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Clint in Wichita 06-28-2001 04:49 PM

Damn This Angers Me!!
It shouldn't, and I shouldn't even post this, but I took a glance at it and almost vomited.

The Bad Guy 06-28-2001 04:57 PM

I don't know what angers me more, the stupid site made by a supposid Chiefs fan, or Grbac laughing walking off the field with Gannon after we were outsted from making the playoffs.

It's one thing to be a really big fan of someone, it's another thing to be obsessed. I think Denise crossed that obsession line long long ago.

morphius 06-28-2001 05:04 PM

Clint - Tends to be more annoying then our lack of hot cheerleaders.

tommykat 06-28-2001 05:08 PM

This was done by a Chiefs fan??? Makes one wonder with the Grubash smile if it wasn't a fixed game??? :mad:

BIG_DADDY 06-28-2001 05:22 PM

Denise the weasle is not a a Chiefs fan in my book. Guhrbacs smile makes me want to kick him in his box.

KS Smitty 06-28-2001 05:27 PM

What a disgusting webpage. I liked Gannon as a Chief but he's like the others...when he left I lost interest. I guess my "problem" is that I'm a CHIEFS fan not a football fan. That's what I love about this BB it informs me of the new players that I could have cared less about before they became a Chief.

Out of the closet:D

Zebedee DuBois 06-28-2001 05:29 PM

...sorry 'bout yer shoes.

DaWolf 06-28-2001 05:36 PM

I also was wondering why he was laughing there. I figured they were friends and I think one of them had a baby recently so they were discussing that or something, but I would have personally saved that stuff for later and been pissed there. But to each his own.

The sad part about that game was that if Pressure Pete just makes that simple field goal, all the myths about Gannon being a winner (he would have regressed the Raiders to 7-9) and Grbac being a loser (he would have won the division and hosted a playoff game) and Grbac not being able to deliver in an important game would have evaporated. And a Raider loss may have cost Gruden his job, depending on how Alice Davis felt after the game.

Damn kickers. They have screwed with the fate of this franchise so much...

the head 06-28-2001 05:54 PM

Can some one say cyber stalking denise took tha page a little far for a chiefs fan .She is a chiefs fan? Gannon & Grbackup no longer wear red&gold so oh well.:confused:

Cannibal 06-28-2001 06:53 PM

"but I took a glance at it and almost vomited"

I laughed my *** off at that comment.

She wants to hum on Gannon's sack, swallow his goo, lick his sphincter, and eat the dook out of his poop chute.

That stinkin "who er" is the most obsessed broad I've ever seen. What a dunce! I'd be ashamed of myself if I was so obsessed with a "celebrity".

Cannibal 06-28-2001 07:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I thought this dimwit was "just a Gannon and Chiefs fan", not a fan of the Raiders...

Skip Towne 06-28-2001 07:05 PM

Da Wolf - You are so right about kickers screwing with our R&G. In fairness,we have had our share of great kickers in Stenerud, Lowery, and to a lesser extent, Stoyo. In these days of parity, three points looks mighty big sometimes. I need to get Proctor to check the last few years to see where three points would have turned games & even seasons. I don't have stats for that. But I do know the Chiefs passed a potentially great kicker in this past draft, the little brother of Martin Gramatica.I have heard that he is even better than Martin to which I can only say "WHEW"!!!!! I believe he was still available in the third round & maybe even later. Parity has made NFL games even closer than they were in the past. Great kickers last a long time & are very hard to find. The faders seem to recognize this as they took one with a 1st rounder.

Cannibal 06-28-2001 07:10 PM

They also passed on Martin Grammatica himself.

Guess who they got instead?

Mike Cloud who should've been cut last year, and Gary Stills of NFL Europe fame.

Cannibal 06-28-2001 07:16 PM

Bill Grammatica is overrated IMO.

He's getting over because he's Martin's brother.

His field goal percentage was very average last year.

aturnis 06-29-2001 01:22 AM

Found at the bottom of the page.....

