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02-15-2014, 10:21 AM

02-15-2014, 10:22 AM
All you have to do is post his cell number and let CP feed....

Baby Lee
02-15-2014, 10:25 AM
Go gay. It's fabulous.

02-15-2014, 10:27 AM
If you really love this girl I say continue dating her. Cause nothing should come between you guys.

02-15-2014, 10:28 AM
Your fighting the son or the ex? I'm confused. Lets have a cp get together next time and watch him storm in. Ill bring the dip.

Chief Pote
02-15-2014, 10:28 AM
Unfortunately, police report and lawyer up for protection, if you have the money. I can see the writing on the wall, you're gonna go to jail if you handle this yourself. Document, document, document everything that's said. Times dates who said what and who did what. Judges are impressed with documentation.

02-15-2014, 10:29 AM
Divorce isn't final? Expect more of this shit.

02-15-2014, 10:29 AM
So last night after a nice V-day movie and dinner-we went back to my girlfriends place. In the middle of the night her drunk soon to be Ex husband decides to start shit.

1. He cheated on her and their relationship was over long before I met her.
2. Never met him or spoken one word to him.
3. She is getting the house-which was agreed on-he has been out since Oct.
4. He is a loser, drunk, liar, abusive pos.
5. He is with some skanky fat bitch that lied up until 8 months she was pregnant with twins-then claimed to have a double miscariage.

So after drinking at the bar all night with my girlfriends son- dipshit decides he is going to come over to whip my ass. Her son calls and wakes us up. I get up, det dressed, shoes on, ready for his dumbass. I guess he thought he was going to jump me in bed or something. He walks is and I am standing right there, fist clinched waiting. His bitch walks in as well with their son behind. He has a change of heart when he relizes he is going to get a beating. So he rambles on about dumb shit and then tells me to get out. I tell him I am not going anywhere. He feigns forward but when I put my fist up-decides to head to the back bedroom and steal her jewlery.

Cops show up and look like they just got out of Special Forces. He decides he can whip all 4 of them-bad choice- they smash him in the face and beat the living shit out of him. They haul him out with his pants falling down and his bare ass showing. Makes bail, then to the hospitol. When he is in the emergency room calls with more threats.

She is changing the locks today and getting a restraining order on monday. Cops said it was a grey area and if i kicked his ass in that house it could have been me going to jail. After 3 months of a great time together-this asshole decides she does not deserve happiness and wants to continue to control her and be abusive. He is not going away.

Sorry this is long but I am still pretty upset over all of it.
So what now?

Well it's been a few years, but people like that don't quit. Only thing that works is death or distance. Both of which make kids cry. Just be smart. Be controlled. Be patient. Lunatics barrel head first over the cliff by their own volition.

If you do have to beat him, be precise and do the bare minimum. Anything else may feel better but there is so much more paperwork.

02-15-2014, 10:29 AM
You and a couple of buddies with ski masks on pay him a visit.

Cephalic Trauma
02-15-2014, 10:30 AM
5. He is with some skanky fat bitch that lied up until 8 months she was pregnant with twins-then claimed to have a double miscariage.


Chief Pote
02-15-2014, 10:31 AM
Tough stuff...sensible people DO NOT fight the cops.

Simply Red
02-15-2014, 10:33 AM
Divorce isn't final? Expect more of this shit.

yeah, I'm pretty sure she could still get a restraining order - I'd certainly demand this of her, if it were me, or I'd dip.

02-15-2014, 10:37 AM
How much do you like her? Expect more from a psycho

02-15-2014, 10:39 AM
MTG#10 might have some advice brah........

Baby Lee
02-15-2014, 10:39 AM

02-15-2014, 10:41 AM

02-15-2014, 10:42 AM
JFC. you were gonna beat him up but decided to let him go and steal her jewelry?

typical you

02-15-2014, 10:42 AM
All you have to do is post his cell number and let CP feed....

LMAO awesome idea!! :thumb: It worked for Bob.

02-15-2014, 10:43 AM
if possible, move.

Cephalic Trauma
02-15-2014, 10:43 AM
After 3 months of a great time together-this asshole decides she does not deserve happiness and wants to continue to control her and be abusive.

In the midst of all those words, this is the one thing that is most important. Based on this, I'm assuming you really like this girl, and you believe she deserves the right to be happy in a healthy relationship.

Fight like hell.

02-15-2014, 10:43 AM
He didn't want any of you, but takes on 4 cops. Yep, CP.

Baby Lee
02-15-2014, 10:43 AM
I agree totally. He told her she would NEVER find better than him and when she did and is happy- he is jealous now. He was all set to run off into the sunset with Broom Hilda but now has been coming around there when she is alone. I do fear for her safety.

He came into the house earlier last night when we were at the movies and stole a paper shreader-lol tried to break into her bedroom then trashed a bunch of family pics. It is all about control. He even told the cops to fuck off or he was going to beat their asses.

Divorce will be final in april.

Ummm, . . . this is awkward.


02-15-2014, 10:44 AM
When you choose a woman with baggage you just have to deal with it for a while.

02-15-2014, 10:46 AM
Bring the cops in for a look?

02-15-2014, 10:47 AM
He didn't ask you how his dick tasted did he?

02-15-2014, 10:47 AM
He comes in drunk, uninvited, in the middle of the night, intent on kicking your ass, and it's a fucking gray area if it is legal for you to beat his ass? Something is seriously, seriously wrong with the laws in this country.

02-15-2014, 10:49 AM
He comes in drunk, uninvited, in the middle of the night, intent on kicking your ass, and it's a ****ing gray area if it is legal for you to beat his ass? Something is seriously, seriously wrong with the laws in this country.

I once knew a guy who did this a long time ago, he went over to his girfriends house, kicked the door in and the guy blew his ass away with a shotgun with birdshot in it.

He was so close the wadding from the shotgun shell was lodged in his chest

02-15-2014, 10:53 AM
I once knew a guy who did this a long time ago, he went over to his girfriends house, kicked the door in and the guy blew his ass away with a shotgun with birdshot in it.

He was so close the wadding from the shotgun shell was lodged in his chest

ive told my father in law's story here before.

he woke up with the ex standing over the bed with a shotgun, talked him into a cup of coffee before killing them. then got his gun when he put his pants on.

they sat at the table and when the guy said ok we are done and started up with the shotgun FIL emptied the gun into him while taking a shotgun shell from his right knee to his abdomen from about three feet away.

the cops asked why he emptied the gun and he said "the fucker had already shot me once, he wasn't going to have the chance to do it again"

the guy had written a note saying he had killed them and himself and it STILL took at least a year for my FIL to get his gun back

02-15-2014, 10:56 AM
Dating a woman whose divorce isn't final is inadvisable.

02-15-2014, 10:57 AM
3 months in? Leave her.

Odds are this girl isn't worth the drama.

02-15-2014, 10:57 AM

02-15-2014, 10:58 AM
How drunk were you when you made this story up?

02-15-2014, 10:58 AM
Big boobs?

02-15-2014, 10:59 AM
I do care for her very much. She is kind, sweet, and has a big heart.

The main beef he has is he will have to pay child support for a few more years until their daughter finishes high school. He feels he can walk away from his family scott free and their 15 year old deserves no support at all.

And like I said he wants to continue to terrorize them-it makes him feel like a big man.

I hope you are not anti-gun because you are going to need one... I suggest you keep one with you

02-15-2014, 11:01 AM
Go gay. It's fabulous.

