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Halfcan 02-13-2021 05:55 PM

Dealing with frozen pipes today. Every store in town is sold out of space heaters. Found some at Menards then went back today and they were gone.

cripple creek 02-13-2021 05:58 PM

currently at 6... was -2 8a.m.ish

LiveSteam 02-13-2021 06:02 PM

*5 here. My husky loves it. Been outside all day
Gets down to ten below he'll only stay out 20 minutes or so. Amazes me how this breed of dog is so impervious to bone shattering cold..

scho63 02-13-2021 06:03 PM

Sat in my sleeping shorts and sweater this morning on the porch having my coffee and cigars. High 50s low 60s.
Not too bad.....

displacedinMN 02-13-2021 06:04 PM

they flew kites on a lake today. In the town where some jack off shot up a clinic.

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LiveSteam 02-13-2021 06:05 PM

Im ready for some 50 to 60* weather. About 10 months worth.

Dunit35 02-13-2021 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15549373)
*5 here. My husky loves it. Been outside all day
Gets down to ten below he'll only stay out 20 minutes or so. Amazes me how this breed of dog is so impervious to bone shattering cold..

My 13 year old Husky is all about being outside in this.

Always makes me laugh when people say “if you’re cold they’re cold”. No lady, my husky isn’t cold or he’d come inside. I have to force him inside.

Bwana 02-13-2021 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by LiveSteam (Post 15549373)
*5 here. My husky loves it. Been outside all day
Gets down to ten below he'll only stay out 20 minutes or so. Amazes me how this breed of dog is so impervious to bone shattering cold..

My German Shepard is the same way, she loves cold, but she has a coat like an arctic fox. My Doberman on the other hand, isn't as impressed with the current weather pattern.

Bearcat 02-13-2021 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 15549287)
Should I not tell you I wore shorts to the park this morning?

It was a little chilly in Phoenix earlier, in the low 60s when the sun was behind the clouds... close to 70 now though, even though seeing the locals in sweatshirts is always amusing.

LiveSteam 02-13-2021 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dunit35 (Post 15549380)
My 13 year old Husky is all about being outside in this.

Always makes me laugh when people say “if you’re cold they’re cold”. No lady, my husky isn’t cold or he’d come inside. I have to force him inside.

Ya. Its just the opposite with them.
Summer. Mine stays inside 80% of the time.

BigRedChief 02-13-2021 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15549385)
It was a little chilly in Phoenix earlier, in the low 60s when the sun was behind the clouds... close to 70 now though, even though seeing the locals in sweatshirts is always amusing.

I've seen people in down parkas with it being 60 down here.

displacedinMN 02-13-2021 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 15549390)
I've seen people in down parkas with it being 60 down here.


Chief Pagan 02-13-2021 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by MIAdragon (Post 15549244)
Was 86 here today.

86 plus humidity? Yuck.

High of 66 here which I really like. Don't care for the central valley summers much any more but my area does get a delta breeze in the evenings.

Why Not? 02-13-2021 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by lewdog (Post 15549349)
I'll casually forget to post in here when it's 115 degrees.

Why Not? 02-13-2021 06:36 PM

For a high of 10, today was not as bad as it seemed. When the sun was out, it was okay. Plan on staying in most of tomorrow and Monday. By next weekend, it's back to the high 40's and nice, which is heavenly, to me.

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