I doubt that any of them will wear it for every game, but I'm thinking of cases like Tua getting like 3 concussions in a single season a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if guys who have already had one decide to wear it for a few games just to be safe.

That definitely makes sense for someone just coming off of protocol, give them a little peace of mind for a game or two

Why Not?
04-26-2024, 03:52 PM
Sure. I guess. I mean they look silly but so does the stupid new kickoff formation. Just need players to be allowed to wear “He Hate Me” jerseys moving forward. Now get off my lawn!

04-26-2024, 03:54 PM
I'm curious if we start to see at other levels. How many parents out there would simply dictate it as a requirement of their son's participation in high school football? I probably would. (I basically did this for my son who plays rugby and has option to wear a scrum cap.)

04-26-2024, 04:03 PM
I totally get it for practice, but my money says very few if any of them actually wear it... we'll find out soon enough

Initially I agree but eventually it'll be normalized & we'll all get used to it players included & they'll wear them. Assuming technology doesn't change of course.

04-26-2024, 04:19 PM
Yeah, I doubt that any of them will wear it for every game, but I'm thinking of cases like Tua getting like 3 concussions in a single season a few years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if guys who have already had one decide to wear it for a few games just to be safe.

Insurance companies, bean counters, and dick pill shilling pharma companies run the medical complex in the US. If you think a big goofy looking helmet is the answer to Tua's brittleness because Dr. DerpyDerp says so then you're woefully ignorant to life and how $t works.

04-26-2024, 04:49 PM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjbtw5snEvt6wH1HZfuz062Gz1FtAwb9a5_yLqcfFf8s2VlY4S7bmR1JYI_B7jyMbaf4PiI2aWVrH_0CoaDjIoUsyj_jtYU l_9QH-r_yZ5z6AfoVP5SbZI5FKItU5_PJPSZlmua4pR719kh/s1600/NFL+Blitz+Big+Head+Cheat+Code.jpg

Chief Pagan
04-26-2024, 08:27 PM
You can wear one if you want to be called a pussy all game

Real men support their team by just going into concussion protocol.

04-26-2024, 08:28 PM
Real men just go into concussion protocol.

Do we have any data on if it turns them gay?

Chief Pagan
04-26-2024, 09:34 PM
The best athletes in the world will now look like peewee football players.


First guys to wear these were laughed at...


04-27-2024, 01:18 AM
The best athletes in the world will now look like peewee football players.


First guys to wear these were laughed at...


Big head….smaller looking body in relation…..I didn’t say they weren’t real men ffs.

It was a joke. :facepalm:

04-27-2024, 01:47 AM
Travis said on the podcast that the players hate them.

New World Order
04-27-2024, 02:12 AM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjbtw5snEvt6wH1HZfuz062Gz1FtAwb9a5_yLqcfFf8s2VlY4S7bmR1JYI_B7jyMbaf4PiI2aWVrH_0CoaDjIoUsyj_jtYU l_9QH-r_yZ5z6AfoVP5SbZI5FKItU5_PJPSZlmua4pR719kh/s1600/NFL+Blitz+Big+Head+Cheat+Code.jpg


I miss that game

04-27-2024, 04:34 AM
Imagine an o-lineman wearing it and getting called for lining up offsides with his giant helmet cap over the nose of the ball.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Imon Yourside
04-27-2024, 04:58 AM
Copyright stolen from Spaceballs

04-27-2024, 05:06 AM
Well..... none you remember. :)

Be sure to ask BRC about that.

04-27-2024, 05:54 AM
Makes the player look reeruned.

Next the team will arrive on a short bus.They'll be all the rage in Denver. :D

04-27-2024, 07:20 AM
I am ok with the safety

Make them look like lemmings from the video game

04-27-2024, 07:48 AM
Nerf helmets!

04-27-2024, 08:12 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the craziest thing ever. These caps make no difference <a href="https://t.co/y2gohDNZXd">https://t.co/y2gohDNZXd</a></p>&mdash; Chris Jones (@StoneColdJones) <a href="https://twitter.com/StoneColdJones/status/1783937492594409522?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

04-27-2024, 08:16 AM
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the craziest thing ever. These caps make no difference <a href="https://t.co/y2gohDNZXd">https://t.co/y2gohDNZXd</a></p>&mdash; Chris Jones (@StoneColdJones) <a href="https://twitter.com/StoneColdJones/status/1783937492594409522?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ha! Jones also getting into it in the comments and debating science with the science people.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">First of all, the caps have never been used in a game so there’s no study in game. Secondly when we do use the caps is never live. <br><br>With that conclusion of course no one will get hurt.</p>&mdash; Chris Jones (@StoneColdJones) <a href="https://twitter.com/StoneColdJones/status/1783949428094570701?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

04-27-2024, 08:25 AM
They can at least put the teams logo on them.

04-27-2024, 09:00 AM
Old men will be really mad

Tua’s career has been extended another season.

Yep, pretty much! The phrase "bubble wrap generation" has literally finally come to fruition!

This game is getting harder to watch more and more every year. Bad enough, having women referees, let alone all of the rule changes and hamstringing defenses in those rule changes for the most part.

The only rules I will agree with is helmet to helmet, o-linemen protection of engagement of only 1 person, negating chop blocks, sacking QBs below the waist and blindside hitting defensless players not involved in the play. However conversely, I have never liked the horse collar rule, regardless of how many knee injuries have occurred. Weird I know, but just never liked that particular rule. Too old school, I get it.

Chief Pagan
04-27-2024, 11:00 AM
Travis said on the podcast that the players hate them.

I'm sure they do.

I'm sure they hated it when helmets and pads were introduced also.

Now whether these helmets can make much of a difference, I guess isn't settled. But I'm at least open to the possibility that it could.

