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rico 10-18-2018 08:04 AM

A Funny Thread About Chiefsplanet on Forum
So the Pats fans from the forum have a somewhat lengthy thread about their observations of Chiefsplanet and it is funny as hell reading how they perceive CP. It is a thread titled, "Some Light ChiefsPlanet Reading for this Fine Monday Morning" and it consists 8 pages of them generally discuss how mortified they are by us inbred Midwesterners.

I've probably spent 10X as much time reading forums of other teams this year, for a lot of what I have come across has actually been funny/entertaining for me to read compared to previous years. I don't know if it's the Mahomes excitement or what, but other forums have been more pleasant for me to read than usual. Stuff like reading the Bears forum melting down when Mahomes burst on the scene and Trubisky was struggling because they were upset that they selected Trubisky instead of Mahomes in the 2017 draft. Seeing the same Alexsexuals that infested our board, infesting the Extreme Skins Redskins forum and thinking to myself, "holy shit...this is for real. There literally is a cult following for Alex Smith who follow him from team to team and obsess over and make Alexcuses for him on forums of whatever team he currently plays for. I still can't believe these people exist." I mean, part of me during the entire Alex era thought those Alexsexuals were all trolls who were simply just trolling us the entire they couldn't possibly be for real. Holy shit they are real...they are very, very real... and it's funny watching another fanbase get stuck with them and be forced to interact with them. Reading the exchanges between our very own Sandy Vagina (as Sandy Monk) on Extreme Skins going on his strange Alex-obsessive rants and proceed to talk to these guys on that forum about how his posting (and survival) on CP during the Alex era basically made him the equivalent of a Holocaust survivor due to all of the extreme abuse he endured here...that was inadvertent comedy gold. I've visited the Mange a few times to see if they have finally started giving us some ****ing respect or if they are at least, shook up about what appears to be a promising long term future for the Chiefs...most of them are still the same old hatin' Donk fans, in denial.

And now this... a discussion about our very own planet...ChiefsPlanet being discussed and observed by a bunch of smug and prissy Bostonians as if we are some sort of display at a zoo. Some pretty funny stuff.

A couple observations:

- To start, Billay has become a running joke there and it is funny as hell to me. Some of them are genuinely creeped out by him. They know him as his current username, "Titty Meat" and it is hilarious to them that there is a Chiefs fan who they assume is an inbred Midwesterner that goes by the self-applied name of "Titty Meat" and acts like, well Billay...a poster that I personally think is funny as hell and don't think CP would quite be the place it is without him. Also, wasn't "Titty Meat" a name that a mod gave him and/or changed his name to as a joke? It's funny that when they read his posts, they probably imagine some fat hill-rod with a mullet and a jackolantern mouth sporting a cutoff shirt and a dirty hat, with a big dip oozing out of his mouth with his butt crack bursting out for the entire world to see... and he is screaming, "**** you piece of shit trash ass mother ****er I hope you get blown up at the next Boston Marathon. **** Boston **** The Patriots and **** New England fans!" ROFL That's our Billay!!! He is a hot topic there!!! :D

- They don't find some of the humor/inside jokes here to be funny and basically think we are a group of crazy, roadkill eating, armadillo ****ers. ROFL It's like a culture shock for them to read the musings of what they consider to be the smelly armpit of the country. Comments like:

"What is hot molten lava cum?!?!?"

"Fans like that -- no matter whom they root for -- creep me the hell out."

"Pretty sure that guy is inbred."

"A thread started by 'Titty Meat.' Chiefs Planet appears to be comprised of 14 year old kids."

"I've noticed that ChiefsPlanet posters are much more unhinged compared to the average NFL fanbase, and also more openly bigoted. The Philly forum is up there as well."

"That Chiefs forum reeks of backed up trailer park septic tanks and meth."

"On the whole, I've found kc fans to be a chill down to earth bunch irl." (HE SEEMS NICE).

"I thought this idiot was a 15 y/o pimple face punk but look at his stats. Member since 2002 and closing in on 200,000 posts. Must be lonely out there in the midwest!" (2 pages in and they are already hatin' on Clay! ROFL)

"Chiefs fans deserve no success. Their fanbase is one of the most vile groups I've ever seen right up there with the Iggles, Jest, and Donkeys." (Well, at least they acknowledge that Donk fans are generally vile, but it sucks to be lumped together with them).

"The whole western side of Missouri is inbred. I was at that 2014 massacre at arrowhead, those fans are absolute scum." (I was at that game as well with hometeam and mac459...we encountered a few Pats fans there and were mutually respectful to each other. Everyone we were around seemed to be the same way. I didn't witness one instance of Chiefs fans being dicks to any of them. Shenanigans must have been taking place wherever we weren't at. Either that, or this priss couldn't take the noise!)

"Other than a funny picture thread their #1 off-topic discussion is 9/11 conspiracy theories. If you want to dig around an online armpit that's a hell of every unfair stereotypes about white people made 100% true and given dial-up internet, then ChiefsPlanet is your buffet."

"It really is impressive how many light years beyond the other NFL boards this one is."

