Thread: I have a date.
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Old 08-13-2008, 03:26 PM   #2236
Hammock Parties Hammock Parties is offline
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OK. Here's the transcript. I think it went pretty well. Obviously I changed her screen name.

bfett81: hi there :-)
bfett81: how were the 'rents?
bfett81: sorry about all that dumb stuff last night...i just got confused
bfett81: felt like a heel
bfett81: :-(
HOTINTERNETSLUT: oh no worries
HOTINTERNETSLUT: usually though I'm honest about things so I would have just said if I wasn't interested in the idea
HOTINTERNETSLUT: that or ignore you
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i feel bad ignoring people but lately though I've had so many messages that I just don't even reply to
bfett81: lol well...girls can be confusing sometimes so you never know
bfett81: im glad you weren't just brushing me off, though
bfett81: lots of people messaging you, eh?
bfett81: bunch of creeps, or what?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: just people I know I wouldn't be interested in
bfett81: get a lot of woos? lol
HOTINTERNETSLUT: some seem like creeps others seem not so much for me. One guy's profile said he does drugs sometimes and that's not for me
bfett81: yeah, not into drugs either
HOTINTERNETSLUT: wow I haven't been on aim in forever
bfett81: heh
bfett81: half the people i run into are using freakin' MSN or yahoo
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yeah I have yahoo but don't use that either
bfett81: it's pretty clunky
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I used to be on aim every day but not anymore
bfett81: yeah college chicks usually are lol
HOTINTERNETSLUT: college chicks?
bfett81: my sister would have like 40 people on her AIM list sometimes
bfett81: im assuming you were talking about your school days
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yeah...but it was before I went away for school so I guess I don't think of myself as a college girl at that time
bfett81: mmm
bfett81: how was the interview this morning?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: actually I didn't have an interview
bfett81: ah
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I was going by a school to drop off my resume hoping for an interview
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I got there and NO ONE was there!
bfett81: one?
bfett81: locked doors?
bfett81: what time was it?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but I had called the school yesterday and left a message
HOTINTERNETSLUT: it was a little after 8 when i got there
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but by the time I got home the school had called me back
HOTINTERNETSLUT: so I got to talk to the lady and they are still hiring for the position I'm interested in and I have an interview tomorrow morning
bfett81: lol well let's hope the doors are unlocked this time
bfett81: when do the kids go back to school?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: the doors better be open I'm pretty sure they will be
HOTINTERNETSLUT: for this school, school starts sept 2nd but I'd have to be there starting the 25th
bfett81: just seems a little weird no one was there, was it grade school or what?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: their hours this week are 9-12
HOTINTERNETSLUT: found that out after the fact
bfett81: yeah, they probably don't have summer school or something
HOTINTERNETSLUT: no they don't it's a small private school
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'll only have 8 kids in my class
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and that's kindergarten and first grade combined
bfett81: not too bad at all
bfett81: private, very nice
bfett81: probably means more $$$
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ah i'm not sure about that
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but I guess we'll see
HOTINTERNETSLUT: so I quit my job today
bfett81: did you do in style? 8-)
HOTINTERNETSLUT: eh I did it in front of 5 other people and basically lied and said i had a job lined up
bfett81: heh...this guy did it in style
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I feel like the job is mine if I want it
bfett81: lol...well considering most of those places, that sink might never be cleaner
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ugh don't tell me crap like that
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and never talk about the recycled air on an airplane
bfett81: i used to work at papa john's...but I won't go into details
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I can imagine but it's best I know nothing
bfett81: i haven't even heard the recycled air stuff....and i just got off a plane the other day
bfett81: you ever see "waiting" ?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: nope haven't even heard of it
bfett81: it's basically about the sick stuff food service workers pull in the line of duty
bfett81: and from what i hear it's all pretty true to life lol
bfett81: essentially...don't piss off your server
bfett81: and tip well
bfett81: lol alright, time to change the subject
bfett81: you ever been to wisconsin?
bfett81: i was there last week...
bfett81: got to see milwaukee and chicago for the first time
bfett81: i was covering chiefs training camp
bfett81: NFL team
bfett81: they go up there to prepare for the season every year, since KC weather is like hell this time of year
bfett81: well it was work, but pretty cool
bfett81: milwaukee is AWESOME
bfett81: one of the coolest cities i've ever seen
bfett81: oh yeah
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I would not have guessed that
bfett81: i was blown away
bfett81: yeah, i know, me too!
bfett81: i mean most of wisconsin is just cows and shrubbery
bfett81: but the architecture in milwaukee is like someone took a fistful of churches from europe and plopped 'em down in the midwest US
HOTINTERNETSLUT: huh interesting I might need to add that to the list of places I plan to visit this lifetime
bfett81: lake drive out by lake michigan is where all the rich people live
bfett81: it was amazing, too
bfett81: i had no idea the lakes were so huge
bfett81: it was like looking at the atlantic
HOTINTERNETSLUT: really that's cool. I have never been north or east and all that midwest and's something i must do
bfett81: yeah i've never been east apart from florida
bfett81: pretty cool though, and nice weather, a great break from 100 degrees down here, which hit me like a ton of bricks when i got off the plane the other day
bfett81: ugh!