Bingo. Your only hope to get the upper hand is to come out of the closet immediately.

Discuss Thrower
02-15-2014, 11:02 AM
Delete facebook. Hit the gym. Lawyer up.

02-15-2014, 11:04 AM
I hope you are not anti-gun because you are going to need one... I suggest you keep one with you


People lose all logic when someone else is with their "property".

That's how this guy see's it.

Not to be a CP badass, but when the guy entered the house he would have had a shotgun/.45 in his face. You don't fuck around with someone who wants to cause you bodily harm.

02-15-2014, 11:05 AM
could have shot him when he entered the house.... problem solved? :shrug:

02-15-2014, 11:06 AM

Just Passin' By
02-15-2014, 11:07 AM
Dating a woman whose divorce isn't final is inadvisable.


So much this.

02-15-2014, 11:09 AM
This one's sooooo simple for me - I wouldn't be messing around with a women if she's still married - Period. If it's meant, it will work after her divorce.

BTW, I had that choice to make about 5 years ago. I waited until after her divorce to date her. Been dating her ever since. No issues.

02-15-2014, 11:09 AM

I don't know what he was thinking-these cops were BIG. They tried to reason with him-but he grabbed one, twisted his arm and told him to get the **** out of his house or he was going to beat their ass.

All we heard from the living room after that was "Ouch, that hurts, Im going to kick your... OUCH"- and it sounded like 4 Rockys pounding on a fat slab of beef. He had a huge black eye and welts all over his head.

He got out of jail that quickly after fighting cops?


02-15-2014, 11:10 AM
If she doesn't have a restraining order by yesterday, it's clear this isn't bothering her. Some girls revel in the bullshit drama of having two guys fight over her.

02-15-2014, 11:10 AM

02-15-2014, 11:11 AM

Did not drink at all last night. I could use a big drink now though-lol

Darren Sharper will buy you a drink. ;)

02-15-2014, 11:11 AM
I would only have her over to my house and stay away from theirs until the divorce is final...

02-15-2014, 11:13 AM

02-15-2014, 11:14 AM
Screw the skank and really piss him off

Titty Meat
02-15-2014, 11:15 AM
Pussy isn't worth it.

Dip on her bruh.

02-15-2014, 11:16 AM
Darren Sharper will buy you a drink. ;)

Shots only

02-15-2014, 11:18 AM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/s1-Kz3vU5DY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-15-2014, 11:47 AM

Did not drink at all last night. I could use a big drink now though-lolSo you are just good at making up stories?

02-15-2014, 11:52 AM
It is not like that at all. He was civil at first, agreed to everything and even told her he was happy for her and he was "Mad in Love" with the skank.

She will have one on monday. Her lawyer is already working on it.

He doesn't appear to be a reasonable man.

I'd buy a "farmer's shotgun" and keep it under the bed...

Prison Bitch
02-15-2014, 11:53 AM
1. He cheated on her and their relationship was over long before I met her.

She wasn't sexual any more, so he found it elsewhere.

2. Never met him or spoken one word to him.

Never heard his side of the story, or got to know him outside of what she told me.

3. She is getting the house-which was agreed on-he has been out since Oct.

He's a better man than I, because I never bought her a house.

4. He is a loser, drunk, liar, abusive pos.

I want everyone, esp my gal, to know how much better of a man I am.

5. He is with some skanky fat bitch that lied up until 8 months she was pregnant with twins-then claimed to have a double miscariage.

My gal has poor taste in men. I should be worried.

02-15-2014, 11:57 AM
My gal has poor taste in men. I should be worried.


02-15-2014, 12:03 PM
I'd wonder if she cared about me why would she bring me into this kind of situation. I must be serving a purpose. She can get dick elsewhere

Fat Elvis
02-15-2014, 12:07 PM
MTG#10 might have some advice be the ex brah........


Fat Elvis
02-15-2014, 12:09 PM
He doesn't appear to be a reasonable man.

I'd buy a "farmer's shotgun" and keep it under the bed...

Yes, because all men who are going through a divorce and losing their house are are models of reason when they are drunk on Valentine's Day.

02-15-2014, 12:12 PM
Too many holes in your story for me to believe it.

You've never met this guy or spoken to him, yet you know he is a drunk, liar, POS?

He comes over looking for a fight, but decides against it because he sees you. Yet he is willing to fight multiple cops?

You say you only heard the fight between him and the cops from the other room, but yet you say he had a black eye and welts all over his head?

The guy supposedly assaulted police officers, but makes bail almost immediately?

The cops beat the guy so severely that he has to go to the emergency room, but the cops take him to jail first and wait for him to make bail and then release him on his own?

The next time you decide to post a fabricated story, please do a better job.

02-15-2014, 12:16 PM
Yes, because all men who are going through a divorce and losing their house are are models of reason when they are drunk on Valentine's Day.

I lost a wife, house, most my possessions, and my job in 60 days.

I did a lot of things a sane man wouldn't do.

However, I never lost sight of what was important and did something that would rule out a better life in the future...

02-15-2014, 12:21 PM
Well it's been a few years, but people like that don't quit. Only thing that works is death or distance. Both of which make kids cry. Just be smart. Be controlled. Be patient. Lunatics barrel head first over the cliff by their own volition.

If you do have to beat him, be precise and do the bare minimum. Anything else may feel better but there is so much more paperwork.

well said.

02-15-2014, 12:27 PM
Don't stay at her place. Have her stay at yours.

02-15-2014, 12:27 PM
To give advice we need pictures of this girl you're dating

02-15-2014, 12:28 PM
Oh, and tell her you'll call her back when her divorce is final.

02-15-2014, 12:30 PM

02-15-2014, 12:33 PM
This story is straight out of Bizzaro World.

02-15-2014, 12:34 PM
If you be laying down the law for him
you best be laying down some law for her

02-15-2014, 12:49 PM

02-15-2014, 12:52 PM

02-15-2014, 12:52 PM
I believe the story.

02-15-2014, 12:57 PM

02-15-2014, 01:00 PM
Roman Gonzalez

02-15-2014, 01:02 PM
Bros before Hos.


Michael Sam's Gaping Butthole

02-15-2014, 01:05 PM
i would stay away until the divorce is final.

02-15-2014, 01:05 PM
Too much drama with that momma.

Id bail. Hes not worth the safety of your kid. Plenty of other fish in the sea.

02-15-2014, 01:06 PM
Unfortunately, police report and lawyer up for protection, if you have the money. I can see the writing on the wall, you're gonna go to jail if you handle this yourself. Document, document, document everything that's said. Times dates who said what and who did what. Judges are impressed with documentation.

This x's 1000.....

Cover your ass.

02-15-2014, 01:06 PM
The first bf after the divorce or split up always has it the worst.

02-15-2014, 01:07 PM
Unfortunately it is all true.

I am leaning towards ending it until her divorce is final-but even then- he will probably still cause problems-that is his history.

2 things I did not mention.

My 13 year old son was there sleeping in one of the other bedrooms. I will have to worry about his safety in the future if we go over there-even if it is to have dinner.

The crazy dipshit ended up punching his own son in the mouth -his son just bailed him out of jail and took him to the emergency room. Who hits their own kid like that?I still say BS.

02-15-2014, 01:10 PM
This thread lacks a gay element.

02-15-2014, 01:11 PM
I know you guys are saying for him to bail but a woman who has been treated bad in her life by an ex husband will take care of you like you would not believe when she is treated right..

Don't blame her for the shithead she married, sometimes you have to go through a shithead or two in your life before you find someone who is good...

