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keg in kc 07-14-2011 11:41 AM

I've enjoyed each episode a little bit more. It's still a bit too CBS-style sentimental/jingoist for my taste, but I'm keeping it on my DVR. It's not like there's a ton of post-apocalypic shows on the air these days, not to mention aliens, so it's kind of filling a void.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2011 07:16 PM

It is the Jar-Jar Binks of TV sci-fi.

notorious 07-14-2011 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCarlSatan (Post 7749080)
It is the Jar-Jar Binks of TV sci-fi.

I have not felt the need to take a 12 gauge to my TV while watching FS.....yet.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2011 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 7749211)
I have not felt the need to take a 12 gauge to my TV while watching FS.....yet.

Clone Wars animated is better than that shit.

keg in kc 07-14-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCarlSatan (Post 7749404)
Clone Wars animated is better than that shit.

I'm guessing you didn't see the last season of Clone Wars.

(it was like epically bad, and I love that show)

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7749444)
I'm guessing you didn't see the last season of Clone Wars.

(it was like epically bad, and I love that show)

Mmm...I liked the visions of the future-thing, then having them wiped, then having some Tarkin in the mix.

keg in kc 07-14-2011 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCarlSatan (Post 7749464)
Mmm...I liked the visions of the future-thing, then having them wiped, then having some Tarkin in the mix.

I don't think I've seen anything worse than the "Balance of the Force" 3-parter, including the prequel films. It was baaaaad.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2011 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7749488)
I don't think I've seen anything worse than the "Balance of the Force" 3-parter, including the prequel films. It was baaaaad.

Well, alrighty then.

keg in kc 07-14-2011 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCarlSatan (Post 7749491)
Well, alrighty then.

You're a bigger fan of polarized cartoony force-wielding shape-changers than I am?

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7749509)
You're a bigger fan of polarized cartoony force-wielding shape-changers than I am?

I give SW a lot of leeway because it's SW. It's kind of it's own thing. Falling Skies just seems like another lame-assed show( sci-fi or no )from that network.

keg in kc 07-14-2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCarlSatan (Post 7749517)
I give SW a lot of leeway because it's SW. It's kind of it's own thing.

I don't, for exactly the same reason....

Falling Skies just seems like another lame-assed show( sci-fi or no )from that network.
I don't actually watch anything else on the network, with the exception of Franklin and Bash, which is sort of goofy but fun. I would say Falling Skies is okay for what it is. And I gotta give them some credit just for having the balls to put it on the air in the first place. I probably said it already, but it's not like we're awash in post-apocalyptic sci-fi right now, with or without aliens. It's not Battlestar Galactica, by any stretch, and I don't think it's as good as the early press word was, but it's not bad, either.

As far as comparing it to Jar-Jar, there's nothing even remotely Jar-Jar on the show. It's a family show, sure, but there's none of that Lucas being desperate for kids feel like the Ewoks or the Special Edition BS or (I think the worst) all the bullshit groundhogs in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. They do go overboard with the touchy-feely family moments but there's no forced kid garbage. Thankfully.

Sweet Daddy Hate 07-14-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7749528)
I don't, for exactly the same reason....I don't actually watch anything else on the network, with the exception of Franklin and Bash, which is sort of goofy but fun. I would say Falling Skies is okay for what it is. And I gotta give them some credit just for having the balls to put it on the air in the first place. I probably said it already, but it's not like we're awash in post-apocalyptic sci-fi right now, with or without aliens. It's not Battlestar Galactica, by any stretch, and I don't think it's as good as the early press word was, but it's not bad, either.

As far as comparing it to Jar-Jar, there's nothing even remotely Jar-Jar on the show. It's a family show, sure, but there's none of that Lucas being desperate for kids feel like the Ewoks or the Special Edition BS or (I think the worst) all the bullshit groundhogs in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. They do go overboard with the touchy-feely family moments but there's no forced kid garbage. Thankfully.

