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View Full Version : How come chester never gets any props for his play?

chief mohawk
09-27-2000, 12:04 PM
I know that glock jumps off sides alot but i hate to think where our d would be without his presure up the middle. and it looks like dan williams is finally playing for all that cash carl threw at him!

09-27-2000, 12:09 PM
Uh - ohh! Chief Mohawk, how well do you "know" Clint?

Clint in Wichita
09-27-2000, 12:09 PM
Probably because he averages 1 or 2 tackles per game, and probably 1/10th of a sack per game...even though the rest of the D-line has stepped up big time, especially compared to last season.

I heard from others on this BB that Glock's numbers were going to go up when the ends started producing. I guess I heard wrong.

09-27-2000, 12:11 PM
Wasn't it Chester who pushed through and hit Frerotte's arm, creating the game clinching INT last week? I saw the replay 3 or 4 times, but still wasn't sure if Hicks or Glock made that play.

Little help here...


09-27-2000, 12:14 PM
LOL! right in Clint's wheel house...needless to say, it didnt take long.

Does anyone know why the 'ends started producing'? Someone whisper to Clint that maybe it was cause of the double teams that Glock takes to be blocked.

09-27-2000, 12:14 PM
Yes Cotyt, but since that isn't an official statistic, it doesn't count and you can't use it to defend/support Chester.

playing by clint's rules...

chief mohawk
09-27-2000, 12:17 PM
I am from wichita but i dont know clint. Maybe you guys have a good point about the lack of tackles, because you dont hear his name called alot, but the point i was trying to make was that his presence in the middle does help our d line even though the individual stats dont meet our standards that you would like to see.

Clint in Wichita
09-27-2000, 12:18 PM
So, I guess that opponents are just going to single block Hicks, allowing him to get about 15 or 16 sacks, rather than single block the oh-so-dangerous McGlockton who might just go nuts and get 4 or 5 sacks.

Clint in Wichita
09-27-2000, 12:19 PM
Like I've said before, I'd be perfectly happy with McGlockton's performance...if he made about $500,000 to $750,000 per season.

09-27-2000, 12:19 PM
Tx Luz, I was hoping for a clarification before proceeding.

Just one quick Q for Clint: Who would you prefer to play NT for KC? And how much do you feel this position is worth in cap terms, to a defense?

OK, so I have 2 quick questions.


09-27-2000, 12:20 PM
Mohawk: you are correct. His presence up the middle does stuff the run that way. We have been weak around the end, but havent been beat up the middle.

Glock did cause the game winning play and Clint did give the defense credit for the win against the broncos but obviously doesnt include Glock in that credit.

Clint in Wichita
09-27-2000, 12:23 PM
Wow. He made a difference FOR ONCE. IMO he's only the 3rd best DL in the starting lineup behind Hicks and Williams. I'd bet that Clemons will easily surpass him when he gets his arse healthy.

09-27-2000, 12:23 PM

Also understand that my responce is a tad on the sarcastic side!

Clint and I have been around the block on this one and the boy just refuses to listen to common sense http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

very glad we have chester...

chief mohawk
09-27-2000, 12:34 PM
I wonder what the stats would be on where clemons and hicks got most of there sacks at on the field? if most of the sacks were on the edges than i would say that the presure up the middle is good, but it seems like alot of the yards on the ground that the other team has got are plays that are bounced to the outside. I maybe wrong because i have not got to see all of the games on tv but i do not take a thing away from clemons or hicks because i think that they are playing very good.

09-27-2000, 12:44 PM
Mohawk - I will add something to the mix. This year the Chiefs have started to do something a little different then in the past, they are actually using stunts. A couple of Hicks sacks have been because of Chester taking his 2 guys far enough out of the way that Hicks has clear saling. There is one play that sticks out in my mind in the Chargers game, Chester pushed his two lineman back into the tackle who was trying to get around and stop the stunt, and he pushed all 3 guys backwards. That sack was all Chester, he was even standing there celebrating, because he knew it wouldn't have happened without him.

09-27-2000, 12:45 PM
Does anyone know where to find data on how often teams run the ball towards Chester? I would find that very interesting.

09-27-2000, 12:47 PM
Sorry Morph, but there is no official record of that play in my stat sheet. You can't prove that ever happened, and therefore cannot use that as supporting evidence toward any logical point whatsoever.


[This message has been edited by coryt (edited 09-27-2000).]

