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Braincase 06-16-2009 03:02 PM

New Mac OS = New Mac, New Windows OS = Old PC

Got a four-year-old Mac? Forget the newest version of OS X; Apple’s Snow Leopard will only be supported on Intel CPUs. Got a PC from 2001? Windows 7 just might run on it. I tested a below-spec PC with the latest version of Windows and saw surprising results.

If you have a PC and you want the upcoming Microsoft OS, but don’t want to buy a new computer, Microsoft has your back. The minimum specifications listed on the Windows 7 RC download page are a 1 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, and 16GB of free hard disk space. This means if you have a computer that is more than a few years old, you can still get some functionality from the latest OS rolling out of Redmond. Intel hit the 1 GHz processor mark on March 8 2000, which means theoretically Windows 7 could run on computers over 9 years old! Since Microsoft is known for understating their hardware requirements, I grabbed an old PC out of retirement and put it to test.

The PC I chose had an Intel P3 933 MHz processor, 768 MB of RAM, and an 80GB hard disk. My test subject was manufactured in 2001.
Installation was not all breezy. My first attempt stalled when the installer could not find a driver for my DVD drive. I resolved the situation by borrowing a DVD drive from a newer computer. Once Windows installed, I realized that I was stuck using the “Standard VGA Graphics Adapter” driver since Windows did not recognize my Nvidia GEForce 2 MX 200 graphics card. Desperate to use my 20-inch monitor’s native 1600 x 1200 resolution, I installed the XP Nvidia driver since one for Vista is not available (Windows 7 is compatible with Vista drivers).

After a few Blue Screens o’ Death, I reverted back to the built in Standard VGA driver. Thankfully, yet oddly, Windows continued to offer a 1600 x 1200 mode. Obviously using Aero was out of the question, which was to be expected. The last issue I had was that Windows 7 didn’t recognize my 3COM 3C905TX network adaptor (really, Microsoft?!). Rather than hunt down a driver that might work, I threw in an Intel NIC that happened to be within arm’s reach.

With all that behind me, I installed Google Chrome and Office 2007 and prepared to get to work. Frankly, at this point, I was shocked to find my circa-2001 computer running a 2009 operating system. I’m not going to lie and say that the performance was great, but it was, well, surprisingly usable. The time between pressing the power button and having a desktop was a respectable 110 seconds. Within five seconds, I launched Chrome, my go-to browser, and started surfing the Web. Watching videos on YouTube was as choppy as you'd expect, but the rest of my Web browsing experience was decent. I started Word, and had to wait 8 seconds until I was able to start entering text.

To mix things up a bit, I launched Outlook 2007 and configured it for my mail server. Despite the fact that downloading my e-mail ate up an annoyingly high percentage of CPU power, the system remained responsive as I tabbed to other applications.

To test things further, I opened up five tabs in Chrome and one in Internet Explorer 8. I launched Windows Media Player and played a song. I switched between applications and found that, although switching from one window to the next took a couple seconds, it didn’t leave me gnashing me teeth. Opening the task manager, I could see that Windows 7 was only using about 600MB of the 768MB I had installed. It was playing nicely and being respectful of the memory it had available.

All in all, the performance I was getting was better than the experiences I had using computers at internet cafés in developing countries. It was perfectly usable as long as your expectations are appropriately low.

If your computer is as old as mine, you might consider saving your cash and installing a lightweight Linux distribution such as Puppy Linux or DSL (Damn Small Linux). However, if you have a computer that is newer and more capable than my worst-case-scenario tester, I recommend doing a little research to make sure drivers are available for your hardware. If all checks out, your computer is ready to run Windows 7
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The Rick 06-16-2009 03:16 PM

Swapping DVD drives? Manually installing video drivers? Needing to "throw in" a new NIC? Nearly 2 minutes to boot? 8 seconds to start entering text?