I don't see much depth of character or even an interest-keeping pace in the way the show "flows".

keg in kc 07-14-2011 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by DarthCarlSatan (Post 7749541)
I don't see much depth of character or even an interest-keeping pace in the way the show "flows".

It's a shell-shocked group of people in the rubble of the world, I'm not sure how much more depth there's going to be than that. As far as pace goes, I agree with you, but it's gotten gradually better with each episode. The pilot was difficult to get through, at least for me. The fourth episode was easier.

Watching it so far kind of felt like it was a mini-series idea that they stretched out to 10 weeks. I'm not sure where they're going now that they have Ben back.

ShowtimeSBMVP 07-31-2011 08:53 PM

Tonight is real good so far.

notorious 07-31-2011 09:15 PM

It's getting good.

Took long enough, though.

Jawshco 08-01-2011 12:59 PM

Agreed, I think we just saw the first good episode of the season (apart from the decent pilot episode) and for once I'm interested in this show that my wife loves (probably only because of Noah Wiley). They should have revealed this twist earlier though. Had my wife not made me watch it, I would have tuned out after a couple of episodes. Now I'm actually wanting to see the finale.

morphius 08-01-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7793022)
Agreed, I think we just saw the first good episode of the season (apart from the decent pilot episode) and for once I'm interested in this show that my wife loves (probably only because of Noah Wiley). They should have revealed this twist earlier though. Had my wife not made me watch it, I would have tuned out after a couple of episodes. Now I'm actually wanting to see the finale.

They foreshadowed it pretty early in the series when asking why the mech's only walked on two legs.

ShowtimeSBMVP 08-07-2011 03:26 PM

Last show for the season tonight 2 hours long.

notorious 08-07-2011 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Incarcerated O's fan (Post 7807596)
Last show for the season tonight 2 hours long.

I will be watching.

It looks to be pretty good.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 03:49 PM

I forgot to voice my agreement with everybody about last week's. I liked the introduction of the new alien, although I'm not sure how I feel about the idea that the skitters are transformed kids. Hopefully that's a red-herring - maybe the kids are being turned into something else, and the skitters are an alien race that was collared. Either way, that was a good episode. It helped make the behavior of the captain guy finally make sense (character development = good), introduced what may be the real enemy, and set up what I'm hoping is a great 2 hours tonight. It feels for maybe the first time like the show is leading somewhere, instead of sort of meandering.

On the flip side, I'm somewhat saddened that this, White Collar and, to a lesser degree, Covert Affairs are all ending this week.

notorious 08-07-2011 04:18 PM

Well, I can't be too upset by the slow development of FS. V unzipped it's fly waaaaay too soon, and it paid the price. Maybe Falling Skies will feed us just enough until they decide to overwhelm.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 04:26 PM

Slow development doesn't bother me. No development, however...

notorious 08-07-2011 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7807703)
Slow development doesn't bother me. No development, however...

I came very close to giving up.

I just wish the show had a greater sense of urgency. Mid-level characters getting killed, desperation, chaos, etc.

I am pretty sure that the humans have killed more humans then the skidders have.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 04:38 PM

I almost gave up with the pilot. But it seemed like each episode was progressively a little better. I agree on the urgency point, although I don't think that plays with the kind of saccharine sentimentality they seem to want to throw in sometimes, the kind of stuff I've associated with CBS earlier in the thread - the "Jericho" moments, I think of them - like the dinner scene at the end of an episode a few weeks back.

It just doesn't strike me as the kind of show that's ever really going to have that kind of....gravity. Which is okay. Not everything has to be dark.

Although maybe they'll surprise me tonight with some kind of BSG-style twist/cliffhanger.

I do like that I'm not sure what's going to happen, and that I have a feeling the attack on the....whatever that structure is might not go well.

notorious 08-07-2011 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7807733)

I do like that I'm not sure what's going to happen, and that I have a feeling the attack on the....whatever that structure is might not go well.