(Regarding the last two quotes...first one is 100% untrue. CP has plenty of interesting topics consisting of posts written by some of the most intelligent and witty posters I've ever encountered on any forum. After reading some of their threads the past few days, they all seem to have this "understanding" amongst each other that they are the "smartest" and "most superior" fanbase...and I don't understand how they have come to that conclusion. They aren't a dumb bunch by any means and it is interesting to read the opinions/takes of the Pats by these guys who don't have their hater-glasses on since every other fan of every other team in the NFL hates them...I mean, these guys know their Pats stuff...beyond Brady, Bellichik and Gronk and it's weird to read actual Patriots discussion that includes every one of their players and aren't littered with the stereotypical "**** Brady/**** Bellichik/etc." stuff that you read everywhere else...they know their team, for sure, but from what I've read, these fans don't stick out as being smarter or intellectually superior to any other team's forum that I've come across, especially CP. Ok, so they don't casually state that they want someone to die in an AIDS fire or drink antifreeze...however, none of their takes are by any means groundbreaking. Just an average, very ordinary, kind of arrogant, somewhat prissy group of fans of a winning team who have decent takes on topics, but nothing to write home about. They seem to have an inabiity to grasp humor that is rooted in any sort of intentional absurdity...the intentional absurdity that is a driving force here. They aren't as bad as those Redskins fans on Extreme Skins, though... holy shit, those guys are ban-happy to any user that makes an attempt at not be a boring robot. Most of the Alexsexuals are already banned from that forum! ROFL)

Anyways, I'll post a few more of my favorite quotes from that thread. It's funny to read other forums discuss CP... CP is a pretty unhinged group. :D

Why Not? 10-18-2018 08:07 AM

Not sure I see many inaccuracies there.

Hammock Parties 10-18-2018 08:07 AM

really proud of my hot molten lava cum

GayFrogs 10-18-2018 08:12 AM

They have some points...but god damn they are some pretentious snowflakes.

srvy 10-18-2018 08:12 AM

I generally just stay out of other teams fans boards.

Frosty 10-18-2018 08:14 AM

They are just researching the next bandwagon to land on when Tom retires.

Best22 10-18-2018 08:15 AM

It's odd that people take CP so seriously

That said, Patsfans is largely a cult of mega-homers. It can get creepy over there

bigjosh 10-18-2018 08:15 AM

I know one of them freaked out when I told him I was praying that he got AIDS tonight.

ptlyon 10-18-2018 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by bigjosh (Post 13825659)
I know one of them freaked out when I told him I was praying that he got AIDS tonight.

That's not nice.


Sofa King 10-18-2018 08:18 AM

Looks like these mother ****ing cum slurpers nailed it in there own mom ass ****ing way.

stevieray 10-18-2018 08:19 AM

man, we really pwn that fanbase.

I find that extremely funny.

Sandy Vagina 10-18-2018 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825633)
it consists 8 pages of them generally discuss how mortified they are by us inbred Midwesterners.

"That Chiefs forum reeks of backed up trailer park septic tanks and meth."

This made me smile.


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825633)
I've probably spent 10X as much time reading forums of other teams this year

Odd behavior. Seems only the insecure and inadequate would feel the need to run over to other team's forums to see what they are saying about you. Maybe find your self esteem in more healthy ways?


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825633)
Seeing the same Alexsexuals that infested our board, infesting the Extreme Skins Redskins forum and thinking to myself, "holy shit...this is for real. There literally is a cult following for Alex Smith

How many people and who? To what I saw, only myself and Temper11 have made an appearance over there as pro-Smith fans from other teams.

So, who else?


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825633)
Most of the Alexsexuals are already banned from that forum!

Again I ask, who else? I'm not banned from there.. was Temper11? (that would surprise me, cuz he has excellent diplomacy) .. and who else is banned?

Titty Meat 10-18-2018 08:22 AM

Those wee todds can pull up to my trailer and give me a blumpkin

Hoopsdoc 10-18-2018 08:24 AM

Around 10 years ago I registered there as a Colts fan. My username was Peytonsbetter.

They nearly banned me for that alone.

AFAIK, my account is still active there, although I haven’t been there in probably 8 years.

You wanna see a bunch of entitled douchebags, is the place to be.

I always enjoyed the planet much more.

Chiefs=Champions 10-18-2018 08:24 AM

Some guy came here to express how shocked he was at our behavior. LMAO

They are like some weird guy at the bar trying to give nonsensical life advice you didn't ask for.

Direckshun 10-18-2018 08:26 AM

This is an A+ thread, rico.

ChiefsPlanet is an absolute toilet. But it's our toilet. Nobody craps in it but us.

Hammock Parties 10-18-2018 08:27 AM

Everything they do is to make themselves feel superior.

They know they aren't the better team so they're resorting to fan base smack.

They're running scared.

Actions speak louder than words. They threw a beer on one of our players. We just made some silly internet comments but somehow we're worse.

**** 'em.

Rain Man 10-18-2018 08:27 AM

I'm pretty sure that none of those posters have ever traveled west of New York City.

allen_kcCard 10-18-2018 08:27 AM

Just call them an NPC....I've read recently that that has turned out to be upsetting.

rico 10-18-2018 08:27 AM

Some takes on the Tyreek beer-throwing fans shenanigans from the CP thread:

"I despite that guy who threw the beer. But this is next 10000 level shxt. They had one Fing playoff victory in the last two decades." (Ya hear that? This guy DESPITES that fan... a wicked-intelligent group of fans they are at Patsfans!)

"Ehn. The woman-beating POS trash that is Tyreek Hill deserves it.

So yeah, it shouldn't have been done, but I can't get worked up about it."

"Yeah, honestly my immediate thought when I saw it live was "YEAH, SCREW HILL!" followed by "oh, well, I guess we probably shouldn't do that, but that particular guy is a real A-hole" "

"Comes with the territory if you're going to run out of the end zone and taunt the fans." (I see his point...I mean, what did Reek expect?)

