View Full Version : Ok People stop pissing me off

10-01-2004, 01:13 PM
So I go another day without finding a real job and drag my ass to blockbuster yesterday to collect my free soft core porn movies and my 2 dollars an hour when this lady comes in, now you don't have to have your kids on a leash or anything, or you don't have to hold their hand, but please make an attempt to stop them from opening two bags of of popcorn instead of saying "You want popcorn? Well get that one that you didn't open" Ok it doesn't take hardly anything to piss me off, because there is only one thing more rude than a customers at blockbuster, the workers at blockbuster. So anyway this lady lets her kids run around and tear up shit and she starts to pick up the cover boxes to brand new movies to rent and says, can i buy this? I told her we don't have it to buy thats just for rent, she says well thats shitty, then goes on and on how the video store in her home town sells everything from video's to flying cars or whatever else she can think of. So i am speaking to her "well maybe hastings sells that movie!" While praying she takes her dirty kids out. No she stays because even though the other video store she goes too evidently is the land of milk and honey our store is where she piles up 10 movies to buy. So while i spend a good 15 minutes unlocking these movies she pulls out a credit card, and I knew right there where it was going, because the makers of the credit card machines at blockbuster were specifically designed to annoy me as much as possible with various beeps and the most shitty messages such as
accepted, denied, card error, and sometimes WTF?! So of course this bitch's card doesn't go through, and of course she gives the old "Can you try to run it again, and so i swipe it again, now the fun begins for me, i give a big smile and say WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO TYPE IT IN????
And she looks at me like she has seen Bo Jackson himself and exclaims YES TRY TO type it in! Beep Beep type type type type
type type, unnessessary keystrokes on the CC machines followed by some pressing of the yes no yes no keys, and of course it was denied. So she gets pissed and says our machine is broke, which could be the case, or it could be that you bought tons of crack with your credit card (Dealers take debit too!) anyway she leaves, and i have another great day!

KC Jones
10-01-2004, 01:15 PM
whitespace is important.

10-01-2004, 01:26 PM
Deep, cleansing breathes.

10-01-2004, 01:27 PM
If the card had gone through, I would have charged her for the bags of popcorn too.

Skip Towne
10-01-2004, 01:32 PM
So what pissed you off?

10-01-2004, 01:33 PM
Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you the reason for the 3 day waiting period.

Rain Man
10-01-2004, 01:35 PM
If I'm in a strange city, I sometimes go into stores and have fun being a very weird customer.

Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 01:38 PM
Wotta bitch.

10-01-2004, 01:43 PM
Flying cars? I'm moving to her home town.

Rain Man
10-01-2004, 01:45 PM
Anyone ever see the "Third Rock from the Sun" where Harry got a job working in a video store? Tommy came in to visit him, and the conversation went something like this:

Harry: It took me all day to get this place organized.

Tommy: What was wrong?

Harry: It made no sense at all. The movies were just all over the place. The only pattern I saw were that the ones that started with "A" were over here, and "B" were over there, and so on. And for some reason the ones that started with "X" have their own room.

Tommy: How did you organize it, then?

Harry: Easy. (Points to a shelf.) Good movies... (Points to another shelf.) Bad movies... (Turns around and waves arms at rest of store.) Movies I haven't seen.

Then later on, the store is empty and a customer comes in.

Customer: Where are the movies?

Harry: It's been busy. But you're in luck. We still have five copies of "Johnny Mnemonic." Or if that's not your speed, over there we have "The Making of Johnny Mnemonic."

10-01-2004, 01:46 PM
and what i want to know, if everyone in the world says that OTHER parents are shitty, like on here i always see , my friend lets their kids go wild bla bla bla, i can't believe they don't scissor kick their kids....

10-01-2004, 01:46 PM
Was she wearing NASCAR gear or a John Deere hat, by any chance?

10-01-2004, 01:48 PM
it was a steve kinsor world of outlaws hat, and i didn't have to scan the card to know she lived in kanas, the stench of tato skins and jim beam gave it away

Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 01:49 PM
I would just like to change my avatar.

