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Old 01-09-2025, 08:25 PM  
TripleThreat TripleThreat is offline
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Do I have a UTI? Or is this an enlarged prostate issue..

Just started up yesterday… I feel the urge to pee every hour within the hour, to the point it feels like I’m going to unleash a wave of pee but it only ends up being just a minor amount… after I pee, I feel relief but about only 2-3 minutes, until it slowly creeps back in with 15 minutes later feeling a crazy urge to per again….

The reasons I’m thinking UTI is because I’m reading that the UTI bacteria attacks the bladder wall making your body get the urge to pee it out without being full..

The reasons I don’t think it’s a UTI is because it doesn’t hurt or burn when I pee….
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:28 PM   #2
BWillie BWillie is offline
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Sir this is a Chiefsplanet
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:28 PM   #3
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soudns like prostate

i had a uti when i was a teenager. it felt like i needed to pee all the time, but it hurt like hell to pee. and the pain got progressively worse until one time i went to pee and it came out purple (from blood). i freaked the F out and finally went to the doc
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:28 PM   #4
TripleThreat TripleThreat is offline

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Originally Posted by BWillie View Post
Sir this is a Chiefsplanet
Exactly . It’s where I go for my help and life advice.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:30 PM   #5
Deberg_1990 Deberg_1990 is offline
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I suggest you call your primary care. They will know more than anyone on here.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:30 PM   #6
BWillie BWillie is offline
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How old are you? Ive found out apparently once you hit your upper 30s you start peeing more frequently. Balls get bigger and shit. Its science.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:31 PM   #7
VAChief VAChief is offline
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Honestly that is significant enough that you need to see a doctor. Even if it’s just a UTI you will need treatment.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:31 PM   #8
hometeam hometeam is offline
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It sounds like you’re experiencing some uncomfortable urinary symptoms, and it’s good that you’re being proactive about trying to figure out what might be going on. You’re right that urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common cause of frequent urination, but there are some nuances in your description that could suggest a few other possibilities as well.

Here are some things to consider:

UTI: Typically, a UTI would involve symptoms like a burning or stinging sensation when urinating, urgency, and frequency. While you don’t have the pain or burning with urination, some UTIs can present with frequency and urgency without pain. That said, the absence of pain or burning makes it a bit less likely, but not entirely impossible.

Bladder Irritation (Interstitial Cystitis): This is a condition where the bladder wall becomes irritated or inflamed, leading to a frequent and urgent need to urinate, even when the bladder isn’t full. Interstitial cystitis can occur without pain or burning during urination, so it could be a possibility in your case. It’s often characterized by feeling like you need to pee, even though only a small amount comes out each time.

Overactive Bladder (OAB): This condition involves a sudden, frequent urge to urinate, often with little warning. It can lead to frequent urination and a feeling of urgency, much like you're describing. OAB doesn’t always come with pain or burning but can cause discomfort and inconvenience due to the frequent urges.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: In some cases, issues with the pelvic floor muscles can cause similar symptoms, such as urgency and frequency. These issues can occur even without infection or irritation.

Diet and Lifestyle Factors: Sometimes, things like caffeine, alcohol, or even certain medications can irritate the bladder and cause frequent urges to urinate. It’s worth considering if anything you ate or drank recently could be contributing to the issue.

If these symptoms persist, worsen, or you develop any new symptoms (such as pain, fever, or blood in your urine), I would definitely recommend seeing a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation. A doctor might perform a urinalysis, check for infection, and possibly do imaging or other tests to rule out conditions like interstitial cystitis or overactive bladder.

In the meantime, staying hydrated and avoiding any bladder irritants (like caffeine or alcohol) might help ease the discomfort.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:33 PM   #9
IowaHawkeyeChief IowaHawkeyeChief is online now
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First it started with a simple kiss
now it hurts
when I take a piss
Oh why oh why Damn Syphillis

Just kidding, could be a UTI, if it came on suddenly. A prostate issue most likely would take time.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:37 PM   #10
ROYC75 ROYC75 is offline
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My guess is enlarged prostate, but seeing your primary care doc is the 1st step to getting better.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:38 PM   #11
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:40 PM   #12
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:41 PM   #13
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:41 PM   #14
TripleThreat TripleThreat is offline

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Originally Posted by ROYC75 View Post
My guess is enlarged prostate, but seeing your primary care doc is the 1st step to getting better.
I really hope this isn’t the case. I’ve read that an enlarged prostate is incurable and only gets worse, but you can manage “how worse”. Anything worse than this I don’t think I can handle it.
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Old 01-09-2025, 08:42 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by BWillie View Post
Balls get bigger and shit. Its science.
How about the wiener? Asking for a friend.
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