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Old 11-06-2003, 11:31 AM  
siberian khatru siberian khatru is offline
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The Pussification Of The Western Male (long but worth it)

I thought this was a hilarious, frazod-like rant.


The Pussification Of The Western Male

We have become a nation of women.

It wasn't always this way, of course. There was a time when men put their signatures to a document, knowing full well that this single act would result in their execution if captured, and in the forfeiture of their property to the State. Their wives and children would be turned out by the soldiers, and their farms and businesses most probably given to someone who didn't sign the document.

There was a time when men went to their certain death, with expressions like "You all can go to hell. I'm going to Texas." (Davy Crockett, to the House of Representatives, before going to the Alamo.)

There was a time when men went to war, sometimes against their own families, so that other men could be free. And there was a time when men went to war because we recognized evil when we saw it, and knew that it had to be stamped out.

There was even a time when a President of the United States threatened to punch a man in the face and kick him in the balls, because the man had the temerity to say bad things about the President's daughter's singing.

We're not like that anymore.

Now, little boys in grade school are suspended for playing cowboys and Indians, cops and crooks, and all the other familiar variations of "good guy vs. bad guy" that helped them learn, at an early age, what it was like to have decent men hunt you down, because you were a lawbreaker.

Now, men are taught that violence is bad -- that when a thief breaks into your house, or threatens you in the street, that the proper way to deal with this is to "give him what he wants", instead of taking a horsewhip to the rascal or shooting him dead where he stands.

Now, men's fashion includes not a man dressed in a three-piece suit, but a tight sweater worn by a man with breasts.

Now, warning labels are indelibly etched into gun barrels, as though men have somehow forgotten that guns are dangerous things.

Now, men are given Ritalin as little boys, so that their natural aggressiveness, curiosity and restlessness can be controlled, instead of nurtured and directed.

And finally, our President, who happens to have been a qualified fighter pilot, lands on an aircraft carrier wearing a flight suit, and is immediately dismissed with words like "swaggering", "macho" and the favorite epithet of Euro girly-men, "cowboy". Of course he was bound to get that reaction -- and most especially from the Press in Europe, because the process of male pussification Over There is almost complete.

How did we get to this?

In the first instance, what we have to understand is that America is first and foremost, a culture dominated by one figure: Mother. It wasn't always so: there was a time when it was Father who ruled the home, worked at his job, and voted.

But in the twentieth century, women became more and more involved in the body politic, and in industry, and in the media -- and mostly, this has not been a good thing. When women got the vote, it was inevitable that government was going to become more powerful, more intrusive, and more "protective" (ie. more coddling), because women are hard-wired to treasure security more than uncertainty and danger. It was therefore inevitable that their feminine influence on politics was going to emphasize (lowercase "s") social security.

I am aware of the fury that this statement is going to arouse, and I don't care a fig.

What I care about is the fact that since the beginning of the twentieth century, there has been a concerted campaign to denigrate men, to reduce them to figures of fun, and to render them impotent, figuratively speaking.

I'm going to illustrate this by talking about TV, because TV is a reliable barometer of our culture.

In the 1950s, the TV Dad was seen as the lovable goofball -- perhaps the beginning of the trend -- BUT he was still the one who brought home the bacon, and was the main source of discipline (think of the line: "Wait until your father gets home!").

From that, we went to this: the Cheerios TV ad.

Now, for those who haven't seen this piece of shit, I'm going to go over it, from memory, because it epitomizes everything I hate about the campaign to pussify men. The scene opens at the morning breakfast table, where the two kids are sitting with Dad at the table, while Mom prepares stuff on the kitchen counter. The dialogue goes something like this:

Little girl (note, not little boy): Daddy, why do we eat Cheerios?
Dad: Because they contain fiber, and all sorts of stuff that's good for the heart. I eat it now, because of that.
LG: Did you always eat stuff that was bad for your heart, Daddy?
Dad (humorously): I did, until I met your mother.
Mother (not humorously): Daddy did a lot of stupid things before he met your mother.

