View Full Version : Christmas ideas

11-28-2000, 02:07 PM
Anybody have any idea what to ask for Christmas? Chiefs gear should be cheap.

I'd really like an arial shot of arrowhead. I'm also a golfer and have asked for a new WhiteHot Odyssey putter & my favorite brand of balls (Titleist Eclipse).

What are some other ideas to put on my wish list (besides a new coach, high draft pick, a RB, etc.).

I know this is kind of a cheesey topic but what else do we have to discuss?

11-28-2000, 02:16 PM
since Christmas is also my birthday, i always ask for twice as much.
chiefs jersey(no number or name)
blues jersey
new tires for the 4wheeler
new collars for my labs

~santa knows i've been good

11-28-2000, 02:17 PM
DVD player...

All expense paid trip to Pebble Beach or St. Andrews...

A highlight video of the 2000 Chiefs season...(the Rams game)...

more to follow:


"The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."
-Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback and sports analyst

11-28-2000, 02:18 PM
BEER - how could I forget beer?

11-28-2000, 02:20 PM

at this point, all I want for christmas is a 200class pope and young buck to stand broadside in front of me at 20 yards a week from saturday morning...too much to ask???

my brothers and I got each other 2 way radios with earpieces and voice activated mics....it will be very cool....good for travel or finding a pal at a chiefs game...although at this rate, i think i could yell across the stadium and follow the echos.... http://www.chiefsplanet.com/ubb/frown.gif

11-28-2000, 02:24 PM
iowa...hell, bud...go for it! i'm sticking w/the more practical items that i can buy myself if nobody else gets it.

11-28-2000, 02:28 PM
Tequila Rose and bubble bath.

And an end to the election would be nice...


11-28-2000, 02:36 PM
Since it's not safe to say who will be on this team for the next few seasons I plan on receiving a personalized Chiefs jersey.

11-28-2000, 02:41 PM
my two front teeth! :D

opps, sorry - couldn't resist

11-28-2000, 02:52 PM
BIG DADDYS Christmas list.
1. For sore to finally quit this BS
2. For Greenspan to pull his head out of his a*s before he makes the entire market crash the son of a beeeoch.
3. A new dirtbike
4. Pam Anderson for night might be nice.

11-28-2000, 02:54 PM

You are concerning me a little with the request of the bubble bath. Is that your feminine side showing through?? :p

Brian K.

The future is much like the present, only longer.

[i]Don Quisenberry </I>

11-28-2000, 02:58 PM

Best way to relax is to draw a hot bubble bath, put some Flamenco music on the CD, pour a cold snifter of Tequila Rose and submerge with a stack of comic books for an hour or so.

Second best is the hot tub, Mrs. Gaz and Tequila Rose.

Try it [sans Mrs. Gaz] and you'll be convinced.

pampering himself whenever possible.<BR>

11-28-2000, 03:03 PM
when i start seeing bubbles in my bath, it's time for me to get out!!!
prefers showers

Baby Lee
11-28-2000, 03:08 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR>Best way to relax is to draw a hot bubble bath, put some Flamenco music on the CD, pour a cold snifter of Tequila Rose and submerge with a stack of comic books for an hour or so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tell the truth Gaz, you're the "Comic Book Guy" on the Simpsons, aren't you?

11-28-2000, 03:10 PM

No, but I buy comics from him every week...

recognizes the guy in the Simpsons 'toon.<BR>

11-28-2000, 03:12 PM
Well, folks, another sweat-inducing day is done and that bath is calling my name.

Those who scoff at it have never tried it.

outta here and into the tub.<BR>

11-28-2000, 03:16 PM
I can promise you all this..i will never be caught in a bubble bath that isn't occupied by a hormone stimulating female....they always look good wet..and with bubbles :)

but alone...no

Good luck to those that do...I don't think i'd look good all wrinkled anyway...

11-28-2000, 03:22 PM
calgon!!! take gaz away!!!

11-28-2000, 04:41 PM
Despite all that I've seen from the Chiefs this season, it's THIS THREAD that leads me to believe that the world is coming to an end...

Our beloved harbinger of defensive destruction, the poster-boy for crushed quarterbacks is talking about...


Gaz, is that really you, or is Mrs. Gaz using the computer again?

[b]ChiefsPlanet Administrator</B>

Baby Lee
11-28-2000, 04:46 PM
htis - if you think the bubble baths are the shocking portion of the equation, you have obviously not been acquainted with exactly how much of a wussy drink tequila rose is. Think a gaggle of middle-aged secretaries bonding after work, giggling about how they 'haven't done this in ages,' with pink shot glasses all around.

11-28-2000, 04:47 PM
CD Burners seem to be the big in-thing with teenagers. That's what I'm getting my daughters. I might be able to save some money on CDs. They can burn their on NYSNC, Britney Spears, and 98 degrees CDs.

11-28-2000, 04:52 PM

Thanks alot...I was avoiding the tequila rose for a reason...

I just can't bear to think of Gaz like that...

