View Full Version : The other board seems dead, who is responsible?

09-21-2000, 06:12 AM
Hello Moderators,

I agree, can you edit the title of this post and rename it "Welcome to the ChiefsPlanet.com Bulletin Board?

As the originator, I feel that renaming would do wonders for the posts.

Nuc'em all and let those who remain sort them out!

[This message has been edited by r8er_h8er (edited 09-27-2000).]

09-21-2000, 06:19 AM
responsible? the BB admin of the kc.com bb.

Their policy change on 'acceptable' topics w/o so much as an explanation (they just began deleting posts and posters), cause a lot of ire.

The format here is better and the forum is self governing. IP tracing blocks nastier trolls and one can post HTML and smilies http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/smile.gif

09-21-2000, 06:19 AM
I had been using the other board all the time until this one came around. I occasionally go over there to look, but I prefer the way this board is set up. Plus I can make all the smiley faces I want over here. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/smile.gif http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/frown.gif http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/redface.gif http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/wink.gif http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/tongue.gif http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/cool.gif

09-21-2000, 06:52 AM
There are a number of people who post on both boards and enjoy it. I try to stay pretty much to this board just for the simple reason I don't have the time to play on both.

I occasionally lurk at the other board just to see what is being said there and to pick up on comments by the more intelligible posters who aren't "trolling" or posting just to see themselves in print.

It is interesting to see that, for the most part, we here have tried to keep the relationship civil and try not to make derogatory comments about the other board. Yet there are still a few people on the other board intent on making snide and catty remarks, while all the time calling for civility and harmony between the boards.


"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"

09-21-2000, 10:18 AM
There was an excessive amount of negativity on the other board after the Titans loss. That's what made me bi-boardal. I'm reluctant to register myself at too many places on the Internet, but this board is definitely worth it, given my homeristic Chiefs tendencies.

09-21-2000, 10:44 AM
IMHO I spend more time here because I am sick and tired of all the negative Chiefs fans. I do not know about the rest of you, but I am a Chiefs fan no matter what. I get tired of reading Denise-like posts talking about how bad the Chiefs are because Rich Gannon is not here anymore, boo hoo hoo : ( Get over it he is a Raider and Chiefs FANS are Raider haters. Every time Rich Gannon wins, it makes me sick, because there is nothing I like more than to see the Raiders lose http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/mad.gif

And plus, I also believe that it is OK to have a board where you can talk Chiefs and politics, if you want. I do not see a problem with the KC Star not allowing political discussions, however it has played a large role in the initiation and success of this BB.

Now that I have made a few enemies by picking on Denise, I will move on http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif

[This message has been edited by Oregon Chief Fan (edited 09-21-2000).]

09-21-2000, 10:48 AM
Oregon - welcome! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif I left the Star BB because of their Nazi moderators. And, because that darn site crashed more than my old Windows 3.x machine used to!! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/wink.gif

09-21-2000, 10:48 AM
By the way, I am responsible for killing the other BB, and am also responsible for inventing the Internet. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif<BR>

09-21-2000, 10:56 AM
HC_Chief thanks for the welcome. I have been here a long time I have just been watching you all http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/cool.gif

That site does go down a lot, not lately though. I guess 'cause the resources aren't used up as often.... KUDOS to the PLANET !!

I never signed up there, but I did sign up here, if that says anything. I like the evolution of this BB, i.e User Picks,User articles. I hope to be a contributing member sometime.

I must admit, as well that there do not appear to be as many trolls on this board. I believe that credit belongs to the moderators, and admins. Good Job http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/wink.gif

09-21-2000, 10:58 AM
Now ChiTown, when you say 'invent' did you:

A)Create the technology or logic behind the transmission of 'packets' of information over a wire


B)Sponsor legislation.

Either are both considered 'inventing' of the same technology on this BB, I just want to clarify.

09-21-2000, 01:22 PM
I don't wish ill-will upon the other board but this one is clearly superior in design & feel.

I don't know who is responsible.

09-21-2000, 01:28 PM
ChiTown is an imposter!

I am responsible! I have absolute power! I am in control while the President is incapacitated, regardless of what the Constitution says!

I invented the Slinky, Speed Racer, and the Thong...

I take credit for the economy, oil prices, and good sex with great beer...

I killed that damn BB because they were more Stalinesque that I...