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yep yep me too when I got back from Maui
bfett81: the actual town in wisconsin where the chiefs were
bfett81: it's funny, though
bfett81: it's really small
bfett81: it's ridiculous how small it is
bfett81: the movie theater is like a 7-11
bfett81: they're bummed because the chiefs drop all this money there every year and they're probably not coming back
bfett81: doesn't even have a wal mart
bfett81: nah, they spent all this money in KC on new facilities
HOTINTERNETSLUT: oh yes walmart makes a town
bfett81: we had to go to walgreens....
bfett81: you want fine dining at applebees you gotta head up the road to hudson lol
HOTINTERNETSLUT: at applebees?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: seriously fine dining? not really my type of resturant
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I couldn't survive
bfett81: i know, i'm just saying, if they had an applebees in river falls
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well I can live without walmart
bfett81: it would be packed every night
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well yeah I got what you are saying...
bfett81: worst mexican food of my life was in river falls last year
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ah yeah I could imagine and I'm not that big of a mexican fan
bfett81: cheese curds are a local delicacy actually quite good
bfett81: no, really?
bfett81: how long you lived in TX?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: let's see 24 years and umm 6 months
bfett81: and you don't like mex?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: haha it's not my favorite
bfett81: wow, OK
bfett81: ever been to chuy's?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yes and actually they have the best cheese quesadillas I've ever had
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'm a bland eater for the most part
bfett81: there you go then
bfett81: chuy's is GOOD mexican
bfett81: most places kinda suck
bfett81: my sister loves their creamy jalapeno dip
HOTINTERNETSLUT: sounds too spicy for my liking
bfett81: what do you mean by a bland eater?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ok like chicken or beef...just cheese please
bfett81: ah
bfett81: no onions?
bfett81: no tomatoes?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: nope nothing just cheese
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and don't even bring the sour cream and pico de gallo with it
bfett81: can't stand sour cream
bfett81: well at least you eat cheese
bfett81: because if you didn't I'd just close this window right now
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'm really not a big food person
bfett81: oh great, make me feel like a pig
bfett81: you're just too good for that "food" stuff!
HOTINTERNETSLUT: apparently I make everyone feel like a pig
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I once made a comment to some of my friends that I wish we didn't have to eat to live
bfett81: just martinis and quesadillas for you....
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and she won't let me live that comment done
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ew no please terrible combination
bfett81: yeah?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: let's say italian or chinese with a martini
bfett81: i had some vodka with quesadillas wasn't bad
bfett81: but i was just getting ripped at my cousin's
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ok maybe not but i don't really want quesadillas most of the time just if someone wants to go to a mexican resturant i'm not going to not go because it's not my favorite
bfett81: so what do you like?
bfett81: i mean, when you can actually hold off your gag reflex to choke down some food...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: hey now I don't have an eating disorder
bfett81: lol well that's good to hear...
bfett81: not into 90-lb girls
bfett81: you say "eww" a lot
bfett81: ever been to the GIANT chinese buffet place downtown?
bfett81: i forget where it is exactly
bfett81: it has these huge stone lions out in front
bfett81: and this fish pond
bfett81: they have like, 200 things in the buffet, it's ridiculous
bfett81: but most of them SUCK
bfett81: it's incredible
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I usually eat at the hole in the wall places
bfett81: i hate it :-\
bfett81: mmm, those are usually the best
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and P.F. Changs was decent
bfett81: trying to find this italian place i's downtown...
bfett81: awesome bruschetta
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I haven't really explored downtown a whole lot
bfett81: eh, me neither, i don't even know where this place is
bfett81: went down a couple times for some rockets/texans games
bfett81: last year i saw this at the bball arena...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: was it good? I wanted to take my nephew but found out about it too late and the show was gone
bfett81: OMG
bfett81: it was amazing
HOTINTERNETSLUT: it looked like it
bfett81: all the little kids
bfett81: were awestruck
bfett81: the people in the dino suits were best, moved around really quickly
bfett81: you couldn't really see their legs unless you looked for them
HOTINTERNETSLUT: that's cool my nephew would have loved it
bfett81: that's the italian place
bfett81: AMAZING
HOTINTERNETSLUT: I'm getting an IM from someone I don't know...
bfett81: always fun
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and I'm not sure how they got my screenname
bfett81: lol I wouldn't give it out...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well I believe that
HOTINTERNETSLUT: wasn't trying to say you did
bfett81: thanks
bfett81: they still talking?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: they don't seem to know who i am either
bfett81: probably just spam?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: no I think they're tried talking to me before actually
bfett81: so you're lauren?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: what in the world would give you that idea?
bfett81: haha
bfett81: oh, just random guess
bfett81: you look like a lauren :-)
bfett81: im clay
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well yes I am lauren
bfett81: do i look like a clay?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: wow clay nope I don't think I would have guessed clay
bfett81: what did you guess?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: guess i hadn't really thought about it until now
bfett81: heh
bfett81: and here I figured you were spending hours staring at my profile....