10-01-2004, 01:53 PM
Was she wearing NASCAR gear or a John Deere hat, by any chance?

hey,my Mrs doesn't go to Blockbuster and we don't have any damn rugrats :D

10-01-2004, 01:54 PM
hey,my Mrs doesn't go to Blockbuster and we don't have any damn rugrats :D


Please don't tell me I'm going to have to track down that post to explain the joke... :p

10-01-2004, 01:59 PM
i knew what kind of people i was dealing with when i saw the jimmy johnson jacket and flame retandent vest

I am now STFU in case someone is lurking.

10-01-2004, 02:00 PM
mrs likes jimmy johnson

KC Jones
10-01-2004, 02:07 PM
and what i want to know, if everyone in the world says that OTHER parents are shitty, like on here i always see , my friend lets their kids go wild bla bla bla, i can't believe they don't scissor kick their kids....

Your parents should have focused a little more on grammar and a little less on the scissor kicks.


10-01-2004, 02:09 PM
Your parents should have focused a little more on grammar and a little less on the scissor kicks.


me gramme fine

10-01-2004, 02:20 PM
Serenity now!

10-01-2004, 02:30 PM
The Flying Cars thing was the best. I just saw "The Flying Car" short from Kevin Smith. That was funny.

10-01-2004, 02:32 PM
1) Switch to decaf
2) Add Bailey's to said decaf
3) Put in the application now so you can have your firearm by Monday

~stupid people...can't live with them...can't shoot them~ :banghead:

10-01-2004, 02:33 PM
you can shoot them, but hiding the teeth is hard

Dr. Johnny Fever
10-01-2004, 02:35 PM
Hey Demon... stop posing in pictures hugging my wife.....you're really starting to piss me off...

10-01-2004, 02:38 PM
bow chicka wow wow! I'm not the normal pool boy

10-01-2004, 02:39 PM
Their always married, or gay, or broncos fans

10-01-2004, 02:40 PM
I am going out tonight and debating to take the camera to show some girls for all the old perves in here

Dr. Johnny Fever
10-01-2004, 02:46 PM
bow chicka wow wow! I'm not the normal pool boy

10-01-2004, 02:46 PM
So I go another day without finding a real job

That sucks.

10-01-2004, 02:48 PM
I am going out tonight and debating to take the camera to show some girls for all the old perves in here

What happens if you have to hop to find women? Do you consider yourself a loser if you leave a sausage fest?

KC Kings
10-01-2004, 02:53 PM
I worked at Blockbuster for 6 months, and that was the shittiest job ever. When I started I thought it had potentially to be cool, free rentals, easy money for a part time job, then I worked my first 30 minutes. Every fricking person that comes in and assumes that because your job only requires a 10th grade education, that you only have a 10th grade education. There is nothing worse than life long Raytown resident, complete with mullet and hi-top sneakers, talk down to you trying to explain how his movie should only be 1.99 because it is 20 years old, even though every fricking DVD rental is $3.99.

Even worse than that, the movies are due back by noon the next day. The computer system is setup to actualy give you until 3pm before it gives you late charges, incase you return it and the only employee is too busy to scan it in. At least 3 times a night some dckless whit says "I had it back here at 11:59! Have your manager go check the security tape." Aprox 1 out of 10 people accept the late fees with no incident. Aprox 1 out of 10 people get pissed off and blame their spouse, then pay the late fees. The other 8 out of 10 people argue the fricking fees, because obviously Blockbuster isn't making enough of a profit by buying a DVD for $8, renting it out 20 times at $3.99 a pop, then turning around and selling it as a used DVD for $14.99,,, so they use their computer system to illegally frame every customer with late fees. Most employees will prove the customer wrong, then when they put up a fight, they bow down and offer to meet them in the middle, and take off 50% of the fees. Not me.

I would let the person put up their argument, offer to meet half way in the middle, then reneg on my end of the deal. I tell them, "You offering to pay for half, proves that you know you turned the movies in late. Why else would you pay for half? If I know I didn't turn them in late, I wouldn't pay anything for Blockbusters mistake." Then they get upset, the manager comes in, and give 100% credit to defuse the situation, but I felt better for being able to piss them off.