09-21-2000, 01:39 PM
Oh yeah, well, I am the inventor of Pepto Bismal... and all things that are the color green...

09-21-2000, 01:48 PM
Oh yeah, well I invented the machine that applies the tape around the ends of shoelaces.

09-21-2000, 01:50 PM
Oh yeah? Well, I invented toilet paper™!

you're welcome! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/tongue.gif

09-21-2000, 01:51 PM
They have a machine that does that? My mom always told me that was done by tiny little fat elves that wore bikini swimsuits and hummed "Luck be a Lady" by Sinatra....
Wow, learn something new everyday.

One Arrowhead Dave
09-21-2000, 01:52 PM
Oh yeah, well I invented…


Okay, I’ll get back to you on this one.

HAD to have invented something.<BR>

09-21-2000, 01:54 PM
Didn't you invent candy pickles???<BR>

09-21-2000, 01:56 PM
lol... "Luck be a lady tonight! Luck be a lady toooo-niiggghhhhttt!" hahaha

09-21-2000, 02:07 PM
I just couldn't resist....I invented this thing you probably call "the wheel". Oh, and the zipper too. "Yeahhhh, that's the TICKET!"


09-21-2000, 02:08 PM
My personal favorite invention... The Waterboy...

One Arrowhead Dave
09-21-2000, 02:16 PM

I don’t know a candy pickle is, but it sounds like the punch line to a smutty joke…

afraid to ask.<BR>

One Arrowhead Dave
09-21-2000, 02:21 PM
Well, folks, despite my failure to invent anything today, I am still leaving work to spend some quality time with Mrs. Gaz.

Maybe I'll ask if she wants to see my candy pickle <nudge, nudge>

hoping he is not a gherkin or sweet midget.

09-21-2000, 02:43 PM
Oh my goodness..... *blush*

09-21-2000, 03:21 PM
you guys can claim you invented all those things, but i'll tell you a secret...the guy that had the affair w/the intern in the oval office? that was me!!!

09-21-2000, 03:28 PM

So you really are Gore http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif: I thought so!

As far as the other BB being dead, since most of us moved here as their more regularly used BB, I have noticed that if Denise is not on the other BB gets really dead. You can like her or dislike her but you must admit she stirs conversation.

09-21-2000, 03:29 PM
sec....and I'm the intern who's now seein' your daughter! What a small world!

BTW - I also invented the discoball - y'all can thank me later.

[This message has been edited by DiscoJones (edited 09-21-2000).]

09-21-2000, 03:30 PM
sec -
Are you saying that you are Monica Lewinsky?

09-21-2000, 03:30 PM
Not only is the other board dead, but there seems to be an absence of several of the negative members. Add to this a positive article by Fatlock with a blatant slam at his own fat self.
Could this all amount to a larger conspiracy?
I can only think of one-person evil enough to perpetrate such a dastardly thing, and that of course would be CP. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/wink.gif<BR>

09-21-2000, 03:34 PM
kphobia...monica was the intern, dude.

disco...be nice to my girl!!! we spent a lot of time bringing her up right.


09-21-2000, 03:39 PM
sec...You got a cigar I can borrow? http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif<BR>

09-21-2000, 04:06 PM
I invented the balance beam... Isn't that better than a cigar?! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/tongue.gif

09-21-2000, 04:15 PM
Balance beam.....GIDDDYYYUPPP!!!<BR>

09-21-2000, 05:38 PM
So who invented the wedgie?

09-21-2000, 06:00 PM
I don't know who invented the wedgie, but I can tell you that when i was a Freshman in HS I know a few Seniors who tried to perfect it by using me as a guinea pig.


"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"

09-21-2000, 06:25 PM
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Sydney prostitutes are offering customers ``Sprints! Relays! and Marathons!'' in an advertising drive to cash in on the Olympic Games (news - web sites).

One brothel in the Lidcombe area near the Olympic complex insists in an advert in the Daily Telegraph tabloid that it has ''gold medal specialists'' to entertain clients.

Another near the Olympic Homebush Bay venues says: ``Go for gold! -- We always go the distance.''

Several others simply boast of ``gold medal services.''

Brothels are legal in Sydney and the rest of the state of New South Wales. <P>

09-21-2000, 08:31 PM

I invented the tooth brush

Guys you can thank me later... http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/smile.gif

Mark Kilgore...