04-27-2024, 11:38 AM
I genuinely can't see anyone wearing that shit, they'd never hear the end of it Health versus other peoples laughter. I'll take health so I can make millions more and be able to enjoy it, instead of worrying bout others thoughts.

04-27-2024, 12:10 PM
My give a damn on this nothing burger. It's just dumbasses bitching to be bitching.

04-27-2024, 12:19 PM
I genuinely can't see anyone wearing that shit, they'd never hear the end of itPretty much why no one shoots free throws granny style in the NBA.

People are more concerned about being made fun of than doing something effectively.

04-27-2024, 12:26 PM
Despite the aesthetic, if it prevents our players from getting concussions and put into the protocol, I hope the players wear them. I hate to see players miss time due to their egg getting scrambled.

04-27-2024, 01:58 PM
Yep, pretty much! The phrase "bubble wrap generation" has literally finally come to fruition!

This game is getting harder to watch more and more every year. Bad enough, having women referees, let alone all of the rule changes and hamstringing defenses in those rule changes for the most part.

The only rules I will agree with is helmet to helmet, o-linemen protection of engagement of only 1 person, negating chop blocks, sacking QBs below the waist and blindside hitting defensless players not involved in the play. However conversely, I have never liked the horse collar rule, regardless of how many knee injuries have occurred. Weird I know, but just never liked that particular rule. Too old school, I get it.

Lol, watch any Barry Sanders reel; it’s almost all horse collars. He’d have another 2000 yds and 30 TDs if that rule had been in place in the ‘90s.

And yeah the strike zone on QBs is ludicrous. As is the “can’t fall on the QB with your full weight.”

I’m fairly sure that once Pat retires I’ll stop watching the NFL, same as I stopped watching the NBA after MJ left. And as I’m quickly losing interest in MLB now that Yadi is gone.

The game is trending towards something that doesn’t really resemble the game I grew up watching and the version it’s becoming won’t be worth my attention once Mahomes hangs them up.

Probably for the best; will mean a lot more time for fly-fishing.:thumb:

04-28-2024, 06:11 AM
I definitely want Mahomes wearing one.

Yeah this is the right approach

And nobody would call Pat anything bad. Maybe he and some other stars will make them catch on outside of practice and situations like Daface referenced

Hammock Parties
04-28-2024, 07:06 AM
put one on pacheco at least

04-28-2024, 12:13 PM
If mic'd up wasn't filtered we'd get to hear a DB tell a WR he looks like a retarded dick the first time they lined up with one on.

Makes me miss Sneed.

04-28-2024, 12:18 PM
I definitely want Mahomes wearing one.

Then we'll have 12 year old kids wearing them to school just because mahomes wore one.

Kind of like kids now and the arm sleeves and leg sleeves

04-28-2024, 12:31 PM
I can see those things sticking or not glancing off other players helmets and causing a neck injury. Broke necks vs concussions? I don't know.

04-28-2024, 06:45 PM
Wrap that rascal!

04-28-2024, 07:01 PM
Then we'll have 12 year old kids wearing them to school just because mahomes wore one.

Kind of like kids now and the arm sleeves and leg sleeves

Now that you mention children, pretty much all high schools and middle schools should have kids wearing these things in organized football.

04-28-2024, 07:26 PM
I bet 3-5 seasons from now they're mandatory for QBs.

04-28-2024, 09:11 PM
I would hope that helmet manufacturers have tried developing helmets with these types of safety measures, and if they did, they probably have some basic impact data already. Maybe the NFL has access to that data?

You can file this in the folder market Things You Think About When High:

There are circular saws and spinning blades that stop spinning the instant they hit human flesh. I am sure everyone has seen the videos. The sensor reaction time for the blade is insane.

I know because of the violence of the game it would probably be impossible, but I always think why can't we develop a helmet that uses a sensor that detects a specific amount of pressure, or some other data, that would instantly deploy some type of safety system inside the helmet to protect against concussion. No, I have no idea what type of technology or system in mind, but I did say I thought about when I was high.

Like, those protective inflatable suits or whatever you can get for riding a motorcycle or whatever, that are suppose to inflate if you crash.

Again, edibles make me think that we can calculate to the exact second when an eclipse will happen and how long it will last. We can build a telescope that literally can see millions and millions of light years away, which is basically looking into the past, and we can build robots that help brain surgeons. But we can't make a safer football helmet? Like, give me a fucking break.

04-28-2024, 09:35 PM
Long snapper center and special teams all should consider this and yes even RB.

04-28-2024, 09:49 PM
Not too long ago I watched a video on YT about how common ceramic tiles could effectively stop bullets. The kind that we probably all either have seen or have had in our bathrooms floors. Along the way they actually described the physics involved. It was a pretty interesting little video.

Which got me to thinking tonight. Essentially what those tiles did was disperse nearly 100% of the impact energy of those bullets across their entire surface almost instantly as they shattered into dust, and thereby reducing the bullet's penetration to just a couple inches.

So why not do something similar inside a helmet? Now, the problem obviously is the helmet would be a one-and-done type of thing, which wouldn't really be cost-effective.

But I was reading an article in either Popular Mechanics or Scientific American about new materials that could be re-formed by running an electric current through them. It might someday be possible to make tiles out of a material (maybe simply iron-infused ceramics?) that could re-form itself via electrical current after each big hit. Maybe.

I'm not a scientist or engineer, so I'm sure there's a small pile of technical issues to deal with before something like that could be used in the NFL, but the tech is being researched right now.

04-29-2024, 06:21 AM
I think the guardian caps could lead to more spinal cord injuries at game speed if players wearing them had helmet to helmet at high speed. Those adhere more than the high impact plastic. Also makes your head bigger.