I agree. I think that the aliens are going to bring a lot more fight if there is a next season. In the previews the harnessed girlfriend stated that they didn't expect resistance.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 04:43 PM

Oh, and I think the creepy uncollared kid is going to either screw them bigtime tonight, or be used against the aliens.

Speaking of him, I guess his dad dying was one of the rare moments of cost so far, although honestly I keep expecting him to pop out of the woods alive and okay.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 7807737)
I agree. I think that the aliens are going to bring a lot more fight if there is a next season.

There is a next season, it was renewed a while back.

milkman 08-07-2011 04:45 PM

My hats off to you guys that stuck with it (I think), but I gave up after the second show.

It was just..........bad.

notorious 08-07-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 7807744)
My hats off to you guys that stuck with it (I think), but I gave up after the second show.

It was just..........bad.

I don't blame you. It had some SciFi Channel shitty movie type moments.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 7807744)
My hats off to you guys that stuck with it (I think), but I gave up after the second show.

It was just..........bad.

Yeah, it took it about 6 weeks to really get decent, in my humble opinion. Once they recovered Noah Wyle's kid Ben, and started along another storyline, it picked up a lot. They've introduced some interesting ideas and conflicts toward the end of the season. I did not like the show very much early on, but I'm glad now that I stuck with it.

kcxiv 08-07-2011 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7807746)
Yeah, it took it about 6 weeks to really get decent, in my humble opinion. Once they recovered Noah Wyle's kid Ben, and started along another storyline, it picked up a lot. They've introduced some interesting ideas and conflicts toward the end of the season. I did not like the show very much early on, but I'm glad now that I stuck with it.

Its also getting massive rating still. So its going to be around. Last episode was good shit.

ShowtimeSBMVP 08-07-2011 09:00 PM

Wow what a way to end the season.

keg in kc 08-07-2011 10:13 PM

You know, that was a cool idea in theory, but in practice that was about the limp-dickest cliffhanger ever. Anti-climax.

notorious 08-07-2011 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7808242)
You know, that was a cool idea in theory, but in practice that was about the limp-dickest cliffhanger ever. Anti-climax.


By far the best episode, though.

Kraus 08-08-2011 12:54 AM

That was lame. I'm still waiting for something to happen. Summer 2012 before a new season comes out, really?

blaise 08-08-2011 09:59 AM

It's gotten better, I guess. I can't stop watching it for some reason.
It's ok, but there's always things that just make me go, "Come on." Like when they're evacuating the school and they're just sort of walking out- not really hurrying, just sort of meandering out. Why wouldn't their gear be ready all the time? Wouldn't you think they'd be ready to flee at a moment's notice?
And when Noah Wyle is driving the car up to the spaceship he has his headlights on. Would you do that? Wouldn't you put the headlights out of you're driving around at night in enemy territory? I know it's nitpicking but I can't help it.

notorious 08-08-2011 10:00 AM

Let me guess, the alien ship that landed in front of them at the end is part of an underground "Alien Resistance".

Bowser 08-08-2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 7808751)
Let me guess, the alien ship that landed in front of them at the end is part of an underground "Alien Resistance".

No, Chewie is going to pop th ehatch and howl, just in time to help a wounded Leia.

Hahahaha, nah, I'm ****ing with ya. They're all going to die.

notorious 08-08-2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 7808993)
. They're all going to die.

That's what I call a ****ing show!

Episode 2.1

Alien ship enters orbit, drops planet-destroying bomb, flys away.

Series Over.

keg in kc 08-08-2011 03:45 PM

We came here to destroy you, take your children and collect scrap metal. After nuking your cities all over the world, crushing your "resistance" at all turns, including stopping your latest "offensive" cold, but today you turned 6 mechs back with an antique radio and blew up one aircraft, so we'd like to invite you aboard one of our craft to discuss it?