Now, every time I see that TV ad, I have to be restrained from shooting the TV with a .45 Colt. If you want a microcosm of how men have become less than men, this is the perfect example.

What Dad should have replied to Mommy's little dig: Yes, Sally, that's true: I did do a lot of stupid things before I met your mother. I even slept with your Aunt Ruth a few times, before I met your mother.

That's what I would have said, anyway, if my wife had ever attempted to castrate me in front of the kids like that. But that's not what men do, of course. What this guy is going to do is smile ruefully, finish his cereal, and then go and **** his secretary, who doesn't try to cut his balls off on a daily basis. Then, when the affair is discovered, people are going to rally around the castrating bitch called his wife, and call him all sorts of names. He'll lose custody of his kids, and they will be brought up by our ultimate modern-day figure of sympathy: The Single Mom.

You know what? Some women deserve to be single moms.

When I first started this website, I think my primary aim was to blow off steam at the stupidity of our society.

Because I have fairly set views on what constitutes right and wrong, I have no difficulty in calling Bill Clinton, for example, a ****ing liar and hypocrite.

But most of all, I do this website because I love being a man. Amongst other things, I talk about guns, self-defense, politics, beautiful women, sports, warfare, hunting, and power tools -- all the things that being a man entails. All this stuff gives me pleasure.

And it doesn't take much to see when all the things I love are being threatened: for instance, when Tim Allen's excellent comedy routine on being a man is reduced to a ****ing sitcom called Home Improvement. The show should have been called Man Improvement, because that's what every single plotline entailed: turning a man into a "better" person, instead of just leaving him alone to work on restoring the vintage sports car in his garage. I stopped watching the show after about four episodes.

("The Man Show" was better, at least for the first season -- men leering at chicks, men ****ing around with ridiculous games like "pin the bra on the boobies", men having beer-drinking competitions, and women on trampolines. Excellent stuff, only not strong enough. I don't watch it anymore, either, because it's plain that the idea has been subverted by girly-men, and turned into a parody of itself.)

Finally, we come to the TV show which to my mind epitomizes everything bad about what we have become: Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Playing on the homo Bravo Channel, this piece of excrement has taken over the popular culture by storm (and so far, the only counter has been the wonderful South Park episode which took it apart for the bullshit it is).

I'm sorry, but the premise of the show nauseates me. A bunch of homosexuals trying to "improve" ordinary men into something "better" (ie. more acceptable to women): changing the guy's clothes, his home decor, his music -- for ****'s sake, what kind of girly-man would allow these simpering butt-bandits to change his life around?

Yes, the men are, by and large, slobs. Big ****ing deal. Last time I looked, that's normal. Men are slobs, and that only changes when women try to civilize them by marriage. That's the natural order of things.

You know the definition of homosexual men we used in Chicago? "Men with small dogs who own very tidy apartments."

Real men, on the other hand, have big ****ing mean-ass dogs: Rhodesian ridgebacks, bull terriers and Rottweilers, or else working dogs like pointers or retrievers which go hunting with them and slobber all over the furniture.

Women own lapdogs.

Which is why women are trying to get dog-fighting and cock-fighting banned -- they'd ban boxing too, if they could -- because it's "mean and cruel". No shit, Shirley. Hell, I don't like the idea of fighting dogs, either, but I don't have a problem with men who do. Dogs and cocks fight. So do men. No wonder we have an affinity for it.

My website has become fairly popular with men, and in the beginning, this really surprised me, because I didn't think I was doing anything special.

That's not what I think now. I must have had well over five thousand men write to me to say stuff like "Yes! I agree! I was so angry when I read about [insert atrocity of choice], but I though I was the only one."

No, you're not alone, my friend, and nor am I.