02-15-2014, 01:13 PM
I'd rather be Discuss Thrower than Capt Save A Ho.

02-15-2014, 01:21 PM

02-15-2014, 01:33 PM
Well it wasn't always like that-they married out of high school and it was good for many years. He works at ford and got into some drugs and quit giving a shit many years ago so started hooking up with the skank he had screwed around with before they were married. He thought he could have both but my girl kicked his ass out as soon as she found out.

I am only the second guy she has ever dated. There has been zero drama accept a few empty threats through her son in the last few weeks until last night.

He is living in his moms basement with the skank and apparently decided he was going to force his way back into the house and then try and steal a $1500 wedding set-which he was looking for to pawn.

Well I wouldn't run... But you need to tell her to atleast get a restraining order against him incase drastic measures have to be taken for you or her protection.

My wife was married once, so was I , she was married to a loser that wouldn't work but still wanted to spend... She has been the woman I always dreamed of and treats me like a King. Just make sure she is 100% on your side and 0% on his side.

02-15-2014, 01:35 PM
She has been the woman I always dreamed of and treats me like a King. Just make sure she is 100% on your side and 0% on his side.

You forgot to add that he needs to make sure she does all of his laundry. :D

02-15-2014, 01:40 PM
You forgot to add that he needs to make sure she does all of his laundry. :D

Absolutely... you have to realize I was having fun in that thread and my wife does not work outside of the home...

I think I will now beat her and take her out to eat some prime rib for Valentines day and I am also gonna make her drive because I have drank a few beers watching this Carolina game

Oh the Humanity

02-15-2014, 01:49 PM

02-15-2014, 01:50 PM
Sounds like a lot of trouble for a girl you met only a few months ago. You need to assert your dominance by peeing all over stuff to mark your territory.

Including your girlfriend.

02-15-2014, 02:03 PM
Have you not changed the locks? How did he get into the house

02-15-2014, 02:04 PM
Have you not changed the locks? How did he get into the house

I wondered about this too...

Just Passin' By
02-15-2014, 02:04 PM
My 13 year old son was there sleeping in one of the other bedrooms.

WTF are you thinking?

02-15-2014, 02:19 PM

02-15-2014, 02:22 PM

keg in kc
02-15-2014, 02:25 PM
Sounds like a situation you might want to get yourself out of altogether.

Just Passin' By
02-15-2014, 02:28 PM
I just want to know how MTG managed to hack Halfcan's account.

02-15-2014, 02:33 PM
I'd rather be Discuss Thrower than Capt Save A Ho.


02-15-2014, 02:42 PM
WTF are you thinking?


02-15-2014, 02:43 PM
I do care for her very much. She is kind, sweet, and has a big heart.

The main beef he has is he will have to pay child support for a few more years until their daughter finishes high school. He feels he can walk away from his family scott free and their 15 year old deserves no support at all.

And like I said he wants to continue to terrorize them-it makes him feel like a big man.

If you love this girl, show her you're willing to fight for her. She'll be putty in your hands..........

........and your bed. ;)

Seriously, if you love this girl, fight for her. Just document everything, as has been mentioned.

02-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Sounds like a great guy.

Go party with him and talk about bitches.

Discuss Thrower
02-15-2014, 04:01 PM
I'd rather be Discuss Thrower than Capt Save A Ho.

the fuck?

yeah... that makes sense

Fat Elvis
02-15-2014, 04:05 PM
I agree totally. He told her she would NEVER find better than him and when she did and is happy- he is jealous now. He was all set to run off into the sunset with Broom Hilda but now has been coming around there when she is alone. I do fear for her safety.

He came into the house earlier last night when we were at the movies and stole a paper shreader-lol tried to break into her bedroom then trashed a bunch of family pics. It is all about control. He even told the cops to **** off or he was going to beat their asses.

Divorce will be final in april.

Here we go:


02-15-2014, 04:13 PM
Here we go:


:thumb: yep this is the one!

02-15-2014, 04:17 PM
Divorce isn't final? Expect more of this shit.

I smell a murder/suicide coming.

Forget this woman more fish in the sea.

Or be gay.

02-15-2014, 04:18 PM

02-15-2014, 04:19 PM
No pussy is worth all this drama.

02-15-2014, 04:20 PM
This may come in handy if you fall through the ice.


Simply Red
02-15-2014, 04:28 PM
This thread lacks a gay element.


02-15-2014, 04:45 PM
MTG is jealous

Titty Meat
02-15-2014, 04:59 PM
Howd you meet this bimbo?



Get another chick.

chefs fan in omaha
02-15-2014, 05:13 PM
Take her to your place and piihb

02-15-2014, 05:25 PM
You have a couple of choices. This fool will not go away. Abusive men rarely do. Take a baseball bat to the chump. Break his legs below the knee and crush his knee caps. The the arms and hands. Then a few ribs.

Leave no doubt a bullet will be next. If he has any sense he will get the message. Get a ski mask. Tell him death will come if he comes around your girlfriend again. For good measure shoot his hand with a 40 or 45.

Or leave her now. Cause this shit will not stop. And abused women,,, after a while you may have a thought go through your head like..I understand now why.. If she put up with it for a while just be careful.

02-15-2014, 05:39 PM
Is she worth all the baggage that comes with the whole package?

02-15-2014, 05:39 PM
You have a couple of choices. This fool will not go away. Abusive men rarely do. Take a baseball bat to the chump. Break his legs below the knee and crush his knee caps. The the arms and hands. Then a few ribs.

Leave no doubt a bullet will be next. If he has any sense he will get the message. Get a ski mask. Tell him death will come if he comes around your girlfriend again. For good measure shoot his hand with a 40 or 45.

Or leave her now. Cause this shit will not stop. And abused women,,, after a while you may have a thought go through your head like..I understand now why.. If she put up with it for a while just be careful.

That's great advice.

02-15-2014, 05:48 PM
fuckin love CP

Just Passin' By
02-15-2014, 06:00 PM
You have a couple of choices. This fool will not go away. Abusive men rarely do. Take a baseball bat to the chump. Break his legs below the knee and crush his knee caps. The the arms and hands. Then a few ribs.

Leave no doubt a bullet will be next. If he has any sense he will get the message. Get a ski mask. Tell him death will come if he comes around your girlfriend again. For good measure shoot his hand with a 40 or 45.

Or leave her now. Cause this shit will not stop. And abused women,,, after a while you may have a thought go through your head like..I understand now why.. If she put up with it for a while just be careful.

Why not antifreeze?

02-15-2014, 06:08 PM
Ya sure you could water-board with anti-freeze.

02-15-2014, 06:25 PM
You have a couple of choices. This fool will not go away. Abusive men rarely do. Take a baseball bat to the chump. Break his legs below the knee and crush his knee caps. The the arms and hands. Then a few ribs.

Leave no doubt a bullet will be next. If he has any sense he will get the message. Get a ski mask. Tell him death will come if he comes around your girlfriend again. For good measure shoot his hand with a 40 or 45.

Or leave her now. Cause this shit will not stop. And abused women,,, after a while you may have a thought go through your head like..I understand now why.. If she put up with it for a while just be careful.

I disagree.... In 1997 after 8 years of being with my wife (2 years married) and a small child, Her ex was in jail and called her at her work to bail him out... She told me and a few days later when he was bailed out by someone, I went to his workplace, asked a person where he was (never saw him before) walked up to him with a few of his co workers present and told him if he bothered my wife again he would regret it and walked off and left the premises.... We/She have never heard from him again. No scene was made, just a short and sweet statement.