"That "KC player" beat his pregnant girlfriend in the past and then proceeded to taunt the fans in this game. What exactly did you expect to happen?" (Same dude as the comment above...KontradictioN. Dude seems like a prick, but I'd be lying if I didn't begrudgingly see his point most of the time.)

"People are saying it's disgusting, somebody at ESPN tweeted equally as bad as Hill's past. Seems like a stretch lol. Shouldn't be done, but was Hill even that upset about it? Unless there was anything racially charged, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal, those guys will probably be banned."

"No matter what the player did it doesn't warrant throwing a beer at him. It also makes Pats fans look so bad that they're comparing us to Raider fans." (BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! THEY ARE BEING COMPARED TO RAIDERS FANS!!!! ROFL)

"He ran out of the end zone on his own volition and got in the faces of the fans in the first row. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." -KontradictioN again

"I thought the pats fans who taunted Torrey Smith after his brother died went too far..." (HOLY SHIT... I don't remember hearing anything about this! Yeah, that's way too far...some Raiders type shit. Damn. COLD!)

"Classy group in KC. Yeah, a fan throwing something at a player is a bad look, but wishing terrorism and aids is never the answer." (Classy...We allegedly cheered Matt Cassel getting injured and we flew banners begging for the firing of Pioli and benching of Cassel...but I don't recall ever hearing any stories of any Chiefs fans stooping as low as taunting a player about his brother being recently killed).

"You think the fan threw his beer at him to defend the honor of some woman? I don't. Many of the responses to the idiots there were not supportive, just as they wouldn't be here. The worst thing of all was being compared to Raider fans. That's a low blow." ROFLROFLROFLROFL The Patriaiders!!!!

A guy named BradyFTW:

"Yeah, I don't support throwing beer at players obviously but I'm not exactly going to line up to defend Tyreek ****ing Hill of all people. The guy is a scumbag and is lucky he beat his girlfriend when he did because it was like a year before we decided we care about that stuff. Seriously, every time threads like this link to another board I immediately think "man, I would never post in that hellhole". I think I actually made an account at ChiefsPlanet after the Cassel/Vrabel trade, posted there a few times and I don't recall it being too bad. Not surprised to learn that the football fans in Missouri have become dumber, angry and even more bigoted in the last decade." (I wonder who that was).

"LMAO There are obviously a whole lot of posters here who don't read Chiefsplanet enough to be making the comments they've made in this thread." -Deus Irae

Halfcan 10-18-2018 08:31 AM

So these arrogant Pats fans come here and post grade school type smack for weeks and then complain they were treated bad? Such entitled douche bags, worst fans in the NFL by a wide margin.

rico 10-18-2018 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Sandy Vagina (Post 13825676)

Odd behavior. Seems only the insecure and inadequate would feel the need to run over to other team's forums to see what they are saying about you. Maybe find your self esteem in more healthy ways?

Hey, just because I've been there 10x as much, doesn't mean it has been very much. And when someone posts quotes and links to exchanges that include my very own Sandy Vagina that I've had so much fun bonding with over the years, you better believe that I'm at least gonna browse through it a bit if I had time...for comic relief. You really are the most inadvertently hilarious Vagina I've ever met, Vagina and I think I, I think I... I think I love Vagina!!!!

Jewish Rabbi 10-18-2018 08:36 AM

The comments about quitting the NFL after Brady retires just prove how much Patriot fans are bandwagon pussies.

Red Dawg 10-18-2018 08:37 AM

I visit other boards but just read only. Some have some funny stuff and I will definitely visited NE boards once Bill is gone or Brady and Gronk. Gronk has one td so far. He's not running very well anymore and probably not coming back next season. Bill was going to trade him and of course Brady stopped it. That won't happen twice.

carcosa 10-18-2018 08:37 AM

Hmm, I think this has inspired me to finally unleash a thread idea I've had for a whole...

RealSNR 10-18-2018 08:39 AM

Everybody on CP says I seem nice. I'm definitely not part of the problem!

bigjosh 10-18-2018 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Jewish Rabbi (Post 13825710)
The comments about quitting the NFL after Brady retires just prove how much Patriot fans are bandwagon pussies.

I have lived within 30 minutes of the stadium my entire life. Prior to 1996 there were no such thing as patriots fans. Everyone around here followed the giants, cowboys and 49ers. So they jumped from one dynasty team to the next.

rico 10-18-2018 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 13825703)
So these arrogant Pats fans come here and post grade school type smack for weeks and then complain they were treated bad? Such entitled douche bags, worst fans in the NFL by a wide margin.

I've met one guy from Boston. My mom's sister married an English professor from Boston who taught at the University of Michigan. So my uncle, I guess. A very prissy, prissy, arrogant person. The first time we met him (at our house) he seemed disgusted by rural life. I remember when my dad offered to show him our horses... he looked at my dad with an expression as if he farted out loud when my dad (very assertive guy) said, "get that stupid look off your face and let's go." When we visited the horses, one of them pooped and he looked mortified and was like, "oh my God...did that horse actually just...POOP?!?!" My dad was like, "uhhhh...yeah...? What did you think horses used outdoor toilets to poop or something?" And the guy told my aunt that he wanted to go inside because he was going to get sick. Boston guy.

Poor guy tried so hard to fit in...but couldn't. At the table, he tried making conversation with my dad...a Bears fan, about football. He was like, " of my students is Tim Biakabatuka...I hear he's graduating, so do you think your Bears should offer him millions of dollars to play for them?" My dad looked at him like he farted out loud and had to explain to him that there is something called the NFL Draft. Boston.