Out there, there is a huge number of men who are sick of it. We're sick of being made figures of fun and ridicule; we're sick of having girly-men like journalists, advertising agency execs and movie stars decide on "what is a man"; we're sick of women treating us like children, and we're really ****ing sick of girly-men politicians who pander to women by passing an ever-increasing raft of Nanny laws and regulations (the legal equivalent of public-school Ritalin), which prevent us from hunting, racing our cars and motorcycles, smoking, flirting with women at the office, getting into fistfights over women, shooting criminals and doing all the fine things which being a man entails.

When Annika Sorenstam was allowed to play in that tournament on the men's PGA tour, all the men should have refused to play -- Vijay Singh was the only one with balls to stand up for a principle, and he was absolutely excoriated for being a "chauvinist". Bullshit. He wasn't a chauvinist, he was being a man. All the rest of the players -- Woods, Mickleson, the lot -- are girls by comparison. And, needless to say, Vijay isn't an American, nor a European, which is probably why he still has a pair hanging between his legs, and they're not hanging on the wall as his wife's trophy.

**** this, I'm sick of it.

I don't see why I should put up with this bullshit any longer -- hell, I don't see why any man should put up with this bullshit any longer.

I don't see why men should have become feminized, accept that we allowed it to happen -- and you know why we let it happen? Because it's goddamned easier to do so. Unfortunately, we've allowed it to go too far, and our maleness has become too pussified for words.

At this point, I could have gone two ways: the first would be to say, "...and I don't know if we'll get it back. The process has become too entrenched, the cultural zeitgeist of men as girls has become part of the social fabric, and there's not much we can do about it."

But I'm not going to do that. To quote John Belushi (who was, incidentally, a real man and not a ****ing woman): "Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"

Well, I'm not going to quit. **** that. One of the characteristics of the non-pussified man (and this should strike fear into the hearts of women and girly-men everywhere) is that he never quits just because the odds seem overwhelming. Omaha Beach, guys.

I want a real man as President -- not Al Gore, who had to hire a consultant to show him how to be an Alpha male, and french-kiss his wife on live TV to "prove" to the world that he was a man, when we all knew that real men don't have to do that shit.

And I want the Real Man President to surround himself with other Real Men, like Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft, and yes, Rice (who is more of a Real Man than those asswipes Colin Powell and Norman Mineta).

I want our government to be more like Dad -- kind, helpful, but not afraid to punish us when we **** up, instead of helping us excuse our actions.

I want our government of real men to start rolling back the Nanny State, in all its horrible manifestations of over-protectiveness, intrusiveness and "Mommy Knows Best What's Good For You" regulations.

I want our culture to become more male -- not the satirical kind of male, like The Man Show, or the cartoonish figures of Stallone, Van Damme or Schwartzenegger. (Note to the Hollywood execs: We absolutely ****ing loathe chick movies about feelings and relationships and all that feminine jive. We want more John Waynes, Robert Mitchums, Bruce Willises, and Clint Eastwoods. Never mind that it's simplistic -- we like simple, we are simple, we are men -- our lives are uncomplicated, and we like it that way. We Were Soldiers was a great movie, and you know why? Because you could have cut out all the female parts, and it still would have been a great movie, because it was about Real Men. Try cutting out all the female parts in a Woody Allen movie -- you'd end up with the opening and closing credits.)

I want our literature to become more male, less female. Men shouldn't buy "self-help" books unless the subject matter is car maintenance, golf swing improvement or how to disassemble a ****ing Browning BAR. We don't improve ourselves, we improve our stuff.

And finally, I want men everywhere to going back to being Real Men. To open doors for women, to drive fast cars, to smoke cigars after a meal, to get drunk occasionally and, in the words of Col. Jeff Cooper, one of the last of the Real Men: "to ride, shoot straight, and speak the truth."

In every sense of the word. We know what the word "is" means.

Because that's all that being a Real Man involves. You don't have to become a ****ing cartoon male, either: I'm not going back to stoning women for adultery like those Muslim assholes do, nor am I suggesting we support that perversion of being a Real Man, gangsta rap artists (those ****ing pussies -- they wouldn't last thirty seconds against a couple of genuine tough guys that I know).