Baby Lee
02-15-2014, 06:29 PM
Here we go:


Is that her King Siege Bear?

Pasta Little Brioni
02-15-2014, 06:38 PM
I'd rather be Discuss Thrower than Capt Save A Ho.


02-15-2014, 06:47 PM

Damn Bro.... Where the hell have you been?

Pasta Little Brioni
02-15-2014, 06:54 PM
Damn Bro.... Where the hell have you been?


02-15-2014, 06:56 PM

Hell... I saw you on a milk carton, you have been missing since the colts game

Pasta Little Brioni
02-15-2014, 06:57 PM
Hell... I saw you on a milk carton, you have been missing since the colts game

I been back all week. Been crabby so not so friendly.

02-15-2014, 07:00 PM
I been back all week. Been crabby so not so friendly.

Hell, I have been crabby since 2002

Rudy tossed tigger's salad
02-15-2014, 07:02 PM
He's only been out of the house for 5 months? So there was overlap with all the preggo, skanky bitch drama? White trash can't change. Their relationship was not long over when y'all met. He prob dumped a load in her the night before you met her. Lose this broad

Pasta Little Brioni
02-15-2014, 07:03 PM
CP watches too much Jerry Springer whilst pretending to watch every team in the league 16 times.

02-15-2014, 08:40 PM
So last night after a nice V-day movie and dinner-we went back to my girlfriends place. In the middle of the night her drunk soon to be Ex husband decides to start shit.

1. He cheated on her and their relationship was over long before I met her.
2. Never met him or spoken one word to him.
3. She is getting the house-which was agreed on-he has been out since Oct.
4. He is a loser, drunk, liar, abusive pos.
5. He is with some skanky fat bitch that lied up until 8 months she was pregnant with twins-then claimed to have a double miscariage.

So after drinking at the bar all night with my girlfriends son- dipshit decides he is going to come over to whip my ass. Her son calls and wakes us up. I get up, det dressed, shoes on, ready for his dumbass. I guess he thought he was going to jump me in bed or something. He walks is and I am standing right there, fist clinched waiting. His bitch walks in as well with their son behind. He has a change of heart when he relizes he is going to get a beating. So he rambles on about dumb shit and then tells me to get out. I tell him I am not going anywhere. He feigns forward but when I put my fist up-decides to head to the back bedroom and steal her jewlery.

Cops show up and look like they just got out of Special Forces. He decides he can whip all 4 of them-bad choice- they smash him in the face and beat the living shit out of him. They haul him out with his pants falling down and his bare ass showing. Makes bail, then to the hospitol. When he is in the emergency room calls with more threats.

She is changing the locks today and getting a restraining order on monday. Cops said it was a grey area and if i kicked his ass in that house it could have been me going to jail. After 3 months of a great time together-this asshole decides she does not deserve happiness and wants to continue to control her and be abusive. He is not going away.

Sorry this is long but I am still pretty upset over all of it.
So what now?

Jerry Springer/Bill Cunningham material for sure if not reality TV series:thumb:

02-15-2014, 10:44 PM
He's only been out of the house for 5 months? So there was overlap with all the preggo, skanky bitch drama? White trash can't change. Their relationship was not long over when y'all met. He prob dumped a load in her the night before you met her. Lose this broad

LMAO He emptied his nuts into her, as Donger might say.

Pasta Little Brioni
02-15-2014, 11:10 PM
So that is the dude. Thoughts of what Can s gal looks like?

Pasta Little Brioni
02-15-2014, 11:11 PM
LMAO He emptied his nuts into her, as Donger might say.

Top 5 saying on here right next to bangmaid

02-15-2014, 11:22 PM

02-15-2014, 11:32 PM
So that is the dude. Thoughts of what Can s gal looks like?

Yeah, we probably don't want to know.

02-16-2014, 12:30 AM
So last night after a nice V-day movie and dinner-we went back to my girlfriends place. In the middle of the night her drunk soon to be Ex husband decides to start shit....*rest of text irrelevant*

So, you are banging some dudes wife?

In their home?

And you hooked up with her after only two months of whatever "separation" they were going through?

You're lucky you haven't been run over/shot/hit in the head with a pipe late at night/etc.

I hope that piece of ass is worth your life, because your flirting with it right now.

Your and idiot.

J Diddy
02-16-2014, 12:34 AM
So, you are banging some dudes wife?

In their home?

And you hooked up with her after only two months of whatever "separation" they were going through?

You're lucky you haven't been run over/shot/hit in the head with a pipe late at night/etc.

I hope that piece of ass is worth your life, because your flirting with it right now.

Your and idiot.

Your statement is so fucking stupid that I feel stupider by reading it. Seriously? 2 months not two weeks. When it's over, it's over but after that is a couple of week long "am I serious about this shit?"

2 months? I've met chicks, married chicks and then divorced chicks in less time.

02-16-2014, 01:02 AM
Your statement is so ****ing stupid that I feel stupider by reading it.

I didn't think that was possible.

Oh, you said "feel." I was thinking about a literal degradation in your IQ and that it would have been impossible to realistically get any lower.

Seriously? 2 months not two weeks. When it's over, it's over but after that is a couple of week long "am I serious about this shit?"

You'll have to try that again in English. I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to convey with this statement.

2 months? I've met chicks, married chicks and then divorced chicks in less time.

While your dedication and ability to maintain long term stability in a relationship is to be commended, I think you fail to understand the whole concept of "THE WOMAN IS STILL MARRIED."

And unless the OP has sat down and talked to the current husband to make sure that he's okay with him banging his wife in his house, spending the night there in his/their bed, eating food out of his fridge, sitting on his toilet and taking a shit, BANGING HIS WIFE, etc. (I'm hoping you get the picture), I'm pretty sure that there is the potential for some adverse feelings and subsequent negative reactions to the OP banging the guys wife in his house in his bed. (As it is obvious from the OP's original statement(s) about the situation.)

Two months isn't jack shit for 99% of the people out there in terms of getting over a relationship, especially a marriage that has children involved.

While you obviously have the care and concern of a spring rabbit in terms of dealing with relationships, others might not have such a carefree and cavalier attitude towards somebody ****ing their wife.

Titty Meat
02-16-2014, 01:08 AM
Sac that's enough of you Dr.Phil!

02-16-2014, 01:36 AM
Life's to short to bring this much drama to yourself and your kid.

Plenty of fish out there without having to look over your shoulder every day.

02-16-2014, 01:57 AM
end it dude

02-16-2014, 05:30 AM
I didn't think that was possible.

Oh, you said "feel." I was thinking about a literal degradation in your IQ and that it would have been impossible to realistically get any lower.

You'll have to try that again in English. I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to convey with this statement.

While your dedication and ability to maintain long term stability in a relationship is to be commended, I think you fail to understand the whole concept of "THE WOMAN IS STILL MARRIED."

And unless the OP has sat down and talked to the current husband to make sure that he's okay with him banging his wife in his house, spending the night there in his/their bed, eating food out of his fridge, sitting on his toilet and taking a shit, BANGING HIS WIFE, etc. (I'm hoping you get the picture), I'm pretty sure that there is the potential for some adverse feelings and subsequent negative reactions to the OP banging the guys wife in his house in his bed. (As it is obvious from the OP's original statement(s) about the situation.)

Two months isn't jack shit for 99% of the people out there in terms of getting over a relationship, especially a marriage that has children involved.