HOTINTERNETSLUT: what's in a name?
bfett81: um...words
bfett81: er
bfett81: letters
bfett81: now i feel stupid
HOTINTERNETSLUT: oh come on now...shakespeare
bfett81: yes, i know
bfett81: my parents are weird though
bfett81: they wanted to name my sister morag
bfett81: sounds like a freaking beast of legend or something
bfett81: THE MORAG
bfett81: =-O
HOTINTERNETSLUT: what did they end up naming her?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: ah yes better
bfett81: apparently it was a very popular scottish name at the time though...morag
bfett81: my sister got stuck with "phaedra"
bfett81: which was mispronounced "padre" at her wedding
bfett81: don't ask me how
bfett81: it's actually pronounced "fay-dra"
HOTINTERNETSLUT: oh know i'd be mad
bfett81: it's greek
bfett81: oh yeah?
bfett81: or just over padre?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: mispronuciation of my name at my wedding?
bfett81: heh
bfett81: every girl's greatest fear...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well wasn't until now
bfett81: what's worse, that or tripping over feet while you dance at your wedding?
bfett81: in front of 100s of people?
HOTINTERNETSLUT: that's a no go for me
bfett81: see guys don't really think about this crap
bfett81: because for them....just the fact that it's a WEDDING
bfett81: is bad enough
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well i've never thought about the dancing because I don't dance
bfett81: lol well I probably could, all my relatives say I should have been a dancer
bfett81: but I lack the gumption
bfett81: because you know, dancing is SO scary and all
bfett81: eek
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i hate dancing
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and i hate when one of my friends goes to this place that has a floor for dancing and wants me to go with her
HOTINTERNETSLUT: and she made me leave my lovely swig enjoying my martinis to go pay cover and watch her dance with nasty hot sweaty people
bfett81: lmao...that's my sister
bfett81: what, you don't like complete strangers rubbing up against you in the dark?
bfett81: come on now
bfett81: that's a damn good time
HOTINTERNETSLUT: dancing with strangers?
bfett81: according to some people
bfett81: but no, i agree...i don't see the appeal
bfett81: great place to get a tab of E slipped in your drink
bfett81: or worse
bfett81: we had to take ballroom dancing class when i was a kid in school
bfett81: it was excruciating, especially since i was like 8 and hated girls
HOTINTERNETSLUT: haha i could imagine that
bfett81: i don't think they have that in the US school system
bfett81: this was in scotland
bfett81: it was part of our "PE"
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yeah makes sense
bfett81: i like your puppy
bfett81: is he *your* puppy?
bfett81: your little AIM dog
bfett81: your icon
HOTINTERNETSLUT: umm...I don't even know what it is
bfett81: guess you don't see my AWESOME kermit
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yeah i can see that
bfett81: i call him "street kermit"
HOTINTERNETSLUT: but i don't remember what my icon is
bfett81: you betta recognize!
bfett81: it's some dog with a red collar
bfett81: he's not nearly as gangsta as my kermit
bfett81: my kermit would do a drive by on that poor dog
HOTINTERNETSLUT: um i don't know what you're seeing but i'm looking at it and it's a victoria secret deal
HOTINTERNETSLUT: it says love pink with a guitar and dog
HOTINTERNETSLUT wants to directly connect.
HOTINTERNETSLUT is now directly connected.
bfett81: great, now i miss out victoria's secret stuff
bfett81: for a dog
bfett81: or not...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: well i was going to send it but it's not working
bfett81: see, i'm cursed
HOTINTERNETSLUT: man this stuff is old
bfett81: maybe if i photoshop a bra on kermit...
HOTINTERNETSLUT: my little personality thing and stuff
bfett81: yeah i left mine alone for months
HOTINTERNETSLUT: mine is llike over a year
bfett81: woo, AIM icons....this is thrilling conversation right here!
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yes yes it is
bfett81: you use
bfett81: the job hunting site?
bfett81: is there a section to enter "reference codes?"
bfett81: i just haven't used it in awhile, im lost here
HOTINTERNETSLUT: i have no idea
bfett81: bah
bfett81: looks like a scam anyway
bfett81: craigslist
bfett81: scam city
bfett81: anyway...i'm about to hit the sack
bfett81: but it was nice chatting with you tonight :-)
HOTINTERNETSLUT: yeah i need to an interview in the morning :-)
bfett81: so hopefully I'll see you around
bfett81: yep you do!
bfett81: good luck with that
HOTINTERNETSLUT: have a good night
HOTINTERNETSLUT: talk to you later I'm sure
bfett81: i'd like that
bfett81: lauren
bfett81: :-)
HOTINTERNETSLUT: night sleep tight
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