Speaking of rap music, do you want to know why more White boys buy that crap than Black boys do? You know why rape is such a problem on college campuses? Why binge drinking is a problem among college freshmen?

It's a reaction: a reaction against being pussified. And I understand it, completely. Young males are aggressive, they do fight amongst themselves, they are destructive, and all this does happen for a purpose.

Because only the strong men propagate.

And women know it. You want to know why I know this to be true? Because powerful men still attract women. Women, even liberal women, swooned over George Bush in a naval aviator's uniform. Donald Trump still gets access to some of the most beautiful pussy available, despite looking like a medieval gargoyle. Donald Rumsfeld, if he wanted to, could **** 90% of all women over 50 if he wanted to, and a goodly portion of younger ones too.

And he won't. Because Rummy's been married to the same woman for fifty years, and he wouldn't toss that away for a quickie. He's a Real Man. No wonder the Euros hate and fear him.

We'd better get more like him, we'd better become more like him, because if we don't, men will become a footnote to history.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:45 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by memyselfi
Russ, I said the folks have the intelligence. I said they CHOOSE not to use it.

Just like the parents who would succumb to teacher or doctor pressure to give their children drugs they INTUITIVELY KNOW is wrong. These parent's are choosing not to use their intelligence and are taking the easy way, cop out...

like Limbaugh's flock.
You also said that people are not making decisions based upon feminazi's actions but are doing so based upon Limbaugh's actions. Sorry, it is nothing but hypocrisy, not matter how to try to explain it.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:46 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by frazod
Well, I have an alarm, for one reason only. To give me a heads up that it's time to grabbed one of my LOCKED AND LOADED GUNS so that I can KILL THE fuckER WHO'S BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE.

Of course, metrosexual man is scared of guns, because guns are evil.
Thieves will admit the worst sound when breaking into a house is NOT an alarm. It's the sound of a shotgun being racked.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:47 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by Simplex3
Thieves willl admit the worst sound when breaking into a house is NOT an alarm. It's the sound of a shotgun being racked.
A baseball bat doesn't make a sound, and doesn't give them time to prepare.
How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:48 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Simplex3
Thieves willl admit the worst sound when breaking into a house is NOT an alarm. It's the sound of a shotgun being racked.

You're scaring metrosexual man

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Old 11-06-2003, 09:49 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by Simplex3
Thieves will admit the worst sound when breaking into a house is NOT an alarm. It's the sound of a shotgun being racked.
How true it is
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:49 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Simplex3
Once upon a time, men wanted women. They married them and had sex with them. They paid for the dates, they opened the doors, they protected and provided for their family.

Then one day a femisist showed up. She said "women should be equal". Men said "Uh, Ok." Men still paid for the dates, they opened the doors, they protected and provided for their family.

Then the feminist thought, "hell, if I got that and didn't have to give anything up why can't I get more?" So she asked for affirmitive action protection, alimony, palimony if she didn't get married, child support if she happened to get pregnant (in some cases even if it wasn't his child), full custody of the children, the ability to abort a fetus without the man's consent, and some other stuff.

Men looked around, and seeing that hookers were still illegal, said "F**k this, it's too big a pain in my ass. Why bother getting a good job, married, and having kids if this bitch can just take it all away whenever she feels like it? I'm just gonna watch some porn and whack off."

The end.
It would be even funnier if it did not have an element of truth to it.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:50 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by frazod

You're scaring metrosexual man

Good. I really don't want him or his toenail painting, manicure having, eyebrow waxing, ass shaving, 20 pair of shoes having pansy ass around.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:51 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by frazod
"In one commercial, the family is a mother and two children. The mother quickly herds her kids upstairs. In the other commercial, the father is there, too. And, just like mommy, he also herds the kids upstairs.
That's fugging pathetic.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:53 PM   #114
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I can only pray my son finds a woman like you some day. You are based on the opinions you have expressed IMO a rare female in this world.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:53 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by frazod
In one commercial, the family is a mother and two children. The mother quickly herds her kids upstairs. In the other commercial, the father is there, too. And, just like mommy, he also herds the kids upstairs.
Actually, in the second one the man is coming out of the bathroom. The mom has rounded up the kids and dad is standing around scared with the kids while mom answers the phone to take care of business.