Rain Man 10-18-2018 08:43 AM

It's unfortunate that dimwitted people can't see Tyreek for the person he is, and just get stuck on past stuff. Tyreek is awesome.

TambaBerry 10-18-2018 08:43 AM

the fact that these people are patriots fan does not matter one bit to me, the fact that they are mor then likely pretentious, smug, liberal ****s means I couldn't care less about their opinions of this board. It actually makes me proud being a proud member of chiefsplanet.

Rain Man 10-18-2018 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by TambaBerry (Post 13825722)
the fact that these people are patriots fan does not matter one bit to me, the fact that they are mor then likely pretentious, smug, liberal ****s means I couldn't care less about their opinions of this board. It actually makes me proud being a proud member of chiefsplanet.

I can't respect anyone who lives that close to Maine.

bobbything 10-18-2018 08:46 AM

They know this is their last stand. Once Brady’s osteoporosis consumes him, they are finished. It’s little more than the denial stage.

rico 10-18-2018 08:46 AM


Condon84: Who is ThePatriotWay trolling the hell out of them in that thread? LOL.

KontradictioN: I don't know. But he's doing a phenomenal job. It's amazing that he hasn't gotten banned yet. Do they not have mods over there?

burt 10-18-2018 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by RealSNR (Post 13825714)
Everybody on CP says I seem nice. I'm definitely not part of the problem!

you seem nice......

lcarus 10-18-2018 08:47 AM

They think their board is "light years" ahead of every NFL forum. Lol they probably ban people for anything "off topic" or for calling another poster a butthead. CP is the best forum irregardless of the fact its a Chiefs forum, but because you can say pretty much anything you want which is rare these days.

rico 10-18-2018 08:48 AM

I wonder who Deus Irae is:

The moderation is light, and the censorship is light. In that sense, it's a great forum.

Those of you freaking out over the Chiefsplanet language, overall content, and screen names should make absolutely certain to avoid the political forum there. Your delicate sensibilities won't be able to take it, and we'll end up hearing stories of your PTSD for years to come.

rico 10-18-2018 08:49 AM


"Chiefs fans seem extremely juvenile.

Personally I'm just a little.. creeped out?

The amount of juvenile ped0/homophobic retorts has me thinking there are a number of posters there with some underlying issues they may want to seek help for. I wish them luck in their struggles.

Thank the Lord (Ian) for this amazing board (in all honesty, the best looking/functioning board of ANY sports forum I've ever visited) and I'm glad it's not filled with middle school garbage posts like that. "

stevieray 10-18-2018 08:50 AM

Wasn't the Planet one of the first of it's kind?

Forgive me if I'm clueless on this.

rico 10-18-2018 08:51 AM



"Perhaps we could set up an MMA bout for charity.

Chief's Planet 'Titty Meat' vs PatsFans 'Uncle Meat'.
PatsFans 'MeatFace' could be the ref."

rico 10-18-2018 08:54 AM

BradyFTW on how he likes to read about AIDS fires being wished on "queer" states:

If 'censorship' is why you can't readily find posts wishing AIDS on entire fanbases that live in 'queer states' then yeah, 'censorship' is great. I call it basic standards and moderation, but sure, call it censorship if you want to make it seem scary and bad.

Somewhere along the line, a lot of people got it in their heads that having any standards in discourse whatsoever, on any platform, is a bad thing. **** that. I've got no problem whatsoever with moderation.

ChiefBlueCFC 10-18-2018 08:55 AM

For a place that has so many top notch colleges (no one from Boston goes to those schools besides the community colleges), they're are some vile, entitled, dad kissing, closet racist, pretentious, ****heads. I know - I lived in CT for 2 ****ing years. People bash New Yorkers, but Bostonians are far ****ing worse.

wazu 10-18-2018 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 13825743)
Wasn't the Planet one of the first of it's kind?

Forgive me if I'm clueless on this.

I’d say it’s the only. Closest thing I’ve found was the Mets board.

rico 10-18-2018 08:57 AM

I can't understand Alex Smith having a Sandy Vagina, but do understand how Tom Brady has one... and this is Brady's Sandy Vagina:

Deus Irae:

"Yes, I'm out once Brady goes. That's not meant to diminish BB, but I watch football primarily for the players on the field, not the coaching. Because of the increasing level of crap the NFL has been shoveling our way since about 2004, I have a hard enough time caring about the games even with Brady in them. I'm watching Brady complete his career masterpiece, and then I'm going to have a lot more free time on fall Sundays when he's done."

bobbything 10-18-2018 08:58 AM

I enjoy perusing other boards during the game to get a feel for how the other fan handles things. Generally, it’s no different than it is here. That said, when NE gave up the lead last Sunday, that entire fan base was ready to eat their own. It was crazy. All of the sudden Brady and Belichick were the scum of the earth. I know we fly off the handle here but the greatest QB/coach combo of all time was reduced to rubble over there.

I said d this last week but I was in Massachusetts for Garappolo’s first start against Arizona. The ensuing circle jerk, and willingness to release Brady, immediately, was hilarious.

Pats fans are as bandwagon as you’ll find. Once Brady is done, we’ll never hear from them again. In contrast, for better or worse, Chiefs fans don’t go away.

rico 10-18-2018 08:59 AM


When I visited this ChiefsPlanet, Im pretty sure I returned having contracted some pretty heinous sh**.

Beware. No human life exists there.

