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Desert Chief 09-22-2000 09:25 AM

Just checking to see how many opinions have changed on the game. Now with Griese virtually certain to be out and Terrell making zero improvements, it looks like the Chiefs lucked into another good shot at a decimated Bronco football team.

However, since both Denver lines are playing well and healthy, and the secondary has had another week to gel, I'm going with the Broncos 21-10 in a game a little closer than the score.

Dave Lane 09-22-2000 09:31 AM

With Griese
Denver 28
KC 20

With Frerotte
KC 21
Denver 17

Gracie Dean 09-22-2000 09:32 AM

First I would play on the D-Line and bust through that soggy O-Line of theirs and break the legs of whatever running back is back there and then I would RIP Greasy's helmet off and stuff it down his throat and make him EAT it!! YEAH! So when he goes poo-poo he craps those little vending machine helmets only when that happens they'll be CHIEFS helmets baby!! Just a little reminder for when he comes too from being knocked out on who it was that kicked his butt baby!!!! YEAH!!!!!
THEN I would play QB and pass a 80 TD pass to myself!! While running literally over the stomach's and back's of the donkie defense I would shove my cleat down Druganowski's throst and make him EAT IT!!! Sorry Racistanowski, THAT ain't NO pep-pill going down your throat, better take something else to "keep up with ME" baby!!!!
After that I chase down the Rat and spank him like my step child for trying to believe that they had a chance against THE MIGHTY AND POWERFUL KANSAS CITY CHIEFS!!!!

so that is roughly what I would try to execute on the Chiefs behalf for a win.


the prissy, panty wearing donkies: 3

YEAH! YEAH!! GRRRRR!!! BRING IT ON, BABY!!!! *starts tearing mouse pad and arm of a chair apart with teeth* DONKIE GO DOWN!!!! DONKIE GO DOWN!!! *starts throwing the phone and chair, jumps violently around, throws keybo

stolen from Tim Nunya....

DoubleWannaB 09-22-2000 09:32 AM

I still think you are giving them way too much credit considering...
It's like saying your car is faster than mine because your car was faster than the little girl down the street on the tricycle.

[This message has been edited by bishop_74 (edited 09-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by bishop_74 (edited 09-22-2000).]

DoubleWannaB 09-22-2000 09:37 AM

Hahah, thats righ Kphobia. Tell 'em how it's going to be.

DoubleWannaB 09-22-2000 09:37 AM

Hahah, thats right Kphobia. Tell 'em how it's going to be.

Dave Lane 09-22-2000 09:40 AM

Chiefs wear red,
Broncs wear blue,
No more 1st place,
For you Donkey Drew

DoktorSmith 09-22-2000 09:45 AM

My opinion is unchanged. I do not fear Davis or Griese. I do not fear Romanowski or the Broncos OL. I do not fear Oscar McCaffrey or Smith.

I fear our Coaching staff.

Our demons are named Gunther, Jimmy, Kurt and Mike. These men will have far more difference on the outcome of the game than whether Griese or Ferrotte start at QB.

I believe that if our coaches bring the opportunistic game plan to Mile High, we can win the game. We can take advantage of the Denver Defense if our coaches can take what the Broncos offer and attack. We have the personnel to attack by air or ground, depending on what the Denver D gives us. Our Offense [depending on our coaching staff] can score more points on the Denver D than the Denver Offense can score on the Chiefs D, if our coaches attack and adapt, rather than trying to prove how tough we are.

If we bring our “play not to lose” game, we will lose. My fear is that our coaching staff really IS as bad as they appear and have not yet learned that lesson, despite over a year of vocational training. This game will come down to which KC coaching staff shows up.

admits to some trepidation about Mile High.<BR>

Phobia 09-22-2000 09:48 AM

My opinion has not changed either. As predicted almost six months ago, the Chiefs will play Denver in Mile High this Sunday.

They will play football and they will run, pass, block and tackle.

Gaz 09-22-2000 09:52 AM

Donkey Drew,

IMO you're going to miss Griese. Mainly because it leaves you with "The Ferrett" who is one of the most inconsistent QBs in the league. And if the Ferrett gets knocked out of the game by a crushing blow from John comes......wait for it.........Jarious Jackson. Woohoooooo! Let loose the dogs of war!!!

DoubleWannaB 09-22-2000 09:53 AM

Good point Gaz. I feel a lot more comfortable saying that then perhaps the Brocos will win because they are a better team... and we all know they have less talent.

Dave Lane 09-22-2000 09:53 AM

That's an awfully bold prediction. You're really going out on a limb on that one.

Chief_Noraa 09-22-2000 09:54 AM

Thank you soooooo very much! Just when I reach the proper pumitude, you go and remind me that we still have the Three stooges. My confidence is shrinking up like a guy in a cold swimming pool. Guess I have to go read the pooping out little Chiefs helmets response a few more times to warm back up.

Shrinkage Bad,
Fire Good<BR>

Desert Chief 09-22-2000 09:58 AM

Like I've said before, I admire your confidence. I don't quite understand why so many of you have such a lack of respect for Denver (or should I say Denver players?), and I probably never will. I know this, the typical Bronco fan respects the Chiefs a lot more than vise-versa, and its really not even logical. In the last four years, the Broncos have done everything to prove to be the superior club. It wasn't that long ago that Bubby Brister and a HEALTHY Denver Bronco team was kicking your *** in Arrowhead. It wasn't that long ago that this team walked into your house in the playoffs and controlled the football game. You guys get a sweep in a year Denver couldn't beat anybody, and that seems to overcome the two Superbowls you didn't even contend for, and the *** kickings Denver has handed you both at home and at Mile High. Yet you all refuse to come to grips with the fact that as much as you hate them, they might actually be a pretty good football team.

I can't wait for the excuses on Sunday evening. I think I'll just come and watch, although it will be difficult not to taunt.

Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan 09-22-2000 10:03 AM

Bob Dole is with Gaz. The KC players have shown up each game this season--it's the coaching staff that worries me.

We have the players and the skills in place to crush those Denver empty-headed animal food trough wipers, if the stooges will just allow it to happen.

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