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Chiefspants 02-27-2019 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 14125816)
Well, it sounds like he didn't do this stuff while promoting a movie. Also sounds like he addressed it a little more professionally. I don't really do twitter so if thats the only place he expresses himself, I'd never know.

I'll concede the movie stuff (it's possible he's said things like "Cap would be against X", but I'm too lazy to look it up), but "professional" isn't the word I'd use to describe some of Evans' political discourse.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m beginning to think the movie Human Centipede was more prescient than it was given credit for in foreshadowing the Putin, Trump, Stephen Miller garbage train.</p>&mdash; Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) <a href="">January 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">It’s ‘counsel’, Biff. The word is ‘counsel’.<br><br>I was trying to comprehend how in the world a man, even as moronic as you, can misspell a word he probably reads fifty times a day. But then it dawned on me, you probably only HEAR the word.<br><br>You don’t read shit.<br><br>And we all know it. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) <a href="">August 20, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This moron, puppet, coward sided with Putin over our own intelligence agencies! On a world stage!! BASED ON NOTHING MORE THAN PUTIN’S WORD! Why?? Can ANYONE answer that?? What the hell is happening. Politics aside, this is 100% un-American. Where are you <a href="">@GOP</a>????</p>&mdash; Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) <a href="">July 16, 2018</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Your defense is that he’s too uneducated to have made this offensive remark?<br><br>Also, can you imagine if another president admitted to not knowing what the Trail of Tears was?<br><br>By your logic, his ignorance has become normalized/expected<br><br>Lastly, then why did he capitalize ‘trail’?? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) <a href="">February 11, 2019</a></blockquote>
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I'll quit cluttering the thread. My position is that a lot of the criticism over Larson is that she's "too outspoken", but many of the actors in the Marvel Universe are very outspoken (some even moreso). However, it's never impacted the or diminished the product on the screen. In my opinion, that's why CM deserves a proper chance.

Chiefspants 02-27-2019 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 14126072)
That's fair.

I think it's also a fair point Guru made about being vocal about politics/SJW shit while promoting a movie.

From my perspective, I just don't get trying to be a loud voice anywhere. I have a business that doesn't even rely that heavily on customers, but as a representation of my business (my brand, to put it into today's horseshit jargon), I am CONSTANTLY aware of what I say or how my shit looks and how it could be interpreted by a potential landlord or customer. As such, I just completely ****ing avoid anything that could piss people off or drive them away, ESPECIALLY if it has nothing to do with my business.

I don't talk politics, or any of the crazy shit that is going on with Smollet, Trump, religion, or any of the other controversial crap that is going on at the moment. Even if I'm the best guy in the world at reading people and articulate my position well, there is still a possibility that I run someone off. For what? Certainly not anything related to my business.

I talk that kind of stuff with a select few people who I know can separate me from my business. It's probably unhealthy to never talk about it, but I'm damn sure not going to do it in a position that could be construed as me representing my business.

So if I were making movies, I'd have the same approach, probably moreso. These people want the public to come see THEM perform in a entertainment activity. I would actively try not to say a goddamn thing that could run anyone off. Ever.

Now, that's not to say that she doesn't have to represent herself to get a job. She has to audition, deal with execs, and a whole bunch of shit more than I do. And maybe they pick up more people than they run off with this noise. Maybe Marvel's bulletproof and I'm off base.

I don't know, but it's not the approach I'd take.

As usual, I totally agree with your assessment. As well as how Larson's activism while "on the job" could sour on some people. I think the majority of online criticism I've seen about her doesn't delineate that, though, they just attack her stances as a person.

The non-profit I help run has a pretty even split between conservative and liberal donors (with a slight skew towards conservative contributors). While we're active on social media, we've never taken a domestic political position on anything. If our desire to be politically active causes someone to quit supporting us, that could take away a school lunch from a child half a world away. In the event our political activism ever takes that much of a priority for us, then we will have lost our way.

Rausch 02-27-2019 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 14126073)
I'll quit cluttering the thread. My position is that a lot of the criticism over Larson is that she's "too outspoken", but many of the actors in the Marvel Universe are very outspoken (some even moreso). However, it's never impacted the or diminished the product on the screen. In my opinion, that's why CM deserves a proper chance.

There are two big differences:

1) People have a right to their opinions. I don't care about my plumber's, doctor's, or mailman's political beliefs. I don't have to agree with someone to appreciate their talents. And to this point his opinions have not been infused into his performances. He might feel strongly about his opinions but to this point he hasn't felt the need to put it in his MCU work.

2) Bris has made both sexist and racist comments. Repeatedly. And she has marketed this film as a feminist commentary. Marvel and Disney have been very strict on the marketing of these films and if she wasn't reflecting their vision for the film they would have shut her down.

They didn't.

Rausch 02-27-2019 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14126060)
What in the bloody hell are you guys pissed at RT for? On what planet does it make sense to allow people to submit a reaction to a movie before it's even out?