Did they perfect Swirlies on you as well?

[This message has been edited by dawsonpa (edited 09-21-2000).]

09-21-2000, 08:57 PM
I heard a female comedian once say that who ever invented "breathable" panty liners had to be a man cause if it had been a woman, she would have put little tongues in them.

LD for KC
09-21-2000, 08:59 PM
Whoever is responsible for this board, or the Star board, I want to thank you for creating a forum to discuss my invention, which is, of course, football.


Red Eyes
Chinn Up.

[b]The SitCom must die!!</B>

09-21-2000, 09:00 PM
Pam - Ewwwwww! yuck.

Grinning on the inside.

09-21-2000, 09:02 PM
I would like to add that I created the dongle, because I really find it funny to watch computer guys going around asking if anyone happens to have an extra dongle they could use, they squirm everytime.

Knowing that very few people will have any clue what I'm talking about.

09-21-2000, 09:04 PM
Okay, What is a dongle?

09-21-2000, 09:07 PM
A security piece to written software that maybe will be on a different port.

got ya

09-21-2000, 09:10 PM
Pam - A dongle is also known by some as a pony tail. In laymans term it is normally an adapter used on laptops from an PCMCIA ethernet card (really thin card that slides into a slot on a laptop) to a network cable. The size of the network connection would cause you to use 2 of the PCMCIA slots instead of just one, so they use a dongle to take up less space. I doubt that is very clear, but I don't know how else then to describe it.

09-21-2000, 09:12 PM
Pam - What ask your husband? I have not heard that definition, but I'm not a programmer either, hmmm. I learned something else today.

09-21-2000, 09:12 PM
Oh Mark told me it was an extra piece to a program to make it next to impossible to copy.

He said it might be a little piece of the program that would go to a different port like the printer or something like that and if it were copied, then the program would not work cause the dongle would not be on it.

[This message has been edited by dawsonpa (edited 09-21-2000).]

09-21-2000, 09:56 PM
Kyle (AustinChief) is responsible for the production. But I believe that actually praise should go to Denise.

After a heated discussion between myself and her, she offered that "if you don't like it, go somewhere else." I took her suggestion and many, many (too numerous to mention) started plugging this bb and coming over here.

I say give credit to Kyle and Denise. Thank you both.

09-21-2000, 10:01 PM
Russ - It is really hard to post over there, it is so pessimistic. It is like all the WHB listeners got together and formed a BB, kind of scary.

09-21-2000, 10:03 PM
With all this talk of inventing, you are reminding me of the movie, "Michael". John Travolta played an angel that came to earth and told of his invention of the line, weddings, and basic foods.

Personally, I invented paper, air, and contained electricity. All of you can start sending my royalties at your leisure

09-21-2000, 10:06 PM
Morph - I don't mind people being negative, but I expect them to be realistic when they are. It is an impossible combination on the other bb.

StevieRay hit the nail on the head when he stated that they have been negative for so long, that they feel they will look like fools if they actually praise the team. SO instead they continue the senseless bashing.

09-21-2000, 10:10 PM
Russ - Yeah, pretty much. I get giggles out of the one good game for Grbac, he has yet to play a bad game this season. Oh well...

What I found entertaing was Jeff Miller on the other BB talking about how boring it would be without him and Denise over there, I just had way to many comments and decdied to go with the, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.".

09-21-2000, 10:11 PM
I'm not even sure if it's pessimism per se that's the problem; the negativity that sometimes engulfs that other board isn't of the "expect-the-worst" sort, it's of the "make-up-sh!t-and-stir-it" sort. A pessimist can enjoy a bright outcome, at least. I sometimes get the feeling that some of the posters over there would put a pillow over a sleeping bright outcome's mouth and try to smother it.

09-21-2000, 10:15 PM
Dan - Pessimism is probably not the correct word, but it was the nice word.

09-21-2000, 10:18 PM
LOL, morphius. I didn't mean to sound so picky!

09-21-2000, 10:51 PM
It is with great pride I walk into Mile High stadium for the last time to watch our beloved Chiefs play Denver...These games cause adrenalin like no others...You never know how it's going to turn out! Man, I love football... http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif<P>

09-22-2000, 11:41 AM
I invented the tube top, TOP THAT!