While you obviously have the care and concern of a spring rabbit in terms of dealing with relationships, others might not have such a carefree and cavalier attitude towards somebody ****ing their wife.

There may be another side or two, to their story?

GET. THE. ****. OUT.

I'm sure if there was a credit card she couldn't max. A minor matter she couldn't nag about. Or perhaps a friend the boy brought over she didn't flash. She would have been up front about it.

J Diddy
02-16-2014, 07:37 AM
I didn't think that was possible.

Oh, you said "feel." I was thinking about a literal degradation in your IQ and that it would have been impossible to realistically get any lower.

You'll have to try that again in English. I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to convey with this statement.

While your dedication and ability to maintain long term stability in a relationship is to be commended, I think you fail to understand the whole concept of "THE WOMAN IS STILL MARRIED."

And unless the OP has sat down and talked to the current husband to make sure that he's okay with him banging his wife in his house, spending the night there in his/their bed, eating food out of his fridge, sitting on his toilet and taking a shit, BANGING HIS WIFE, etc. (I'm hoping you get the picture), I'm pretty sure that there is the potential for some adverse feelings and subsequent negative reactions to the OP banging the guys wife in his house in his bed. (As it is obvious from the OP's original statement(s) about the situation.)

Two months isn't jack shit for 99% of the people out there in terms of getting over a relationship, especially a marriage that has children involved.

While you obviously have the care and concern of a spring rabbit in terms of dealing with relationships, others might not have such a carefree and cavalier attitude towards somebody ****ing their wife.

Yeah, well your mother.

02-16-2014, 08:58 AM
Need pics of the married girl you are fucking.

Why hasn't this been asked?

No reference to use anti-freeze for advice.

CP fail

02-16-2014, 09:01 AM
Need pics of the married girl you are fucking.

Why hasn't this been asked?

No reference to use anti-freeze for advice.

CP fail

Pictures were asked for. No mention of antifreeze to my knowledge

02-16-2014, 09:02 AM
So that is the dude. Thoughts of what Can s gal looks like?

Yeah, we probably don't want to know.

Why not antifreeze?

Need pics of the married girl you are ****ing.

Why hasn't this been asked?

No reference to use anti-freeze for advice.

CP fail

Read the thread before posting, dipshit.

02-16-2014, 09:28 AM
Well she picked him "back in the day" so evidently there was something about him that was awesome enough to want to marry and have kids with.

Plus, the son seems to have spend V-day with his dad. Does that make him a POS too, or a kid who decided to spend V-day with his dad because Mom was busy?

One thing I've learned in my life is there are two sides to every story and they are rarely as black-and-white as each side chooses to make when they're giving their side of the story. Often details are left out, and details that may mean little to them, but are important to the other. and the focus is turned to things that aren't really relevant in the grand scheme of things. And I never worry about what the cops do/want, they have ONE job, and that's to defuse the situation. So going up against the cops is dumb, but asking cops to judge the disagreement on its merits isn't smart. They just break it up.

But yeah, if it's all true, his coming over was very dumb. But you calling his new girl a skank kind of makes me wonder about what people on the other side of the isle think of you? I know, you don't care, you're perfect!

But no matter what, the son picked to spent V-day with the cheating dad who with a new girl (that Mom and new guy chose to call a skank) and not Mom and her new-found stud.

02-16-2014, 09:35 AM
Life's to short to bring this much drama to yourself and your kid.

Plenty of fish out there without having to look over your shoulder every day.

This was my opinion before I read any responses.

Secondly, this sounds like an episode of COPS I've seen.

02-16-2014, 09:39 AM
Delete facebook. Hit the gym. Lawyer up.

21st century advice. I love it.

02-16-2014, 10:33 AM
But you calling his new girl a skank kind of makes me wonder about what people on the other side of the isle think of you?

I'll bet Thurston Howell III and his wife think he's white trash, the professor thinks he's under educated, Mary Ann and Ginger think they would rather be lesbian than fuck him, the Skipper thinks he's a pussy, and Gilligan thinks he reminds him of his brother.

02-16-2014, 10:37 AM
Read the thread before posting, dipshit.

I don't have time.

There's links to this or not...

02-16-2014, 12:18 PM
I'll bet Thurston Howell III and his wife think he's white trash, the professor thinks he's under educated, Mary Ann and Ginger think they would rather be lesbian than fuck him, the Skipper thinks he's a pussy, and Gilligan thinks he reminds him of his brother.

Maybe. But I'd bet I could get along with all of them, drink beers with all of them, and tell them to focus on themselves and not the others. Now, the doode coming over was pretty uncool, and mixing it up with the cops is always a fail, but let's hope at the end of the day they can all be happier with who they've found and the bitterness goes away. You can't forget, but if they're happier with who they found, it's all good and they should try to be a lot better than civil, be friends who share an awesome kid(s).

While that sounds optimal, it's really not that hard to get to (unless they're really not as happy with the next person they find).

And I've found with folks who are getting divorced that alcohol is the biggest problem preventing that Zen. Not always, but more often than not it is.

Titty Meat
02-16-2014, 12:35 PM
Next time he confronts you should offer to bang her out with you

02-16-2014, 01:33 PM
2 months? I've met chicks, married chicks and then divorced chicks in less time.


02-16-2014, 01:58 PM
End it!

02-16-2014, 02:02 PM
The Crazy does not cure. Don't do crazy. Eject eject


02-16-2014, 02:51 PM
Need pics of the married girl you are ****ing.

Why hasn't this been asked?

No reference to use anti-freeze for advice.

CP fail

honey badger. post 63. (pics)

just passin' by. post 114 (antifreeze)

just doing my part.

Simply Red
02-16-2014, 02:53 PM



Simply Red
02-16-2014, 02:58 PM

So much this.

Brock has been on point like nothing I've ever seen, lately.

He's a true CP mastermind and a heartbeat CP needs, if he ever leaves forever it'd bring a major sway in balance where the force is concerned, on this forum.

02-17-2014, 12:35 PM
You won't listen to the advice to leave her so I'll give the only reasonable advice you would probably entertain.

Just call Maury now and get yourself scheduled for the "you are not the father" episode next summer. Cheaper hotel rooms if you book early.

02-17-2014, 12:41 PM
When you choose a woman with baggage you just have to deal with it for a while.

He means hit her once in a while

02-17-2014, 12:43 PM
I do care for her very much. She is kind, sweet, and has a big heart.

The main beef he has is he will have to pay child support for a few more years until their daughter finishes high school. He feels he can walk away from his family scott free and their 15 year old deserves no support at all.

And like I said he wants to continue to terrorize them-it makes him feel like a big man.

wait, what? So Scott Free is the soon to be Ex?

02-17-2014, 12:46 PM


02-17-2014, 12:53 PM
He's only been out of the house for 5 months? So there was overlap with all the preggo, skanky bitch drama? White trash can't change. Their relationship was not long over when y'all met. He prob dumped a load in her the night before you met her. Lose this broad

I would be willing to bet the guy has dumped multiple loads in her since halfwit has been paying her bills...

02-17-2014, 12:53 PM
Wish it were not too late to try to hook this POS bastard up with Miranda Barbour.

02-17-2014, 12:54 PM
Here we go:


"I ate this triple meat fatboy taco, then I got TWO black eyes"

Big Poppa Payne
02-17-2014, 12:54 PM
Man don't ever get serious until the divorce is final, too much drama.