Something else I did, when these a-holes come in and only look for "Guaranteed in Stock" movies, then come up and get the free rental. When the 60 year old School bus driver asks, "Do you have legally blonde back there?", I always call their bluff, and pretend that I have the DVD. I brought up some other DVD and asked for their card like I was going to charge them for it. Over 50% of the time they back out and make up some other excuse like, "ok, I was just asking for a friend.". Cheap azzes will go as low to watch Legally Blonde or Navy Seals 3, just to see a free movie.

10-01-2004, 02:56 PM
I worked at Blockbuster for 6 months, and that was the shittiest job ever. When I started I thought it had potentially to be cool, free rentals, easy money for a part time job, then I worked my first 30 minutes. Every fricking person that comes in and assumes that because your job only requires a 10th grade education, that you only have a 10th grade education. There is nothing worse than life long Raytown resident, complete with mullet and hi-top sneakers, talk down to you trying to explain how his movie should only be 1.99 because it is 20 years old, even though every fricking DVD rental is $3.99.

Even worse than that, the movies are due back by noon the next day. The computer system is setup to actualy give you until 3pm before it gives you late charges, incase you return it and the only employee is too busy to scan it in. At least 3 times a night some dckless whit says "I had it back here at 11:59! Have your manager go check the security tape." Aprox 1 out of 10 people accept the late fees with no incident. Aprox 1 out of 10 people get pissed off and blame their spouse, then pay the late fees. The other 8 out of 10 people argue the fricking fees, because obviously Blockbuster isn't making enough of a profit by buying a DVD for $8, renting it out 20 times at $3.99 a pop, then turning around and selling it as a used DVD for $14.99,,, so they use their computer system to illegally frame every customer with late fees. Most employees will prove the customer wrong, then when they put up a fight, they bow down and offer to meet them in the middle, and take off 50% of the fees. Not me.

I would let the person put up their argument, offer to meet half way in the middle, then reneg on my end of the deal. I tell them, "You offering to pay for half, proves that you know you turned the movies in late. Why else would you pay for half? If I know I didn't turn them in late, I wouldn't pay anything for Blockbusters mistake." Then they get upset, the manager comes in, and give 100% credit to defuse the situation, but I felt better for being able to piss them off.

Something else I did, when these a-holes come in and only look for "Guaranteed in Stock" movies, then come up and get the free rental. When the 60 year old School bus driver asks, "Do you have legally blonde back there?", I always call their bluff, and pretend that I have the DVD. I brought up some other DVD and asked for their card like I was going to charge them for it. Over 50% of the time they back out and make up some other excuse like, "ok, I was just asking for a friend.". Cheap azzes will go as low to watch Legally Blonde or Navy Seals 3, just to see a free movie.

Why the **** did you care that much?

10-01-2004, 02:56 PM
Working with the public. Yikes. :banghead:

I was a hairstylist for 10 years. 10 years or dealing with quite a number of people exactly like this. Needless to say, I got out of the business.

Z - *now happily isolated in a cubicle

10-01-2004, 02:59 PM
Demonpenz is a smooooth talker with the ladies. "Hey c*nt! Come here!"

That is a smooth line. If it works for Demonpenz it can work for me. I'll try that shit out when I get drunk enough.

KC Kings
10-01-2004, 03:01 PM
Why the **** did you care that much?

I have a bad habit of taking everything personally. I worked there in 2001-2002 before I took an anger managment course. What really got me, is that the normal people were fine. It was the people that you could point out as coming from the bottom half of the gene pool, that came in and caused the problems. The people that are so pathetic that the only people that can feel superior over, are people making minimum wage. That is what really got me ticked.

10-01-2004, 03:04 PM
I have a bad habit of taking everything personally. I worked there in 2001-2002 before I took an anger managment course. What really got me, is that the normal people were fine. It was the people that you could point out as coming from the bottom half of the gene pool, that came in and caused the problems. The people that are so pathetic that the only people that can feel superior over, are people making minimum wage. That is what really got me ticked.

Yeah, the superiority that some people try to exert over service workers is kind of lame.