Donkey Drew
09-27-2000, 12:48 PM
Maybe because he's a classless scumbag?<P>

09-27-2000, 12:51 PM
Cory - Don't make me go get my videotape!

Hoping he doesn't ask for it cause I don't have one.

09-27-2000, 12:52 PM
Hey Drew,

I think you were looking for that other topic discussing the lack of respect for Romo. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/tongue.gif


09-27-2000, 12:55 PM
Cory - Don't pick on Romo, the poor guy is probably still laying on the ground after the hit that TRich layed him out with.

chief mohawk
09-27-2000, 12:55 PM
I guess i did'nt know it was taboo to talk about chester's performance, just curious that not much is said about his play. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif

09-27-2000, 01:03 PM
It's not taboo, mohawk. It is to Clint who is too busy crying over spilled milk (Glock's contract) to credit the man for making some plays happen.

Clint in Wichita
09-27-2000, 01:09 PM
IMO he isn't even the best DT on the team. I would give that honor to Dan Williams. He's quicker & has a better motor.

I don't dislike the guy...but his performance this year is almost EXACTLY like last year's so far, even though the other D-linemen have improved tremendously.

Glock isn't the only one getting double-teamed, nor is he getting doubled nearly as often as last year. Watch him closely, and you'll see.

09-27-2000, 01:16 PM
Let me get this straight, Clint. You don't like Glock because of his cap # but you do like Dan Williams? Besides his 2 sack performance, what has Williams done that Glock hasn't? Hell, Williams was relegated to the bench for Browning earlier in the season....

Clint in Wichita
09-27-2000, 01:18 PM
Williams needs to be shown the door as well, IMO, but at least KC gets a LITTLE more bang for the buck out of DW.

I wish we still had Tom Barndt.

09-27-2000, 02:33 PM
The ONLY reason our outside pass rush has done anything is because Glock and DW are shutting down the middle and drawing the attention in there. That is why Hicks and Clemons have looked good. Chet also helped cause the clinching INT, Patton gave him major props for that...

09-27-2000, 02:35 PM
You have got to be kidding about Barndt. He was the biggest pu$$y on the team. Every time he had to line up inthe middle teams were able to run it up the gut. He had some nice plays in between but he was WAY too inconsistent and soft, which is why he's playing for the Bengals now...

09-28-2000, 08:31 AM

What in the HELL are you talkin about?!?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>
"IMO he isn't even the best DT on the team. I would give that honor to Dan Williams. He's quicker & has a better motor."

..and followed by..

"Williams needs to be shown the door as well, IMO, but at least KC gets a LITTLE more bang for the buck out of DW."

So, Dan Williams is our best Defensive Tackle, but he needs to be shown the door?
WHAT??? http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/confused.gif

Remember DT, fearsome OLB, our belated hero? There were many critics of DT around NFL circles. The claims were he was not a complete LB, weak against the run, weak in pass coverage. And there is some validity to these arguments. At times, it seemed he just did not show up at all for games, you never heard his name called all day long. But make no mistake about it, his presence was a major factor in each and every game. Every KC defender felt it, every opponents offensive player felt it, and every coach on both sidelines felt it. When a dominating defender is a focal point of the offensive game plan,
THAT is a major impact, whether you see thier name in the box score or not.

Try this on for size:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>
"Glock worries me a bit, I heard an interview with Pete Kendall on the radio and after reviewing game film, Pete says Glock is playing better than ever..." - Joe Seahawk

Put down your box scores, and open your eyes, Clint. Players make plays that never show on stat sheets.

Give TRich the Ball!!!</B>

09-28-2000, 08:43 AM
It's called cognative dissonance. When one is confronted by ideas or facts that are at odds with his pre-existing notions, the human psyche develops a static that has the power to distort or even block perception.

09-28-2000, 08:54 AM
OUCH Greg!!! That sounds very much like every Chief fan I've ever met! Especially ME!! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/eek.gif

I desparately hope you are exagerating.

Give TRich the Ball!!!</B>

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:06 AM
What am I talking about? It's quite simple: IMO, DW and Glock BOTH need to either take tremendous pay cuts, or be traded due to their bloated cap numbers.

"Put down your box scores, and open your eyes, Clint. Players make plays that never show on stat sheets."

I agree, but all the same guys that put up great numbers on stat sheets are the SAME ONES that make plays that DON'T show up on stat sheets, like DT. Glock NEVER puts up great numbers. Why is he the only so-called "great" player in the league that NEVER puts up great numbers, even in big games? Other "great" defensive tackles can, at least occasionally, put up big-time numbers, regardless of the talent around them.