Yeah. I'm kind of an easy sell with science fiction, but you need to at least try to suspend my disbelief.

milkman 08-08-2011 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by blaise (Post 7808748)
It's gotten better, I guess. I can't stop watching it for some reason.
It's ok, but there's always things that just make me go, "Come on." Like when they're evacuating the school and they're just sort of walking out- not really hurrying, just sort of meandering out. Why wouldn't their gear be ready all the time? Wouldn't you think they'd be ready to flee at a moment's notice?
And when Noah Wyle is driving the car up to the spaceship he has his headlights on. Would you do that? Wouldn't you put the headlights out of you're driving around at night in enemy territory? I know it's nitpicking but I can't help it.

I watched it, and just culdn't get past the fact that the aliens apparently didn't know where they were all this time until Ricky(?) told them.

I mean, come on, these have got to be the most incompetent dumbass aliens ever.

Let's hide in plain sight.
They'll never find us!

Fansy the Famous Bard 08-19-2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by milkman (Post 7810389)
I watched it, and just culdn't get past the fact that the aliens apparently didn't know where they were all this time until Ricky(?) told them.

I mean, come on, these have got to be the most incompetent dumbass aliens ever.

Let's hide in plain sight.
They'll never find us!

The show started off pretty good, but by the end of the season it had become entirely too predictable and lame.

Fansy the Famous Bard 08-19-2011 07:23 AM

Oh and if you DVR it and watch it with fast forwarding through the commercials, you can watch an episode in 20 minutes. The commercials are THAT bad.

blaise 08-19-2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Zeke (Post 7835225)
Oh and if you DVR it and watch it with fast forwarding through the commercials, you can watch an episode in 20 minutes. The commercials are THAT bad.

I fast forward through the scenes with the youngest son, too. It's just him pouting, or they use him to say some "little kid wisdom" that the grownups say, "Hey, you know, that's a good idea!" to.

Jawshco 08-19-2011 04:34 PM

I actually thought the first episodes were all boring, but it actually got interesting starting with the episode before the finale. Still... I'm not sure if I'll watch next season- cliffhanger or no. But then again there hasn't been much else to watch lately.

keg in kc 08-19-2011 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7836747)
I actually thought the first episodes were all boring, but it actually got interesting starting with the episode before the finale. Still... I'm not sure if I'll watch next season- cliffhanger or no. But then again there hasn't been much else to watch lately.

That's basically how it was for me. The season started really poorly and got better towards the end. I'll probably watch, but there've been a bunch of shows this summer I've enjoyed. Eureka/Warehouse 13/Alphas Monday, White Collar/Covert Affairs Tuesday, Franklin & Bash Wednesday, Burn Notice/Suits and Louie/Wilfred Thursday, Haven Friday and Falling Skies, Boardwalk Empire (never watched season 1) and Breaking Bad on Sundays.

Wayyyyyy too much TV.

blaise 08-19-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jawshco (Post 7836747)
I actually thought the first episodes were all boring, but it actually got interesting starting with the episode before the finale. Still... I'm not sure if I'll watch next season- cliffhanger or no. But then again there hasn't been much else to watch lately.

I know. I complain about the show, but I watch it, and now that it's done for the season I find myself thinking, "I wish there were more." I'm conflicted.

morphius 08-19-2011 04:53 PM

This show is one of those I find myself watching because it is scifi. Generally in most series I watch there is someone you can connect with, this completely lacks that. Any number of them could die and it wouldn't effect how I feel about the show. The whole just getting on the ship thing felt a bit like the end of Lost, sort of an, "Why did I bother?", moment.

keg in kc 08-19-2011 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by morphius (Post 7836818)
This show is one of those I find myself watching because it is scifi.

Yeah. There's so little science fiction on television these days. And there's nothing really future oriented (this wasn't either...). I think I'd watch just about anything right now if it was set in space. The Real Housewives of Betelgeuse? Sure.