[b]ChiefsPlanet Administrator</B>

11-28-2000, 04:54 PM

I love my burner. I record my own original music and burn it to CDs for my friends. Of course, I use it for other things too...I'm a big game junkie, but copying games is illegal so I don't do that...

[b]ChiefsPlanet Administrator</B>

Pitt Gorilla
11-28-2000, 08:22 PM
I hope that some of you will consider the "Best of Buck" cd; The one written about in the star. It is a collection of stories by Buck O'Neil, and all of the profits go to the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum. I plan on ordering at least a couple as gifts for the seasoned Royals fans on my list.


Archie F. Swin
11-28-2000, 08:59 PM
that reminds me . . I hope my '49 Monarchs cap arrives soon . . . I think I ordered it in July.

Christmas . . . hmmm

Playstation II? (not happenin)

Electronic Drumset? (Not Happenin)

New Benzo? (Not happenin)

I just hope to get my wife the RIGHT gift . . . lord knows how many times I've paid the price for screwin' that one up!

I'll just have a beer thanx

That overhead shot of Arrowhead sunds like somethin I would like

11-28-2000, 09:51 PM
Everything that I want at this point can't be gotten until April:

1. Jayhawks National Champions

2. Chiefs draft somewhere in the top 10 and pick up some stud monster that puts us over the top next year.

Well maybe I'm reaching on #2 :)<P>

11-29-2000, 09:42 AM
Pitt Gorilla - Where can you get the "Best of Buck" CD? I'd love to get it. Buck is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet.


11-29-2000, 10:15 AM
Chief Red Pants
How true about the wife present.
Every year my wife refuse's to tell me what she would like. But of course she disguises it by saying, "I really don't know" or "there's nothing I really want". The only thing she has said is I can always buy her some clothes. My god she allready has more clothes in her closet than I've owned in my entire life.

Looks like another year of cruising the stores in hopes of finding something she would like.

(just wish women could be like us guys. Hell I have a list of 30+ things I would like. Is it really that hard to think of something you would like???)


11-29-2000, 10:21 AM
i've got an idea for your women...

there are places/stores like kinkos that you can make calendars...go through your pics and select pictures from/for each month that have a significance to that season/month.ex..her birthday pic as a baby on her birthday month..pic of you as a couple when you met...stuff like that..i've done it for 2 girlfriends and it went over very well..

just an idea from a coldhearted yahoo who hates to shop...

you can't do the right thing with clothes..if its too small, she thinks she is fat..if it is too big, she thinks that YOU think she is fat....catch 22...i never buy clothes..

11-29-2000, 10:28 AM
I agree with the part of the women's clothes. The wife complains about not having any clothes, we cleaned out our closets last night and she decided to have each of our clothes in a separate section of the closet. Our bed room closet is divided into 4 areas, I now have 1 small area. She was going through clothes and said, 'I forgot about that outfit!'

Guys, any agreement on that one?? :)

Brian K.

The future is much like the present, only longer.

[i]Don Quisenberry </I>

11-29-2000, 10:29 AM
You are right, clothes are the worst. I buy wine for everyone who drinks. One stop shopping and everyone looks forward to my gifts every year. Three day weekend getaways always works good for the little lady.

Did you ever figure out how to post a picture?.

[This message has been edited by BIG_DADDY (edited 11-29-2000).]

11-29-2000, 10:35 AM

no, but i haven't had time to look very hard..and i'm not exaclty an i-net guru..

my brothers are the easiest..either hunting stuff, or something I want..I think we all do that and "borrow" it back after a month or two...

women are just tough to shop for..they are all just too different...men are easy..we don't tend to care..actually meaning we have no preference...especaially if it makes noise, or cuts stuff...

11-29-2000, 10:53 AM
here's what i do...i pick one of the clothes stores that the wife goes to(which is all of them), then i go to the customer svc desk and give them my wifes name and ask them what she has on lay-away...i buy it, take it home and wrap it up.
not that tough

Bob Dole
11-29-2000, 03:01 PM
Here's one of your request, Phil. Merry Xmas.


11-29-2000, 03:26 PM
cool pic, dole...care if i help myself?
has new wallpaper

Bob Dole
11-29-2000, 03:30 PM
Don't mind at all. (Can't even remember where the thing came from...)

11-29-2000, 03:33 PM
Thanks, Lent! Can I frame it and hang it in my office?

11-29-2000, 03:35 PM
dole...it came from kc, man. if i look real close, i think i can see my brother.

Bob Dole
11-29-2000, 03:36 PM
Probably won't enlarge worth a flip... It does make good Windoze wallpaper though.

11-29-2000, 03:41 PM
Mr. Dole,
I don't suppose I could get you to show me how to post those pictures for christmas could I?. If so you could send my christmas present to troyl@ragingbull.com

Knows it never hurts to ask.

[This message has been edited by BIG_DADDY (edited 11-29-2000).]

[This message has been edited by BIG_DADDY (edited 11-29-2000).]

Pitt Gorilla
11-29-2000, 03:41 PM
Sorry it took so long to respond!!! I think the site is www.bestofbuck.com. (http://www.bestofbuck.com.) It sounds like a GREAT cd and the cash goes to an even better cause.
