View Full Version : Royals Network

04-12-2003, 07:25 AM
The Royals Radio Network has fallen on bad times. Left St. Louis yeasterday in time to pick up the Royals game in Columbia and much to my supprise I couldn't. I was not able to pick up the game until Marshall. Lost that signal in the bottom of 8th and was unable to pick up a new signal before the game ended. To add injury to insult I could get the friggen Cardnials game all the way into KC.

Well I guess as well as the Royals are playing I shouldn't bitch.:D

04-12-2003, 12:31 PM
we don't have it here yet on comcast, the tv network, pisses me off.

Pitt Gorilla
04-12-2003, 02:34 PM
hey red, read my thread on the regular chiefs board entitled "573-..."

Pitt Gorilla
04-12-2003, 02:37 PM
Here it is:

Royals Fans, Mid-Mo brethren, and good folk of cyberland;
columbia, Missouri has proven to be a rather nice place to live and certainly a suitable 2nd home to my SE Kansas roots. However, this year 1580 KTGR has elected to not carry royals games in favor of the hometown Mavericks(?). All I can tell you is that this marks the FIRST year I haven't been able to follow my team through the musings of Denny Mathews.
If you would like to help out a fellow royals fan, live in Mid_MO, or merely have an extra dime left on your calling plan, I'd really appreciate a call to the station (at the number titling the thread) requesting that the royals be brought back. I don't expect everyone to help out, or even most; but every little bit will be truly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Pitt Gorilla
~fan in need