02-17-2014, 12:58 PM
Halfcan, just FYI, I wouldn't stick my pecker anywhere near a gal that had been with THAT guy. Just sayin.

02-17-2014, 12:58 PM
Sounds like this is the kind of scum where a restraining order will not work. With Some of these rotten to the core POSs the only things that work are them being locked up, they lose interest and move on to other victims, or death.

02-17-2014, 01:02 PM
You won't listen to the advice to leave her so I'll give the only reasonable advice you would probably entertain.

Just call Maury now and get yourself scheduled for the "you are not the father" episode next summer. Cheaper hotel rooms if you book early.

02-17-2014, 01:03 PM
Halfcan, I'm going to need to be in the correct frame of mind in order to offer up solid advice. In order to do so, I need to try to get a sense of your view in all of this. Can you post pictures of your gal so that I can try to picture this fat sweaty slob rolling around on top of her?

02-17-2014, 01:04 PM
I would beat the shit out of him. I'm an idiot. I did this on 2 different occasions and worked to my benefit. As long as you have about 2-3 witnesses stating he attacked first they won't have a case.

A former cop once told me, of there's multiple witnesses that have different statements they won't go to trial, depending on the severity of the ass beating. I hit a guy 3 times, once he fell I backed off. He got up and walked away, never had a problem since. Sometimes it's best to punch a guy once so they'll back off. My opinion though, I never had any issues.

02-17-2014, 01:05 PM
Why all the hatred for Halfcan? I've met him and he is a solid dude.

02-17-2014, 01:05 PM

Big Poppa Payne
02-17-2014, 01:08 PM
I would beat the shit out of him. I'm an idiot. I did this on 2 different occasions and worked to my benefit. As long as you have about 2-3 witnesses stating he attacked first they won't have a case.

A former cop once told me, of there's multiple witnesses that have different statements they won't go to trial, depending on the severity of the ass beating. I hit a guy 3 times, once he fell I backed off. He got up and walked away, never had a problem since. Sometimes it's best to punch a guy once so they'll back off. My opinion though, I never had any issues.

The crazy soon to be x-husband still owns that house and if halfcan "beat the shit" out of him halfcan would be going to jail.

02-17-2014, 01:09 PM
with a kid in the picture you will always have to deal with him and his bs...


Perineum Ripper
02-17-2014, 01:11 PM
I say leave her because her ex won't stay away..If he comes over repeatedly in the middle of the night he isn't going to back off..If she isn't smart enough to change locks on the house after he moves out she was either still letting him park the beef bus in tuna town or still has feelings for him..but my biggest reason is it will be nothing but drama for you and YOUR son..you have a kid so you need to put him before yourself and your relationships..If you care that much about her you need to make damn sure the locks are changed make sure windows have locks make sure the restraining order is in place and never stay at her place when you have your kid

02-17-2014, 01:18 PM
I suspect you aren't going to listen, but several on here of given you some solid advice...You got a kid...You need to leave.

Period. End of story. No good end will come from this.

02-17-2014, 01:20 PM
Halfcan, just FYI, I wouldn't stick my pecker anywhere near a gal that had been with THAT guy. Just sayin.

Probably best advice I've seen in this thread.

Imon Yourside
02-17-2014, 01:23 PM
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/5IH6IeiLtts?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Ok now we have teh ghey element.

02-17-2014, 02:13 PM
Run. Run as fast as you can the other direction. I'm being serious. RUN!

KC native
02-17-2014, 02:15 PM
I think what you need to do is make a porno with you and the girlfriend (your 13 yo can be the cameraman, a neighbor would work too).

After filming is complete, then send it to a professional video editor.

After he's worked his magic, you should hand deliver the aforementioned video to the soon to be ex-husband.

02-17-2014, 02:59 PM
The crazy soon to be x-husband still owns that house and if halfcan "beat the shit" out of him halfcan would be going to jail.

We'll yeah, but he can catch him somewhere else if he's acting like a bully. Cops don't give two shits about a guy being knocked out. If half can smashes his skull in and puts him in a coma then there's a problem lol.

Sounds like this guy needs a quick chin check.

Big Poppa Payne
02-17-2014, 04:43 PM
This is how it's going to play out.


02-17-2014, 05:02 PM
Just marry the beatch.

You're going to anyway.

You're a glutton for punishment.

02-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Just marry the beatch.

You're going to anyway.

You're a glutton for punishment.

Well, if not, this might be a great time to get the hell out while he can. Who could blame him?

02-17-2014, 06:05 PM
Well, if not, this might be a great time to get the hell out while you can. Who could blame you?

Then he wins and he determines who you can date.

02-17-2014, 06:08 PM
Then he wins and he determines who you can date.

Point taken. Maybe the man will calm down later in life.

I don't know, I'm just saying it's an opportunity to get out now that he's seen a bit more o fthe landscape.

Simply Red
02-17-2014, 06:36 PM
I just messaged a black girl on Match and asked her if she can twerk.

02-17-2014, 06:39 PM
Why all the hatred for Halfcan? I've met him and he is a solid dude.


02-17-2014, 07:07 PM
Sounds like you used awesome judgment and put yourself in a great situation that is bound work out flawlessly.

02-17-2014, 07:18 PM
Given that you probably don't want to quit her for good, why not just step back until her divorce is final. At the very least, don't hang out at her place. If you don't want to limit yourselves to phone calls and texts, just limit your contact to dating without spending the night at each others places.

02-17-2014, 07:21 PM
Given that you probably don't want to quit her for good, why not just step back until her divorce is final. At the very least, don't hang out at her place. If you don't want to limit yourselves to phone calls and texts, just limit your contact to dating without spending the night at each others places.

This is quality advice...

02-18-2014, 01:10 PM

02-18-2014, 03:25 PM
Good luck to you.

02-18-2014, 03:34 PM

Thanks for all the advice-good and bad.

Spent Sat. with my son and talked to him about it. He said we are great together. He really likes my girlfriend and I shouldn't let some jerk spoil it. Pretty smart for a kid. But we stayed away and I won't be taking him over there any time soon. His safety comes first and I don't want him around any drama.

She changed the locks first thing and is fileing a restraining order today.

Her ex told a neighbor he is sueing the Police Department and also the City of Independence for brutality-lol And he is sueing me as well-because if I was not in the house he wouldn't have got his ass kicked. And he is sueing the mortgage company because they won't instantly forclose on the property because the mortgage is paid up. He does not care that his kids would not have a place to live. Oh and his Skank girlfriend is fileing a lawsuit as well because the cops yelled at her and made he leave a place she was tresspassing had no business being.

No new threats except a pending lawsuit against me-lol

Oh and my girlfriend was legally Seperated not married when we started dating-they have not been in the same bed for almost two years-zero sex life-she is disgusted by him since he got fat from all the drugs and drinking-she had been wanting to leave him for years becasue of his drinking and temper. He did not want the house-and did not care what she did until he saw that she was happy now.

We spent the holiday taking a road trip around Missouri. We had a great time. So I am sticking with her and seeing where it goes. A good honest woman is hard to find.

went out and got miles & miles of roadhead in the car he couldn't make payments on.

02-18-2014, 03:39 PM

Thanks for all the advice-good and bad.

Spent Sat. with my son and talked to him about it. He said we are great together. He really likes my girlfriend and I shouldn't let some jerk spoil it. Pretty smart for a kid. But we stayed away and I won't be taking him over there any time soon. His safety comes first and I don't want him around any drama.

She changed the locks first thing and is fileing a restraining order today.