And there we go with the lie again.

They aren't reviewing a movie: it's a forum to discuss interest in a film. If anything fan chatter and word of mouth HELPS most films. High interest in a film is a good thing.

And good or bad the information a studio gains is very valuable. They get immediate feedback on the marketing of a film. This is important because films often spend nearly as much on the marketing as making the damned film itself. That's all this is a response to at this point because no one has seen the film.

The discussion is based on marketing and trailers and if you do or don't want to watch a film.

Mr. Plow 02-27-2019 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14126060)
What in the bloody hell are you guys pissed at RT for? On what planet does it make sense to allow people to submit a reaction to a movie before it's even out? I've thought it was weird they allowed that for years, and this is just the event that made it obvious that it's a problem.

I don't pay attention to RT. Never go to the site or use it to decide whether I'm going to see a movie or not, so take this for what it's worth.

I think it was described pretty well in first part of the 2nd video (I think) posted by Rausch. It's not a reaction to a movie that is not released yet, it is a reaction to the marketing that has people saying "Yes, I want to see this" or "No, I don't want to see this" with a comment as to why they do or don't. The first video covers it as well if I'm remembering correctly - the guy basically says that websites & media are confusing the "Want to See" percent with the "Audience Review" which are 2 completely different things - which even RT admits is part of the problem.

I'm sure there are a people that were saying "I don't want to see this" because for some racist/sexist/trolling reason, but he showed a few comments that were essentially "the trailers have done nothing for me. Think I'll pass on this one."

Which is where I'm at. I know nothing about the character and the trailers haven't gotten me excited to see this one. Has nothing to do with Larson's political opinions. I try to avoid actors/actresses political opinions because generally they don't align with most of mine. But, I'm going to see it in theaters. I won't be in line for opening weekend because I'm just meh about the movie, but I'll definitely see it in theaters.

chiefzilla1501 02-27-2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 14126100)
And there we go with the lie again.

They aren't reviewing a movie: it's a forum to discuss interest in a film. If anything fan chatter and word of mouth HELPS most films. High interest in a film is a good thing.

And good or bad the information a studio gains is very valuable. They get immediate feedback on the marketing of a film. This is important because films often spend nearly as much on the marketing as making the damned film itself. That's all this is a response to at this point because no one has seen the film.

The discussion is based on marketing and trailers and if you do or don't want to watch a film.

But it skews the data when trolls go out of their way to post negative reviews, sometimes under troll accounts, while the average viewer is business as usual. If the goal is for the average viewer to get a temperature on a movie... It's totally useless for the average user if trolls are downvoting stuff for reasons totally outside of the movie.

If I had a suggestion for RT, it would be to change the rating system to instead ask a follow up on why you thumbs up or thumbs downed it then figure out a better way to present the info. I could give a shit about an actors politics whether it's brie larson or Clint Eastwood. I just want to know if a movie is worth seeing.

DaFace 02-27-2019 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 14126114)
I don't pay attention to RT. Never go to the site or use it to decide whether I'm going to see a movie or not, so take this for what it's worth.

I think it was described pretty well in first part of the 2nd video (I think) posted by Rausch. It's not a reaction to a movie that is not released yet, it is a reaction to the marketing that has people saying "Yes, I want to see this" or "No, I don't want to see this" with a comment as to why they do or don't. The first video covers it as well if I'm remembering correctly - the guy basically says that websites & media are confusing the "Want to See" percent with the "Audience Review" which are 2 completely different things - which even RT admits is part of the problem.

I'm sure there are a people that were saying "I don't want to see this" because for some racist/sexist/trolling reason, but he showed a few comments that were essentially "the trailers have done nothing for me. Think I'll pass on this one."

Which is where I'm at. I know nothing about the character and the trailers haven't gotten me excited to see this one. Has nothing to do with Larson's political opinions. I try to avoid actors/actresses political opinions because generally they don't align with most of mine. But, I'm going to see it in theaters. I won't be in line for opening weekend because I'm just meh about the movie, but I'll definitely see it in theaters.

Sure, but it's the equivalent of people posting on ChiefsPlanet to have people help them rig a poll. It's vote brigading and clearly isn't at all representative of the universe of people who may or may not be interested in a film.

In other words, it's useless. So I don't blame them for dumping it.

DaFace 02-27-2019 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501 (Post 14126123)
But it skews the data when trolls go out of their way to post negative reviews, sometimes under troll accounts, while the average viewer is business as usual. If the goal is for the average viewer to get a temperature on a movie... It's totally useless for the average user if trolls are downvoting stuff for reasons totally outside of the movie.

If I had a suggestion for RT, it would be to change the rating system to instead ask a follow up on why you thumbs up or thumbs downed it then figure out a better way to present the info. I could give a shit about an actors politics whether it's brie larson or Clint Eastwood. I just want to know if a movie is worth seeing.