Halfcan 10-18-2018 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825718)
I've met one guy from Boston. My mom's sister married an English professor from Boston who taught at the University of Michigan. So my uncle, I guess. A very prissy, prissy, arrogant person. The first time we met him (at our house) he seemed disgusted by rural life. I remember when my dad offered to show him our horses... he looked at my dad with an expression as if he farted out loud when my dad (very assertive guy) said, "get that stupid look off your face and let's go." When we visited the horses, one of them pooped and he looked mortified and was like, "oh my God...did that horse actually just...POOP?!?!" My dad was like, "uhhhh...yeah...? What did you think horses used outdoor toilets to poop or something?" And the guy told my aunt that he wanted to go inside because he was going to get sick. Boston guy.

Poor guy tried so hard to fit in...but couldn't. At the table, he tried making conversation with my dad...a Bears fan, about football. He was like, " of my students is Tim Biakabatuka...I hear he's graduating, so do you think your Bears should offer him millions of dollars to play for them?" My dad looked at him like he farted out loud and had to explain to him that there is something called the NFL Draft. Boston.

I have only been to Boston once and I enjoyed my time there. We stayed in Woburn, just northwest of Boston. This is twenty years ago, but it was a very blue collar town. I found the people there very friendly, they talk funny and went out of their way to be accommodating.

We toured New York the same trip and Bostonians were by far more friendly and down to earth over New Yorkers- not even close. New Yorkers were tied with Philly as the biggest assholes to tourist I have ever experienced.

So it makes me wonder what has changed? My best guess would be they have had a historic run on Championships in the last two decades. Before, they had a little brother complex towards New York, but after so many Championships for the City as a whole- I think they have replaced New Yorkers as the Most Entitled Fans in the country. It is a shame too because I really liked Boston, every single person we interacted with was friendly to us.

I doubt that would be the case now.

bobbything 10-18-2018 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 13825767)
I have only been to Boston once and I enjoyed my time there. We stayed in Woburn, just northwest of Boston. This is twenty years ago, but it was a very blue collar town. I found the people there very friendly, they talk funny and went out of their way to be accommodating.

We toured New York the same trip and Bostonians were by far more friendly and down to earth over New Yorkers- not even close. New Yorkers were tied with Philly as the biggest assholes to tourist I have ever experienced.

So it makes me wonder what has changed? My best guess would be they have had a historic run on Championships in the last two decades. Before, they had a little brother complex towards New York, but after so many Championships for the City as a whole- I think they have replaced New Yorkers as the Most Entitled Fans in the country. It is a shame too because I really liked Boston, every single person we interacted with was friendly to us.

I doubt that would be the case now.

I spent two weeks in the NE area a few years ago. Overall, some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Bostonians included.

They’re just bandwagon fans. Doesn’t make them bad people.

rico 10-18-2018 09:05 AM

They wish injury upon Tyreek, Big Ben, Terrell Suggs, Frank Clark, Greg Hardy, Peyton Manning and other abusers, EXCLUDING Ray Rice... Ray Rice gets a pass for knocking his broad out cold in an elevator because he was TRYING to come clean about it against the owner's he gets a pass:

Wheelman: **** that piece of ****. I hope both his knees get teared up and ends his career. POS

Elijah: Him and Roethlisberger are the only 2 players I wish injury upon.

Wheelman: I could go on, Frank Clark, Greg Hardy, fivehead, Terrell Suggs, and so many others I can't remember right now.

The one abuser I don't wish injury on is Ray Rice because I believe he was trying to come clean about it all against the corrupt owner's wishes, and then the corrupt owner of the ratbirds tried to cover it up because $$$$$$$. And then cut Ray Rice because of $$$$$$$$ when the video surfaced.

Rain Man 10-18-2018 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825747)


"Perhaps we could set up an MMA bout for charity.

Chief's Planet 'Titty Meat' vs PatsFans 'Uncle Meat'.
PatsFans 'MeatFace' could be the ref."

Patriots people can't do anything unless the refs are on their side.

rico 10-18-2018 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 13825767)
I have only been to Boston once and I enjoyed my time there. We stayed in Woburn, just northwest of Boston. This is twenty years ago, but it was a very blue collar town. I found the people there very friendly, they talk funny and went out of their way to be accommodating.

We toured New York the same trip and Bostonians were by far more friendly and down to earth over New Yorkers- not even close. New Yorkers were tied with Philly as the biggest assholes to tourist I have ever experienced.

So it makes me wonder what has changed? My best guess would be they have had a historic run on Championships in the last two decades. Before, they had a little brother complex towards New York, but after so many Championships for the City as a whole- I think they have replaced New Yorkers as the Most Entitled Fans in the country. It is a shame too because I really liked Boston, every single person we interacted with was friendly to us.

I doubt that would be the case now.

That's cool. To be fair, I think my uncle is just a nerd. A Bostonian nerd. The only one I've ever met....huge nerd. Could be on Revenge of the Nerds.

rico 10-18-2018 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Rain Man (Post 13825780)
Patriots people can't do anything unless the refs are on their side.

ROFL This is a brilliant post. You really can connect the dots efficiently and timely!! It's impressive and I love it. don't have a Rain Man. And for that, they are worse.

bevischief 10-18-2018 09:12 AM

Those damn under aged squirrel molesters.

