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Brock 06-29-2001 01:30 AM


Originally posted by Cannibal
[BShe wants to hum on Gannon's sack, swallow his goo, lick his sphincter, and eat the dook out of his poop chute. [/B]
Holy $hit!

Maybe Gruden and Gannon might like a little Chinese fingercuffs action!

Bob Dole 06-29-2001 01:33 AM


Disclaimer: This site is not authorized or approved by Rich Gannon, the Oakland Raiders, or the National Football League.
Are we too assume, then, that it <b>is</b> authorized and approved by the Kansas City Chiefs?

DaWolf 06-29-2001 01:40 AM

The greatest coaching call of that game was sticking Eric Warfield on Tim Brown and blitzing James Hasty on that critical 3rd down. That is the difference between having a Dumther coaching staff and a non Dumther coaching staff. And the fact that Schottenheimer was not fired after that game is disgusting...

Rick Stephens 06-29-2001 02:26 AM

Oh yes, the website of Douchie herself. Where are the pictures of Tony Saragusa putting that hit on that weak wristed sucker anyway. What a disrespect to Derrick Thomas.

That broad needs a room down in Osawatamie.:D

Abba-Dabba 06-29-2001 04:54 AM

She calls herself a Chiefs fan and a Raider fan? This is what kind of Chief fan she is. Go ahead check out the link.

Abba-Dabba 06-29-2001 04:56 AM

She calls herself a Chiefs fan and a Raider fan? This is what kind of Chief fan she is. Go ahead check out the link.

ExtremeChief 06-29-2001 05:42 AM


Guess someone could make an anti-Denise page...

What an unbelievable load of, you can't be a Chiefs and Raiders fan, she's a Raiders fan.

here's to Sopycho!!

Abba-Dabba 06-29-2001 06:12 AM

Just to let everyone know I found that link on her takes about 10 or so pages into it to find it.

Mark M 06-29-2001 06:32 AM

Hello boys and girls. Good morning!

The word for today is "stalker." Can you say "stalker" boys and girls? Very good.

"Stalker" means some crazy, delusional dipshit has an unhealthy fascination with another person. If the person is famous, it can cause them to do things like dedicate entire webpages to people they barely know because they need to feel special in some way.

Stalkers are usually very, very, very lonely people.

~~Wonders if Richie should get a bodyguard.

htismaqe 06-29-2001 08:01 AM


You found a link to THAT on Denise's page? I once thought she was just deranged, but if she's linking to Satanistic 666 material like that, she's definitely to be considered the ENEMY...

seclark 06-29-2001 08:22 AM

that's the word. i dont give a rats a$$ about her politics, religion, or looks are.
she gets her jollies out of the raiders beating our chiefs. so she's not a chiefs fan. she's no better than packwad.

KCTitus 06-29-2001 08:29 AM

Parker, yes, you can find it under her 'favorite' links. This was my first ever visit to this site and I, too, almost yakked.

Her notation under the link to the 'anti' chiefs page is that it's not for the 'sense of humor' challenged.

That's one thing I allways found interesting was that she had a sense of humor about things that insulted many people but certain things she held 'dear' to her, she had no sense of humor about. Examples would include: mexican immigration, non-pc jokes and the like and of course, Rich Gannon.

It's one in a LONG list of double standards. Sometimes I wonder how she's able to walk without getting tripped up with her mind so jumbled with conflict.

alanm 06-29-2001 08:57 AM

They also passed on Kris Brown formerly at Nebraska and working for the Steelers now. And I STILL think he's a better kicker than Gramatica. :D Denise is harmless though I can't understand her having two favorite teams especially in the same division much less the same conference. I am suprised that she hasn't replied to this topic. I know she reads the Planet but she has amazed me by being stubborn and refusing to be baited here.

morphius 06-29-2001 09:08 AM

alanm - It is just safer that she doesn't, it would probably get pretty ugly. There are lots of people with a long memory here, and they sure would rub her face in it if she did try to post here.

Titus - LOL! But I have to say that the most bizaare thing is how those things all make complete sense in her mind, even though she can't display to anyone why these thoughts should make sense.

alanm 06-29-2001 09:23 AM

Morph, You think she's logging on under an assumed name? Nah... I'd recognize her style anywhere. She'd give herself away in a heartbeat. :p

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