View Full Version : Same old shit, just a different year

Chief Henry
09-13-2004, 07:08 AM
Shanahan out coached, out prepared DV and the Chiefs by a country mile. How in the HELL did DV and Gunther coach the naked bootleg?
I would have thought the Chiefs defenseive players would have watched
enough film to learn something about defending that BOOTLEG. Shanahan and is staff must have been ROFL ass off at us through the whole game. That was unacceptable to me. This game was not
even close. If Jake Plummer doesn't have a couple of brain farts
after halftime, we get routed.

Shanahan made a huge decision to go get Champ Bailey and glue him to ""Boom Boom" Gonzalez. Ol Boom Boom looked like a plan ol NFL Tight End last night. The bronco's made the Ciefs look very very
ordinary and thats not good considering the rest of our schedule.

Wake up Chiefs. Last year was last year.