Coochie liquor 10-18-2018 09:16 AM

Can’t wait til cry Brady retires and Bill picks Blake Bortles off the scrap heap to try and prove it was him all along. I foresee an influx of fans right about then. Pats will be done and we’ll be 2 trophies in! The Pats boards will look like the Dungver thread currently. Lots of people trolling the fans, but not many actual fan posts!

rico 10-18-2018 09:19 AM

I don't agree with the post below at all. First off, Tyreek was younger and dumber than Rice when he did what he did...not that it makes it any more right, but still. Secondly, Rice doesn't seem any more sorry about what he did than any of the others, including Reek. And Rice slugged his squeeze like it was a it was his natural response to do it immediately...and it appeared as if he was experienced with it (knocking women out). These guys have seen nothing on really saddens me that it happened, first and foremost for the victim, but also because he really does seem like a decent guy when you watch/listen to him in clips/interviews. They posted that video of Reek and his family after the 49ers game and he looked like a great family man...and his children just gleamed at him like they idolized and loved the hell out of him, as did his wife. You would never guess that the dude had done something like that. I remember when the crowd began chanting his name at Arrowhead his rookie year, he just appeared totally elated and somewhat surprised that they accepted him, knowing his past. He is always polite in interviews, he seems to be well-liked by his teammates and even other players in the league... It really sucks that he did that... but then again, if he didn't....we probably wouldn't have snatched him in the 5th round... he would have been gone in the 1st.


Can't say I disagree on any of that. Rice seems to have genuinely learned from his mistake and shown remorse. All those other guys have either pretended nothing happened or aggressively pursued a victim blaming campaign.

OT but I still maintain that Rice would have been out of the league just as fast if the incident never happened. He was straight up bad by that point.

Spott 10-18-2018 09:19 AM

**** every last one of them over there. They can all eat a bag of dicks.

Dayze 10-18-2018 09:20 AM

I love CP.
it's complete lunacy, and it's ours.

they're just mad because they live in Boston and probably catch the smell of urine wafting over from New York and Philly.

rico 10-18-2018 09:21 AM



"Perhaps if we meet the Chiefs in the playoffs ....

We can invite 'Titty Meat' here for some insightful pre game discussion."

Discuss Thrower 10-18-2018 09:28 AM

The fact Billay has become something of a forum mascot is hilarious.

rico 10-18-2018 09:31 AM


MountainCommando: "God I remember that sewer. I think its permanent resident was a certain 'Harry Boy', the Patsfans equivalent of Titty Meat."

KDPPatsFan85: "When Titty Meat looks at his family tree...all he sees is a straight line!"

The response in this exchange below is actually pretty ****ing hilarious...Tony2046 with some lollllzzzz!!!

Deus Irae: "Patsfans posters are like "Hey, that other place does such juvenile things as making jokes about serious things. I mean, joking about aids? They really need to grow up! Oh, and by the way, the poll at the top of this thread really needs the 'Ray Lewis killed a guy' option. You freakin' hypocrites."

Tony2046: "I'm sure Titty Meat thinks Ray Lewis killed two guys."


IcyPatriot: Titty Meat can also be found in men as well, including John Goodman, Rick Ross and Warren Sapp.

Urban Dictionary: Titty Meat

Joker: Well, at least it's better than Titicaca!

rico 10-18-2018 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower (Post 13825808)
The fact Billay has become something of a forum mascot is hilarious.

That's a perfect way of putting it and I agree!!!

rico 10-18-2018 09:33 AM

Some love...

SeaPat: Used to live there. They're great hardcore football fans who show up for their team win or lose.

rico 10-18-2018 09:38 AM

fourhour: I've had some down time the last few days where I've sat for hours in front of the computer. (TV puts me to sleep!) I've spent a lot of that time reading a shytload of their threads on that forum. Some seem to be written by junior high school girls. Funny stuff over there.

IceIceBrady: This is like a Greatest Hits of all the moronic, sad posts about the Patriots over roughly the last 20 years. Such a pathetic bunch of losers with their drumbeat of “The Patriots dynasty will collapse tomorrow!” and the really satisfying silver lining of “next time!” The Chiefs fans have now entered into the intense anger/fear territory of knowing you have a great team but having your dreams haunted nightly by the idea of having to play Brady in a big game. It always hits a fever pitch when a fan base actually realizes what they’re going up against and are in danger of being added to that long, long list of teams whose collection of talent was thrown to the waste side by a better team.

MahoHiyajo: Chiefs Planet is playing 5D chess while is playing checkers.

A Defiant Goose: We used to have a cesspool of content here too, just like ChiefsPlanet. Then we got rid of the political forum

Condon84: Chiefsplanet seems very laxed. Maybe the mods over there have a sense of humor. I recall when Jets Insider used to be up and i was a member and got banned after some light trolling.

rico 10-18-2018 09:39 AM


That fan base as a whole? Bitterness and angriness warps perception I guess.

After hundreds of insults the two that stuck out the most besides the “aids” comment was

1. The Chiefs outscored the Pats 31-9 in the second half. Kind of delusional. Can’t count to 16 I guess.

2. “Can’t wait to see Brady playing in the cold weather of January throwing it 50+ times.”
Laughable and evidently they stop watching football in November and December in those parts

KCUnited 10-18-2018 09:43 AM

That's literally some bulletin board material right there.

WhawhaWhat 10-18-2018 09:44 AM

Isn't Boston known for being filled with a bunch of racist assholes? And the Red Sox being the last MLB team to integrate with black people? And several stories being written about how even today black players don't want to play there because of the people in that city?

They should be the last people to talk about KC or western Missouri being filled with toothless yokels.

rico 10-18-2018 09:45 AM

AND WE HAVE A CP VS. PATSFANS FIGHT!!! ROFLROFLROFL I was wondering if Clay would hit em' up!!!