"The Raiders have nominated the 1/2/00 game one of their 'Raiders Greatest Moments.' "

The Raiders beating the Chiefs is such a rarity that they add their wins over us into the greatest moments archives EVERY time, they are pathetic!!!

Brock 06-29-2001 01:30 AM


Originally posted by Cannibal
[BShe wants to hum on Gannon's sack, swallow his goo, lick his sphincter, and eat the dook out of his poop chute. [/B]
Holy $hit!

Maybe Gruden and Gannon might like a little Chinese fingercuffs action!

Bob Dole 06-29-2001 01:33 AM


Disclaimer: This site is not authorized or approved by Rich Gannon, the Oakland Raiders, or the National Football League.
Are we too assume, then, that it <b>is</b> authorized and approved by the Kansas City Chiefs?

DaWolf 06-29-2001 01:40 AM

The greatest coaching call of that game was sticking Eric Warfield on Tim Brown and blitzing James Hasty on that critical 3rd down. That is the difference between having a Dumther coaching staff and a non Dumther coaching staff. And the fact that Schottenheimer was not fired after that game is disgusting...

Rick Stephens 06-29-2001 02:26 AM

Oh yes, the website of Douchie herself. Where are the pictures of Tony Saragusa putting that hit on that weak wristed sucker anyway. What a disrespect to Derrick Thomas.

That broad needs a room down in Osawatamie.:D

Abba-Dabba 06-29-2001 04:54 AM

She calls herself a Chiefs fan and a Raider fan? This is what kind of Chief fan she is. Go ahead check out the link.

Abba-Dabba 06-29-2001 04:56 AM

She calls herself a Chiefs fan and a Raider fan? This is what kind of Chief fan she is. Go ahead check out the link.

ExtremeChief 06-29-2001 05:42 AM


Guess someone could make an anti-Denise page...

What an unbelievable load of, you can't be a Chiefs and Raiders fan, she's a Raiders fan.

here's to Sopycho!!

Abba-Dabba 06-29-2001 06:12 AM

Just to let everyone know I found that link on her takes about 10 or so pages into it to find it.

Mark M 06-29-2001 06:32 AM

Hello boys and girls. Good morning!

The word for today is "stalker." Can you say "stalker" boys and girls? Very good.

"Stalker" means some crazy, delusional dipshit has an unhealthy fascination with another person. If the person is famous, it can cause them to do things like dedicate entire webpages to people they barely know because they need to feel special in some way.

Stalkers are usually very, very, very lonely people.

~~Wonders if Richie should get a bodyguard.

htismaqe 06-29-2001 08:01 AM


You found a link to THAT on Denise's page? I once thought she was just deranged, but if she's linking to Satanistic 666 material like that, she's definitely to be considered the ENEMY...

seclark 06-29-2001 08:22 AM

that's the word. i dont give a rats a$$ about her politics, religion, or looks are.
she gets her jollies out of the raiders beating our chiefs. so she's not a chiefs fan. she's no better than packwad.

KCTitus 06-29-2001 08:29 AM

Parker, yes, you can find it under her 'favorite' links. This was my first ever visit to this site and I, too, almost yakked.

Her notation under the link to the 'anti' chiefs page is that it's not for the 'sense of humor' challenged.

That's one thing I allways found interesting was that she had a sense of humor about things that insulted many people but certain things she held 'dear' to her, she had no sense of humor about. Examples would include: mexican immigration, non-pc jokes and the like and of course, Rich Gannon.

It's one in a LONG list of double standards. Sometimes I wonder how she's able to walk without getting tripped up with her mind so jumbled with conflict.

alanm 06-29-2001 08:57 AM

They also passed on Kris Brown formerly at Nebraska and working for the Steelers now. And I STILL think he's a better kicker than Gramatica. :D Denise is harmless though I can't understand her having two favorite teams especially in the same division much less the same conference. I am suprised that she hasn't replied to this topic. I know she reads the Planet but she has amazed me by being stubborn and refusing to be baited here.

morphius 06-29-2001 09:08 AM

alanm - It is just safer that she doesn't, it would probably get pretty ugly. There are lots of people with a long memory here, and they sure would rub her face in it if she did try to post here.