09-22-2000, 11:41 AM
Yo Stevie, I too will be in attendance on Sunday sitting high up near the south endzone. I hate to say it but I will miss old Pile High. Wear some foul weather gear, It's going to be nasty weather I believe this Sunday. I just hope it's not raining.

Kurt Surber
09-22-2000, 12:15 PM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Helvetica, verdana, ariel">quote:</font><HR> I don’t know [what] a candy pickle is <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
sounds like some kind of transgendered porn star to me.

09-22-2000, 03:54 PM
I was going to shake everyones hands, cyber style, about the success of Chiefsplanet but was unable to grasp them as they were too busy slapping each others backs.

Every one of you should be thankful that the KCStar enabled people to access their site LONG before Chiefsplanet was a gleam in someones eye.

This site is far from being the pillar of optimism nor is the KCStar the cellar of pessimism. The mass exodus of the regulars has allowed the birth of many lurkers to come forth and express their views over there.

Be thankful (and gracious?) for the opportunity to have two legitimate sites to discuss Chiefs football.

Fern Dog
09-22-2000, 03:55 PM
Well said Injun....

09-22-2000, 04:03 PM
Cal - No doubt that the other site is responsible for the birth of this one; however, to give them credit is silly.

Do you give credit to England for the United States of America? Do you give credit to killers and thieves for the advent of justice on the planet?

Puttin' on my game face!

09-22-2000, 04:13 PM

How come you haul out the U.S. History books about our Founding Fathers to support your position and/or views about the creation of this new site?

How much success would Chiefsplanet have were it not for the KCStar "regulars" jumping on the proverbial Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria?

09-22-2000, 04:21 PM
Wow, this was such a fun string until someone came and destroyed it! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/mad.gif
I read the old one for 2 years, and although I appreciate the fact that it is the "mother" of this board, I really don't appreciate the majority of the people that post thier viewpoints over there. I am not a Gannon fan, I am not a pessimist who believes the Chiefs are going to loose because of all of these unfortunate circumstances. I want to talk Chiefs football... period.

09-22-2000, 04:23 PM
Well, guys sorry for this downer of a post. I hope to see another excellent game despite our "oppossing odds" this Sunday. I am sure it will be yet another great game. See you Monday. GO CHIEFS!!!

09-22-2000, 04:23 PM

Pardon me for getting between your next invention(s).

How this equates to Chiefs football is beyond my comprehension.

09-22-2000, 04:37 PM
Cal - It would have no success without the regulars - you are correct!

Thus the reason this board is successful is because MANY people realized that the other board was overbearing, dishonest, and partial to certain parties.

I am not sure what you are getting at other than some sort of attempt to ridicule my comparisons. However, if you wish to go elsewhere with them, I will be happy to drop the US vs. GB comparison.

Do you credit feces with the advent of toilet paper?

Do you thank the deaths of millions from influenza for penicillin?

Do you praise gangrene for the first successful amputations?

Yes, this board exists becaus of the other, but was not created out of harmonious reasons, but rather oppresive ones.

09-22-2000, 05:38 PM
Cal Injun:

I came here to shake your hand and welcome you to the board, but i couldn't find you because you were out looking for things to complain about in reference to this board.

FYI, I have been posting to Chief's related BB's for longer than the KC.com BB has been in existence. I found it because someone I was chatting with told me about the people there and I visited and stayed. I have found just as many fellow Chiefs fan on other boards as I did there. If you really want to place the credit where it belongs, then let's all go back to where we all first learned about the KC Star site and thank them for having a BB where we could meet someone who told me about the KC site.

As for the "pessimism vs optimism" argument, that is one that is all perspective. I lurk on the old BB and find it a pessimistic place. You see it otherwise....

I am thankful and gracious to those who are that way to me...that site was neither.


"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"

09-22-2000, 05:42 PM
I killed the "other" BB by stuffing a smelly old jock-strap into the mother's board!!!! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/eek.gif<BR>

Duck Dog
09-22-2000, 05:46 PM
I want to go on record as saying that I had nothing to do with the mass exodus from that ste, KC.com.

Also, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, monica Leuinski.

just clearing the air...

09-22-2000, 06:07 PM
Senator Luzap...(in his best Ted Kennedy voice)

I do believe that our best souces indicate that you and several other former members of the KC Star BB, conspired in a most nefarious manner to bring that site to it's knees by staging an impromptu walkout.