ShowtimeSBMVP 02-04-2012 02:18 PM

Terry O'Quinn is finally getting off the island.

The Lost alum, who currently recurs on CBS' Hawaii Five-0, will join the cast of Falling Skies for a two-episode arc in Season 2, Entertainment Weekly reports.

TNT renews Falling Skies for second season

O'Quinn will portray a former history professor who mentored Tom (Noah Wyle), the professor-turned-resistance fighter who was last seen boarding an alien ship in hopes of saving his son.

Falling Skies, which averaged 6.9 million viewers on TNT in its first season, will return this summer.

notorious 02-05-2012 10:36 AM

I wish this show would grow some ****ing balls. It is watchable, but has so much more potential.

htismaqe 02-06-2012 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by keg in kc (Post 7836832)
Yeah. There's so little science fiction on television these days. And there's nothing really future oriented (this wasn't either...). I think I'd watch just about anything right now if it was set in space. The Real Housewives of Betelgeuse? Sure.

No kidding. The science fiction genre is so dead, the dedicated channel changed its name to SyFy.

notorious 02-06-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 8353038)
No kidding. The science fiction genre is so dead, the dedicated channel changed its name to SyFy.

SyFy is 90% garbage movies. They cancelled Farscape so that they could make more piles of shit.

At least they did good on BSG.

keg in kc 02-06-2012 01:38 PM

Unfortunately, science fiction is still niche. At least fantasy seems to be finally getting some play, so we're not completely drowning in medical shows, law shows, sitcoms and police procedurals.

Anyway, the problem with the future-based genre entertainment will continue to be the expense, and the apparent inability to get enough of an audience to offset the cost of sets and CGI. Although I would contend that audiences come from marketing more than anything. One of the beautiful things about science fiction (and fantasy) is that they can be anything you want them to be, meaning they should be able to draw any kind of audience they want. But people who don't know better (and this includes bean counters) only think of it in terms of space ships, explosions and aliens, and don't realize that science fiction can be anything from drama to mystery to horror to romance and any of a million other things. But no. They won't even try to get scifi on the air. We get Smash, instead.

Another, ancillary problem is that so much of science fiction is poorly written and poorly executed. Like syfy original movies. So people think of b-movies when they think science fiction, instead of stuff like Alien or 2001. Hopefully Promethius will hit big this summer and maybe spark some renewed interest in well-done science fiction with big ideas and epic scale.

htismaqe 02-06-2012 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8353492)
SyFy is 90% garbage movies. They cancelled Farscape so that they could make more piles of shit.

At least they did good on BSG.

For a while, they were doing alot of fantasy stuff, which I enjoy as much as I do science fiction (if not more).

However, it seems they have grown too fond of movies which feature washed up 80's singers and giant reptiles or fish.

blaise 02-06-2012 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by htismaqe (Post 8353862)
For a while, they were doing alot of fantasy stuff, which I enjoy as much as I do science fiction (if not more).

However, it seems they have grown too fond of movies which feature washed up 80's singers and giant reptiles or fish.

Some of the special effects are so bad that I can't tolerate them.

Pasta Little Brioni 02-06-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8353492)
SyFy is 90% garbage movies. They cancelled Farscape so that they could make more piles of shit.

At least they did good on BSG.

SyFy movie development team:

"How about an evil, flying giant turd that eats people?"
"That's ridiculous!!"
"OK, how about a fire breathing giant turd?"

Yeah, those movies are pure shit ROFL

keg in kc 04-03-2012 04:41 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

arrowheadnation 04-04-2012 10:53 PM

I don't care if some of the effects are crap....I'd have to say I'm hooked on this show.

kcxiv 04-05-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by arrowheadnation (Post 8519085)
I don't care if some of the effects are crap....I'd have to say I'm hooked on this show.