I've asked this more than once: Now that the rest of the DL has stepped up, why haven't Glock's numbers improved? Poor DE play was the standard excuse for Glock's pathetic numbers last year. What's going to be the excuse this year?

[This message has been edited by Clint in Wichita (edited 09-28-2000).]

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:07 AM
Titus, you're just trying to compensate for getting your a*s kicked in the Bono debate by Cannibal.

Have "hot, steamy sex" with McGlockton! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/tongue.gif

09-28-2000, 09:30 AM
If Clint is HC, and you cut Glock and DW, who then plays DefTackle? What is this positions' value towards the total cap? How much would you pay your two DTs?

Give TRich the Ball!!!</B>

09-28-2000, 09:30 AM
Clint: LMAO...compensate for what? Im pretty sure it wasnt me who made an *** of himself. Obviously, you didnt read the posts either.

not suprising.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:33 AM
Oh, believe me, I read every word of that thread. You got your a*s kicked. Attempting to act dignified and mature changes nothing. You lost.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:36 AM

I'd be happy with a rotation of Ransom, Martin, and Browning at DT. I'm sure those guys can "clog up the middle" as well as any other fat, slow DT. KC would take a cap hit in the short term, but in the near future that money could be spent on players that might actually make a measureable contribution.

09-28-2000, 09:36 AM
(deleted dbl post)

[This message has been edited by KCTitus (edited 09-28-2000).]

09-28-2000, 09:37 AM
Clint: coming from you, that's a compliment. If you think I 'lost' that 'great' debate, I know for a fact I 'won'.

If you want to be a punk about it, too, feel free to email me at the address I posted. You can prove your intellect as well to me. LOL!

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:39 AM
"Clint: coming from you, that's a compliment. If you think I 'lost' that 'great' debate, I know for a fact I 'won'."


Well, I guess I was wrong about acting mature.

I'm rubber and you're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you.

09-28-2000, 09:40 AM
You're right, you're not mature...nice post, is that the best you can come up with. Email me...we can discuss.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:43 AM
Na nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!

09-28-2000, 09:50 AM
good one...you might want to save stuff this good when your objectivity is once again called into question.

This is too easy.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 09:58 AM
You'd have to be an idiot to "question my objectivity", because I never claimed to be objective in the first place!

I said I wanted Dan Williams and Chester McGlockton OUT OF KC! If you read that and think that I'm trying to establish any sort of objectivity, you are delusional.

09-28-2000, 09:58 AM
Titus - So Canibal was still trying to say that you thought Bono was going to take us to the SB because you said it was stupid of Schottheimer to try to suddenly switch from a team that relied on the run to a team that suddenly tried to rely on the weak excuse for an arm of Bono and lost because of it? Yeah, I see the logic there.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 10:07 AM
He's "through with that thread". Maybe you can e-mail him and talk about it.

09-28-2000, 10:07 AM
Morph: apparently so, it made sense to Cannibal and his twin Clint.

Clint: yes I said objectivity, of course, to understand, one would have to remember and comprehend our previous discussions about this subject, which would also require memory retention. Do you have to work at being this stupid or does it just come natural. Your statements about him being the worst DT in the league jumps to mind as something that lacks objectivity as well as your entirely conflicting statements on this thread.

Im trying not to laugh.

09-28-2000, 10:08 AM
All attempts at LOGIC within this thread is a waste of time. Clint and Titis would rather thumb thier noses at each other all day. Have fun boys! Come again when you can't stay so long!

Give TRich the Ball!!!</B>

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 10:10 AM
You're right. I'm not being objective. It's my O-P-I-N-I-O-N that Glock is one of the least productive starting DTs in the NFL.

Just like it's your opinion that coaching is the only reason that KC lost that '95 playoff game, and not Elliot's 3 missed FGs & 1 missed extra point, or Bono's 3 INTs.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 10:11 AM

I did manage to respond to you about Glock.

09-28-2000, 10:13 AM
The bottom line is that Schottenheimer had us in a position to win the game. The lack of skill position talent is what lost the game. Three interceptions by your boy and three missed field goals and a missed extra point. Titus said it was not Bono's or Elliot's fault, but Marty Schottenheimers. If those two worthless players had done their jobs we would have won the game.

Let me clue you guys into to a simple concept...

You cannot run the ball for TD's on everydown. Eventually you're going to have to use the QB and the field goal kicker. And our QB and field goal kicker both belonged on the bench from day one.

I ask you again...