Titus - LOL! But I have to say that the most bizaare thing is how those things all make complete sense in her mind, even though she can't display to anyone why these thoughts should make sense.

alanm 06-29-2001 09:23 AM

Morph, You think she's logging on under an assumed name? Nah... I'd recognize her style anywhere. She'd give herself away in a heartbeat. :p

morphius 06-29-2001 09:39 AM

Alan - If we had any trolls here I would say maybe, but since we don't...

Iowanian 06-29-2001 09:46 AM

Anyone with an "antichiefs" link to a stalkersite can in no way claim to be a Chiefs fan...

~thinkn' I might be in the mood to pick a fight a pigskin with that link.

ExtremeChief 06-29-2001 03:41 PM

here ya go

couldn't help myself :D :D

KCGannonStalker 06-29-2001 04:20 PM

You all need to grow up and accept diversity.

KS Smitty 06-29-2001 04:25 PM

Gannon Stalker:
This is a Chiefs BB. There is no room for that kind of diversity:mad:

KCGannonStalker 06-29-2001 04:29 PM

Football is only a game and you would all be better served to realize that. Human beings are what is most important.

You all just seem bitter and unable to see the big picture. I try to set aside my differences and make the world a better place utilizing other people's money. You should join the effort and do likewise.

KS Smitty 06-29-2001 04:40 PM

I guess that's where we differ. While I wish no ill on ANY human being of any race creed color religion sexual orientation or whatever, I'm NOT a football fan, I'm a Chiefs fan that's why I post on CHIEFS Planet not some other BB (are there any others). Always have been always will be. If the Chiefs franchise were no longer in existence then I would not watch any professional football. I could care less about Gag on or Squirrelback now that they are no longer Chiefs. Call me closed minded I don't mind.

KCGannonStalker 06-29-2001 04:53 PM

Closed Minded.

There, I said it.

Now that I've said it, I feel I should offer an apology and an explanation. You see, part of me feels bad for saying it, but I think I have a right to say it because I'm who I am and I'm proud of what I'm thinking and saying most of the time and should be excused when I say something hurtful. Anyone who knows me knows that I never intentionally hurt anyone, so that makes it okay. Really. If this explanation isn't good enough, I'm sorry for that too.

You really must admit that I'm superior, though. Just like Rich Gannon was superior to Elvis and proved it the past 2 seasons, I will prove in many ways that I am superior because I want what is good for everyone as long as it coincides with what I want for everyone. (Because if what they want doesn't coincide with what I want for them, then it's not good for them.)

Don't you see?

KS Smitty 06-29-2001 04:55 PM


Goodness that certainly explained it.:confused:

Otter 06-29-2001 05:24 PM

Look what you did Clint!!!

She's here!!

~feels violated

alanm 06-29-2001 05:40 PM

I see a certain illlogic in the logic. Could it really be... Naw.. But then again? We all love you Denise :)

Yosef_Malkovitch 06-29-2001 06:17 PM

Actually I don't know if this is really her, or just an impersonator. Whatever else you may say about her, she's never been one to hide behind a different alias. Would she really use "KCGannonstalker"? I'm not sure.

It could just be a different troll (BroncoFan maybe? Ken?) with a hankering to play with some people's heads...

And that second paragraph of her last reply just doesn't look right.... Denise, I don't think, ever TRIES to bait people. She just does it naturally through her hypocrisy and screwed up logic.

Yosef_Malkovitch 06-29-2001 06:22 PM


TEX 06-29-2001 06:29 PM

It really doesn't piss me off that much. What does is that Carl kept Grreerun over Rich. I saw this one coming the second that happened. I also can't stand the way Grbac was smiling after that game. Really, the only thing that pisses me off about the site is that it brings back old wounds...the Chiefs should have KEPT Rich but they didn't and now we have paid the price. Still, I hope KC CRUSHES Rich this year. He's a Raida now... so I HATE HIM!;)

KCGannonStalker 06-29-2001 07:12 PM

If you'd look at my <a href=""> web site</a>, things would become much clearer.