And we do believe that you and those same members conspired to cause the loss of employment by those hard-working, diligent, well-meaning individuals who comprise the BB Administrators.

What do you have to say for yourself , Senator Luzap?

"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"

[This message has been edited by Mark Kilgore (edited 09-22-2000).]

Duck Dog
09-22-2000, 06:26 PM
" ...conspired [in] a most nefarious manner to bring that site to it's knees by staging an impromptu walkout."

Mr Kilgore, it depends on what your definition of 'in' is...

i do not recall...<BR>

09-22-2000, 06:35 PM
Ahh, I see you have learned from the best of Spin doctors Mr Luzap...

Back to the point at hand....

You were seen in the cyber-company of these individuals on a frequent basis, leading one to believe that a conspiracy was in the works to cover up a possible coup-de-etat, leading to anarchy.

How do you respond to these charges?<P>

09-22-2000, 08:58 PM
They're up in keyboards over there about this thread... Yet it wasn't created by any of the elitists over here, but by a crossover person who ventured over from that "other" place...

I know I don't have a life, but jealousy is not becoming of those folks... http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/eek.gif<BR>

Duck Dog
09-23-2000, 12:14 PM
The Honorable Mark Kilgore,

Although I take great pride in the fact that I have a diversity of aquantances, it is disrurbing to me that you would cast aspersions onto my character by accusing me of relations with such a nefarious lot.

Why, sir, would I want to associate with individuals that espouse freedom of thought, tolorance, intelligent discourse, generally optomistic attitudes, and a common passion?

Surely you mistake me for someone else?

Nay, view me as on the side of those that are jelous and vindictive. I have no desire to be persecuted with those rebels that left the Mother BB. Classify me in with those of limited minds that know the answers to all problems football and social, and need not the honest discourse of other thoughts in order to formulate and maintain loudly broadcast opinions.

I stand here before you today not as a hunted rebel, but rather as loyal KC.com bb supporter that is... on vacation.

either that or i got bored and wondered off...<P>

09-23-2000, 01:09 PM
You guys are making Bob Dole's head hurt...

09-23-2000, 06:27 PM
Help! I'm lost in the verbage and can't find my way out! http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/tongue.gif

09-23-2000, 06:50 PM
Can't we all just get a longneck?

09-23-2000, 11:29 PM
Russ, Luzap, Kilgore, et al,

How can I respond for being responsbile for gangrene, infulenza, and feces?

Could I possibly form a tangital thought having a limited mind that possess' jealousy, vindictiveness, dishonesty, and the lack of intellectual discourse.

If I have no common passion about the Chiefs because I am overbearing, lack tolerance, or abridge anyone's freedom of thought because of my pessimism then why should I attempt to scale this stack of cards that have been marked against myself?

I guess I'll just have to watch the Chiefs play the Broncos tomorrow at Mile High for the 32nd time in my short, nefarious lifetime as a rebel to find the answers...

09-23-2000, 11:33 PM
Cal - You misinterpret. I have not blamed you for any of the mentioned afflictions.

You attempted to credit a board run with less than honorable tactics for the creation of this board.

While I agree that Chiefsplanet.com would not exist without the other board - they deserve no credit for anything other than running a great portion of their advertising dollars off to greener (and ironically - ad free) pastures.

A good many things are created, discovered, or invented because of horrible circumstances. One does not thank the negative circumstances for the creation of postive aspects/.

09-24-2000, 09:29 AM

Both boards have their share of problems and to berate those who choose to participate on either site is of no measurable value.

Chiefsplanet has its own moderators to filter undesirable comments from members it deems unworthy to post. The KC BB has a moderator(s) that does the same thing but appeared to become oppressive towards a select few who became enraged and fled to this site.

I can comprehend the validity of having your thoughts censored and electing to find a more suitable forum to continue your discourses on politics, religion, and the exploits of the Chiefs. What I cannot understand are the opinions from the majority of the "regulars" who applaud themselves for making their cyber existence more enjoyable, yet find a sense of satisfaction from categorizing the remaining KC BB members, who were not subjected to the dictatorship, as less than desirable in their allegiance to the Chiefs.<P>

kc hopeful
09-24-2000, 10:13 AM
Not exactly sure where I fit in this cyber pissing contest. I started posting on the other BB quite a while back and have enjoyed it. I don't really consider myself one of "you" or one of "them". I missed the incident that spawned the mass exodus but I am familiar with the story. I am really confused how and why the dispute between posters and the BB administrator has evolved into an argument between our fellow Chiefs fans. I continue to read and post on both but see a little something missing on each board. The split has IMHO followed philosophical lines. There is not as much diversity of thought as their once was. A one sided debate is not very interesting. Oh well I think I've broken enough wind for now so GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by RCGChief (edited 09-24-2000).]