GoChiefs: Yeah we like to talk dirty on the internet.

You threw a beer on one of our players.

Actions speak louder than words, scum.

Get ready for another dose of molten hot lava spunk from Mt. Arrowhead in January jerkoffs, because this time you will be our Pompeii bitches.

ChrisR223: Talk to me when you can get past the genius that is Mike Tomlin in the playoffs. First

One-Be-Lo: I love how Pats fans are supposedly so arrogant because of this run of success, yet every year the new hot team's fans get like this .. Imagine if they actually accomplish something of merit.. Wow

Have fun kid, you've got a great young QB and some dynamic players, but your D is still garbage.

Redstorm: Chiefsplanet is an unusual forum. I don't know when it started

A more reasonable Chiefs forum is Arrowhead Pride. Chiefsplanet is a site with its own set of rules and culture.

GoChiefs: You played our D without Eric Berry, Justin Houston and literal scabs lining up to cover Gronk in crunch time.

By the time January gets here it's going to be a different story.

I doubt your crew of ancient white men even makes it through the regular season to be honest. Brady's arthritis looks awful.

You will be limping into the playoffs while our young bucks are ****ing full steam ahead.

Elijah: Try to be more subtle on your next account.

GoChiefs: Blow me. Dump another beer on one of our players, scum.

You'll all get your comeuppance this January. Arrogant pricks.

Fish 10-18-2018 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825837)
Chiefsplanet is a site with its own set of rules and culture.

Prison Bitch 10-18-2018 09:56 AM

WOW they call others "bigots"?

Boston is one of the most notoriously racist cities in America historically. Their own athletes hate playing there because of it. And it's not a secret.

gblowfish 10-18-2018 10:08 AM

I've always thought Arrowhead Pride was just company propaganda. Yeah, CP can have some pretty rough stuff, but it's also extremely entertaining, informative and occasionally makes me spray my coffee through my nose.

Those Chowdah Heads can lick me where I Faaaaart....

Beef Supreme 10-18-2018 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 13825876)
I've always thought Arrowhead Pride was just company propaganda. Yeah, CP can have some pretty rough stuff, but it's also extremely entertaining, informative and occasionally makes me spray my coffee through my nose.

Those Chowdah Heads can lick me where I Faaaaart....

There is no r in faht.

carcosa 10-18-2018 10:09 AM

What do they think of my diarrhea thread?

rico 10-18-2018 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by carcosa (Post 13825882)
What do they think of my diarrhea thread?


I don’t think they are bright enough to pick up on...the symbolism!!!

rico 10-18-2018 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by gblowfish (Post 13825876)
I've always thought Arrowhead Pride was just company propaganda. Yeah, CP can have some pretty rough stuff, but it's also extremely entertaining, informative and occasionally makes me spray my coffee through my nose.

Those Chowdah Heads can lick me where I Faaaaart....

Yeah, the comment that annoyed me probably more than anything was the one about Arrowhead Pride being a superior forum/site. Not even freaking close. I don’t even read that anymore. I prefer Arrowhead Addict over Pride...hands down...and CP still reigns over both.

Hammock Parties 10-18-2018 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825837)
AND WE HAVE A CP VS. PATSFANS FIGHT!!! ROFLROFLROFL I was wondering if Clay would hit em' up!!!

I normally wouldn't bother but apparently I registered there 11 years ago.

rabblerouser 10-18-2018 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by rico (Post 13825633)
So the Pats fans from the forum have a somewhat lengthy thread about their observations of Chiefsplanet and it is funny as hell reading how they perceive CP. It is a thread titled, "Some Light ChiefsPlanet Reading for this Fine Monday Morning" and it consists 8 pages of them generally discuss how mortified they are by us inbred Midwesterners.

I've probably spent 10X as much time reading forums of other teams this year, for a lot of what I have come across has actually been funny/entertaining for me to read compared to previous years. I don't know if it's the Mahomes excitement or what, but other forums have been more pleasant for me to read than usual. Stuff like reading the Bears forum melting down when Mahomes burst on the scene and Trubisky was struggling because they were upset that they selected Trubisky instead of Mahomes in the 2017 draft. Seeing the same Alexsexuals that infested our board, infesting the Extreme Skins Redskins forum and thinking to myself, "holy shit...this is for real. There literally is a cult following for Alex Smith who follow him from team to team and obsess over and make Alexcuses for him on forums of whatever team he currently plays for. I still can't believe these people exist." I mean, part of me during the entire Alex era thought those Alexsexuals were all trolls who were simply just trolling us the entire they couldn't possibly be for real. Holy shit they are real...they are very, very real... and it's funny watching another fanbase get stuck with them and be forced to interact with them. Reading the exchanges between our very own Sandy Vagina (as Sandy Monk) on Extreme Skins going on his strange Alex-obsessive rants and proceed to talk to these guys on that forum about how his posting (and survival) on CP during the Alex era basically made him the equivalent of a Holocaust survivor due to all of the extreme abuse he endured here...that was inadvertent comedy gold. I've visited the Mange a few times to see if they have finally started giving us some ****ing respect or if they are at least, shook up about what appears to be a promising long term future for the Chiefs...most of them are still the same old hatin' Donk fans, in denial.

And now this... a discussion about our very own planet...ChiefsPlanet being discussed and observed by a bunch of smug and prissy Bostonians as if we are some sort of display at a zoo. Some pretty funny stuff.