Bwana 06-29-2001 07:34 PM

Imposter all the way, but back to the subject.......

One word.......obsession

Otter 06-29-2001 07:47 PM

I agree, imposter

KCGannonStalker 06-29-2001 07:52 PM

I agree. Imposter.


Skip Towne 06-29-2001 07:54 PM

Of course it is Denise. Has anybody noticed you never see sofiesty & gannonstalker on the BB at the same time?HaHaHa!!

Rick Stephens 06-29-2001 08:16 PM

Look's like it could be douchie to me:D

Yosef_Malkovitch 06-29-2001 08:37 PM

This is not her. Think about it. Have you ever seen Denise stoop to things like #47? Just playing the old 3rd-grade game of "I'll repeat whatever you say until you get mad"?

She is annoying, yes. Hypocritical and enigmatic, absolutely. BUT, I have never seen her openly TRY to annoy someone. These posts just don't look like her.

Of course, this could be solved easily enough. Just go over to the Park and ask her. But I haven't the strength...

Otter 06-29-2001 08:44 PM

Take a look at the profile as well.


Off with yer head!!!

Rick Stephens 06-29-2001 08:46 PM

She would never own up to posting on this board even if she were asked. She always claims to be above posting here. She has always said she would never stoop so low as to come here.:)

milkman 06-29-2001 08:47 PM

You knew who this site is dedicated to, and by whom. Why did you even bother to go there?

KS Smitty 06-29-2001 09:32 PM

Hell we got 3 pages and 53 errr excuse me 54 posts outta the deal!

Logical 06-29-2001 10:38 PM

Absolutely no chance that is the Squiggler. Maybe an admirer but a weak a$$ imitation to be sure.

KCGannonStalker 06-29-2001 11:15 PM


I've had one day to work on this, for Krissake. Gimme a friggin break.

If you all were not so intolerant, you'd simply accept me for who I am and go on with your life (knowing full well that Carl Peterson made a major mistake in releasing Rich Gannon.)


ExtremeChief 06-30-2001 06:19 AM

I have to give you props, did go to some trouble to create that site. I think I have an inkling as to who you are, but I'd rather let you unmask yourself.

Come on....tell us!!!


kcred 06-30-2001 09:17 AM

Denise has had that site up and running for over a year now, periodically adding to it. She openly advertise it on the Star BB, and though I looked at it, I never delved to deep into it. She is a Raider fan, regardless of her proclamations, but more importantly she is an anti-Chief fan. In the Yahoo contest last year she picked against the Chiefs weekly, turned out prophetic, because she actually won, her response to why, " I always pick in favor of the Chiefs on another poll". If GannonStalker is indeed her, it is an apt name, but I don't believe it is.

Bob Dole 06-30-2001 09:25 AM

Geez oh Pete, Tweeter...

How anyone can publish the stuff published on that site and <b>still</b> claim to be a Kansas City fan, is beyond Bob Dole's comprehension. The site is a part of the Oakland Raider Web Ring, for cryin' out loud.

Bob Dole can understand (somewhat) having a favorite player and following them to another team. Bob Dole would probably follow Kimble's performance if he signed somewhere because the guy was a class act and wasn't treated well toward the end. But good googly moogly, the look-and-feel of the site <b>screams</b> Raider fan--not Gannon fan. (Bob Dole supposes, though, that the author's favorite colors have always been silver and black. Yeah...that's the ticket...)

The Rich Gannon Shrine is pretty funny, though Bob Dole wonders how long Homestead will let it live when the owner of the original Rich Gannon Site complains... (Bob Dole loves the "alt" text attached to the Richie photo.)

Yosef_Malkovitch 06-30-2001 11:27 PM

OK, I just went to the site. Oh my god that's funny! I gotta give it to you stalker, you hit the nail on the head!! I wonder if anyone has told Denise about that? lol I'd love to hear her response. I think I'll wander over to the Park and see. If I don't see anything about it, I think I'll let her know.

