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Mosbonian 09-27-2000 04:57 PM

Cannibal: obviously you still have not read my post.

We led the league in rushing offensive scoring in 1995 yet we threw the ball. Who's fault is that? My guess would be the head coach for the dumbass game plan.

Also, our defense did not shut down Indy. Harbaugh went up and down the field. Who's fault was that? My guess would be the head coach for the dumbass game plan.

What this has to do with the price of tea in China, I will never know.

Just a sidenote: so you dont 'insinuate', 'infer' or otherwise read into this post, this post in no way is stating that Bono is a SB QB in any way shape or form.

(sad when I have to be this blunt, but now I understand why newspapers are written at a 4th grade level--maybe it should be lower)

mikey23545 09-27-2000 06:37 PM

Yeah, I understand why they’re written at a 4th grade level as well. Because people like you don't seem to be able to read and comprehend too well. Otherwise you might be able to read the questions I've asked you.

We'll try again:

If Marty's "head had not been in the sand", how far in your opinion would Bono have taken us?<BR>

ck_IN 09-27-2000 08:41 PM

If Bono is tangible....It only shows the lack of capable QB's out there.

revolver808 09-27-2000 08:45 PM

Come on Rat.....sign Stevie boy!

tomahawkchop 09-27-2000 09:15 PM

What has Steve Bono been doing since getting waived?

I have to give major props to his agent for "rat"tling Shanny's cage that he is still alive.

Does this mean he is blaming Ferrotte for the loss. It must be nice to be a wide receiver (Smith), a DB (Crockett gave up those 3rd down completions and was right beside Alexander on that last catch), or the OL (allowed the Chiefs defender to smack Ferrotte's arm) in Denver.

Shanny sure does panic quickly about his QB situations doesn't he?

Mosbonian 09-28-2000 06:23 AM

Cannibal: I refer you to #60. Read it again, and again, and it might just, maybe, possibly sink in. If not, try pressing your head up against your monitor and it might sink in through osmosis.

If you read it, you will find my answer.

mikey23545 09-28-2000 07:24 AM

No you still didn't answer the question.

You remind me of Clinton, only it's obvious that you're not nearly that intelligent.

Mosbonian 09-28-2000 07:35 AM

LOL...this is fun. You still want to play?

Ok, you can retract your accusations and then I will dignify your question with an answer. Until then, you can continue to try to insult my intelligence, but it is you that are looking the fool.

Try to have a nice day.

mikey23545 09-28-2000 07:48 AM

I'm not "retracting" anything.

If you don't want to answer the question then don't answer it. I already know the answer anyway I just wanted to see you type it in a reply.

Mosbonian 09-28-2000 08:01 AM

You know the answer? Hmm interesting. Since I have never yet once even mentioned Bono and you've got some hard on about the guy, I have no idea what you know.

Maybe you want to have steamy sex with the man.

You've more than proved to me that you're not a man enough to admit your mistakes. I was willing, had you found a quote from me about Bono, to admit I was wrong that's why I went looking for the quote. I found it and posted it and noted that it said nothing about Bono, but here you hard on and all stroking about Bono.

Maybe you could prove you are a man and stop this nonsense and admit your mistake.

mikey23545 09-28-2000 08:19 AM

"Hot Steamy Sex"?

You truly are a sick individual and have taken yourself to a new low. I thought you were above that. I know I've gotten under your skin, but don't you think you're overreacting a bit?

I made no mistake.

You said it was the coaches fault that we lost in the playoffs in 95, rather than not having enough skill position players. That is why I asked you if the coach had "coached a better game" how far would Bono have taken us. Because obviously you think we would have won the first game with him if not for Marty.

How far would the great Bono have taken us?

I don't see what's so hard to understand about this.

[This message has been edited by Cannibal (edited 09-28-2000).]

Mosbonian 09-28-2000 08:26 AM

geez...I guess it's true. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.

In an effort to spare all of the other patrons from this any further...I will spell out my post as pasted from a couple of weeks back.

I blame Marty for the loss because he did go with the passing game rather than our running game. It was a mistake because of who our QB was. --do you understand now?

Our running game led the league in scoring and our Defense was tops that year as well. Neither of these two phases of the game were used to their potential. So, yes, it was Marty's fault for relying on Bono.

Now, please tell me the point of this? Please tell me where I stated that Bono was a SB QB? You can retract your BS anytime.

mikey23545 09-28-2000 08:28 AM

How far would Bono have taken us?

Mosbonian 09-28-2000 08:29 AM

He took us nowhere. I think I've been more than fair, here, Cannibal. If you wish to continue to be a punk about it, you can email me at

Im through with this thread.

mikey23545 09-28-2000 08:35 AM

I agree he took us nowhere and wouldn't have taken us anywhere with any coach. Which is what I was getting at the entire time.

I'm through with this thread as well.

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