10-01-2004, 03:10 PM
try working in a damn hospital where everyone there thinks they are the only one there, and the sickest one there, boy they really piss me off sometime.

10-01-2004, 03:11 PM
I had this conversation with a customer last weekend...

Customer: What time do you guys close tonight?

Me: We're open 24 hours.

Customer: All day?


Completely fried my brain. I didn't quite know what to say...

10-01-2004, 03:12 PM
I had this conversation with a customer last weekend...

Customer: What time do you guys close tonight?

Me: We're open 24 hours.

Customer: All day?


Completely fried my brain. I didn't quite know what to say...

So did you tell him no?

10-01-2004, 03:14 PM
So did you tell him no? After stammering around for a few seconds I said... "Umm..Yeah. We're open 24 hours all day.

10-01-2004, 03:14 PM
I am going out tonight and debating to take the camera to show some girls for all the old perves in here

Cool,maybe I can go 2 for 2

10-01-2004, 03:17 PM
Something else I did, when these a-holes come in and only look for "Guaranteed in Stock" movies, then come up and get the free rental. When the 60 year old School bus driver asks, "Do you have legally blonde back there?", I always call their bluff, and pretend that I have the DVD. I brought up some other DVD and asked for their card like I was going to charge them for it. Over 50% of the time they back out and make up some other excuse like, "ok, I was just asking for a friend.". Cheap azzes will go as low to watch Legally Blonde or Navy Seals 3, just to see a free movie.

When I worked at Golden Corral in high school, I got away with giving friends free food all the time, however, I couldn't stand those kind of people.... and we got plenty of them.

Two of the biggest deals for these people were the 50 cents off for being over 55, and the child discount for being under 12. The easiest way to prevent someone from lying for their child was to obviously ask the kid how old they were. Every once in a while the adult would chime in with "Eleven!", sometimes even when the kid was in the middle of saying they were 9 or 10.

So, I'd make them earn it (using the word "earn" loosely)... So what year was she born? Maybe it was just the pressure of the situation, but many of them had a difficult time subtracting 10 from '97.

10-01-2004, 03:20 PM
I had this conversation with a customer last weekend...

Customer: What time do you guys close tonight?

Me: We're open 24 hours.

Customer: All day?


Completely fried my brain. I didn't quite know what to say...
That reminds me when I worked at the bowling center...

Two girls were bowling together and I asked them weather they wanted to ticket to seperate or together.

They looked at me and asked "Which one is cheaper?"

10-01-2004, 03:22 PM
When I worked at Golden Corral in high school, I got away with giving friends free food all the time, however, I couldn't stand those kind of people.... and we got plenty of them.

Two of the biggest deals for these people were the 50 cents off for being over 55, and the child discount for being under 12. The easiest way to prevent someone from lying for their child was to obviously ask the kid how old they were. Every once in a while the adult would chime in with "Eleven!", sometimes even when the kid was in the middle of saying they were 9 or 10.

So, I'd make them earn it (using the word "earn" loosely)... So what year was she born? Maybe it was just the pressure of the situation, but many of them had a difficult time subtracting 10 from '97. That would never work with my boys.

"How old is he?"

"Ummm... 6"

"Am not dad!! I'm 7!! :mad: "

10-01-2004, 03:35 PM
kill them........

Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 03:44 PM

10-01-2004, 03:45 PM

I've got an idea for you. Put your avatar in your signature. Ta-da!

Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 04:04 PM
I've got an idea for you. Put your avatar in your signature. Ta-da!


Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 04:12 PM
I don't see what the big deal is. I just decided to change my avatar and suddenly I can't? No one said anything to me.

Skip Towne
10-01-2004, 04:44 PM
I don't see what the big deal is. I just decided to change my avatar and suddenly I can't? No one said anything to me.
Iowanian should design your avatar.

Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 05:13 PM
Iowanian should design your avatar.

No! I have the right to freedom of avatar like any other user on this BB!

Hammock Parties
10-01-2004, 05:16 PM
I clearly had the right to one before something happened...

Skip Towne
10-01-2004, 05:36 PM
No! I have the right to freedom of avatar like any other user on this BB!
Clearly you have a different deal from most members. You earned it.