Her ex told a neighbor he is sueing the Police Department and also the City of Independence for brutality-lol And he is sueing me as well-because if I was not in the house he wouldn't have got his ass kicked. And he is sueing the mortgage company because they won't instantly forclose on the property because the mortgage is paid up. He does not care that his kids would not have a place to live. Oh and his Skank girlfriend is fileing a lawsuit as well because the cops yelled at her and made he leave a place she was tresspassing had no business being.

No new threats except a pending lawsuit against me-lol

Oh and my girlfriend was legally Seperated not married when we started dating-they have not been in the same bed for almost two years-zero sex life-she is disgusted by him since he got fat from all the drugs and drinking-she had been wanting to leave him for years becasue of his drinking and temper. He did not want the house-and did not care what she did until he saw that she was happy now.

We spent the holiday taking a road trip around Missouri. We had a great time. So I am sticking with her and seeing where it goes. A good honest woman is hard to find.

A lawsuit against you? Dang...

I'm not trying to judge you here, really not. But this just sounds like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much trouble for what it's worth.

She has been separated for TWO YEARS and still hasn't gotten the divorce finalized? Something fishy here...

Best advice in thread is that there are tons of fish in the sea just waiting for you man. My advice is to disengage and find work elsewhere, maybe keep the door open for her, but explain she has to get stuff solid on her end before it can go further. Good luck.

Titty Meat
02-18-2014, 03:40 PM
I bet Roman Gonzalez is good at eating pussy

Just Passin' By
02-18-2014, 03:49 PM
Legally separated = still married

Easy 6
02-18-2014, 04:04 PM
One word... MURDER.

People get away with it all the time...

02-18-2014, 04:19 PM

Thanks for all the advice-good and bad.

Spent Sat. with my son and talked to him about it. He said we are great together. He really likes my girlfriend and I shouldn't let some jerk spoil it. Pretty smart for a kid. But we stayed away and I won't be taking him over there any time soon. His safety comes first and I don't want him around any drama.

She changed the locks first thing and is fileing a restraining order today.

Her ex told a neighbor he is sueing the Police Department and also the City of Independence for brutality-lol And he is sueing me as well-because if I was not in the house he wouldn't have got his ass kicked. And he is sueing the mortgage company because they won't instantly forclose on the property because the mortgage is paid up. He does not care that his kids would not have a place to live. Oh and his Skank girlfriend is fileing a lawsuit as well because the cops yelled at her and made he leave a place she was tresspassing had no business being.

No new threats except a pending lawsuit against me-lol

Oh and my girlfriend was legally Seperated not married when we started dating-they have not been in the same bed for almost two years-zero sex life-she is disgusted by him since he got fat from all the drugs and drinking-she had been wanting to leave him for years becasue of his drinking and temper. He did not want the house-and did not care what she did until he saw that she was happy now.

We spent the holiday taking a road trip around Missouri. We had a great time. So I am sticking with her and seeing where it goes. A good honest woman is hard to find.

Lawsuit? Legallly Separated? Dude...............................RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2014, 04:21 PM
How often do these threads NOT result in 27 pages of "run!" and jokes about loads being dumped in her?

02-18-2014, 04:23 PM
Legally separated = still married

Yeah. There's real legal risk with regards to dating a woman who's still legally married.

I hate to tell a fella to run away when he's just fallen in love and all. But seriously.... run away....

These kinds of domestic issues are generally a sign of deeper problems. Problems that are easily missed or dismissed in the freshness of a new relationship. Doesn't matter how long it's been since they were intimate. A long drawn out separation/divorce is never ever a positive sign.

02-18-2014, 04:31 PM
One word... MURDER.

People get away with it all the time...


Hey, hey you guys forgot about me.

Easy 6
02-18-2014, 04:40 PM

Hey, hey you guys forgot about me.

Heh, I should've said "smart" people get away with it all the time... not wannabe bangers busted by their own security cams and teenage satanists.

02-18-2014, 04:48 PM
Make sure you both wear matching clothes, watches, and shoes to the trial. That'll help set the tone for him.. And if she walks bow-legged, it'll really set him off... And paint the house really soon... And have her pay YOU to do it.

02-18-2014, 05:25 PM
You need to dial 1-800-Springer

02-18-2014, 05:38 PM
I disagree.... In 1997 after 8 years of being with my wife (2 years married) and a small child, Her ex was in jail and called her at her work to bail him out... She told me and a few days later when he was bailed out by someone, I went to his workplace, asked a person where he was (never saw him before) walked up to him with a few of his co workers present and told him if he bothered my wife again he would regret it and walked off and left the premises.... We/She have never heard from him again. No scene was made, just a short and sweet statement.

This! Rep

02-18-2014, 07:10 PM
Some where in this thread you said she cut him off sexually and then he had an affair. You might want to think about this, she uses sex to control her man, that should be a huge warning sign that she is passive aggressive. Let me ask you this, has she ever refused your advances at any point and time or made excuses as to why she doesn't want to have sex, if you can name multiple times, then yes, you need to move on.

02-18-2014, 07:16 PM
Why in the hell, with all the tail out there, would anyone even consider putting up with this much drama?

02-18-2014, 07:19 PM
Some where in this thread you said she cut him off sexually and then he had an affair. You might want to think about this, she uses sex to control her man, that should be a huge warning sign that she is passive aggressive. Let me ask you this, has she ever refused your advances at any point and time or made excuses as to why she doesn't want to have sex, if you can name multiple times, then yes, you need to move on.

You know, I'm as down for a roll in the hay as the next girl but it is just not physically possible to never say no. At least not without a healthy dose of morning calisthenics. Only a segment of the female population can Fuck without emotion and of that pie piece you've got to assume some of those girls are mass murderers... The other segment of womankind rely on a variety of things going right in order to enjoy being jackhammered.

02-18-2014, 07:19 PM
Why in the hell, with all the tail out there, would anyone even consider putting up with this much drama?

it is halfwit telling the story...

02-18-2014, 07:23 PM
Why in the hell, with all the tail out there, would anyone even consider putting up with this much drama?

My impression is halfcan may be average looking, busy with work and doesn't pull a lot of tail. He might just be happy a woman looked his way and took him to bed.

Big Poppa Payne
02-18-2014, 07:29 PM

Thanks for all the advice-good and bad.

Spent Sat. with my son and talked to him about it. He said we are great together. He really likes my girlfriend and I shouldn't let some jerk spoil it. Pretty smart for a kid. But we stayed away and I won't be taking him over there any time soon. His safety comes first and I don't want him around any drama.

She changed the locks first thing and is fileing a restraining order today.

Her ex told a neighbor he is sueing the Police Department and also the City of Independence for brutality-lol And he is sueing me as well-because if I was not in the house he wouldn't have got his ass kicked. And he is sueing the mortgage company because they won't instantly forclose on the property because the mortgage is paid up. He does not care that his kids would not have a place to live. Oh and his Skank girlfriend is fileing a lawsuit as well because the cops yelled at her and made he leave a place she was tresspassing had no business being.

No new threats except a pending lawsuit against me-lol

Oh and my girlfriend was legally Seperated not married when we started dating-they have not been in the same bed for almost two years-zero sex life-she is disgusted by him since he got fat from all the drugs and drinking-she had been wanting to leave him for years becasue of his drinking and temper. He did not want the house-and did not care what she did until he saw that she was happy now.

We spent the holiday taking a road trip around Missouri. We had a great time. So I am sticking with her and seeing where it goes. A good honest woman is hard to find.