How far would we have gone in the playoffs with Steve Bono and Lin Elliot?

09-28-2000, 11:36 AM
Glock has been getting better penetration this year but the fact remains, for the money that he is making, all that penetration should result in more tackles and more sacks. I've seen more excuses for Chester than any other Chief player Elvis and Carl included.

On the topic of wasted money, our OL should have to refund 80% of their paychecks for the abominable run blocking that is going on. Shields isn't going to get his big payday if KC only averages 2.0 a carry.

F. Gump
09-28-2000, 02:57 PM
"It's my O-P-I-N-I-O-N that Glock is one of the least productive starting DTs in the NFL."

Holmgren's opinion, " But it appears to me, their defensive line, they’re very much in sync with their pass rush and Chester McGlockton is an outstanding player. He is a load. He kind of anchors the middle there. They have a good defensive line.

Hummm, guess who's opinion means more Clint.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get...<BR>

09-28-2000, 03:04 PM
Exactly my point way back towards the end of #28. If the opposition is concerned about Chester in particular, then there really is no argument. He IS making an impact for our defense!!

Give TRich the Ball!!!</B>

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 03:07 PM
Wonderful. Holmgren likes Chester. He also liked Gilbert Brown. If he's more concerned about Glock than any other KC D-lineman, he's making a mistake. Hicks will continue to rack up sacks until other teams realize that Glock is no sack machine.

Clint in Wichita
09-28-2000, 03:09 PM
and he's still not worth $3-4 million per season.

09-28-2000, 03:12 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>
"Na nanny boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!"


Give TRich the Ball!!!</B>

F. Gump
09-28-2000, 03:23 PM
Hicks is getting the sacks because of Glock.

If I could find the exact quote I would, but Hicks said as much after the first 2 games.

09-28-2000, 03:39 PM
What are you talking about? Chester gets plenty of props. A couple times a game he recognized for being in the nuetral zone. When it is all said and done, this will go down as one of the most bone headed moves by the Peterson administration. Trading for and then signing of the league most well known cancers. It is no coincidence that the Chiefs havent made the playoffs since Chesters arrival. The guy is a loser who plays when he feels like playing. If he gave 100%, all the time, AND if he stayed out of the nuetral zone, I would have a different opinion. Al Davis turned the tables on Carl Peterson. First, he takes Gannon, then he gives Chester, than his team eliminates the Chiefs last year. I cant wait to see what happens next.

09-28-2000, 03:48 PM
Uh, Gannon was still here when we got Glock...

This repititive boring diatribe brought you by none other than...

09-28-2000, 03:51 PM
Stevey Ray,

Does Oakland have Gannon? Yes

Did they give the Chiefs their problem (Chester) Yes

Did they knock the chiefs out of the playoffs? Yes

What dont you understand about this?

09-28-2000, 03:59 PM
Kent, I don't understand how you think your opinion outweighs that of Holmgren or dozens of professional NFL analysts. I'm sure Glock would have no problem finding work in this watered down league...Have you been jilted by Carl? You are borderline stalker.

Where was Gannon during the playoffs?

09-28-2000, 04:34 PM

Now we've got Clint saying that Holmgren is dead wrong in his evaluation of player talent.

We've also got Packfan saying... well, he's saying the same thing he always says.

I guess you two football genuses are just over my head (and Holmgren's).

oops, i forgot to include cannibal...

09-28-2000, 09:19 PM

Gannon was at home in the playoffs. I am not a big Gannon fan. However, he is better than Presley.


What the hell do you think Holmgren is going to say? "Chester sucks and he is always jumping of sides". Smart coaches always compliment their opponent. Dont be such a jag-off, Luzap. Holmgren wouldnt give a squirt of piss for Chester. He had a Chester clone on his team (Sam Adams) and he was released this off season.

I am sure you were one of the Chief fans that ripped on Chester PRIOR to his arrival.

09-28-2000, 09:23 PM
First post to this board. I've been lurking here since the breakup. I never posted on the other board because they pulled it off Usenet and put it on the Web a few years ago. Too commercial for me, so I boycotted.

I don't usually post, but I can't pass this one up.

Luz - 'Genuses'. Now that's a Freudian slip if I ever saw one!

09-28-2000, 10:14 PM
That's right Packfan.

Just like when you were saying that 'everyone' knew that Grbac was a loser (except, of course, Schottenheimer, Cunningham, Shannahan, Seifert, and Holmgren).

Lurker ~ touche`

i've got to start proof reading...