This whole thing just reeks of insecurity. I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but he, Ivanka, Cohen, and his whole crew can show up in Endgame for a cameo to talk about Russia and I'm still going to see it.

I just don't understand how people can live their lives SO PISSED OFF over politics. Just calm the **** down and enjoy an entertaining film.

chiefzilla1501 02-27-2019 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14126133)
Sure, but it's the equivalent of people posting on ChiefsPlanet to have people help them rig a poll. It's vote brigading and clearly isn't at all representative of the universe of people who may or may not be interested in a film.

In other words, it's useless. So I don't blame them for dumping it.

Yup. And if it was a political site, fine. But average users just want a temperature check on the movie and id bet the majority of RT users want politics to stay the hell out of that experience. Granted... I totally get that it works the other way too. We don't need to be lectured about how much we were supposed to love black panther. But just as people want to separate politics from sports, at least for critical movie reviews id want that separation too. I don't think any Clint Eastwood movie provoked even close to this kind of response on RT.

Mr. Plow 02-27-2019 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14126133)
Sure, but it's the equivalent of people posting on ChiefsPlanet to have people help them rig a poll. It's vote brigading and clearly isn't at all representative of the universe of people who may or may not be interested in a film.

In other words, it's useless. So I don't blame them for dumping it.

I get what you're saying. Essentially, you feel that people are going to RT to say they don't want to see it to just tank the score.

I didn't look at the comments on RT other than what was in the video, so I can't really argue the other side of that thought - that people generally have a "meh" attitude about the marketing thus far and legitimately don't want to see it.

BigRichard 02-27-2019 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 14126060)
What in the bloody hell are you guys pissed at RT for? On what planet does it make sense to allow people to submit a reaction to a movie before it's even out? I've thought it was weird they allowed that for years, and this is just the event that made it obvious that it's a problem.

This is a prime example of the problem as some have pointed out. It was fine to have something about who wants to see a movie. It showed who was interested in it. Obviously people are not as interested as they were with the other MCU movies.

You have people in this thread who you know aren't trolls falling in line with what was happening with their "Want to see" numbers but yet you still call it people being trolls. Head meet sand I guess.

It has nothing to do with reviews and it was perfectly fine having it. I don't think you watched either of Rausch's videos or you wouldn't have made this mistake... at least I don't think you would have.

BigRichard 02-27-2019 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501 (Post 14126123)
But it skews the data when trolls go out of their way to post negative reviews, sometimes under troll accounts, while the average viewer is business as usual. If the goal is for the average viewer to get a temperature on a movie... It's totally useless for the average user if trolls are downvoting stuff for reasons totally outside of the movie.

If I had a suggestion for RT, it would be to change the rating system to instead ask a follow up on why you thumbs up or thumbs downed it then figure out a better way to present the info. I could give a shit about an actors politics whether it's brie larson or Clint Eastwood. I just want to know if a movie is worth seeing.

How many times does it need to be said... they aren't reviews for ****s sake.

BigRichard 02-27-2019 09:58 AM

There are two types of people in the world, ones that understand data.

DaFace 02-27-2019 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 14126155)
This is a prime example of the problem as some have pointed out. It was fine to have something about who wants to see a movie. It showed who was interested in it. Obviously people are not as interested as they were with the other MCU movies.

You have people in this thread who you know aren't trolls falling in line with what was happening with their "Want to see" numbers but yet you still call it people being trolls. Head meet sand I guess.

It has nothing to do with reviews and it was perfectly fine having it. I don't think you watched either of Rausch's videos or you wouldn't have made this mistake... at least I don't think you would have.

So to clarify, if I post a poll from the KC Star on ChiefsPlanet, tell people that they should help me rig it, and the KC Star chooses to take it down after noticing that people were being driven there to rig the poll, the KC Star is awful?

chiefzilla1501 02-27-2019 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by BigRichard (Post 14126155)
This is a prime example of the problem as some have pointed out. It was fine to have something about who wants to see a movie. It showed who was interested in it. Obviously people are not as interested as they were with the other MCU movies.

You have people in this thread who you know aren't trolls falling in line with what was happening with their "Want to see" numbers but yet you still call it people being trolls. Head meet sand I guess.

It has nothing to do with reviews and it was perfectly fine having it. I don't think you watched either of Rausch's videos or you wouldn't have made this mistake... at least I don't think you would have.

In plenty of cases I'm sure these are fake or mult accounts. Or people who know nothing about the movie but were told to click on a link and go be outraged... That's basically trolling to me. It's a disservice to those who legitimately want an opinion. To me it's like Amazon... Do you want a good product to get a 2 star rating because one person had a bad experience, so he set up mult accounts and then set up a troll campaign where he blasted a link to hundreds of followers who voted on a product they never bought? That isn't due process. That's a rigged result. And it does a disservice to a person who genuinely wants to know bullshit aside whether to care about the movie or not. It doesn't matter if it's a rating or a temperature check, it's not at all what the site is intended to do.

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