A couple observations:

- To start, Billay has become a running joke there and it is funny as hell to me. Some of them are genuinely creeped out by him. They know him as his current username, "Titty Meat" and it is hilarious to them that there is a Chiefs fan who they assume is an inbred Midwesterner that goes by the self-applied name of "Titty Meat" and acts like, well Billay...a poster that I personally think is funny as hell and don't think CP would quite be the place it is without him. Also, wasn't "Titty Meat" a name that a mod gave him and/or changed his name to as a joke? It's funny that when they read his posts, they probably imagine some fat hill-rod with a mullet and a jackolantern mouth sporting a cutoff shirt and a dirty hat, with a big dip oozing out of his mouth with his butt crack bursting out for the entire world to see... and he is screaming, "**** you piece of shit trash ass mother ****er I hope you get blown up at the next Boston Marathon. **** Boston **** The Patriots and **** New England fans!" ROFL That's our Billay!!! He is a hot topic there!!! :D

- They don't find some of the humor/inside jokes here to be funny and basically think we are a group of crazy, roadkill eating, armadillo ****ers. ROFL It's like a culture shock for them to read the musings of what they consider to be the smelly armpit of the country. Comments like:

"What is hot molten lava cum?!?!?"

"Fans like that -- no matter whom they root for -- creep me the hell out."

"Pretty sure that guy is inbred."

"A thread started by 'Titty Meat.' Chiefs Planet appears to be comprised of 14 year old kids."

"I've noticed that ChiefsPlanet posters are much more unhinged compared to the average NFL fanbase, and also more openly bigoted. The Philly forum is up there as well."

"That Chiefs forum reeks of backed up trailer park septic tanks and meth."

"On the whole, I've found kc fans to be a chill down to earth bunch irl." (HE SEEMS NICE).

"I thought this idiot was a 15 y/o pimple face punk but look at his stats. Member since 2002 and closing in on 200,000 posts. Must be lonely out there in the midwest!" (2 pages in and they are already hatin' on Clay! ROFL)

"Chiefs fans deserve no success. Their fanbase is one of the most vile groups I've ever seen right up there with the Iggles, Jest, and Donkeys." (Well, at least they acknowledge that Donk fans are generally vile, but it sucks to be lumped together with them).

"The whole western side of Missouri is inbred. I was at that 2014 massacre at arrowhead, those fans are absolute scum." (I was at that game as well with hometeam and mac459...we encountered a few Pats fans there and were mutually respectful to each other. Everyone we were around seemed to be the same way. I didn't witness one instance of Chiefs fans being dicks to any of them. Shenanigans must have been taking place wherever we weren't at. Either that, or this priss couldn't take the noise!)

"Other than a funny picture thread their #1 off-topic discussion is 9/11 conspiracy theories. If you want to dig around an online armpit that's a hell of every unfair stereotypes about white people made 100% true and given dial-up internet, then ChiefsPlanet is your buffet."

"It really is impressive how many light years beyond the other NFL boards this one is."

(Regarding the last two quotes...first one is 100% untrue. CP has plenty of interesting topics consisting of posts written by some of the most intelligent and witty posters I've ever encountered on any forum. After reading some of their threads the past few days, they all seem to have this "understanding" amongst each other that they are the "smartest" and "most superior" fanbase...and I don't understand how they have come to that conclusion. They aren't a dumb bunch by any means and it is interesting to read the opinions/takes of the Pats by these guys who don't have their hater-glasses on since every other fan of every other team in the NFL hates them...I mean, these guys know their Pats stuff...beyond Brady, Bellichik and Gronk and it's weird to read actual Patriots discussion that includes every one of their players and aren't littered with the stereotypical "**** Brady/**** Bellichik/etc." stuff that you read everywhere else...they know their team, for sure, but from what I've read, these fans don't stick out as being smarter or intellectually superior to any other team's forum that I've come across, especially CP. Ok, so they don't casually state that they want someone to die in an AIDS fire or drink antifreeze...however, none of their takes are by any means groundbreaking. Just an average, very ordinary, kind of arrogant, somewhat prissy group of fans of a winning team who have decent takes on topics, but nothing to write home about. They seem to have an inabiity to grasp humor that is rooted in any sort of intentional absurdity...the intentional absurdity that is a driving force here. They aren't as bad as those Redskins fans on Extreme Skins, though... holy shit, those guys are ban-happy to any user that makes an attempt at not be a boring robot. Most of the Alexsexuals are already banned from that forum! ROFL)

Anyways, I'll post a few more of my favorite quotes from that thread. It's funny to read other forums discuss CP... CP is a pretty unhinged group. :D

Billay is bad...he's nationwide.

rico 10-18-2018 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13825915)
I normally wouldn't bother but apparently I registered there 11 years ago.

ROFL I saw that. Saw that you had 6 posts and could only see 3, so clicked on your profile and noticed that the other ones were in 2007. That was the Tyree-helmet catch year, right?

rico 10-18-2018 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by rabblerouser (Post 13825922)
Billay is bad...he's nationwide.

ROFL And to them, he is just...Titty Meat.

Eleazar 10-18-2018 10:27 AM

most of the conspiracy stuff here is run by a Donks fan

Rain Man 10-18-2018 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13825915)
I normally wouldn't bother but apparently I registered there 11 years ago.

I hope you told them how overrated Teddy Bruschi was. I never understood why Patriots people thought he was good. He was just a slow, short linebacker that the media covered because he had the name and face of a kindergartner.

lewdog 10-18-2018 10:45 AM

Patriots fans have perfected the lobster reach around.

Wicked good queers!!!

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