I want to reach through the screen and slap his ass silly. Can we start revoking these guys' johnsons? If they don't want to be in our club they should give up their "member"ship card.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:54 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Simplex3


Didn't take long to find an actual case, and Salon is hardly a conservative rag...

In order for Ritalin to be prescribed and a prescription filled the PARENTS have to believe that their child is suffering from a disorder. Most parents I know do NOT want to believe their children are suffering from anything let alone a psychiatric, behavioral, or chemical disorder.

I don't doubt that there are kids out there who actually have these disorders. I do doubt that the kids parents used Ritalin as a last resort vs. a quick fix.

If they have turned the personality and behavior of their children over to a drug by accepting the doctor's diagnosis and recommendation for drugs then AFTER the drug is being used they are a little late in the game deciding their kid is normal and they do not need the medication afterall.

Perhaps they wanted the help controlling their child but then they got the guilt associated with drugging their child and decided their kid wasn't so bad afterall...

the parents are fuckED up, not the kid.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:57 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Simplex3
Good. I really don't want him or his toenail painting, manicure having, eyebrow waxing, ass shaving, 20 pair of shoes having pansy ass around.
Which brings me to snippet No. 2.

Every day when I walk through Union Station, I am assailed by numerous posters advertising FACIAL CREAM FOR MEN.

Curiously, the guy in the poster looks very much like the pussy in alarm company commercial - an effeminant, grinning little girlie-man who looks like he just wiped a large amount of a different kind of cream off his chin.

These posters just make me want to beat the shit out of somebody.

As I have dry skin, I occasionally use hand lotion ON MY FRIGGIN HANDS to keep my skin from cracking. But the day will NEVER come when I feel compelled to lube up my face to give myself that chipper, metrosexual glow.

Facial lotion for men. What is the fucking world coming to?

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Old 11-06-2003, 09:58 PM   #118
Simplex3 Simplex3 is offline
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Originally Posted by memyselfi
In order for Ritalin to be prescribed and a prescription filled the PARENTS have to believe that their child is suffering from a disorder. Most parents I know do NOT want to believe their children are suffering from anything let alone a psychiatric, behavioral, or chemical disorder.

the parents are fuckED up, not the kid.
With the weight of the courts bearing down on you, and limited resources to fight people who are using your tax dollars against you, and with the threat of losing your children...

There are not that many people who have the financial means and the stones to stand up to that.
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:59 PM   #119
memyselfI memyselfI is offline
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Originally Posted by frazod
Facial lotion for men. What is the fucking world coming to?

I'm curious, how is lotion any different than hair dye or cologne for men?
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Old 11-06-2003, 09:59 PM   #120
KCWolfman KCWolfman is offline
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Originally Posted by frazod
Which brings me to snippet No. 2.

Every day when I walk through Union Station, I am assailed by numerous posters advertising FACIAL CREAM FOR MEN.

Curiously, the guy in the poster looks very much like the pussy in alarm company commercial - an effeminant, grinning little girlie-man who looks like he just wiped a large amount of a different kind of cream off his chin.

These posters just make me want to beat the shit out of somebody.

As I have dry skin, I occasionally use hand lotion ON MY FRIGGIN HANDS to keep my skin from cracking. But the day will NEVER come when I feel compelled to lube up my face to give myself that chipper, metrosexual glow.

Facial lotion for men. What is the fucking world coming to?

Tim, I use an old farm remedy of beeswax and olive oil. When I am working in the yard in the winter, it keeps my hands from cracking and bleeding. It doesn't smell pretty but it does the job.
How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!
Samuel Adams
Posts: 15,469
KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.KCWolfman would the whole thing.
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