None of that sounds like an enjoyable experience to me. Macs are about the experience for the user when they sit down to perform a task, and that experience is unparalleled by any Windows or Linux PC.

Fish 06-16-2009 03:18 PM


After a few Blue Screens o’ Death, I reverted back to the built in Standard VGA driver. Thankfully, yet oddly, Windows continued
After a few BSODs, Windows "oddly" worked....?

It wouldn't recognize my DVD drive, my Nvidia graphics card, or my 3Com 905 NIC. I'd recommend saving money and installing Linux.

But Win7 is great!!


This guy isn't very convincing...

But for what it's worth, I've had great success running Win7 on older machines. I didn't install on anything as old as that, but it ran very well on P3 and P4 machines with a GB of RAM.

The Rick 06-16-2009 03:19 PM

Also, the cost for Snow Leopard (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, blah, blah, blah) will be $29. How much will Windows 7 be?

The Rick 06-16-2009 03:22 PM

Before this gets out of hand, I don't really have an interest in a rehash of Mac vs. PC flame wars. I love my Mac. I made the switch a few years ago and haven't looked back.

I have used Windows 7 however and thought it was pretty good...

irishjayhawk 06-16-2009 03:26 PM

Some would argue that kind of support is precisely what's holding Windows back.

Also, the thread title is quite misleading. I have an intel based mac from 2 years ago and it's going to support Snow Leopard.

I don't get the point of this thread.

007 06-16-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Rick (Post 5843480)
Also, the cost for Snow Leopard (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, blah, blah, blah) will be $29. How much will Windows 7 be?


dirk digler 06-16-2009 03:33 PM

I would like to have a Mac to play around with but they are awfully expensive for my taste.

I enjoy building my own PC's and I am waiting to build me a new one until Windows 7 comes out. I am actually excited about the new OS.

irishjayhawk 06-16-2009 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by dirk digler (Post 5843543)
I would like to have a Mac to play around with but they are awfully expensive for my taste.

I enjoy building my own PC's and I am waiting to build me a new one until Windows 7 comes out. I am actually excited about the new OS.

BYOPC is definitely a good avenue. I love OSX too much though, so until they license it, I can't go back to that route. I could always try a Hackintosh but too much work.

Oh, and I dislike linux.

The Rick 06-16-2009 03:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Guru (Post 5843527)

Over Steve Ballmer's dead body...

irishjayhawk 06-16-2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Rick (Post 5843568)
Over Steve Ballmer's dead body...

I'm still flabbergasted that guy has a job. He's wrong more than about any other CEO out there. He's polarizing. And he comes off as an arrogant prick who lacks intelligence in the field he's running.

007 06-16-2009 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by The Rick (Post 5843568)
Over Steve Ballmer's dead body...

Best Buy released a statement that they would offer Home upgrades for $49 and Pro upgrades for $99 for a limited time in July. If you are going to upgrade, go to best buy in July and pre order.

Braincase 06-16-2009 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by KC Fish (Post 5843474)
After a few BSODs, Windows "oddly" worked....?

It wouldn't recognize my DVD drive, my Nvidia graphics card, or my 3Com 905 NIC. I'd recommend saving money and installing Linux.

But Win7 is great!!


This guy isn't very convincing...

But for what it's worth, I've had great success running Win7 on older machines. I didn't install on anything as old as that, but it ran very well on P3 and P4 machines with a GB of RAM.

Actually, the machine he ran that on didn't meet the minimum system requirements.

Braincase 06-16-2009 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Rick (Post 5843480)
Also, the cost for Snow Leopard (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, blah, blah, blah) will be $29. How much will Windows 7 be?

Less than the difference in cost between a PC and a similarly configured Mac.

Fish 06-16-2009 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Braincase (Post 5843700)
Actually, the machine he ran that on didn't meet the minimum system requirements.

What do the minimum system requirements have to do with the DVD drive, Nvidia graphics card, or 3Com 905 NIC not working?

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