One Arrowhead Dave
09-24-2000, 10:27 AM
This is kinda sad.

In less than four hours, our beloved Chiefs take on a conference rival in enemy territory. Because of the schedules of both teams, our playoff hopes hinge pretty much on this battle. We also face a determination as to whether or not our coaching staff is really as bad as we fear. Not to mention the hooting we would have to endure from the more obnoxious Broncos Homers who visit these shores.

And what is the hottest topic on the BB?


Truman in KC
09-24-2000, 10:37 AM
thanx gaz,,i think some need to get a life,,
lets talk football

09-24-2000, 10:40 AM
Rod, Same here...I agree completely...Joe

"life is good"

09-24-2000, 10:51 AM

If my math serves me correct and my vision is 20/20 it looks like....

"The other board appears....." (CP) 83

"Chiefsplanet talking smack..."(KCBB) 75

And you point was again?

Duck Dog
09-24-2000, 10:56 AM
Let me join my voice to those of disappointment.

I have taken rather a cavalier attitude toward this Topic because it, and what it represents, are nonsensical. Personally, I could care less if persons somewhere in cyber space want to categorize the bb I frequent most with some kind of generalized label.

It has been my perception that many people spend their lives looking for things to be offended by. If myself and others choose to change our cyber habits it is not a personal insult to any one person. If we choose to discuss our reasoning (be it imperfect, irrational, or not even fully understood) there is no reason for anyone else to take offense.

Like minded individuals tend to spend time with each other. To act like this is some insulting kind of revelation is juvenile.

There are those on both BBs that want to make this into some grand revolutionary stand for principals and justice (and for some, perhaps it is ~ I just found it an opportune time to ‘hang out’ with a bunch of people whom I respect), but for many others it is nothing more than the ebb and flow of the market place. I believe it is the castigation of those that choose to be insulted that supports a lack of diversity on both BBs.

Although I will say that I have seen very little bashing on this bb of the other bb, it is somewhat insulting to me (as a moderator) to be accused of censoring people. To accuse any moderator here of that demonstrates a distinct lack of knowledge ~ commonly known as ignorance.

I will, however, work to ignore such transgressions and encourage all to post here regardless of common sense http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

Valuing diversity… <BR>

One Arrowhead Dave
09-24-2000, 10:59 AM

I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean in #84.

Splain me, please.


09-24-2000, 11:06 AM
Cal Injun:

For me, the only thing that I find puzzling in the post you made is that you seem to be taken aback that anyone would answer your post in a contradictory manner. You come onto this BB, chastise us with the phrase:

"I was going to shake everyones hands, cyber style, about the success of Chiefsplanet but was unable to grasp them as they were too busy slapping each others backs."

and then expect us all to cower in embarassment at your revelation. If i was to go and post that same chastisement I would elicit the same response from those who post there.

There is nothing different in the personalities that make up kc.com BB and cheifsplanet that would set one above the other. To insinuate that those of us who post here are "elitists", and that's exactly what your response inferred, is incorrect.


"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"

One Arrowhead Dave
09-24-2000, 11:08 AM

Looking at the only post I have made in this thread today, I assume that #84 was not actually intended for me.

collateral damage victim.<BR>

09-24-2000, 11:08 AM

It was in reference to your post where you talked about today's game and then added the final sentence about "what is the hottest topic on the other BB"?

But we both know that a thread is never 100% dedicated to the subject matter so high numbers are a misnomer.

I posted "over there" that it was an attempt by the Chiefs organization to deflect attention to the unveiling of those Disco Red pants at Mile High today.

Methinks it will suspend, indefinitely, our Super Bowl aspirations until these hideous things run their losing course.

At least the newbies will now experience what the late 70s and 80s were like....

One Arrowhead Dave
09-24-2000, 11:10 AM

Please go back and re-read Post #81.


09-24-2000, 11:13 AM
Hey! Did you see how far that ran down the street? And that was even after writing "Bob Dole" with it!