Nice profile, too. *snicker*

keg in kc 06-30-2001 11:32 PM

The (original, authentic) site is silver and black.

It has 15 links listed under "Oakland" and 6 listed under "Kansas City".

It's a part of the Oakland Raiders webring.

There's little question where the loyalty lies...

tommykat 06-30-2001 11:52 PM


Who the heck is this person???????:confused: Do we have another person playing around? :p

tommykat 07-01-2001 12:05 AM

Denise...........LOL............I should have known it was you.....Yes the Chiefs mad a bad choice in letting Gannon go, all of would probably agree.....BUT he is gone and has done well where he went.



Time to get over Gannon and root for the CHIEFS!!!!!!

KCGannonStalker 07-01-2001 07:07 AM

I knew Rich and I were popular with Kansas City Chief fans, but the response here has been overwhelming. I knew all you Grbackers would come around to my way of thinking and long for the days of Rich!

Just so you know, I've spent most of my morning ignoring the children's pleas for gruel and have added even more exciting Rich Gannon news to the site. Stop by and check it out!


<a href="">The Rich Gannon Shrine</a>

Bwana 05-20-2003 04:24 PM

To The Top! ROFL

Rausch 05-20-2003 04:29 PM


Originally posted by ENDelt260
Oh yes, back when people actually put effort into good Memyselfislamicfundamentalist bashing....

Ah....the golden age of Denise smack....:huh:

Yosef_Malkovitch 05-20-2003 04:35 PM

That was before we were reduced to whimpering husks crouching in the corner hoping she'll just go away...

LVNHACK 05-20-2003 04:39 PM

According to what I read.........You were lucky then, she hadn't appeared here.......

Yosef_Malkovitch 05-20-2003 04:42 PM

No, but she was already well known for her antics on the Star bb and at the Park.

Rausch 05-20-2003 04:43 PM


Originally posted by Yosef_Malkovitch
That was before we were reduced to whimpering husks crouching in the corner hoping she'll just go away...

I don't hear her now........:)

stevieray 05-20-2003 04:46 PM


Originally posted by LVNHACK
According to what I read.........You were lucky then, she hadn't appeared here.......

At the time, she was on the campaign trail to nominate pigskinpark as the "new" board.....after a few months of badmouthing Chiefsplanet and its members, her and Thomas's incessant whining about Bush's election and her lovefest with Gannon.....pigskin park died, and she now posts where she said she never would.

alanm 05-20-2003 04:48 PM

What was the reason for this Golden Oldie being brought back up?

Bwana 05-20-2003 04:50 PM


Originally posted by alanm
What was the reason for this Golden Oldie being brought back up?
Delt was asking about KCGS.

Raiderhater 05-20-2003 04:51 PM


Originally posted by alanm
What was the reason for this Golden Oldie being brought back up?

For the newer posters.

Rausch 05-20-2003 04:53 PM


Originally posted by stevieray

At the time, she was on the campaign trail to nominate pigskinpark as the "new" board.....after a few months of badmouthing Chiefsplanet and its members, her and Thomas's incessant whining about Bush's election and her lovefest with Gannon.....pigskin park died, and she now posts where she said she never would.

In the back of a VW?

LVNHACK 05-20-2003 04:57 PM


Originally posted by stevieray

At the time, she was on the campaign trail to nominate pigskinpark as the "new" board.....after a few months of badmouthing Chiefsplanet and its members, her and Thomas's incessant whining about Bush's election and her lovefest with Gannon.....pigskin park died, and she now posts where she said she never would.

When I first started here I park was still open, It didn't die all that long ago..........

Bwana 05-20-2003 04:59 PM


Originally posted by BRAD_CAUDLE

In the back of a VW?

Yes, down by the river.

LVNHACK 05-20-2003 05:00 PM


Originally posted by Bwana

Yes, down by the river.

Naked.......Hairy bush and flies............;)

Raiderhater 05-20-2003 05:05 PM


Originally posted by LVNHACK

Naked.......Hairy bush and flies............;)

- shudder -

didn't need that image 4321

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