I always enjoy a good love story.

02-18-2014, 07:29 PM
You know, I'm as down for a roll in the hay as the next girl but it is just not physically possible to never say no. At least not without a healthy dose of morning calisthenics. Only a segment of the female population can **** without emotion and of that pie piece you've got to assume some of those girls are mass murderers... The other segment of womankind rely on a variety of things going right in order to enjoy being jackhammered.

Okay, I'll make it simple and take it a step further, do you make plans that are important to you and at the last minute she backs out.

Titty Meat
02-18-2014, 07:30 PM
14 pages and no pics of said women?

02-18-2014, 08:29 PM

02-18-2014, 08:35 PM

02-18-2014, 08:36 PM
lol wrong on all accounts.

Wouldn't be the first time.

02-18-2014, 08:39 PM

Big Poppa Payne
02-18-2014, 08:42 PM
Actually had several ex girlfriends hitting me up lately-they found out I was seeing someone and made it like some kind of competetion. Girls want what they can't have and I was over their shit a long time ago. I dumped them for a reason and I am sure they havnt changed.

I bet you got a hog on you don't ya? What are you working with down there?

02-18-2014, 08:47 PM
It was not so much she cut him off but he couldnt get it up and sucked in bed. They grew apart and she did not love him anymore- and he didnt give a shit. Lots of marriages are like that. When she found out he was cheating she through him out.

Hopefully he moves on like he said he wanted to. So far no other problems except spewing a bunch of dumbshit about lawsuits. He fails to take any blame for his pitiful life. He really did it all to himself.

Like others have stated, two sides to every story. Yes, he may be a looser piece of crap now but what made him that way? Wife didn't support him, told him he was not good enough, rejection? He can get it up with the new gal. I'm just say'n, look before you leap.

02-18-2014, 09:10 PM
I just messaged a black girl on Match and asked her if she can twerk.

This her or nah?

Big Poppa Payne
02-18-2014, 09:13 PM
This her or nah?

That young lady is into scat

KC native
02-18-2014, 09:21 PM
It was not so much she cut him off but he couldnt get it up and sucked in bed. They grew apart and she did not love him anymore- and he didnt give a shit. Lots of marriages are like that. When she found out he was cheating she through him out.

Hopefully he moves on like he said he wanted to. So far no other problems except spewing a bunch of dumbshit about lawsuits. He fails to take any blame for his pitiful life. He really did it all to himself.

So when are you making the porno?

02-18-2014, 09:28 PM
Sucks to say it, but you need cut ties with her. If not, be prepared for the uphill battle you've got coming, not to mention the non stop drama even after the divorce is final.

Good luck.

02-18-2014, 09:32 PM
So when are you making the porno?

didn't you have the avatar chick with the headdress?

02-18-2014, 09:43 PM
That young lady is into scat


02-18-2014, 09:48 PM
He was horrible in bed and couldn't get it up, yet she stayed with him for years. He supposedly couldn't get it up, but he was fucking somebody else?

Sounds legit. :rolleyes:

J Diddy
02-18-2014, 09:49 PM
I'm happy that you got laid.

Titty Meat
02-18-2014, 09:54 PM
I bet you got a hog on you don't ya? What are you working with down there?


02-18-2014, 09:57 PM
Hey Halfcan

Is Love worth losing your best friend?

fwiw I don't believe her version of what you're telling more than half.
She's likely got a jar of his freeze dried cock warts for tic tacs.

02-18-2014, 09:58 PM
City Honkies are the worst

02-18-2014, 10:08 PM
I'm happy that you got laid.

Might get him killt!

02-18-2014, 10:12 PM
Hey Halfcan

Is Love worth losing your best friend?

fwiw I don't believe her version of what you're telling more than half.
She's likely got a jar of his freeze dried cock warts for tic tacs.

:shrug: LMAO

02-18-2014, 10:17 PM
I'm really not trying to be mean, but damn the warning flag was doused in gas. Less fire was used to burn out German bunkers in Normandy. The warning signals in the first 20 words of your post would have been enough for an American aircraft carrier to seek shelter in a harbor. Michael Vick would bring his dogs indoors if he saw this storm blowing in.

Jerry Springer has had a TV show for 25 years because of relationships explained like this.

Good God Man....Next time this chic calls, just say "NO halfcanSOUP FOR YOU!!!.

KC native
02-18-2014, 10:18 PM
didn't you have the avatar chick with the headdress?


Big Poppa Payne
02-18-2014, 10:20 PM
Good God Man....Next time this chic calls, just say "NO halfcanSOUP FOR YOU!!!.

:LOL: I see what you did there... And I like it! :LOL:

02-18-2014, 10:23 PM
Wait, do we know that the other guy isn't MTG10?

02-18-2014, 10:26 PM
Don't swim in the bayou, it's full of hungry hungry hippos.
Don't touch the high voltage wires at the same time.
Don't urinate in the amazon, a candiru will swim up your urethra and spike it's spines into your dickhole like It's Jon Snow climbing the ice tower.



02-18-2014, 10:33 PM
Michael Vick would bring his dogs indoors if he saw this storm blowing in.


02-18-2014, 10:36 PM
Dumpster fire is already lit, trying to blow it out only adds flame to fire.

02-18-2014, 10:38 PM
The dumpster is on fire? Holy shit, I'd better do a racing fuel enema and fart on it.

02-18-2014, 10:39 PM
My phone went bananas earlier with an alarm I hadn't heard. At first when I read it, I swear it said an Amber Alert had been issued for a kidnapped girl in Springfield....upon further review it said "Tell Halfcan an quadruple amputee would run a 3.9second-40 to get away from this situation"

Don't swim in the bayou, it's full of hungry hungry hippos.
Don't touch the high voltage wires at the same time.
Don't urinate in the amazon, a candiru will swim up your urethra and spike it's spines into your dickhole like It's Jon Snow climbing the ice tower.



<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/V8lT1o0sDwI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

02-18-2014, 10:43 PM
The dumpster is on fire? Holy shit, I'd better do a racing fuel enema and fart on it.


02-18-2014, 10:44 PM
McDonalds' favorite, Grimace looks less like a butt plug than this relationship resembles something a friend would tell you is going to end happily.



See the light!

02-18-2014, 10:49 PM

02-18-2014, 10:49 PM
I wish RoyIII would bring his ass in here and straighten this situation out with sound, sage advice.

02-18-2014, 10:51 PM
A bunch of assholes in this thread.

J Diddy
02-18-2014, 10:55 PM
I wish RoyIII would bring his ass in here and straighten this situation out with sound, sage advice.

You are such a douche that other douches consider you elitist.

02-18-2014, 11:04 PM
You are such a douche that other douches consider you elitist.

Do you have 9 bucks I could borrow for a 12 pack?

Thread Starter. This just sounds like a really bad deal that is going to be more drama than it's worth. Eject man.

The worst thing that can happen is goose will hit the canopy. But you'll be golden after you let go of the dog tags.

J Diddy
02-18-2014, 11:07 PM
Do you have 9 bucks I could borrow for a 12 pack?

Drink water democratic blood sucker.

Just cause you're from Iowa doesn't mean I have to subsidize your 12 pack habit too.

02-18-2014, 11:13 PM
Mods, please delete this thread. Dartgod and Dickpull do not approve.

J Diddy
02-18-2014, 11:25 PM
Mods, please delete this thread. Dartgod and Dickpull do not approve.

Buzz Kill.

Like Hulk smash but with more gay.