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Anyong Bluth 04-17-2016 09:55 PM

Don't know if this is the spot to put it, but oh well.

So, we know Snoke saw the rise and fall of the Empire, but is never seen in the original trilogy. . .

He's also been severely injured at some point.

Could it be that he's in a Bacta tank healing from what would otherwise be fatal wounds?

Anyong Bluth 04-17-2016 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12167771)
Forest Whitaker, on the other hand, looks like a madman. Armored and weary, he staggers through this tunnel (sewer?) like a street rat who has some pieces missing after many years of hard-won survival. We don't know his name, don't know his role in the story, but he has some Yoda-esque wisdom for Jyn: Whatever it is you fight to save, inevitably you lose something, too.

Am I the only one who see his armor - especially by his neck and thinks it looks a lot like Vader's when the helmet is removed?

Anyong Bluth 04-17-2016 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 12168081)
Really hope they don't kill off Mendelsohn in this.

He looks dope- especially wading through the water approaching the battle field.

Anyong Bluth 04-17-2016 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12168125)
I've seen him in several movies over the years and he's always fantastic. I'll have to check out Bloodline at some point (along with about a dozen other series out there that I've yet to see!).

Agreed. He could be part of the Obi Wan trilogy, Boba Fett and maybe even the Han Solo stand alone.

The thing that I got from this trailer is that not only does the film look to be awesome, there's so much to explore thematically that doesn't involve Luke or Han or Leia, although Vader and The Emperor should definitely have a presence.

Bloodline is fantastic, and the 2nd season drops in about a month.

DaneMcCloud 04-17-2016 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 12183541)
Am I the only one who see his armor - especially by his neck and thinks it looks a lot like Vader's when the helmet is removed?

There have been rumors that he's a Clone Wars veteran with a prosthetic leg so your observation may be on the money

DaneMcCloud 04-17-2016 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 12183534)
Don't know if this is the spot to put it, but oh well.

So, we know Snoke saw the rise and fall of the Empire.

That would be cool, for sure

Buehler445 04-17-2016 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 12183545)
Bloodline is fantastic, and the 2nd season drops in about a month.

Ok so what's bloodline about?

I seemed to be confusing it with the Clooney movie so I've paid it no mind.

Anyong Bluth 04-18-2016 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 12183606)
Ok so what's bloodline about?

I seemed to be confusing it with the Clooney movie so I've paid it no mind.

Netflix original series.

Ben is the oldest son and black sheep and returns to home...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyong Bluth 04-18-2016 07:23 AM

Oh and I'd strongly recommend you don't watch the trailer for Season 2 if you haven't seen Season 1.

Buehler445 04-18-2016 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 12183734)
Netflix original series.

Ben is the oldest son and black sheep and returns to home...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Oh, I'm definitely checking this shit out. This looks really good.


DaneMcCloud 04-18-2016 10:55 PM

DaneMcCloud 04-27-2016 03:05 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">@SWHolo_Net</a> <a href="">@TAnders843</a> Snoke is not in Rogue One. Like, in any way, shape or form. This is a standalone movie.</p>&mdash; Pablo Hidalgo (@pablohidalgo) <a href="">April 22, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

DaneMcCloud 04-28-2016 11:01 AM

Mads Mikkelson confirmed to Sky News UK that he's playing Jyn Erso's father, Galen. The video has since been deleted.

Speaking to Sky News Rogue One: A Star Wars Story actor Mads Mikkelsen said very little about his role in the film, but did tease that he is indeed playing Jyn Erso’s father as Jason reported earlier. Here is our earlier spoiler report on Mikkelsen’s role in the film with more detail. Check out the video to hear that he has to say about Rogue One as well as Doctor Strange and his recent award win.

Also, Galen Erso helped the Empire with Death Star design problems.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: A Father, a Daughter, and the Destroyer of Worlds!

There’s a really interesting rumor that is unverified but we’ve heard it multiple times, so it feels like now is the time to report it as it could be good info on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If this pans out, it would be considered spoilers. I do believe this information to be accurate. You can consider this your spoiler warning in case that’s not clear.

Mads Mikkelsen (Galen appears to be his name in the film) is kind of the key to the film in a way. He is a scientist that took over the Geonosian Death Star project. He solved several of the flaws the Empire could not and is sort of a revered person in the Empire for his contributions. However, Mikkelsen’s character is a Robert Oppenheimer-type character. Oppenheimer helped design the atomic bomb only to say, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” The guilt “Galen” feels for his contributions to the Empire become too much and he defects, attempting to make things right. In order to do this, he enlists the help of his only daughter….

Felicity Jones’ character has to undo the devastation her family has unleashed onto the galaxy. Early versions of this character had her as a bounty hunter type of mercenary. But with the familial connections it appears as if this idea might not interface with the final stuff for the character so I’m hesitant to say she’s a bounty hunter/mercenary type in the final iterations of the film. I believe she is probably a scientist-type herself in character of the mission to get the plans, aided by bounty hunters, in this final iteration.

