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View Full Version : Some NFL rumors that I've heard....

09-26-2000, 05:16 PM
either from the web or a radio station (not sure of broadcast) that was playing in my attorney friends office:

<LI>Dallas has an offer on the table with Oakland to obtain WR James "underachiever" Jett... (George Teague??)...
Perfect fit. He'll battle the Rocket for "most afraid to go over the middle" award. But he can run fast..... can't catch the ball... but he can run fast, can't he??

<LI>Bruce Coslett may be in line to replace Jimmy Raye at the end of the year......
That would probably kill the Corey Dillon to KC talk, you think??

<LI>KC may wear all red in the MNF vs Seattle..... That just may give Dennis Miller enough material to save his job....

09-26-2000, 05:42 PM
I'm just staring at the words "all red" on my monitor.

All red?

All red?

All red?

How can you win a football game if you feel like an idiot?

Ugly Duck
09-26-2000, 05:43 PM
That would look incredibly gay.

09-26-2000, 05:58 PM
LOL at #1.....

It's worked wonders for Iowa St all these years... I guess the KC powers that be took a liking to the shiny red pants.

But hey your 1-0 in them, so who can complain.

Clint in Wichita
09-26-2000, 06:05 PM
There is no way they wear all red. Too much tradition, and Lamar is a traditional guy...

Devin Vierth
09-26-2000, 06:08 PM
Here in San Diego the fans truly believe their retro uniforms cause the team to perform better and win. I say they should test that this weekend against St.Louis, if they beat St. Louis I will be a believer. LOL. All red cannot really look much worse than the Denver all blue but then I do not like the Denver all blue unis. Who knows, it is amazing what the teams do in the name of marketing.

09-26-2000, 06:18 PM
Nothing could be as ugly as Denver's new uniforms. And I think the ALL RED look would be awesome! I've mentioned this several times, and now have a bit of hope that they'll actually try it. Why not?


Have I ever mentioned that I hate Denver?

09-26-2000, 07:58 PM
I think the all red uni's sound cool.

I like the monochrome look. I do think they need to ditch the yellow strip on the red pants though. It looks too much like McDondalds are the Chiefs sponsor or something. I kept expecting to see the freaking Golden Arches on the shoulder pads.

[This message has been edited by Cannibal (edited 09-26-2000).]

Chief Nathan
09-26-2000, 08:03 PM
The reason the Flyin'Hawaiian couldn't make out the broadcast was due to the fact that he could not hear very well from underneath his "attorney friends" desk...heehee

09-26-2000, 08:06 PM
I still like the all-white road uniforms as well.

Maybe they should go w/ all-red at home and all-white on the road.

09-26-2000, 08:23 PM
That's some nasty smack on ole' JQ....

I must respectfully disagree with Cannibal's opinion of the all whites. I think they suck and have always thought they sucked. I at least hope the red pants are maintained for road games.


Have I ever mentioned that I hate Denver?

09-26-2000, 08:32 PM
All red would make 'em look like "The Atom" in the Marvel comic. Couple of lightning bolts stickin' out of the earholes, red shoes & socks and WHOOSH! Fastest team in the universe. Go for it!

09-26-2000, 08:42 PM

I do believe you're refering to the Flash from DC comics....

(knew working in comics, even on the fringes, would come in handy one day http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/wink.gif )

Misplaced Chiefs Fan
Red and Gold on the Warpath
Nightwolf Graphics (http://www.nightwolfgraphics.com)

[This message has been edited by Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan (edited 09-26-2000).]

09-26-2000, 08:45 PM

Don't mind Mr Leighty....he's just crass individual who acts loony when off his meds...
Spends most of his time wishing he was me....

And BTW the attorney in question is female.....

Mile High Mania
09-26-2000, 08:52 PM
The red pants and god awful white belts were fun for one game but do we really need to see the McChiefs again?

All red? ARRGGGHH. I guess I'm a purest but I like the all white look. Like I've said a million times the only thing that would be better is black shoes and gray facemasks. Needless to say I think Penn St. gear is tops in college. The only fancy stuff should be the Arrowhead. Heck, get rid of all the gold trim if you want a change.

JQ, I knew you liked lawyers after all. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/smile.gif


Remember Kansas City's hero, Joe Delaney #37.

Chief Nathan
09-26-2000, 09:02 PM
What Flyin' forgot to mention was the purpose of his visit to the "female attorney" friends office...With his Andre Rison looking rap sheet, he is looking to slip off the hook for that 3rd DUI and get a break on support payments for those 5 illegitimate kids he has running around. Now you know the real reason why JQ has always had a soft spot in his heart for Brock Middlebrooke.

09-26-2000, 09:03 PM
Penn State Unis?

YUCK, ICK, Pooey! Might as well call them the Penn State Generic Lions. Course, the way they're playing this year, maybe they don't want people to recognize them. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/biggrin.gif

I like the Red and White combo. I could go with the gray facemasks, but I always found the all white uni's reminded me of cooks whites in the Army. No thank you. I can still taste the last time I ate in a chow hall and that was three years ago. Bleah!

Misplaced Chiefs Fan
Red and Gold on the Warpath
Nightwolf Graphics (http://www.nightwolfgraphics.com)

Mile High Mania
09-26-2000, 09:07 PM

Speaking of Penn State, maybe I'm just terrified Todd Blackledge is going to run out onto the field. Man, I'm glad we didn't waste that pick on Marino or Jim Kelly. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif


[This message has been edited by AZChief (edited 09-26-2000).]

09-26-2000, 09:17 PM
Misplaced Chiefs Fan - At least I got busted on my Marvel/DC faux pas by a pro. Just went to Nightwolf and was mightily impressed. Too bad you aren't doing animation. I've been editing Diznee cartoon trailers (among other things) for 15 years and would kill for a change.

[This message has been edited by Durtman (edited 09-26-2000).]

09-26-2000, 09:19 PM
(double post deleted)

[This message has been edited by Misplaced_Chiefs_Fan (edited 09-26-2000).]

09-26-2000, 09:23 PM

I WISH I was doing some animation work. I did get one of my stories optioned in Hollywood, but nothing ever came of it. I think it was because they were looking at doing live action. I think it would have done much better as animation, (course, I've been watching a lot of anime lately, which may be influencing my thoughts there. http://www.ChiefsPlanet.com/ubb/wink.gif ).

So, you do some work for the Mouse, eh? Editing isn't easy work, unless things have changed a whole bunch since I studied Film Techniques back at CMSU. Any chance you'll get to move up to the bigger stuff, soon?

Misplaced Chiefs Fan
Red and Gold on the Warpath
Nightwolf Graphics (http://www.nightwolfgraphics.com)

09-26-2000, 09:33 PM
Misplaced - Without the entire life story - I was a rock musician for many years in K.C. and later L.A. (Juice Newton for a few years). When drum machines made me obsolete, a good friend showed me an old convergence editor and said "God speed, my boy". Took to it like a duck etc.. and even started writing and doing voice-over. I don't really work for the Mouse, but they've been my company's bread and butter for most of that time. Hate 'em - love 'em. Don't see myself as a feature cutter. Whole different part of the room to work. But enough about me....