Same here, one of the, hell the only show my old man will watch with me. lol He's like when does that alien show come on again? haha

I enjoy it, im not that type of person that has to have everything all realistic and nitpick everything. I just turn off the brain and watch.

Jerm 04-06-2012 04:11 AM

Loved the first season...can't wait for season 2.

Yeah parts of it were cliched and predictable but I also thought some of the ideas they presented were interesting and cool.

ShowtimeSBMVP 07-09-2012 01:08 PM

It just keeps getting better.

kcxiv 07-09-2012 02:39 PM

Yeah I'm digging the storyline. Plus Sarah Carter is hot as ****. Lol

sd4chiefs 07-09-2012 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by ChiefsandO'sfan (Post 8727561)
It just keeps getting better.

I only had to FF threw a few minutes of bla bla bla stuff last night.

blaise 07-09-2012 05:27 PM

The last two episodes have been better, but I stll FF at least 20 minutes. The whole storyline with the older son and the girl talking - I fast forwarded that whole thing. The best character is Ben. His story is by far the best.

notorious 07-09-2012 05:50 PM

First 20 minutes were good, then it turned into a shitfest.

blaise 07-09-2012 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 8728101)
First 20 minutes were good, then it turned into a shitfest.

They love them some hospital bed scenes.

kcxiv 07-09-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by blaise (Post 8728066)
The last two episodes have been better, but I stll FF at least 20 minutes. The whole storyline with the older son and the girl talking - I fast forwarded that whole thing. The best character is Ben. His story is by far the best.

**** that that's the part I like. Love Sarah Carter since I seen her on Entourage lol

notorious 07-09-2012 09:50 PM

Do they ever make a wrong decision?

I want to see ****-ups, and I want to see the price they pay for it.

kcxiv 07-09-2012 10:01 PM

They are a pretty small group as it is if they make a **** up it pretty much ends the show lol but Ge's people have died.

sd4chiefs 07-10-2012 08:36 PM

Why is it that the aliens have such a hard time tracking the Humans? Can't they see thier camp at night when it's all lit up? When they ran away and hid in the abandoned hospital the first thing they did was start the backup generator and turned all the lights on. WTF.

notorious 07-10-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by sd4chiefs (Post 8731590)
Why is it that the aliens have such a hard time tracking the Humans? Can't they see thier camp at night when it's all lit up? When they ran away and hid in the abandoned hospital the first thing they did was start the backup generator and turned all the lights on. WTF.

The aliens are reeruned.

blaise 07-10-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by sd4chiefs (Post 8731590)
Why is it that the aliens have such a hard time tracking the Humans? Can't they see thier camp at night when it's all lit up? When they ran away and hid in the abandoned hospital the first thing they did was start the backup generator and turned all the lights on. WTF.

Yeah, I just had to block that out. Nothing lit in the entire countryside but their little base.

kcxiv 07-10-2012 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by sd4chiefs (Post 8731590)
Why is it that the aliens have such a hard time tracking the Humans? Can't they see thier camp at night when it's all lit up? When they ran away and hid in the abandoned hospital the first thing they did was start the backup generator and turned all the lights on. WTF.

Maybe the world is kinda big, and there is usually fires all over the place it seems. They cant see everything all the time, which is why im guessing they move from camp to camp all the time.

notorious 07-22-2012 10:25 PM

This was the best episode of the series by miles.

ShowtimeSBMVP 08-12-2012 11:23 PM

Was a great one tonight, Cant wait to see how they end season 2 next week.

cookster50 08-15-2012 07:34 PM

I agree, season 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> season 1.

notorious 08-17-2012 04:52 PM

This show is definately worth watching now.

They finally managed to create a little conflict.

ShowtimeSBMVP 08-20-2012 03:45 PM

What a great ending last night.

Jerm 08-20-2012 10:01 PM

Great season finale to cap off a really good season 2...can't wait to see what season 3 has in store.

Two great cliffhangers to end it.....

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