DaneMcCloud 04-29-2016 01:02 PM

Serious Spoiler Info
Yesterday Mads Mikkelsen spilled the beans on who he’s playing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and today, speaking to UK magazine Standard Online, Mikkelsen has given even more details about not only his role in the film, but some iconic characters that we might see.

When asked if Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) or members of the original trilogy had joined the cast on set, he told Standard Online: “Some of them – but I would reveal too much. There are iconic characters in our film and also characters you have never heard of. It’s a mix.”

We’ve already filled you in on rumors that Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin might appear in the film, but who knows which characters Mikkelsen is referring to. Further in the interview with Standard, Mikkelsen admits that he hadn’t seen Star Wars before filming Rogue One, but if I had to bet on which iconic character he could recognize on set anyway, well I’d put money on Darth Vader.

Mikkelsen goes on to give some details about his role and Jyn’s past:

The Hannibal actor – who recently revealed he is playing the father of Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) – said the Gareth Edwards directed film will also feature flash backs to Jyn’s childhood. “I spend a lot of time with [Jones] and she’s a wonderful actress. I play her dad at the time of Felicity and I play her dad when she’s younger, so we jump back and forth in time.”

I’m pleased to hear we’ll possibly get a little insight in to Jyn and Mikkelsen’s character’s relationship. It sounds like his part is mostly with her and I look forward to learning what put Jyn on her own at age 15. I have a feeling this will explain an older story about Mikkelsen walking in something akin to a field:

Mikkelsen wears earth tones in terms of his costume. There’s a shot of him in an impressive golden colored field.

We originally heard that Mikkelsen was playing Jyn’s father and he was a key designer in the Death Star project. In the trailer we learned conclusively that Jyn has been alone and on her own since she was fifteen.

DaneMcCloud 05-05-2016 01:05 PM

This is definitely a huge spoiler and way cool
This week, after meeting with sources we have been able to verify that the Darth Vader we saw from the photoshoot is from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. I wanted to make sure this wasn’t Darth Vader for a television ad or some kind of promotion. We have been covering rumors of Darth Vader in this film for some time, but I try not to jump too far into things until I see proof, which we now have. We first heard Brian Muir (original Darth Vader costumer sculptor) was working on Rogue One back in November. Just after Christmas we heard a “dream team” had been assembled for Darth Vader in Rogue One with James Earl Jones being a lock for the voice. It was all sounding very possible but without seeing him and being able to verify that other people have seen these photos working on things associated with Star Wars, it was still open to other possibilities. We had it confirmed via three sources the we did see the Darth Vader from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

The costume is the A New Hope costume down to the fine details. The upper armor has the tunic going over the top of the shoulders, just as it did in Episode IV. The belt buckle is the same. The inside of the cape is that shiny type of material. The gloves are identical and not like the ones in the following films. The lights on the belt are the same. The chest piece’s lights match perfectly. The mask is not like the symmetrical Revenge of the Sith mask, it appears to look just like the original did. The neck of the mask and the widow’s peak are all there. The lenses have that amber look to them.

The actor in the suit is a slam dunk too. The rumor is that it is Spencer Wilding in the suit. Whoever is in the suit, they found the right person. If it weren’t for the materials I saw looking so new, I would have believed it was a photo from A New Hope. I find it to be virtually indistinguishable from the original. They nailed it. In the photos you cannot tell the difference between this guy and the Bob Anderson/David Prowse Darth Vader from the Original Trilogy.

One source is certain that the blue tank we see in the teaser has Darth Vader inside it. This person has a lot of material associated with the production. They believe a sequence was filmed in which Darth Vader get his limbs interchanged and repaired in the movie. If accurate, it would explain some in-universe discrepancies around Darth Vader’s abilities in the 1977 film compared to the rest of the stories we’ve seen from Vader’s appearances in Star Wars Rebels to the work Bob Anderson did to make Vader a swordsmen. Originally David Prowse who played Vader in the 1977 film lied about being able to sword fight, leaving George Lucas with a Darth Vader that couldn’t really do much with a lightsaber. So the new limbs and limb loss he supposedly suffers in Rogue One makes me ponder if that’s why Darth Vader is so tight when fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi a short time later. Was he not used to the new limbs? Does he lose them because of Jyn and her band of rebels or is that the reason Jyn and her rebels are able to succeed?

The rumor is that the Rogue One production also recreated Darth Vader’s meditation chamber from The Empire Strikes Back. The question is do we see the face of Anakin Skywalker in the regenerative tank glimpsed in the teaser or in the mediation chamber? There were rumors that Hayden Christensen was training with Star Wars people but we were never able to place him at the location.

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