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kcxiv 06-19-2013 06:03 PM

alot of us will get both systems. i will, but as of right now, its PS4 first.

Ill wait til MS drops the price some. Im like Guru now days. I just wait a bit then get the game when it drops to 20-30 bucks. lol Unless its a sports game

Quesadilla Joe 06-19-2013 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 9763316)
Uh they have TitanFall which looks absolutely incredible

It looks like Call of Duty with mechs. I wouldn't say it looks incredible, but it does look like it will be a fun MP game. It will come to the PS4 eventually.

DanBecky 06-19-2013 08:05 PM

That's bc Robert Bowling was involved, and he was pretty much the man behind MW3.

Quesadilla Joe 06-19-2013 08:09 PM


Xbox One DRM Reversal Cuts Features, Requires One-Time Connection

You win some, you lose some. In changing its drastic Xbox One DRM policies today, Microsoft will actually be cutting some of the cooler features announced from the console. Everything's got a price, folks.

"There’s a few things we won’t be able to deliver as a result of this change," Marc Whitten, v.p. of Xbox Live told Kotaku, "One of the things we were very exicted about was 'wherever we go my games are always with me.' Now, of course, your physical games won’t show up that way. The content you bought digitally will. But you’ll have to bring your discs with you to have your games with you. Similarly, the sharing library [is something] we won’t be able to deliver at launch."

That means that two features are being cut, at least for now, from Microsoft's Xbox One plans. Microsoft's concept of having your full game library travel with you is gone.

Microsoft's offer to let you share Xbox One games with up to nine other "family" members is gone, too.

The play-your-games-from-anywhere feature had been tied to the idea that all Xbox One games must be installed to the system's 500GB harddrive in order to run. In theory, if you had registered the game online—a requirement that's also been dropped for disc games for the Xbox One—you'd then be able to play those games from any other console you were logged into. Now, with disc games not needing to be registered, you'd have to bring the disc with you to prove you had the rights to play the game on it.

Those sacrifices are the cost of the new DRM policy that, Whitten says, will give people an Xbox One experience with disc-based games that matches what they had on the Xbox 360. Games won't have to be registered online, and players won't have to connect to the Internet in a 24-hour period to play offline disc-based games. "The way to think about it is that it works the way it does with the Xbox 360," Whitten said. "You can give them, loan them, trade them, play them. They will work exactly as they do today."

It's clear that Microsoft was not planning to make these changes. Even though it's June and the console doesn't launch until November, Whitten said that Xbox One consumers will have to download a day-one patch to enable the Xbox One's offline mode. Presumably, without it, the console will still think it's living in the Xbox One era of E3 2013.

UPDATE: Microsoft clarifies that the planned day-one Xbox One update, which Whitten told me, will "complete some of the software that won’t be there," is actually not a result of today's DRM policy change. Rather, it was always planned and will simply be required for playing off-line, among other things. Not a patch, they say. But, yes, your new Xbox console would have to connect online once in order to do the things Microsoft described today. And then you can keep it offline and play games without re-connecting to the Internet forever.

Microsoft also announced today a loosening of the Xbox One's regional restrictions. "You could buy a console in any country and use it any country," Whitten said. "You can use any disc in that console."

How did Microsoft get their initial plans for the Xbox One so wrong? "We believe a lot in this digital future," Whitten said. "We believe it builds an amazing experience—the ability to have a broader sharing platform and my content coming with me, [but] what we heard is people still wanted more choice… they wanted the familiarity of the physical disc."

Microsoft is obviously doing a big flip-flop here, but is putting a proud face on it. And a grateful one. "The last thing I would say is, 'Thank you for the feedback.'" He wasn't addressing me. He was addressing you. Your voices really were heard.

NOTE: The original headline for this story "Surprise Xbox One DRM Reversal Requires Day One Patch, Cuts Features" was changed to clarify that the console's day-one update was not a result of today's DRM policy change.

Pants 06-19-2013 09:01 PM

Why are you bolding the obvious shit? The whole point of the DRM 24 hour check-in was to authenticate games. Did you think M$ was doing it for shits and giggles? No 24 hour check-in means you have to use the actual discs to authenticate the games just like you do now.

Demonpenz 06-19-2013 09:25 PM

I am a bit surprised. I thought they were going to force this shit and then drop a game that everyone has to have on us. Guess they didn't have that up their sleeve.

Gravedigger 06-19-2013 11:47 PM

One of the funniest videos is at E3 when they announce the price and there is a long hesitation before anyone starts clapping and Phil Spencer is just smiling like a jackass on stage waiting for it.

007 06-20-2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 9764075)
One of the funniest videos is at E3 when they announce the price and there is a long hesitation before anyone starts clapping and Phil Spencer is just smiling like a jackass on stage waiting for it.

Yep. That was funny as hell.

SnakeXJones 06-20-2013 12:26 AM

This system still offers me nothing and those shitty exclusive games are just shit Halo, GOW other then Titanfall nothing looks that great maybe Ryse but the timed button looks rather annoying like a rhythm game. I Admit I will buy this down the road but MS just keeps ****ing up with mistakes just like them choosing Dual-Layer over the ****ing blu-ray last time

AussieChiefsFan 06-20-2013 12:53 AM

They finally realized how much of a colossal failure of a console release it would have been.LMAO

New World Order 06-20-2013 01:38 AM

Still sticking with the ps4, they have the first party exclusives for every genre. I am not convinced Microsoft will keep putting out games, seems like they will revert to the old recipe which is throwing cash at third party developers, GOW and Halo.

007 06-20-2013 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 9764137)
Still sticking with the ps4, they have the first party exclusives for every genre. I am not convinced Microsoft will keep putting out games, seems like they will revert to the old recipe which is throwing cash at third party developers, GOW and Halo.

yep, Sony blows the walls off when it comes to exclusives. MS can't touch them.

silver5liter 06-20-2013 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 9764141)
yep, Sony blows the walls off when it comes to exclusives. MS can't touch them.

Meh, name some. I really don't see the major exclusives. they didn't show hardly any at e3

007 06-20-2013 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by silver5liter (Post 9764148)
Meh, name some. I really don't see the major exclusives. they didn't show hardly any at e3

Uncharted series
Last of Us
Heavy Rain
God of War

Their track record with exclusives is enough to keep me around. I have no doubt their exclusives with the new gen will again be better than anything MS has.

silver5liter 06-20-2013 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 9764149)
Uncharted series
Last of Us
Heavy Rain
God of War

Their track record with exclusives is enough to keep me around. I have no doubt their exclusives with the new gen will again be better than anything MS has.

Depends I guess. Im liking
Sunset overdrive
State of decay

there's good exclusives on both. hard to say one beats the other

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