09-24-2000, 11:18 AM

My apologies. I mistook the "BB" as inference to KC BB.

Anyone watching the Falcons/Rams?

They just scored with Jamaal and now they recovered an onside kick.... in the FIRST QUARTER!!!

Way to go Dan Reeves!!!

F. Gump
09-26-2000, 04:40 PM
This board seems to be whipping up on the other board.

What has been happening lately, I've been away.

Remember Joe Delaney?
Some of us do and are acting on our belief that he was a hero.
This is a bandwagon that all are invited to jump on!!!

37 Forever

09-26-2000, 05:27 PM
Nothing has been happening, Cash. Just when you think the whole thing has blown over, someone brings it to the forefront. It's a NONISSUE. We're ALL on the same team.

F. Gump
09-27-2000, 06:41 AM

I'm sorry I made the remark under the same post, What's happening in general, not with the bb situation.

I've been out of the country for a bit and away from computers, and didn't pay much attention to the news as it was all in French.

Remember Joe Delaney?
Some of us do and are acting on our belief that he was a hero.
This is a bandwagon that all are invited to jump on!!!

37 Forever

Chief Joseph
09-27-2000, 08:02 AM
Today is my first visit to this site. I read the other every day for about two years and was a hit and run poster. The last few weeks have been slow. Seeing the familiar names, Gaz, Morphius, etc. has been like a reunion. To me, the regular posters are like characters in a play. I know their personalities, and can't wait to catch-up on their takes on my favorite team.

Mr. Blond

One Arrowhead Dave
09-27-2000, 09:23 AM
Welcome home, MrBlond.

recurring character.

09-27-2000, 09:27 AM
MrBlond - Welcome to the BB, feel free to post your takes as well. We are always looking for people to add interesting twists on the Chiefs.

Just happy to have his name mentioned, of course I always fear what kind of mental image I make.

09-27-2000, 09:29 AM
Hey there moderators, could we just rename this thread? Something like, "Welcome to the ChiefsPlanet BB" or "Views on the ChiefsPlanet BB" or some such thing?

Then we could get rid of the jackals who like to accuse this BB of being drunk with success... (though true, true... pass the beer!)<P>

09-27-2000, 10:00 AM
My very first 100. Just had to do it.

Fat Homer
09-27-2000, 11:29 AM
Since this topic is at 100 posts, I was wondering why isn't that file-folder-thingy on fire?

'K, must take 101 posts...

[This message has been edited by FloridaChief (edited 09-27-2000).]

09-27-2000, 11:53 AM
It is now.

09-27-2000, 01:16 PM
My mental image of you guys and girls is that you seem to have way to much free time between assignments at work. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

09-27-2000, 03:30 PM
Some days that is not true. I teach in a small school district and today there were two different organizations on field trips. Needless to say, at the most I had seven kids in my biggest class. Was a great day to get caught up on all grading!!!

09-27-2000, 04:15 PM
Mr Blond:

Welcome to the board....

He brings to mind a great thought, that we are all just characters in this great little "soap opera" of sports comraderie.

Interesting how each persons perceptions are uniquely different.

afraid to ask what character I am

"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"

09-27-2000, 04:49 PM
Hello Moderators,

Would you change the title of this post to
"Welcome to the ChiefsPlanet.com Bulletin Board"?

It was suggested and I agree. As the originator I am not adverse to the change.



Chief Joseph
09-28-2000, 10:13 AM
Your KU-mu discussions were great. Of course you were wrong. mu is not nor ever will be in KU class. However, your arguments were without a doubt the most reasoned of any tiger fan I have ever met.

09-28-2000, 10:15 AM
We can't edit the topic title. When we click on the edit icon within a message, we see the same screen you do except there is an option box to delete.

09-28-2000, 10:36 AM
Mr Blond:

Thanks for the compliment...

As for KU-MU, although I am a die-hard Tiger fan I am not blinded by homerism. KU has a great Basketball tradition, but even in the worst of times for Mizzou they still manage to give the 'Hawks fits.

I look for the MU-KU basketball matchups to be pretty close this year. And, I actually believe that Mizzou will be a much better team without Keyon Dooling. They will be forced to play team ball more and that can only help.

there is no such thing as a KU-MU football rivalry

"When you're not the lead dog in the pack, the view is always the same"